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15835043? ago

Pope and the National Enquirer’s chief purpose was to hide the truth in plain sight by releasing it in sensationalized news stories with questionable sources that would be widely ridiculed by the general public. Subsequently, any academics or scientists prepared to investigate such sensational claims faced ridicule from their peers and ruining their professional careers.

This reminds me of 'Men in Black' where they looked to the 'National Enquirer' to learn what was going on with the local aliens, the supermarket tabloids present true stories of alien living among us. Most of us believe that the Enquirer and other tabloids present fictitious stories. I'm a sci-fi fan. I notice in many sci-fi movies and TV shows that the main characters are in the middle of an 'unbelievable event' that would be considered a conspiracy, while someone else comes along with a different conspiracy that isn't part of their conspiracy and they consider this other person the silly person... Difficult to explain... I'll give examples.

Independence Day... The crop duster confesses he was abducted by aliens and while they are being invaded by alien's they are still making fun of him. Then Goldburg's dad brought up Area 51 as well as other alien conspiracies and everyone blows him off, until that guy says, that's not entirely accurate.

Stargate: Martin Lloyd is a human from another planet which was destroyed in a war with the Goa'uld and is hiding on Earth because he and four other soldiers deserted when they realized the war was lost. He was introduced in the episode, 4.11 "Point of No Return". A side effect from drugs caused him to become paranoid, and he became obsessed with conspiracy theories such as a secret government, CIA microwave harrassment, and lizard people. During one of his searches on the internet, he came across talk of a Stargate project. Somehow, he was able to garner up enough information to know about Colonel O'Neill and the project's location in Cheyenne Mountain. Martin telephoned the SGC with his knowledge. He also believed he wasn't just interested in outer space, he was "from outer space." While they are sitting around living one of his 'conspiracy theories' they still consider him a nut case because of all his other theories.

Does this make sense?

Anyway, I don't discount anything completely any more. However, I don't completely agree with everything either. I still search for facts to back everything up. If something doesn't have facts to support or debunk yet, it's still possible. However, once facts surface to support or debunk then it's no longer theory.

15843487? ago

Nice - well said.

15844171? ago

really? that made sense to you? I thought it sounds like I was rambling.

15850026? ago

No, I like your analogy.

Your point was that even as they put stuff out there in broad daylight, they also ridicule it. It's a tremendously effective technique for innoculating people against the truth. And then you proved it with examples that no one could dispute.

I actually thought it was quite brilliant.

15850584? ago

ah, thank you.

15855939? ago

Good - now do that at least 10 times a day here and help bring this board up a few notches.

15856066? ago

I'll do what I can.

15856083? ago

Start with this one: