15860315? ago

If the Jesus the Christ was a man, then the Anti-Christ would be an alien (non-man). A no-brainer.

15852794? ago

Roswell transcripts gives the best explanation of this subject. There are many YouTube vids such as a dying mans confession S4 worker, Lazar, and others. The green men is just an exoskeleton,which they can drop at any time. A biological suite. Just like these meatbags we currently sport. Q said its a spiritual war. Recently Stew Webb said his buddy (spook) went into the shithouse in S4 years ago to take a piss. and these biological suites were all hanging up. Not occupied at that moment. I would assume Q is right about "most couldn't go on"...How in the hell could you tell a normie that he was given a memorex job at death then shoved into another womb over and over.... A Prison inside a prison as explained by the entity in the white papers mentioned above. The fallen angels as spoken about inn Genesis I believe are the bad entities. I believe their the ones we call (((them))) or cabal. The ones who control everything. I guess they can because they didn't receive the memorex job, they administered it. I believe the ""awakening" is just that. Maybe their memorex job is wearing off sooner rather than at death and has them running scared. Last thing they wanted. Nuclear fission from what I understood can destroy the actual being or soul which has the weight of apprx. 22grams. This is probably why the sum of all fears. Everything on earth is frequency. Even a simple rock picked up off the ground. In the books(2) The Flower of Life, Ra was looking for biological extensions quite often so it seemed. Sometimes waking up can be quite disturbing at first. When the scales are removed from your eyes, you can see why being united is so important and continually stressed in many documents. God does win :)

15848831? ago

Does an ant have the sensory capacity to sense that we humans exist among them? Highly unlikely. Do we have the sensory capacity to sense higher intelligence among us?

15848692? ago

My Personal view on this is the extraterrestrial aLIEn is too simplistic (FF to Allow a one world Dictatorship Govern), and a smokescreen for a more realistic extradimensional view (faster than light travel) and just another way the cabal is trying to discredit Christianity but will fail just like all their other attempts (some know what I am talking about and the flaws to those theories's)

The closest star not counting our own is 4.3 light-years from Earth. That is 2.5278089 x 10 to the 13th power Miles (rounded), or 271,936.63 Astronomical Units.

Now I am not saying (3rd Dimensional) Aliens/Animals do not exist but if they do I highly doubt they would be significantly more advanced than us to be able to travel the distance faster than us, and any scientist who believes in the big bang and at least contemplates aliens would probably have to logically come to the same conclusion

15849953? ago

Once upon a time, people said the same thing about the ocean. Couldn't be crossed.

And then one day, someone DID cross the ocean. And found that there were people on the other side of it. How the HELL did that happen?

15880492? ago

If you read my comment you would see I did not say there were not aliens ... just that if our 4th dimensional universe has a single beginning like all Scientist and Christians both agree on but have differing viewpoints. That all life realistically started at around same time cooperation is not a natural state to any being that would be around the Intelligence Morality and Inventiveness of humanity, each looks out for their own interest or will climb over others to save (or just better) their own lives, many "Alien" individuals would believe that they could rule better than others some would believe they were entitled to rule yet would be awful rulers.

My comment was that the so called aliens that people have claimed that have visited the world before and still are behind the scenes are not 3 dimensional material beings like us but higher dimensional beings they have been called many names like : the watchers, annuki, demons, Fallen, Fey, Pagan Gods of old. Along with their progeny the Nephilim, (some examples being Hercules, Perseus, and the sexless six fingered cloned possibly empty shells for possession bodies of the Roswell Grays, the red haired six fingered giants of American Indian legends, Some nephilim have distinguishing features six digits this has a modern day medical term " hexadactyly" but that also is a smokescreen. Some nephilim still live among humans there tainted bloodlines hidden thro surgery, and careful breeding)

As for your example of the ocean it was crossed allot sooner than history records, it was a miracle that the poorly constructed ships built from planks of Columbus was able to cross ancient ships were built more sturdy using tenons and pegs and logs. Research ancient Phoenicians' boat building techniques and note the size of some of those ancient ships. Thor Heyerdahl, the modern-day explorer, noted that the Phoenicians could have sailed to Central America themselves.

15846034? ago

The meek shall inherit the earth.

Aliens? Who cares.....

15849961? ago

I wonder what emotional reaction prompted you, compelled you to type that.

15851428? ago


Pure logos (logic).

You must have me confused with the sheep. Why do you ask?

15843488? ago

You know the Cabal has run and paid for seminaries for ages now, right? Consider that very carefully.

"There is nowhere in the Bible that says aliens don't exist, can't exist. Please provide chapter and verse if you think otherwise. There's nowhere in the Bible that says psychic communication is false. In fact, quite the opposite. Remember the witch of Endor. "

I haven't hear a single Christian suggest anything you seem to think they are suggesting on here. If anything quite the opposite.

"People used to think the world was flat."

This is actually a myth. Various European courts flirted with the idea back in the day to seem "edgy". Everyone who could see the horizon knew better. I really wish people would stop trying to pass this on as a fact.

"Stop assuming you've been taught everything there is to know and to learn. God is bigger than that. The universe is bigger than that."

Again, I'm not seeing Christians saying anything like that one this site.

Anyway, the idea that UFOs are physical entities from our dimension traveling in ships is bullshit propaganda designed to cover up the fact the Cabal serves demons from other dimensions. They do not want us grasping the Bible is true, or knowing anything about who their real masters are. From what I hear, they think they are Anunnaki/nephilim bloodlines themselves, and therefore not human.

15849969? ago

Do you know what seminary I went to? No. Do you know how it is financed? No.

I did not go to a Roman Papist seminary.

15843002? ago

Watch the new documentary "Above Majestic"

15843043? ago

I keep hearing that

15842929? ago

You are right on with everything.....I have friends that can do more than remote viewing.....I've personally met individuals that have been out in space in the secret space program...... I've also have had some strange occurrences in my life..... I was very close to what can only be described as a "mother ship" years ago.... And had an encounter with a "skinwalker".........Enjoy your trip down that rabbit hole bro

15843052? ago

Uh thanks

15841932? ago

People used to think the world was flat.

Scripture describes a firmament, so I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your forte?

15842594? ago

Oh, are you a flat earther? Cool! I think there’s some fingerpaint around here somewhere

15848284? ago

life is but a dream

15840749? ago

Thank you for all of your research & hard work! (From The Christian That doesn’t want to be “Put In A Box” 😎🙏👍

15842618? ago

Right on bra!

15839400? ago

Watch "Above Majestic" guys, it talks about all this stuff--including Q and the sealed indictments. First doc I've seen that puts it all together.

15839492? ago

Is free? Link?

15838957? ago

Be Omni-Skeptical: Don't believe everything you read / watch on the internet. There's a lot of misinformation (sources who are wrong but don't know it) and disinformation (sources who are wrong deliberately.) The latter exist for a reason. Give that some thought.

But also, don't believe what The Powers That Should Not Be want you believe. They have strong reasons to lie to you, to hide the truth from you. And unlike some random YouTube channel, they have the power to propagandize and gaslight you using a full spectrum, multi-modal attack, making full use of the herd instinct to get you to conform to groupthink.

What you believe to be true, how do you actually know it's true? That question is a double-edged sword that cuts at both the claims of alleged (and possibly genuine) "insiders" AND at the debunkers and gatekeepers of "mainstream" truth.

15838879? ago

I don't really give a sh!t if people believe or not. My twin and I encountered Greys first around age-3. We were contactees, not abductees so it was weird, but not scarey.

We called our... Handler if you will, "Casper" because he/she(?) Was extremely pale, big bald head, and big eyes.

Casper took us flying a few times mostly in a Peter Pan levitation style. But I remember being in UFO-type ships too.

We are identical twins and had several psychic oddities like feeling each other's pain and twinspeak.

UFOs were occasionally spotted near our rural homes growing up.

I am Gnostic and study all religions. I found the Koran deeply disturbing and contradictory.

Psychic sh!t has been commonplace in our extended family for ages.

I don't buy into New Age Ascentionism, David Wilcocks, or Gaia. Nor the Planet Nibiru or NESARA BS (IMHO) that's been pushed since 1990 giving dates they are supposedly going to happen yet never do. It's been almost 30 years of crying wolf now.

15839533? ago

Gnostic huh. Ok. To each their own.

15841031? ago

Yes, we were the "Other Christians". The Gnostic Christians had their own gospels and were the primary competitors to the Paulineist, pre-Roman Catholic Christians that tried to get Emperor Constantine to kill off.

Gnostics seek spiritual knowledge, not fundamentalist dogmas and trying to force people to believe what they believe.

We aren't out to convert. If you want to believe your god is a flying spaghetti monster... Whatever dude. If you don't mind, I'll be over here believing in God rather than angry areobatic pasta. If some ass wants to grind me up as a meatball for not giving a sh!t about noodles, then I guess that's an ass kicking I'm gonna have to take.

Molon Labe.

15842695? ago

I’ve always felt that Gnosticism was all about solving the problem of evil. Its solution is that matter is evil, and that it was created not by God, but an evil demiurge.

Bible provides a completely different solution. Evil is yet another tool in God’s hands for his ends.

15865724? ago

Gnosticism is about spiritual enlightenment (Which some have falsely linked to "Illumination"). The goal is to bring oneself more in tune with divine spirituallity.

15838590? ago

How can you promote those two FRAUDS Wilcock and Icke?? And Gaia tv?? These people are full of shit and only care about $$$$$!

15841927? ago

Icke and reptilians , yes. Can you imagine reptiles to be most acvanced of species controlling us? It’s the new Darwin and his apes in modern times.

15839557? ago


You really shouldn’t mumble.

15838301? ago

Another good source is James Gilliland and ECETI all over youtube and website also Steven Greer at SIRIUS

15839564? ago

Yeah Steven Greer seems to be coming out a lot.

15838041? ago

The Farsight Institute has published lots of remote Viewing videos on YouTube. The one about the execution of Jesus is especially interesting.

15841950? ago

Unless they have an access to Memory of Nature as true initiates in the past ages were able to reach and see.

15839569? ago

Oh Lord.

15837844? ago

Old Testament- people lived to be several hundreds of years old, there were giants. Were they the builders of pyramids and did they create all the amazing stone monuments around the planet? Did they tell we simple humans that they were our gods? Eat us? Enslave us? That sounds like demons. Were they the elongated head humanoids like are being studied in Peru? Already DNA tested. Did those creatures live longer than humans? Could they compel us with their larger brains? Did they see the meteor coming and leave us to die on the earths surface? Are we the survivors of the flood? Living shorter normal 80 year lives- New Testament? I think the badtards are still here at top of the Illuminati controlling everything just luke before and they want full power back! Our politicians have been like high priests of old. I think we out number them and prayer messes with the mind control. All the TV shows, movies are to send us on wild goose chases, distract, controlled opposition!

15839592? ago


15837627? ago

Thanks OP!!! Here is amazing video lecture explaining how remote viewing works! The lightbulb went off gor me from this video. I have watched several times and it helps the average person understand it. Dry lecture but big wake up! https://youtu.be/d08stqUr0yY

15839613? ago

You have a transcript? If I read something on my phone, that’s one thing. If I watch a video, my wife and kids are immediately all over me. “Watcha watchin’?”

15837475? ago

No anal probes? Well dang...I am out!

15837360? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/xzLejv6gnqWV - ( Maj. Gen. John A. Samford's Statement on "Flyin... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/WyXCpH4FA5pT - ( GTV_BB_Grant_Cameron_Disclosure_US_Government_R... )

15837015? ago

You my friend are delusional, sorry to say I think your going to be disappointed. Instead of vesting so much time on a theory you may want to come to Christ.

15841835? ago

ET as a distraction of Christ, yes. Christ showed us what is important and that he is the only one must follow.

15840065? ago



See if you can understand this: “Christ is my righteousness.”

15837012? ago

On your point of Christianity, all things were created by God on some level, and humans have a "piece" of God in all of us.

Who's to say this remote viewing and other stuff isn't just us unlocking part of who we were meant to be?

15840082? ago

Being made in the image of God doesn’t mean having a piece of God within. It means bearing a resemblance to him. Like an analogy.

15836815? ago

A few years ago I practiced daily meditation. The last time I meditated I forced myself to sit for at least half an hour. Somewhere along the line I saw a flash of the all seeing eye in my mind's eye. Theni saw shapes. Triangles octagobsuand pyramids. Eventually I started going through the shapes with speed of light and ended up in what I can only describe as outer space somewhere. Then I rested upon a pair of eyes looking at me and after a while it was like they were communicating to me. Then kind of like a hand fan opens up the eyes spread to reveal half a dozen eyes staring at me and they looked like grays with big eyes. They told me stuff like they made people and the proof of it is how humans behave like an invasive species. Then said someone else behind them wanted to meet me but I had to invite it forth. I declined and called for God to rescue me. He took me away in an instant through the Galaxy and then finally after some time I woke up wondering if I was ever gonna be normal again as my worldview had just shattered. I wasn't trying to communicate with anything. Was just trying to get good at meditation. I'm a Christian now.

15840407? ago

Hmmm...interesting. Are you a Pentecostal?

15839695? ago

"...an invasive species..."

Your "guest" just tipped his hand; that's a nephilimic sentiment, as they would see themselves as superior and older than humans, ignoring the fact they are half human. They consider human cattle. Apparently he felt that the world should belong to them rather than the humans it was created for.

15837314? ago

"Then said someone else behind them wanted to meet me but I had to invite it forth."

Ah.... Yeah. That's fucking demons.

The oujia board? You have to invite these things in. Humans hold that much power. Once they're in though.... Different story.

15838284? ago

What do you think could have occurred had I let them in? I'm genuinely curious how they affect their "host".

15838407? ago

General mischief to more sinister activities.

Usually, it goes from one to the other. And stays at the other.

15836482? ago

For us to think we’re alone in the universe is beyond ridiculous. Q has mentioned many times, and if you’re on this form you’re more than aware, that we have been lied to about EVERYTHING.

Why do you think that is? Why do you think we’ve been lied to about our history, our medicine, our food, our entire being? Because they mean to control us, yes, but also because they mean to hide the real truth from us.

People using greased up logs and make shift rope did not build the pyramids when we still do not have a crane that is able to lift just one of the stones. Not to mention how precisely the stones are placed.

If we’re being told that everything is a lie then why is it a stretch for people on this board to believe that there are extra terrestrials and they have visited us and we are in constant trades with them? Where do you think all of our technology came from? Velcro, LEDs, Teflon and many of the other technologies we use today were discovered in the Roswell crash.

GHWB was part of the CIA that said people could not handle the truth, and judging by the responses on this forum I tend to agree with them.

Religions were meant to give us an understanding of who we are but they were stolen by the Vatican and twisted into lies for means of controlling us. There is no Heaven and Hell. Don’t believe me? Think of it this way, if you love someone dearly but they have lived a life of sin that will land them straight in Hell then how is Heaven going to be the paradise you need without that person? It’s a very simple paradox that no one can think of.

Extra terrestrials gave us language, tools to build our civilization and great teachings that were misconstrued to control our civilization. Like it or not, it’s the truth. Deal with it.


15840673? ago

A simple paradox no one can think of. Hmmm...

Heaven isn’t for good people. It’s for forgiven people. It’s not about seeing your favorite cousin, but God himself.

But you’re right, the Vatican is disgusting and tried to destroy Christianity. But the Bible predicted that very thing. 2Thess 2:1-12.

15838636? ago

Like it or not, it’s the truth. Deal with it.

I don't think you, or any one of us, are in possession of "the truth". It is the ultimate question: who are we and how did we get to where we are today? But I suspect very few people know the actual truth...

15836378? ago

This is an awesome article with fantastic resource links. Of course aliens have been here forever...how arrogant can those who doubt be?

15840687? ago

It’s not necessarily arrogance. Just trust in what they’ve been taught.

15836334? ago

ooooookkkkkkk, Here we go! So I have been looking for aliens for quite a while now. I have watched pretty much everything out there with a VERY critical eye and I want to point you guys to what I believe is DISINFORMATION and WHY it is likely DISINFORMATION. So glancing down your Wall-O-Text I see the usual suspects. Gaia, Icke, Exopolitics. In fact I am VERY surprised to not see Steven Grier in the mix! So, my Anon, go check out all his stuff and heed what I say here.

Now, There are different disinfo approaches that are being actively used to muddy the waters in the UFO research community. In particular we are looking at the idea where you can take a single bit of real information and mix it throughly with absolute horseshit. Like taking a diamond and dropping it in one of those blue plastic toilettes that they have a rock concerts. Now sure, technically the diamond is still there and it is just as valuable as ever, but you see how its immediate value has been lost? You see how your desire to hold that diamond in your hand is now far less right?

That is what these outfits are doing. This is how I know. Lets start with Gaia.

Ok, so Gaia started with some big drama on Kickstarter? or gofundme or some similar shit. These outfits are well known now for a quiet purpose and it is funding stuff in secret. Look at what went down with Stormy Daniels... Same with the Ford woman going after Kavanaugh. They got a fat paycheck from these places. How likely do you think it is that ALL those payments were legit? I don't think so. These payments were distributed bribes plain and simple. It is a way to pay someone a shitload of money without getting caught. Now think about that... Apply it go Gaia.

Next. Lets stop watching Gaia like it is a news service delivering the truth and look at it like it is an INFOMERCIAL from the 90s selling you Oxyclean or a Sham-WOW. Really, go watch those ads then watch Gaia and compare the following stuff.

The stage sets in the background are STAGESETS. This means that there is a guy in the opposite direction of the camera holding one of those boom microphones. There is a director. There is a key grip and "best boy" (whateverthefuck that pedo shit is). My point is that these things you are watching are staged interviews. Now that means that the people in front of the camera are ACTORS. Lets get into WILL COCK.

First the guys name says something is wrong. You got the DAVID name making him parallel with David from the bible who was the little guy slaying the giant. Next WILL COCK. Well that one is just funny. Biggest hint about this guys is this: His fucking FOREHEAD. Really. So you are a director with millions and millions of dollars and you are making a fake alien documentary. WHO do you have do it? Well you want the guy to LOOK like an alien researcher. You want him to LOOK SMART. Simple as that. You definitely don't want him to look NERDY though or women will not watch this guy.

Wilcock is a fabrication who is there for a single purpose and it is to convince men to watch him because he looks smart and to convince women to watch him because he is relatively attractive. If you doubt me go look at Bob Lazar who is a REAL leaker. Take a picture of Bob Lazar with those gigantic glasses and show it to any woman on earth and ask her if he is more attractive than Wilcock. Duh... Ofcourse he will be but HE IS NOT CHAD. This is important because if the guy was a "Chad" then the men watching would get tired of their wifes oogling him as opposed to the actual information. His appearances are a MAJOR issue for Gaia. The entire presentation of the thing gives that 90s Infomercial feel. I know because before I found weed I could never seep and watched a LOT of Infomercials before the Internet was a thing. Gaia is an Infomercial outlet.

Next. The only REAL thing you have to say to completely discredit GAIA instantly is to ask if any of their actors have committed suicide or have had their entire lives destroyed and their background erased. Has that happened? NOPE. Well then they are fake as fuck. Its that simple. If you ever look into super highly classified information and how it is managed, all the super sensitive stuff comes with NDA's. These carry legal force but then there is another level of this and it is the briefings where you are told, in no uncertain terms, that if you divulge this information YOU WILL BE MURDERED and your family with you. Not kidding. It will send a chill up your spine when you hear it. Gaia is fake because no one is murdering their leakers. simple as that.

Now that we know what to look for with Gaia, go look into

BOB LAZAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igUMDICqTpQ

WILLIAM COOPER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsztLYbXEls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAv5eLfEdQ4


KEVIN SHIPP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMtsbi2C77s

15846639? ago

William Cooper .. love this guy! He also gave a great synopsis re: 9/11 and Bin Laden. Read "Behold a Pale Horse" years ago and my takeaway was that the government has been faking the Alien threat for decades and decades as a guise to eventually use against all humans and fake a second coming or global threat to all humanity to unite us under one world government. At this point in time, this truly makes the most sense to me.

15840827? ago

Now Bill Benny I feel like I’ve heard about. Isn’t he the NSA guy?

Anyway, THANK YOU!!! This is enormously lucid and helpful!

Now I gotta look for some stuff to read. My wife would think I’m crazy if she sees me watching this shit.

Sounds like Bill Cooper is my first stop. Give me the good shit! I need an interview transcript or something...

15841295? ago

https://livingatlas2.arcgis.com/antarcticdemexplorer/ Here is an Antarctica map. The best one out there. It has a 300 mile wide area that is blotted out at the pole. There are hand-edits ALL OVER This thing that are obvious as fuck. But wait! There is MORE. http://whale.to/b/ Always fun. http://nativeborncitizen.com/ Legal stuff. https://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-white-spiritual-boy-off-ledger.html Banking stuff. http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/178008055 More Antarctica stuff. Hit me up if you ever want more shit. I have a lifetime worth piled up.

15836478? ago

Oh wow.

David Icke is a disinfo agent? Lol. Do you know his past? Maybe if you're not from the UK its not so obvious.

The man's life was all but ruined because he decided to move away from football commentary and research what he does due to his own experiences. He was completely ridiculed by the msm and majority of the UK for decades. Look up Icke Wogan Interview from the 80s. Only now are some on the fringes seeing that what he spoke about for years is TRUE.

Getting a bit sick of these people on here dissing legends like Icke and Wilcock who have devoted their life to try and find the truth and share that truth -

They repilled a lot of us many, many moons ago you know.

15836310? ago

On Alens. Many people think space is so vast it’s probable aliens exist. The other argument is the earth is not unique. Cosmologists see the observable universe as homogenous or a similar everywhere in a sense. The logical premise of this argument is a fallacy as it can’t be proven true. One can’t simply highlight an opinion and say their premise is logically sound. On the converse, the bible tells us Moses edited the book of Genesis, which records God in the beginning (time) made the heavens (space) and the earth (matter) and also records in Isaiah that God formed the earth to be inhabited. No other habitual planets or earths are alluded to. Today’s scientists are not able to test the origins of earth and there is no credible proof of Aliens. We do know misinformation, counterfeit, anti Christian ideology and science abounds. 2 Corinthians 4:3–4 (KJV 1900): But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

15840946? ago

The Hebrew word for “earth” doesn’t mean planet earth to the exclusion of other planets.

It refers to the dry land that God created in the surface of the separated waters, between the waters above and waters below.

The word is eretz. It means earth or land. It can refer to the whole earth or just the dry land, or even a specific land, such as the land of Israel or whatever.

I don’t know if aliens exist, but once upon a time, people heard rumors about other lands on the other side of the ocean where somehow, incredibly, there were people.

I bet they made arguments just like yours.

15836209? ago

The aliens are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.

The veridical answer to that question is that the aliens (and their precursor edition, the demons) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the aliens/demons/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the aliens to the fore, to the conscious level. These aliens are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.

For much more on what is going on with the aliens/demons/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:

On the more literal level of extraterrestrial life, it is likely that very simple forms of life exist throughout the universe. Yet the ancient alien hypothesis along with the idea of current intelligent extraterrestrial visitations has been pushed hard by certain sectors of the corporate media, and it is low-grade B-movie science-fiction schlock. A species powerful enough to cross stars--let alone galaxies--wouldn't come to Earth as humanoid creatures in ponderous starships, but rather would use extreme nanotechnology. If they were malicious and wanted to seize the Earth, they would fall to the ground as microscopic dust, infect our craniums, and we'd all be brain-dead before we hit the ground. It would be lights-out before any human even knew that anything had occurred.

Which is to say, if a species powerful and intelligent enough to cross stars were to land on Earth, where they would land is quite literally inside everyone's skulls.

15841001? ago

Holy shit! You said ontological and used it correctly! I stopped reading to type this!

15852784? ago

Hi, 15841001?. You wrote:

Holy shit! You said ontological and used it correctly! I stopped reading to type this!

Dagnabbit, we's got us a reader on our hands! Get a rope, boys!


15855860? ago

Heh. Was a philosophy major when an undergrad.

15880547? ago

Hi, 15855860?. You wrote:

Heh. Was a philosophy major when an undergrad.

Oh, well then, we share a common background. I was a philosophy minor while an overgraduate. I think the two cancel each other out to produce the same thing. You were a major while an under, and I was a minor while an over.

It sounds like were were both zero.

And what is an overgraduate, you ask? Well, my good man, it's a good thing that you do ask. I'm still scratching my head on that one. And exactly what institution was I an overgraduate at, you ask further? Again, a good question. That shows your wisdom. Yet that question incurs more scratching of the head on my part.


15882264? ago


15836010? ago

OP, your credentials only mean that you have been indoctrinated into a certain group think. I have many MDivs in my husband's family and they would all agree with your scientific delusion. None of you actually know God's word, or the messages in it. You've all been brainwashed by a political ideology (I'm not saying it's the Jesuits, but it's the fucking Jesuits).

Anyway, your world view is wrong, and when Q said that there are ETs and the world is a globe, it was disinfo. No, aliens don't exist, and no, they aren't trying to save humanity and give us super cool tech. What people are confusing for ETs are truly demons who are giving certain people special abilities, like remote viewing and astral projection.

And the fact that you have those Christian credentials, yet scoff at a flat earth, tells me you haven't truly studied what God had to say about his earth. This is a fantastic article to start you out https://gospel.vision/touching-the-sky-with-our-fingers-does-the-bible-present-a-flat-earth/



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUYO2KSrrkA This pastor does an excellent job of breaking things down - I highly encourage you to watch it.

Now, on to spiritual matters of aliens vs demons. Satan is a master of deception, isn't he? He wants the world to believe he doesn't exist, as well as convincing the world that God doesn't exist. If Christians support the alien deception, we are guilty of being false teachers, and leading people to their death.

This battle is spiritual. Period. It's not extra-terrestrial. This is a wonderful, entirely Bible-based study on the Nephilim. Read it, absorb it, and recognize how hard Satan and his fallen angels have been working ever since The Fall to undermine God's plan for humanity. David Icke might not be too far off with his shape-shifting reptilian ideas. https://beginningandend.com/bloodlines-of-the-nephilim-a-biblical-study/

So, take your own advice, and "open your mind a bit". I've been down all the rabbit holes you mentioned - are you willing to go down the ones I've started you off with?

15835853? ago

Links to remote viewing samples. Official notes. http://www.remoteviewed.com/star-gate-remote-viewing-examples/

15835837? ago

Anyone who wants to learn should take the time to watch the testimony given by children in Zimbabwe in 1994. What they witnessed was very real. Follow up interviews were done with same kids as adults. American Psychiatrist John Mack interviewed these kids. Lots of material available. Worth investigating.


15835800? ago

Recent sessions posted, and hidden quickly by the Bobs and Clowns.


15835711? ago

A few days ago I ran across docs from FIOA website about remote viewing

15835699? ago

I know aliens exist because they were in "Life of Brian". QED

15835640? ago

Just remember, demons mix truth with fiction and cater to what we "want" to believe...

15835629? ago

Check out Project Blue Beam


15835616? ago

Mentioned below about the book of Enoch- all aliens are the fallen angles or their offspring. Plain and simple look up LA Marzuli - I believe he has the best theory on this topic. The Bible states in the end time that even the elect would be tricked to not believe in Jesus... if a 2 mile wide space ship showed up above DC how many would be fooled to call them saviors? They are here to deceive us is LA’s story... he lays out real people’s accounts of direct contact. It will scare the crap out of you at first but will red pill you about what is happening.

15835599? ago

Guys, this is esotericism. These agencies give you a nibble of a breadcrumb so that you go down the rabbit hole and chase a treasure that doesnt exist. Theres absolutely no such thing as aliens. Space isnt even a vacuum. Dont believe me? Check it out: https://youtu.be/LVe_9I47ylQ https://youtu.be/3S5X8sB5slI https://youtu.be/O9B3vzsZsr4 Either space isnt actually space, and is actually water, or it is space and nothing could survive the vacuum of it. It wouldnt matter how advanced an alien civilization would be, there is no solution to the crushing force of a vacuum.

15836749? ago

But there's snow on Mars for fucks sake!

15837273? ago

What's your point?

15835396? ago

The world is flat. And motionless.

15835359? ago

There's definitely disclosure going on in Antartica too.


15835296? ago

I've read several versions of the bible also, cover to cover. I came away with many questions. For example, Genesis 4:16 "So Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. 17 And Cain had relations with his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. Then Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch." So, where did this wife come from? This information isn't in the bible. People always come up with a theory. Were there other people on earth before Adam and Eve?

The flood then wiped everyone off the earth... perhaps.... It may have just appeared that way from Noah's perspective. He couldn't have imagined how large the earth was. Perhaps there were other survivors on the other side of the earth. Perhaps, I just think too much and question too much. We are just supposed to have faith. Perhaps God isn't telling us everything.

15843306? ago

Yep. You’re right. Cain might have married his sister. Or there were others. I think it was his sister, but who knows?

15844105? ago

For some reason, I don't think it's his sister.

15850039? ago

Doesn't say. So who knows?

If it's not his sister, some other difficulties arise for other passages. Theological problems. But maybe those have solutions too.

15835977? ago

Dude, Gawd didn't write the fucking Bible. All religions are controls. Genesis is a metaphor. Humans were genetically engineered by a race of ETs to be a Slave race. Go read the Urantia Book, and The Alien Interview-Lawrence-R-Spencer Time to WAKE ALL THE WAY UP.

15835278? ago

Q stated way back that the Alien/UFO stuff is a distraction. The Cabal has the technology to "create" an End Times scenario that will Shock and Awe the population into submission. Don't be a stooge. The dangerous DEW or whatever was in play in Queens and elsewhere was a DS/Cabal dress rehearsal. However, I pray to God the Good Guys in fact smoked them out and are now controlled by Patriots. I am not discounting Aliens/UFOs - Q didn't either, but this display and the power outages were DS manipulations.

15843323? ago

Yeah, I’ve been very nervous last couple days. Seems to be over now.


15835233? ago

One way to come to terms with the "proof" that aliens exist is to consider the preponderance (think, giant fucking pile) of evidence.

Let's use a Bigfoot analogy... Have you ever seen one? Personally? Probably not. If you were to see a few YouTube videos of a Bigfoot sighting, would you be completely convinced? Probably not. Why? Because it's easy to fake a few Bigfoot videos, especially with the technology we have today.

Now imagine you still haven't seen one with your own eyes, but there are 85,000 YouTube videos, more first-hand witnesses than you could ever find, boatloads of government documents detailing their existence, and tens of thousands of written accounts of Bigfoot sightings dating back to the 12th century and beyond. Are they ALL fake? Have there been thousands of people employed as full-time Bigfoot hoaxers for centuries?

Have you ever personally been to Easter Island to see the giant statues there? Probably not. Do you believe they exist? If your answer is yes, WHY? No really, WHY?

The question is: How much evidence does it take for you to abandon your long-held belief that aliens don't exist?

15843343? ago

Now that is fucking well said!

15835167? ago

In 1974, American Astronomer, Carl Sagan, sent a binary-coded message into space, referred to as The Arecibo Message: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_message

Twenty-seven years later, In 2001, the message was answered in the fields near the Chilbolton Observatory in England: https://youtu.be/kW3NW7OIWDw

In 2002, nearly to the day, another message was sent, less than 10 miles from the first, in Crabwood, England. https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/c221309746/180540.jpg

The circular portion of crop circle, when converted to 8-bit ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) reads:

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged word, obscured by tram lines) There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING.. (Bell tone, or 'Ding.')

15843389? ago

See - I don’t even know how to respond to that

15838887? ago

Very cool. I think that last message is from the good angels, giving us a picture of the bad guys and a message of warning about them.

15835155? ago

Aliens are the jews and the jews are already here. Feeding off of (literally) and trying to erect a monolithic matrix all around us to which there is no escape.

Wake up theyre here now

15835141? ago

It is my opinion that Q was referring to the mathematical odds that there must be life somewhere else and not just here, "considering the vastness of space." It is also my opinion that the CIA working as agents of the globalist New World Order (CFR etc.) tried to instill fear of extraterrestrial aliens so as to make people band together and accept a one-world government as a way to defend ourselves from this outside threat. There never has been any such visitors to Earth and it's all a big psyop that they pursued for decades but have now abandoned. All the reams of papers was all phony shit they generated to try and convince us of these aliens. My opinion is that's all a big huge crock of donky dung. I'm not buying it unless I see an actual craft that has the ability to travel at speeds enough to make such a trip practical. Either that or if I met an actual alien wish a biology so alien as to be clear it's not earthly.

15835092? ago

I went through those rabbit holes way before any of this Q stuff started. I mean for 20 years prior.... And there's simply too much truth in all of it, easily certifiable by first person accounts and people who were involved with classified projects, to dismiss it. The fact the military, reveled in official documents were training people in remote veiwing tells you it can be done. And if that can be done, what else don't we know?

15843443? ago

Yeah. Good point.

15837081? ago

Very well said, sir. Anyone who has made a serious effort to investigate this subject knows that "they" are obviously here.

Of course, most people feel compelled to put forward their favorite pet theories as "the truth" or their favorite "researchers" as the official arbiters of the truth, despite there being very little that we can say about the phenomenon with 100% certainty. Something you did NOT do and I thank you for it.

For any of you who disregard this subject, I'd highly recommend that you make an honest attempt to research the topic. This is no small undertaking. There is an enormous amount of disinformation out there from "professional researchers", and from individuals claiming to know answers with 100% certainty. Several examples of the latter can be found in this very thread.

Think for yourself and think critically. Be wary of anyone making a claim as though it's truth. There's very little that we actually KNOW. We know "they" are here. "They" could be extraterrestrial, extra-dimensional or both. We know elements of the government know about it and have likely had some level of formal contact and they're keeping it from us. We know they're taking people.

If we want to "know" more than that, we're reliant on more people to research this subject who want to think critically and not adopt a favorite pet theory that makes them feel comfortable.

15836679? ago

Well I know for a fact there are aliens because I have personally seen one. About 3-4 years ago, there was a 3-4 foot tall gray alien outside our home looking through the window. I went outside to smoke around 2-3am and there it was just looking through the window. It had huge black eyes and it looked at me for a few seconds and then teleported away. There was even a sound that I cannot describe when it vanished. After my smoke, I went back inside and there was another one in the house but it was different. It was a tall black alien that looked like a shadow with form. It glided across the room, I tried to follow it but it was gone. I prayed that night if these things were here to do harm to send them away. During my prayer I heard a hissing noise. I don't know what to make of it all but they never came back. I don't know if they are demons or aliens but I know what I saw whether or not anyone believes it.

15838529? ago

You saw a gray appear/disappear, but waited to finish your cig...right. This is the problem with these anecdotes, so many ppl involved have histories of drug use or mental instability, or are just making up bar stories.

15839407? ago

Well it didn't scare me so sorry you think I'm mentally ill. I don't use drugs, I haven't smoked any weed in over 10 years. People react differently to different situations.

15846019? ago

Some have extra perceptions others don't. You're most likely one of these people. We feel as concretely and instantly as we see and obviously this being's vibes didn't upset you. So to me it makes perfect sense that you weren't freaking out. You probably contemplated what it was plus a thousand other associated thoughts while you calmly finished your smoke. Sounds like what I would've done. Was it hard to focus on daily activities for the next few weeks?

15847730? ago

I don't recall having any troubles with daily activities afterwards. It seems like the one outside was controlling the one inside and it was after my mom. At that time I was a night owl (insomniac). I would stay up till 4-5am. She would scream sometimes awakening from some sort of nightmare. All that stopped after I prayed those things away. I never thought of myself having extra perceptions but it kind of makes sense. I get tinnitus once in awhile which bugs the shit of me. Besides this event, I had never seen anything prior or afterwards. I've had one or two incidents were it seemed like a miracle happened. I used to deliver and install appliances and my partner was driving the box truck one day. There was a really sharp corner and this dude was 6'6 300lbs+. He somehow was forced next to me and nobody was behind the wheel but we didn't crash or flip. I've had another time where a very loud thunderous voice echoed my name throughout the room while it was silent (granted I was drunk at the time). I don't care if people think I'm crazy, I know what I heard and witnessed. I think people only think things are crazy because they've never experienced it for themselves. It's funny being called that on one of these boards when the rest of the world thinks this is all crazy.

15865833? ago

Haha yup. Well I appreciate you sharing.You've had some unique experiences and should feel special imo. Happy 2019!

15837410? ago

I've had experiences with a tall dude standing in my room when trying to sleep, and just recently I could have swore there was something standing near my bed in the pitch darkness but as you said 'teleported' away when I realized it was there. Pretty freaky stuff.

15837060? ago


Thaaaaaat sounds demonic. You pray and hear hissing? Never a good sign.

I highly suggest hanging crosses in each room, just to be safe. "Holy Insurance" is invaluable these days.

15838016? ago

I thought I was losing my mind. That's the first time I've heard anything while praying. My mom was having terrible nightmares and nose bleeds. After I asked for those things to go away. It stopped for her. The gray alien looked like it was disgusted with me before it went away. I also had an experience once when I was listening to dmx "Lord give me a sign". I had stopped the song and was going to sleep and then for whatever reason, the song played just x's vocals saying "lord give me a sign" and stopped. I was doing heavy soul searching at that time. I've been following this movement since December of last year and it's really opened my eyes to even more things I didn't know about. I just hope we get the real answers in the end.

15835043? ago

Pope and the National Enquirer’s chief purpose was to hide the truth in plain sight by releasing it in sensationalized news stories with questionable sources that would be widely ridiculed by the general public. Subsequently, any academics or scientists prepared to investigate such sensational claims faced ridicule from their peers and ruining their professional careers.

This reminds me of 'Men in Black' where they looked to the 'National Enquirer' to learn what was going on with the local aliens, the supermarket tabloids present true stories of alien living among us. Most of us believe that the Enquirer and other tabloids present fictitious stories. I'm a sci-fi fan. I notice in many sci-fi movies and TV shows that the main characters are in the middle of an 'unbelievable event' that would be considered a conspiracy, while someone else comes along with a different conspiracy that isn't part of their conspiracy and they consider this other person the silly person... Difficult to explain... I'll give examples.

Independence Day... The crop duster confesses he was abducted by aliens and while they are being invaded by alien's they are still making fun of him. Then Goldburg's dad brought up Area 51 as well as other alien conspiracies and everyone blows him off, until that guy says, that's not entirely accurate.

Stargate: Martin Lloyd is a human from another planet which was destroyed in a war with the Goa'uld and is hiding on Earth because he and four other soldiers deserted when they realized the war was lost. He was introduced in the episode, 4.11 "Point of No Return". A side effect from drugs caused him to become paranoid, and he became obsessed with conspiracy theories such as a secret government, CIA microwave harrassment, and lizard people. During one of his searches on the internet, he came across talk of a Stargate project. Somehow, he was able to garner up enough information to know about Colonel O'Neill and the project's location in Cheyenne Mountain. Martin telephoned the SGC with his knowledge. He also believed he wasn't just interested in outer space, he was "from outer space." While they are sitting around living one of his 'conspiracy theories' they still consider him a nut case because of all his other theories.

Does this make sense?

Anyway, I don't discount anything completely any more. However, I don't completely agree with everything either. I still search for facts to back everything up. If something doesn't have facts to support or debunk yet, it's still possible. However, once facts surface to support or debunk then it's no longer theory.

15843487? ago

Nice - well said.

15844171? ago

really? that made sense to you? I thought it sounds like I was rambling.

15850026? ago

No, I like your analogy.

Your point was that even as they put stuff out there in broad daylight, they also ridicule it. It's a tremendously effective technique for innoculating people against the truth. And then you proved it with examples that no one could dispute.

I actually thought it was quite brilliant.

15850584? ago

ah, thank you.

15855939? ago

Good - now do that at least 10 times a day here and help bring this board up a few notches.

15856066? ago

I'll do what I can.

15856083? ago

Start with this one: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2943802

15835004? ago

You fucking retards.

15834981? ago

Thanks for this. Glad to see someone else pointing to David Wilcocks vast amount of info he has gathered over the decades.

15835154? ago

Make glorious, journalism of yellow color, and stories with no fact.

15835377? ago

He's not a journalist. You've obviously not read enough of his books and blogs to understand what I mean.

15835478? ago

I saw him speak.

He’s a horses ass

15834978? ago

Thank you for posting this. What people lack is the basic understanding that all of this has been done before, on many planets. This is simply a test of Humanity. God, Lucifer they both play a part.

There is much more to learn. Like how about who or what will save us.

BTW, I am John Galt. No Bullshit, I'm the Dude in the Book.

15837052? ago

Heh. Are you the one who put the “u” in my other post?

15837173? ago


15834966? ago

In the c_a, is it the white hats or black hats that might use this? If black hats, they should’ve known Trump would win and would’ve cleaned up their act. But then again, timelines and parallel universes vary. Something to consider though. If white hats have, could that be how Q is forecasting some events, and how some events/dates come up wrong? Again the variables in timelines and parallels.

15837028? ago

I dunno

15838258? ago

It definitely adds plot twists.

15842807? ago

That’s what I’m saying - gets fucking crazy

15834965? ago

(Note: If you don't want the gov't to know you come here, don't just click the link, but copy and paste into a new tab to avoid sending the server the message that you came from this site.)

BTW, your home internet router's IP address, the one that hasn't ever changed since the day you first installed it even though it's not a real static IP address, is all that's needed to ID you as you.

Go ahead, shop for golf clubs from ANY pc or device from your home, using any browser or technique you want. Delete your cookies, open a private browser session blah blah blah. Unless you're using a VPN service or a TOR browser, you will start seeing ads for golf clubs on your other wifi connected devices in your home. Your IP address is the keystone so to speak...

15837016? ago

I mean if you click on a link here, that webmaster of said website will see that you came to his site from Voat. Only fair to mention that I felt.

But you’re of course right about that other stuff.

15835146? ago


15834934? ago

The more and more I dig and listen to people who have researched this the more I am starting to believe. Thanks for this post I'm going to look at all those links you posted.

15837412? ago

Been hearing and reading about these theories for many years on and off. I keep it filed in my memory under (?) because it’s only heresay unless it’s disclosed. People keep saying full disclosure is coming, so nothing would surprise me at this point.

15836984? ago

Come back with more posts helping us get it.

15835157? ago

Just believe.

I know it sounds like a cat poster, but it's true.

15834885? ago

Thus how we know Q is a psyop, troll, shill or larp.

Pushing people farther away from the fact we live in a controlled contained environment and the fact that the stars aren't millions of miles away.

Truman showesque.

Or...maybe Q just hasn't realized the truth yet himself and is talking out of his ass.

15836972? ago

First I laughed, then I paused, then I realized, to my surprise, that you’re actually serious.

15845562? ago

Sometimes truth is funny. Sometimes truth makes you pause. Sometimes truth is surprising and difficult to comprehend. Seems like you are going through the stages of truth.

15850005? ago

Haha. True.

15834812? ago

Just looking at what Q posted only about “no. Consider the vastness of space.” He could have been referring to the Almighty God and not aliens. Q has posted several Bible verses and references so that could be what Q is referring to when he says we aren’t alone.

15836900? ago

It’s definitely open to multiple interpretations

15835117? ago

It is possible to belief in the bible and aliens.

15834801? ago

Wow. OP, if you aren't making a living as an author or as a professional writer -- you may be in the wrong occupation. You have some serious gifts anon. Truly. Thank you for posting this.

15836889? ago

Ha! Thanks.

15834794? ago

What does the word "alien" mean? Illegal alien. It means not from here. Alien to this area. So yes aliens exist and we are also not alone in the universe. We never been alone for these bastards lived among us since the start. Book of Enoch and the Bible tells us that. No new news at all!

There was a caller on I think Art Bell who came from Area 51. He mentioned that they are NOT who they SEEM to be. In fact he said they are interdimensional beings... So these aliens are posing as from another planet or star system. Notice how they keep changing which star system they are from. They can't keep their story straight. The Luciferians know who they are and are working for them. These aliens are interdimensional beings that can be either physical substance in our dimension or light in another. They are fallen angels as mentioned in the Bible.

So Q did answer the question but people are running with it because of the statement "Consider the vastness of the universe". Which means people are concluding consider planets and star systems.

The Alien Deception is real. Their purpose is to keep you focused on the physical world. They cannot be stopped in the physical world. Once you realize their power comes from the spiritual world than you have power over them through the name of Jesus Christ.

If you think that is wrong consider alien abductions. People that experience it are horrified at what they do to them. They express it as evil, sadistic, etc... those that believed in Jesus never got fully abducted. When they were approaching these soon to be abductes they prayed to Jesus and these Demons immediately left. UFO researchers have documented this many times. However, the researchers that are atheists left that out of their book and those people's witnessed accounts.

You can easily see Hollywood prepping us for alien deception. I have to admit lucifer really thought of a great deception to fool most anyone. Just remember if these aliens flee when you pray to Jesus and invoke his name... they are NOT aliens from another planet. If they kill you with a death ray... that's ok too because who wants to serve these evil bastards anyway?

15838537? ago

This should really be at the top of the thread. Huge missing piece of the puzzle of the cabal enslaved world.

Lucifer is the father of lies, and the biggest lie ever told was convincing the world he didnt exist.

All paths lead back to the Bible. Amen to such a terrific comment explaining easilly the truth behind "aliens".

15836586? ago

I wish I could up-vote you several times! Reading the Book of Enoch is key to understanding the days of Noah. Christians desperately need to equip themselves for the deception that is coming -- and the Book of Enoch is essential for equipping. I think Enoch was removed from the Bible for the purpose of keeping Christians in the dark about the end times.

In Matthew 24, Jesus is asked by His Disciples 3 questions concerning the destruction of the Temple, and the end times. The first thing Jesus says is --- SEE TO IT THAT NO ONE DECEIVES YOU. This is a command and warning to all Christians -- we have the truth and we need to study it, know it, and stand firm on it.

Knowledge is and always has been the main tool the enemy uses to deceive. Adam and Eve forfeited their life for knowledge -- in the times of Noah, the fallen angels deceived the whole world through passing on to mankind all manner of knowledge which completely and horribly corrupted them. The enemy has convinced mankind (even Christians who should know better) that knowledge is greater than faith -- when in fact, THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE.

Adam and Eve were created perfectly and walked by FAITH. Faith does not exclude knowledge -- I believe Adam was equipped with an amazing brain that could understand anything. But, knowledge apart from God is NOT faith. Apart from God, man cannot "know" knowledge and not sin. Knowledge apart from God will always cause mankind to sin. It is far inferior to faith.

Adam and Eve" FELL". It means they FELL from a higher level of existence to a much lower, darker level. They fell from FAITH to KNOWLEDGE. That's the tree they chose to eat from (Knowledge of Good and Evil). Again -- to all my Christian brothers and sisters -- Faith DOES NOT exclude knowledge -- walking by faith enhances knowledge and protects us from the evil effects of knowledge. Walking by FAITH IS GREATER THAN walking by KNOWLEDGE.

15836183? ago

Who created "aliens"? If thenanswer is God, then this is believable.

If they answer is Ancient Aliens created us then the is not believable.

When the "aliens" arrive, and have nefarious intent, the only thing saving you is the name of Christ.

Are their Angels that can take on a non human form? Probably.

The test is who made them and do they work for God or Lucifer....

15838753? ago

All life comes from the source. We are spiritual beings having a human experience which is part of our evolution to become who we are meant to be.

15836474? ago

And for the record, Lucifer is Azazel.

15834780? ago

Another good dig is dr Steven Greer, he did the disclosure project back in 2001. Less then a month later 9/11 happened. Coincidence????

15836858? ago

That’s interesting. Link? Please not videos.

15835013? ago

Greer did some good stuff in the past, but now he is compromised.

15834704? ago

Why are you targeting Christians? Go away hater.

15834717? ago

Because, 1, I am one, and 2, because they’re mostly completely irrational.

15834528? ago

You broke through the programming.

Here's whats crazy: Even 95% of the people who say the believe in UFO's aren't able to come to terms with it. They simply act like they don't care. Or they become the 'skeptic' in the forum. But basically, they take no action or they just ridicule or disparage. Does it seem normal everyone is non-chalant about aliens (?!).

'They' like clicking on links. They'll look for more 'proof', but they'll be doing that forever. They're stuck. They've literally seen 20k+ examples of visitation on google, from every corner of the world, in every era of mankind. -Not good enough.

Thats the power of propaganda. Complacency. Just plant a deep lie in someone (trusted source+reinforcement), and watch how they behave in the real world: like a zombie. Critical thinking, IQ, motivation: everything takes huge hit. It's like manufacturing mindless serfs.

You know someone broke the cycle when they start linking things and talking and provoking discussion (taking real action, no matter how small).

Still not sure why some people get so stuck in this CD loop. Do you recall the final thing that let you 'escape'?

I think perhaps is a lack of closure maybe (trusted source must reveal lie?). Or perhaps related to plasticity of thought: how quickly someone is able to change their opinion.

15843412? ago

Heptadic structure; speed of light slowing down; several others -- but I just banged my knee and fucking slammed shit. I'm so enlightened!

15834814? ago

I have been wrong before. Deeply, utterly wrong. And was forced to admit it. Makes you more open minded. I’ve learned everything in life the hard way. Everything. And it has cost me. A lot.

15835338? ago

I made a mistake once: I thought I was wrong...

15842972? ago


15834493? ago

Remember when Spirit Science started to trend? It was destroyed and replaced with Gaia TV. I'm convinced GaiaTV is controlled opposition/disinfo, like Infowars but with a nicer coat of paint.

Aliens exist, remote viewing is real, and so is a whole whack of other stuff we have labeled "magic".

Native Americans know what's up, at least the few left who still hold the ancient stories.

15835109? ago

Gaia has raised suspicions. Did you see the apparent leaked email from David Wilcock about his resignation due to his concerns Gaia were subliminally promoting luciferian shit and treating staff badly. https://pastebin.com/F4UAFsyd "The Company also attempted to upload a video to my YouTube channel that aggressively promotes Luciferianism – namely S1E1 of Ancient Civilizations – even while Gaia supposedly has a policy of “no religion,” at least for my fellow colleagues and me. I was tricked into participating in a very religious program that I do not want to have any affiliation with."

"In my opinion, “Ancient Civilizations” is Luciferian propaganda disguised as entertainment. Luciferianism is the religion of the elite globalist group I oppose. Luciferianism is commonly used as an excuse for pedophilia, human sacrifice, cannibalism and genocidal aspirations, among other very unsavory things."

Remember Podesta jumped on board Ancient Aliens? David tweeted that he had no prior knowledge of this - https://twitter.com/david_wilcock/status/990701837660508160 Podesta claimed if HRC had became President then we would already have full ET disclosure. https://twitter.com/johnpodesta/status/990016238326894592 What game are they playing!

15836743? ago

I hadn't heard any of that, thanks for sharing.

Gaia became suspicious to me right at the onset of their existence. They promoted HARD on Facebook and the promos all sounded like video version of tabloids. "Amazing discovery in (insert remote location) has scientists baffled! (Insert quote from baffled scientist). Subscribe now to get the full story!"

Not honest, not at all.

15843322? ago

He says there's a 25,000 year cycle -- except, the speed of light is slowing down, measurably!

If the speed of light is slowing down, that means, the things that happened in the past, happened more quickly.

So, I am fairly well convinced that the "Hebrew calendar" is accurate, which states that it is currently year 5,779.

15844255? ago

I am fairly well convinced that

you're a bot. A lazy one, at that.

15848291? ago

You're the loof.

15835830? ago

I think the HRC disclosure game would have been a Luciferian version...

15834487? ago

Be careful of what you read. After finishing “The Demonologist” the story of Ed and Lorain Warren, I was ready to run to the first church I came across and fall to my knees. I was a crew member on board an MSC transport ship at the time, so I had to shake off the willie nillies on my own.

15834453? ago

Excellent - thank you. Go slowly...exopolitics Dr Sala, David Wilcox, Corey Goode, Emery Smith...all legit. It is alot to take in.

15836201? ago

Not excellent, NO thankyou.

Not legit - Corey Goodes story is made of Swiss 🧀 cheese

15834568? ago

Except it's not. It's a big fat fairy tale. Wilcock is a charlatan and groomed Corey. Corey studied Kerry's website for YEARS memorizing "facts". Wake up.

15842562? ago

Wanna see a shill, check out RFB. He spends all his time watching others' videos so he can "be on top of it all" -- check out what he did to B. Rich!

15835028? ago

paid shill

15834436? ago

The Book Of Enoch was discovered with the Dead Sea Scrolls. I find it a fascinating read: https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/index.htm

15834434? ago

Even if i see it I don't know if I'll believe it because with technology "they" can create some pretty powerful illusions. There's so many half truths mixed in with massive disinformation that it's impossible to find one's own ass with both hands. One source I do trust is author Robert Hastings who wrote UFOs and Nukes. I'm a former USAF security policeman and I know guys who saw UFO activity at our missile bases in Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota. I 'm pretty good at detecting bullshitters and the guys I heard these stories from were not bullshitters. What their agenda is/was (the UFOs) I have no clue.

15842544? ago

Or Robert Hoskins, who said "Fuck me" in The Wall. Also was in Roger Rabbit.

15834849? ago

Yep. Pretty much.

15834393? ago

Sorry to kill your boner but nope. I have high level intelligence stating aliens abandoned earth after discovering niggers

15834577? ago


15834384? ago

we can find testimony on sky people in all religions. they have been here for at least half a milliion years.

stupid are those who think that in this vast universe, we are all alone. totally illogical.

stupid are those who think that these inter-dimensionals fly in nuts-and-bolt ships, restricted by what we humans consider (since einstein) as the light speed limit. in their realms, they can cross the galaxy within seconds.

there are benevolent ones around that want to help us to wake up (within the frame of free will choice), malovent ones (who made contracts with out governments), and neutral ones who simply observe.

christians may call them angels or demons. from my pov, they are all ETs, mostly from densities we humans cannot perceive, beyond flesh and blood.

btw. david icke was wrong about shapeshifters. there are no shapeshifters in physical form. but what sensitives may perceive once in a while is a bleed-through on people who are 'possessed' by malovent forces. i for one have seen it here and there, for a blib second. but its not physcial, its energetic and only perceivable to energetically sensitive people.

15834330? ago

The original declassification is in the Bible. There is a Savior.

15834880? ago

Original red pill

15834990? ago

No shit. Becoming a believer two years ago and reading the Bible is what woke me up. Then I started listening to Christian podcasts talking about the evil in Hollywood, which led to illuminati talk, which led to the elite, which led me to some rogue video about pizzagate. Now, I'm here. I don't see anything the same, can't watch movies, can't listen to music, don't use social media. It's crazy but man, the Bible is a very interesting source of information. Worth a read even from a historical standpoint for non-believers. How the writers knew the Earth was round thousands of years ago stuns me. We try to make sense of it, talk of Annunaki and Sumerians...it might relate. But to avoid confusion, it's best to read the word and take it literally and let the Lord show you what is real and what is human deception.

15843039? ago


15842357? ago

How the writers knew the Earth was round thousands of years ago stuns me.

This doesn't jibe with Scripture, which states there's a firmament above us.

15842976? ago

It does jibe with the "He looked down upon the circle of the Earth."

15848236? ago

You mean this passage, Isaiah 40:22?

“It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:”

Compare and contrast, in the original, to:

Isaiah 22:18

“He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord's house.”

The two words, "circle" and "ball", were used separately for a reason. Ball is three-dimensional, and something you can toss. Whereas "the circle of the Earth" could describe the Azimuthal Equidistant map. Additionally, the verse you appear to be quoting ends with an apt description of the firmament, like a tent above the heavens, for us to dwell in.

It all makes perfect sense, and if they still had insane asylums, you can bet they'd put me there.

15837259? ago

Wait until you figure out WWII.... Take Patton's words: "We fought the wrong enemy."

15835418? ago

Have you read the book of Enoch? The bible cites this book a lot.

15835175? ago

Check out 119 Ministries on YT for further knowledge. I love how they bring the old testament and new testament together. also Rob Skiba research about Nephilium and the Great Awakening is packed with information. The tower of Babel from his research? wow!

15842483? ago

911 backwards?

15843578? ago

psalm 119: "David... a man after my own heart, who will do all my will."

15848289? ago

cool thx

15835058? ago

TFW you realize spiritual warfare is real....fuuuuuuuuuuuck!


15834296? ago

I have studied the Alien/UFO for over thirty years and have come to the conclusion that we are dealing with something that is not extraterrestrial. And something that wants to control human conscientious. To what purpose ?...it is not for the betterment of man.

"One of the most famous UFO researchers (and UFO authors) of all time is Ph.D. scientist Dr Jacques Vallée. It was the research of both Vallée and Dr J. Allen Hynek (former US Government researcher into UFOs) that inspired Hollywood director Steven Spielberg to make the classic movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Indeed, the lead UFO researcher in the movie was a Frenchman and was actually based upon Dr Vallée. As far back as 1977, he wrote: ( wikipedia.org hynik-and-vallee)

Drs J. Allen Hynek and Jaques Vallée both consulted to the US government regarding UFOs.

“I propose the hypothesis that there is a control system for human consciousness … I am suggesting that what takes place through close encounters with UFOs is control of human beliefs, control of the relationship between our consciousness and physical reality, that this control has been in force throughout history and that it is of secondary importance that it should now assume the form of sightings of space visitors.”2 He also concluded that:

“ … human belief … is being controlled and conditioned, man’s concepts are being rearranged, and we may be headed toward a massive change of human attitudes toward paranormal abilities and extraterrestrial life.”

This all sounds very much like 2 Thessalonians 2:9–12.

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

“There’s the nature of the entities themselves: they practically overemphasize who, or what, they claim to be. We only have to take a careful look at such cases … to see that these ‘incidents’ are clearly stage-managed. It’s a game, a scenario that has everything to do with trying to emphasize the ET meme … . Of course, they could easily avoid us! But, here’s the deal: they want to be seen. It’s not an accident. It’s carefully planned. And it’s designed to plant an image of ‘ET scientists’ in the mind(s) of the witness(es).”

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV)."


15834905? ago

Why didn’t you list them, I wonder?

15834368? ago

Satan is about as extraterrestrial as it gets. Demons, the Fallen, the cosmos...it's all right there in the Bible. The temple of Solomon is basis of the freemasons "hidden knowledge". But if you're Christian, and you read the Bible - no thing is hidden.

15834687? ago

I agree with you. And all of this is setting it up just perfectly. They come in and save the day, everyone then trusts them, next thing you know here comes the mark.

15842326? ago

I like your turn of phrase: once everyone trusts, they can make everyone the "mark" (i.e., the victim of their carnival games).

15834826? ago

One thing I've remembered after a talk with a deep Christian was that the deception includes the coming of a "savior", that will happen twice, many decieved. The true Christ comes in as the third, so don't believe the first thing you see. I suppose true believers will sense the difference. I've just held on to that for some reason.

15837231? ago

Third savior, Holy trinity, Third reich....

Anyone noticing a popular theme here with the good guys?

15834278? ago

Also check PROJECT CAMELOT secret space program, ET and black project whistleblower video interviews


15834919? ago


15834156? ago

Aliens are disinformation.

15834218? ago

How the fuck would you know?

15833968? ago

David Wilcocks earlier articles on Financial Tyranny on divinecosmos was fantastic for explaining the DeepState manipulation and financial ensalvement of us all. I dont take everything he says at face value, but a lot of what he says is also backed up by others on the subject and he seems pretty down to earth when you hear him speak.

15842547? ago

He's a charlatan

15836617? ago

There's too many people trying discredit him for me not to believe him

15842260? ago

what like mohammed

15835890? ago

David Wilsuckcock is a disinfo agent

15835843? ago

I stopped following David Wilcocks after his Mayan Calendar / 2012 thing flopped. Glad to hear he's making a come back in Remote viewing!

15836622? ago

Oh blessed trinity

15835267? ago

Wilcocks uses "channeling" he is also a stupid fucker that flows with current news situations. This guy is as demonic as they come. NONE of his "predictions have ever been right"

15842246? ago

He also uses "spot numerology" i.e., "I just looked at my video and the number of viewers was exactly 666!" ad nauseum, and I do mean it

15837446? ago

So, uh, prove it.

15838960? ago

you debunk him, ya can't he can not predict the time to take a piss.

15835230? ago

Paid for by John podesta and the rest of the ancient aliens douche party 🎉

UFOs are real but we DO NOT trust you.

Wilcock is a pet monkey

15834008? ago

Yeah. I find a LOT of what he says to be quite good. Though his blog posts are fucking 2 hour reads. Ugh. And it's a lot of bullshit to find a nugget of truth. And then there's just a ton of stuff that's like...I don't even know what to make of that shit.

15833919? ago

Of course there are aliens. We don't need remote viewing or telepathic mumbo-jumbo. Just ask any one of them. They all say:

"Yo no hablo inglés."

15836951? ago

Yep, this. If your looking for outer space type aliens your gonna keep looking...they aren't real. Ah ah bu bu but Q said...yes Q said there was to be necessary disinformation given. By the way POTUS, Q, no human being is God almighty, creator of all, so you may wanna put your faith in the one and only savior Jesus Christ. He will come again friends & if your impressed with little ol Q team...ohh boy your in for a shock! May God bless you all & Godspeed to you wherever your journey is leading. WWG1WGA

15845849? ago

How will he come back? In long robes and sandals complete with beard and crucification scars, with painstaking attention to detail so you will recognize? Will he come in the form of something you could not have imagined, to shake shit up and get people to look inwardly instead of outwardly? The Jesus figure does not seem like someone to water down his power to accommodate weak human perception. Especially perceptions that have been created and used intentionally to keep people from seeing truth. I choose the latter. But what do I know, I'm not a Christian.

15847164? ago

Actually I do not think he WILL come back with scars & markings, after all after his resurrection he walked the earth to show his presence & that he was risen & he had no such markings. I do however believe the image of Christ has been changed by the Roman Catholic church. The images they show of "Jesus" (long hair, white, European, blue eyes) is what they want us to believe "false narrative". After all in those times it was not normal to have long hair on a man, Jesus was from the middle east (most likely nowaday Turkey) & would most likely had darker skin, black hair & brown eyes. I can't say for sure but my thoughts are the antichrist may very well come & look just like what people think Jesus looked. He will perform miracles further supporting these peoples thoughts that he is the true Christ. I would suggest to you, to read some parts of the Holy Bible however you've stated that you aren't Christian (The Way) so it would be futile. You should know in your heart that he loves you though & the Holy Spirit is with you. I wish you well friend & hope you truly find peace.

15842467? ago

Keep believing a magician is god. The world existed before he was even alive. You jesus freaks are insane. Buying into a population control book that plagarized all of the stories in it. Do some research. Every story in the bible were aincent tales passed down through time. Even the new testament. Same story. Different names. You are so gullible

15838347? ago

NONE? but... consider the vastness of space.

15842227? ago

Q meant, between the nucleus and protons, and the electrons.

15836874? ago

Mumbo jumbo that the CIA spent millions - if not billions - of dollars in.

Think about that for a minute.

15845710? ago

Thank you. What don't people get about this? Just like DIA (Denver International). You don't spend 4.8B to make fun of something just for ridicule's sake.

15835753? ago

What a great top comment

15833991? ago

Haha - good one. Now fuck off.

15835973? ago

Let's say there are extraterrestrial beings among us.

If you could identify and communicate with one what would you do? Would you try to capture it? Would you try to feed it? Would you take it into your home? Would you report it to the authorities? Would you have the state and our social services do these things instead? What if it stole from you? What if it killed your friends or family? What if it insisted it was a deity? What if it could control your mind? What if it told you to fuck off?

15842928? ago

Shit. Yeah.

15836193? ago

I would put my dick innit

15838431? ago

Until the Alien saw your tiny wittle pecker and it laughed its way back to its planet.

15833859? ago

I said everything you said I might be saying. 10/10 for psychic abilities

15833896? ago

Hahahaha...good one!

15833777? ago

You do realize that some of what's publish is disinformation designed to confuse foreign spies, right? I mean, every nation knows they have foreign spies somewhere. It makes sense to have some documented fairy tales running around to confuse the hell out of them.

15834022? ago

yep tons of disinfo including 'ex- mil / intel' whistleblowers.

read Project Beta, and Lure of the Edge

15833976? ago

Careful Narcissus, your ego is about to burst

15834573? ago

Go read The Extra-Dimensionals by John Desouza. Don't fall for the UFO disinfo stuff. They are clearly, obviously spiritual entities.

15835295? ago

LOVE John Philip Sousa!

15833706? ago

Great post!

15833865? ago

Great comment!

15833573? ago

As to the remote viewing stuff, some people claim that the well known government research into ESP is connected to the RV program. Notice how little we hear about ESP these days, compared to years past?

15833603? ago

Oh wait, that's not what you meant!

15833601? ago

I'm not so into RVs. I feel like they're a waste of money. Much bigger fan of stay-cations. I know a dude who spends $600 a month paying the loan for his RV. I mean, if you're into camping, ok I guess, but shit, that's a lot of money.

15833630? ago

But what do you think the ESP people inside those RV's do with those big antennas poking out the roof? Hmm?

15833666? ago


But seriously, I think you're right. I think there's an entire dimension to geopolitical competition going on. I think there's a cold war going on. I think there are psychic...soldiers on multiple sides working for multiple governments. And I think they're competing with each other.

For example, maybe we have a dude that's trying to listen to Putin's morning briefing. But THEY have a dude who's trying to detect and prevent that. Holy shit that could get fucking complicated fast.

This is why they have to keep that all classified, to safeguard THOSE operations.

Of course, for the sake of those operations, we're all left in the dark. About fucking ALIENS.

The gov't keeping all this stuff from us reminds me of The Village:
