15833507? ago

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15821250? ago

Add Q's comments then go back to what POTUS has said in his speeches as well... Warns North Korea if Guam is threatened, they would suffer a destruction the likes of which this WORLD has never seen.

In another Speech to Iran he warns to stop their Nuclear ambitions and never threaten the US again or they would suffer the likes NEVER BEFORE WITNESSED, then points up and says because they want it that way. The video is on you tube but I can only find the one About North Korea.

Then add the new space force, could he be hinting an aligning with one or more Alien Races. He has also said space has all the answers.

15821846? ago

Someone needs to ask q if there is truly an alliance with other beings to help free mankind. Q please

15821283? ago

I know someone with better internet skills will post the videos I'm talking about here and I thank you in advance.

15819850? ago

I do believe that our planet has been visited for thousands of years. Roswell is factual as have been other sightings. No doubt that we have likely communicated with them and perhaps are cooperating with them in areas of technology transfer and genetics. We will see. Bottom line is that we are not alone.

15821863? ago

And the bible vividly describes flying shields that went incredible speeds could fly through mountains and used a light weapon that could disintegrate

15824557? ago

Wow! Chapter and verse? Revelation? Isaiah?

15819745? ago

That is not a Q quote. I hate shit like this.

15820068? ago

Yes it is shill.


15820370? ago

This is the exact post:

Anonymous ID: 5948d8 No.3093831 📁
Sep 19 2018 19:10:44 (EST)

Are we alone ?

Roswell ?

3093831 No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space.


Q's only post there was one word. "No"

Who's the shill?

15820389? ago

Read the top of that Q post. The title above the date asshole.

15819545? ago

It's unbelievably fucked up something like that was hidden. truly a brave New world is there and awaits us

15819486? ago

We have aliens right here on earth already trying to destroy mankind you idiots: The Jews.

15819458? ago

Podesta and hilary would never stfu up about Aliens. Be careful with that subject. I dont think you david wilcock types really grasp the meaning of the word

15821762? ago

Based off the evidence provided by David wilcock and the people he works with he most likely has one of the best understandings. Every time ufos pop up in qrv there's always comments spread through put discrediting them some how.

15819424? ago

Why can I see blue sky through the moon?

15834514? ago

Because you touch yourself at night.

15819375? ago

Why does this matter? We know there are extra dimensions and these aliens don't even have to be from far away planets. In fact we think of aliens, the movies help misdirect, as some sort of physical being only. When you read about UFO, or seen one, so much doesn't make sense. They are here and then disappear as if jumping to another dimension. When you read ancient text and even new age stuff you read beings of light... light beings which means without form or substance. The Bible even states Lucifer is a being of light. And other angels in the Bible appear and dissappear in a flash.

We are not alone and never were. The Bible stated that clearly. Book of Enoch told of the Watchers and their purpose. The great alien deception is about to be unfolded. What we all need to remember is these are more than physical beings and can move between dimensions. Next question is if they are so advanced how come they didn't invade and conquer before? Because they are limited in power. Read the Bible. The key to the bottomless pit is about to release these entities and only spiritual pray is our weapon.

What if we all were in a matrix? Where most of everything is invisible and one day it all appears.

15824964? ago

This should be the most upvoated comment in this thread.

If somebody can grasp what you just said, alot more starts to make sense. It's vital.

Trust the plan Good vs evil

15839858? ago

This comment scares me bc I know in my heart it is true.

15818980? ago

You have a hard on for this space alien stuff.

15821161? ago

I have an interest in the space alien stuff.

The hardon is for you ;)

15822603? ago


15818747? ago

thats why they ake you believe in an infinite universe... to believe in aliens! Theres just us and a night skt, no space, its fake!

15818672? ago

Please. Please list some credible sources. SOOO much shit out there.

15818686? ago

The OP put their source. Straight from Q.


15818704? ago

I saw that when it was originally posted. I get it. But there's a lot of bullshit out there too. Corey Goode. Wilcock. True? Nah. Kinda seems like bullshit. So what's a credible source where we can learn more?

People on this thread are all, "Dig, I'm not gonna spoonfeed you." Ok. But FUCK man, I can dig all day and end up FAR more fucking confused about it than I am now. How is that fucking helpful? How about pointing me in the RIGHT direction?

15821816? ago

David wilcock and Corey good while their story and explanations are a lot to take in we're built off thousands of hours of so called whistleblowers that all link together with incredible detail. They're definitely on top of the ufo game. At least more than the others I've noticed spreading disinformation and discrediting them

15821845? ago

Dang. I just hate all the telepathic psychic bullshit

15821199? ago


No confusion if you read these.It takes you from start to finish.

15821911? ago

No shit? Thanks!

15822186? ago

invest an hour of reading it with open mind. trust me you will finish it till end. nothing is 100 percent truth period. the author has researched many books articles from ancient till current and summarized on the big picture he saw.

Personally i read that link and expanding upon what is being said.i have conflicts in minor details but majority of what is said is solid.

After u get to that level,research on the doubts you get and start questioning all the new info you have gathered.

15822918? ago

Good plan - thanks!

15839965? ago

David Wilcock is Shill.... used to CHANNEL RA...... he is 9ne of them same for Goode... fake names. Fake people. Blatant disinfo. U need a better filter. Wilcockfag is a farce.

15842721? ago

Please provide credible source

15819849? ago

I know the feeling, it's quite a challenge to sort through all the crap when looking into this. I can start you off with a couple places to start digging, though. You could check out Project Camelot. They've done interviews with a number of insiders. I can't personally vouch for what any of the insiders say, you have to make up your own mind on that. Their interview with Bob Dean

Also, there's quite a repository of information collected from many sites on Biblioteca Pleyades (The Pleadian Library)

Again, I can't vouch for any of the info you come across, but I have found these sites rather informative. Use discernment, and take it all with a grain of salt. I hope you find these links helpful, and good luck digging!

15820016? ago

Thanks. Whew. That’s a lot. I wish there was an intro. A simple starting point. Oh well.

15820341? ago

Checkout Edge of Wonder channel on the tube. Many good vids about the deepstate, occult shit etc

15839933? ago

No these are DS assets saving face. EoW is to be avoided.

15849261? ago


15821217? ago

Yeah - I use Roku. Not sure what you’re talking about.

But anyway, the wife won’t watch that shit. No interest in occult bullshit.

15818664? ago

Alot of shills here. The pushback in this thread is strong...

15818483? ago

And whilst you talk about this shit, Islam, Globalism, Communist China and Marxist Leftists are organizing and preparing. You are fucked! Aliens, give me a break. You dip shits are going under with no one to blame but yourselves. Hiding in a corner of the internet talking shit whilst your enemies get shit done. Morons.

15818556? ago

^^Finally, someone with some common sense.

15818450? ago

Paul Helyer and others have said for years in many book releases and in interviews the U.S. government has been working with ET's they have zero point energy and are keeping it from the public. They have no right to do this we the people demand and deserve to know the truth------>FULL DISCLOSURE NOW!!!!

15818095? ago

God is a creator of all life on earth. Logical thinking. If he can create all that we do know in our universe, why would "you" limit his ability to create as many universes as he wishes? If humans can imagine Star Trek and Star Wars, what can God imagine? The Bible speaks of the unseen spiritual realm on earth. Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Satan, and demons. Cherubim have chariots of fire with which they can move swiftly, up, down, back, and forth, in any direction, wheels within wheels. Can you think UFO? They have technology of flight since 6000 years ago. Our Air Force has technology we are not privy too. Expand your imagination beyond our finite existence. We are not alone is what Q answered. We never have been. God has a new heaven and earth for the righteous when this temporary fallen one's human judgment is complete.

15821727? ago

Not only that but the bible vividly describes flying shields that can go through mountains turn invisible and have a deadly ray of light that can disintegrate.

15818939? ago

Your argument is worse than you think. Your start off with a bang. “If god is the creator of life on earth” ok. Even if so, that doesn’t mean that god created anything before earth. Could’ve been some other entity. Probably was in fact.

15820922? ago

You said it all right there my friend...

15819520? ago

Your argument poses nothing to refute God didn't either. So that is a moot point. If you believe it is alien intelligence involved here, then the point will always be in relation to the post itself. Yes, we are NOT alone in the universe. If you believe we exist by chance of the Big Bang, then chances are there were other Big Bangs that could/would/should have created life. I was addressing the point in scripture that says there is "definitely" other life in the heavens and in the spiritual realm on earth most of us do not see. If our intelligence can imagine it...then God, or other Alien intelligence, or other Big Bang entities "most likely" exist. Still comes back to: Yes, we are NOT alone in the universe, space, or time. Proof? Not me, I have never seen or experienced an alien or UFO sighting.. Individual witnesses? Many through the years. Truth is in the eye of the beholder's experience. Exposure of the truth to all of us? Who knows if or when.

15839815? ago

Wow well said bro

15818947? ago

On mobile. Will elaborate if needed but you understand what I am saying. I create things on a daily basis. That doesn’t mean I’m god. Don’t be a fool.

15818073? ago

Having the understanding of the three heavens makes it so much easier

15818009? ago

Lots of TR3-B sightings lately, checkout SecureTeam10's YouTube channel for some really good vids

15821826? ago

I've been seeing them as well

15819746? ago

For anyone interested, a new drama series about Project Blue Book starts 8th January on the History channel, looks pretty good, YT link to trailer: Here

15818199? ago

Down here in Texas it’s pretty astonishing how brazen TR3-B actions are. It’s almost silly. I have heard rumors that cell phones are now freezing before they roll up so maybe they are finally disrupting common tech that could dox the flights.

Personally I’ve seen UFOs three times and I am a certified aircraft Identifier so - it takes me some convincing. Shit load of drone prankers now really mucking shit up

15840021? ago

I saw something very fucked up in early 2000s .. something definitely not of this world or w.e was 3 lights blinking across the night sky like vanishing in and out of existence instantly travelling thousands of KM. The 3 lights leapfrog across the entire night sky in a span of 3 mins and me and 3 other friends saw it. Back country road at night near a water tower. We were all freaking out!

15845469? ago

So when you say 3 light are you saying a body w three lights or three seperate lights?

15818711? ago

Elaborate on your certificate.

15817999? ago

Outer Space is a Jesuit psyop

Aliens are demons, or fallen watchers.

15817926? ago

OP i have tried to post abt aliens but people are not ready.social programmong is unreal. their thinking level is right where the powers that be wanted.

full alien disclosure need to be done asap. Putin,assage/snowden need to dump documents.

Q and trump is way into POLITICS.

15819252? ago

I've been fortunate enough to see impossible things happen above us at night, in the early hours. Unfortunately, mobile phones keep most people looking down these days, as they're designed to do.

15818334? ago

I agree this is a topic (one of many considered more conspiracy-ey) that needs desperately to be discussed openly. The dissention and resistance here is unreal. The programming is strong, the opposition is persistent - probably both reinforcing one another. Area 51 was once a conspiracy theory...

15818000? ago


15818059? ago

You are the shill when Q said it right fucking here.


Also fuckface he said flatearth is a lie.


The shill narrative is over. You LOST.

15818914? ago

When viewed on a map the earth is 2 dimensional. So technically flat earthers are right depending on the context....

15819544? ago

Sure, and a photo of someone is 2-dimensional as well, but people aren't flat. There is actually a saying, "Don't mistake the map for the territory"

15818460? ago

And he also said Disinfo is necessary... I'm not shilling. I'm an open book save that which is classified I can tell you everything. You can see it all with your own two eyes!

15818676? ago

Only boomers could be this retarded

15820034? ago

This is a terrible thing that you do to your own argument when you pass up evidence to make attacks based on speculations that are not rational. You expose yourself as prone to emotionally driven irrationality as a major force in determining your beliefs. I think you would do well to search yourself out for a while to improve your epistemological approach. This is why you set out attacking when you neither have evidence sufficient for your position or mine. You blindly follow.

15817861? ago

No outer space(think inner space), no planets (think luminaries), No ET's (think multi-dimensional), moon gives off light. Its not a reflector. Not a hunk of rock you can walk on. Once you wake up, you cant go back to sheep.

15828667? ago

The planets are real and the moon reflects the sun's light. Why do you think the crators cast shadows? But you are right about inner space. Who can make straight that which God hath made crooked?

15818690? ago

Dumb ass nigger, I have a telescope and an eyeball and it tells me you’re super retarded. Why doesn’t anyone who claims to have useful knowledge that’s contrary to truth never fully explain it? What’s the moon made of faggot? Please, continue.

15820375? ago

It’s a big ass LED light

15818765? ago

Irish and French Canadian, but you go on with your story....I'm finding your "A" game entertaining. I love listening to people that have such a good bead on things. (ps...cant resolve 3d with one eye), but you go on with your telescope story too.. No ET's bro. Sorry cuz i know you were looking forward to that anal probe.

15818353? ago

All within the firmament.....

15819433? ago

Eric Dubay is that you? Welcome to voat!

15819841? ago

Not sure who that is but nope. Enlighten me

15818395? ago

THIS!!! Thank you.

15818029? ago

Lol...this guy...

15818018? ago

And if you do sheep up, we have but one shepard, Yahshua.

15818707? ago


15817773? ago

Holy shit

15820008? ago

OP isn't honest. That isn't a quote from Q.The question was asked by anon "are we alone?" Q answered "no".

15821894? ago

Q says yes in every source. Either you got someone's disinfo sandwich or are spreading it on purpose

15820082? ago

Dude are you retarded? Read the top of that Q post. It says the exact thing the OP put.

15820338? ago

no it doesn't. anyone can check this.

Anonymous ID: 5948d8 No.3093831 📁
Sep 19 2018 19:10:44 (EST)

Are we alone ?

Roswell ?

3093831 No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q



15817751? ago

For those acting all skeptical, there is plenty of evidence. Go dig. We are not here to spoonfeed information. Q has taught us to dig for ourselves.

You may start on YouTube. Watch the 4 hours of documents and evidence presented by Dr Stephen Greer.

15821266? ago

I am a doubting thomas, but I like to hear compelling arguments.

Greer doesn't really have one and I'm getting tired of the other disclosure dicks too.

I've heard mind boggling things and I've heard nonsensical tardisms. I just wish they'd stop the act and tell what they know, if anything.

15820792? ago

So True...For the doubting Thomas's, how many of you were in DISBELIEF that your reality of just about everything you thought you knew, has been a lie or at the least, half truths? How arrogant & self absorbed are we to think that we are the only intelligent life-force inhabiting this vast universe? Whatever your spiritual belief may be or name you call as creator...(what you feel within as well as out) everything is connected &has purpose by design. To truly encompass requires wide open eyes, mind, heart & yes, Soul!

15824463? ago

Very well said and very true.

15817788? ago

Hell, you could even just start with looking at your chromosomes. #2 is literally double the size of the rest of them and looks obviously tampered with. But surely, that's "natural" right? That one chromosome just happens to look like it's been badly fused, surely there's nothing to see there, right?

15817804? ago

You know we see through you fucking retarded shills right? You are not very good at your job dickhead.

15817731? ago

Alien life exists on Earth

15817939? ago

yeah they're called democrats

15821505? ago

Lol. It is us... we are the alien life here.

15817797? ago

FBI documents claim that Nikola Tesla is Venusian. Personally, I believe them. Having read this beforehand, it really changes everything.

15821570? ago

Ah, yes. I read Hidden Hand over a year ago. I need to refresh my memory. So much has happened since then. Thanks!

15821513? ago

I will look. I was not aware of that before.

15817744? ago

Yep, it’s true. I’ve seen them with my own eyes. Every time I go to the supermarket. Martians everywhere....

15818012? ago


15818412? ago

A million upvoats lol!

15817714? ago

Dude you are going to find out soon enough. And you will really like it...……..At first.

15818537? ago

Based Michael Moore usage.

15817611? ago

Yes, NASA did find microbes on Mars.

Did you have anything else to contribute?

15818021? ago


15818081? ago

We see right through you faggot.

15818437? ago

Arrogant bull shitter. NASA has always lied.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-7D0DPUe1Q

15817650? ago

Getting feisty huh? "80 percent public for justice 20 dark ops" - Q

Pedogate/Federal Reserve/War crimes will be exposed. Aliens however....

15817825? ago

OK, I read your sentence fragments but I can't read your mind.

Would you like to try again to present a compelling and substantial theme to discuss?

15821230? ago


15817588? ago

Saying theres no aliens in space is like saying theres no sea life in the ocean.

15819529? ago


15819401? ago

Okay, guys... We knew these things already due to the Fermi Paradox.

15825266? ago

And "Blue Book"

The tragic irony of that project never fails to get me.

15817648? ago

That is apples and oranges. I am from Missouri, show me.

Facts not feelings.

15818540? ago

Me too

15818167? ago

That’s literally the point of this post. Saying there is no life before a measured sample is like saying a sand castle is impossible when you get to the beach before you try making one. It’s - amazing it gets any traction is a viewpoint whatsoever.

Kinda like God. “There is no God” as no bearded man in the sky can be seen? Your requirements for validity do not equate

15820214? ago

15817761? ago

Check your second chromosome you fucking retarded ass cunt nigger faggot.

How do your fucking feelings feel now, cuntwipe?

Facts don't care about your fucking feelings right? Facts not fucking feelings? Fuck your fucking feelings.

Take a step back buttercup and recognize your feelings matter a ton more than your facts ever have or ever will. Passion RULES Reason. Period.

15819848? ago

looks like someone has lots of feels here.

15819224? ago


15818665? ago

I can tell you are fat by the way you type.

15817686? ago

lol...go fishin! bragging about Missouri? hahahaha are there smart people in that state? show me cuz I aint buyin! hahaha fukn misery!

15818094? ago

Dude you are an idiot. Missouri is the show me state. Educate yourself or go join the libtards....

15820728? ago

hehe Im edumacated! I know the moto for missouri lighten it up a bit! jees! what happened to wwg1wga?

15818403? ago

Show me your diploma nigger. Without one we aren’t having any type of conversation.

15817713? ago

You must not be American with that reply. Hope you are getting paid well for shitting up the thread.

15817579? ago

Yeah, probably in Andromeda or another galaxy. Tell your boner to calm down.

15817768? ago

Tell yours for Einstein to do the same. The theory of relativity is bogus, light is not the fastest means of travel. Thought is. The universe is Mental. See: The Kyballion for more.

15818700? ago

How far from Las Vegas are you? I need to time the transmission of the thought I just had about your father sucking dog dick to see if your theory is right or not.