15831424? ago

QRV is the Reddit Replacement. https://imgoat.com/uploads/777d5c17d4/162405.jpeg
Q didn’t say we couldn’t use the other subs. GreatAwakening is the best one here.

15828125? ago

Everything coming fro /GreatAwakening is suspect. Fuck off shills. These are the same guys who fucked with everybody for months when the first migration from pleb bit happened. Careful who you follow. Oh, and shills, no amount of flag waving and eagles soaring will change the fact that you smell of psyops and controlled narrative. Bye felicia

15827692? ago

Geeze, sounds pretty paronoid to me. Did you Q-folks ever stop to consider the fact the you are not actually being infiltrated by shills but but the true reason that there are so many anti Q posts is because of the fact that Q turned out to be a fraud? Do not discount the fact that nothing Q has posted has panned out. People need results not broken promises, excuses, postponements, and total inaction.

15830904? ago

Beep boop bop boop

15833948? ago

Right. You keep telling yourself that, and whatever else it takes to help you sleep at night.

15827553? ago

Nope. This is why were specifically told to be in QRV. Be careful who you follow.

15831428? ago

Nope. QRV is the Reddit Replacement. https://imgoat.com/uploads/777d5c17d4/162405.jpeg
Why is TheAwakening still around?

15827230? ago

LOL at people getting paid to poke fun at your gullibility. You are all sheep, just on the opposite side of the fence.

15830917? ago


15829582? ago

I like how you nigger and kike lovers always need to hide behind anon accounts.

15830938? ago

I like how you jealous, shill, liberal fuck tards like to troll boards of failure and lies and pointless dialogue and try to convince us it's all failure and lies and pointless dialogue. Get a fucking life and fuck your father Soros.

15828665? ago

You are failing bro

15840112? ago

Did you notice what a failure your gaslight thread was in QRV? Who's really failing?

15828713? ago

The truth will always prevail, "bro".