15837192? ago

Is your soul prepared? Mine is.

15830382? ago

Go bag. So I can GTFO.

15830292? ago

Yeah we are all going to starve to death and kill each other because we can't watch Netflix. Fucking retard.

15830622? ago

You have no clue.

15830111? ago

When crazy old people use the internet.

15830600? ago

be kind to old people when the SHTF. ...or else. :) nom nom nom

15830094? ago

I’ll be in my bunker with my 5 years+ of supplies. I’m ready to rock and have been for many years. I have water, food, water purification capabilities, heirloom seeds, 20,000 rounds of .223 etc,etc..... I could go on but you get the point. Not only that but I live a survival lifestyle 1 month every year so I know my gear and have developed the skills I’ll need. I also have a pretty good network of likeminded people that I can count on in those times. Let’s do it.

15830684? ago

You're way better off than me. I have a handful of ****** and enough **** to hold off the niggers for a month if they attack one by one.

If they organize and swarm this area, I'm finished.

15830062? ago

I can't wait yo study the economics of eating people

15830702? ago

Long pig is always an option if it's eat or die.

15829916? ago

I’ve got two hummingbird traps on my patio. Been attracting them all year just in case.

15837203? ago

Them's good eating.

15830713? ago


15829811? ago

Keep gas on hand and charge your phone with your car. Problem solved stupid fuck. Oh, and it's not to make a phone call since the cell towers will be shut down, I have Candy Crush downloaded to pass the time, you goddamn stupid prick.

15830727? ago

hahaha... you bastard.

15829555? ago

You do realize that sharing and working together is an option? We don’t have to kill each other.

15830582? ago

you don't live around niggers.

15830304? ago

Never even crossed his mind.

15829531? ago

I'll be in bliss. I've got books to read and food.to eat. I have neighbors who watch out for each other.

15830738? ago

I have neighbors that I watch, but not in the same way as you.

15834593? ago


15829377? ago

Don't have a TV, leave the phone off most of the day. Radio helps me sleep but is not critical. I hate the net being down though.

15829373? ago

As long as you have no niggers in your neighborhood, you should be good.

15829329? ago

You'll get kuru. You've been warned. There are plenty of game animals that even idiots in open season will never take.

15830750? ago

You only get that if you eat their brains. I'm looking at them ribs, yo.

15830929? ago

I don't think there is much on the ribs. The back-straps are probably great though.

15829200? ago

No problem. I'll just run an extension cord over to the neighbor's house.

15829190? ago

lots of solar panels propane, metal boxes to keep electronics in in case of emp. Downloaded half the internet enough to read the rest of my life. I have over 3000 books on one usb stick and on my phone.. Radios, just looking to get a ham radio, dirt cheap on amazon

15829186? ago

My neighbor will drink all his booze and he is gonna have to trade one of his daughters.

15829022? ago

gonna need more than a can opener to eat any of my sweet sweet meat

15829019? ago

I better pick up a couple of cartons of smokes.

Otherwise, I'm good.

15830392? ago

Buy tobacco seeds and grow your own. Tobacco can grow from the South all the way up to southern Canada.

Remember that tobacco seeds need light to germinate, so you must sow them on top of the dirt. After the seedlings get up some size and are crowding each other, pull them up and transplant them farther apart in your garden.

Read up on air curing and flue curing. Also on varieties and mixtures for better cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco.

15834969? ago

I grew up in Burley Tobacco country. Spent many a day putting up hay and working tobacco as a boy.

Still live in the same place, but there is no tobacco. Those fields are now filled with Yellow Dent #2 and soy beans.

15845510? ago

We have cotton, corn, and soybeans, but further south and to our west, they still grow a lot of tobacco. Some of the farmers around here have switched to truck farming and raising tilapia. There are also some vineyards and beekeepers.

15828975? ago

That reminds me I need to stock up on dog food. And plug up my guest bathtub, because I swear the second voat goes down I'm filling that motherfucker with water to live. And Band-Aids, and matches. Gonna need propane for the generator. Fuck that I don't want people to know we have heat.

15828930? ago

That's it?