15833927? ago

He just needs to post a picture from somewhere inside the east room or the Roosevelt room to confirm a new identity. Plenty of other platforms.

15833140? ago

We the People spreading truth and renewing free speech is the MOAB!

15832452? ago

Stumbled on to Reddit one day, Great awakening. Q taught me a shit ton of vile stuff going on within our government. I learned all the accronyms, learned to decipher his messages. When you overlay his posts with daily actions in the political realm, its easy to see the fight between good and evil. Its easy to see, this shit is real. The only people who have stepped up to combat the evil is Q and Q+. Who am I to say "Q you are taking to long, we need arrests" If not for Q and Q+, Hillary would be America's Angela Merkle right now. We would be screwed. If they have a plan, let it play out, sit back and enjoy the show. We only have one chance to destroy the evil, mistakes can't be made. Rushing the plan will only play in to the hands of our enemies. Be like me, check in each day to track Q's progress and keep your mouth shut if you have nothing constructive to say.

15852783? ago

I so miss the love we had for all on GA. I am heartened knowing you are still here anon.

15835845? ago

TY, Patriot. One of the best posts I gave read on this thing called Voat. Seriously.

15834067? ago

you sound like such a low iq cunt

15852797? ago

Aw...someone's life is sad. I would hate to have your karma aimed at me anon. Repent.

15840079? ago

Is that you Mr. Brennen? HRC? BHO? I know its not noname or GHWB.

15835820? ago

And you are a dick.

15833071? ago

Excellent post patriot. Happy New Year.

15832723? ago

Best post I’ve read in a while. Ty.

15830944? ago

Dear sir, can you give me the two Q posts, where Q posts a picture, then reposts it at a later date, to affirm chain of custody? I need this for piece of mind sake. I heard Corsi claim there was a "new Q" effective April, 2018. Thank you.

15830581? ago

Something tells me we wont hear from Q anymore, the work has been done and now we sit back and watch. We will find out who Q is in the near future. I've always thought Q as a group of people w/quantum computing capabilities

15830468? ago

These retards still haven't realised that they cannot censor something just by snuffing out a place where it is spoken. Too many people are aware of what's going on, and for every place they try to censor, 10 more will pop up instead.

15830325? ago

Yeah Jan 1st 19 is ominous. If you didn't notice look at those numbers again ...119. Think Mirror ...

15834081? ago

as if any number wouldn't have set some schizoid loser like you off

15842212? ago

But 911 was the day all the worlds problems began, and reversing them all on 119 would be poetic justice to all the cucks and shills and jews and fags who have been fucking over our great nation since then!

15829668? ago

Fucking idiots. Q isn't real so who gives a fuck if they shut off your dumb ass Kool-Aid cult leader?

15832733? ago

Oh. Ok. You convinced me! I’ll go watch msnbc for all the truth now.

15830069? ago

Good one kike Its working.

15829643? ago

About damn time, sticks in my craw that these POS s are still causing so much grief. (Demon-rats)

15828609? ago

I pray something will happen January 2019. If not I'm afraid I'm out.

15828534? ago

Does anyone know about this guy. Liked watching him and all of a sudden this happens. https://youtu.be/-C2Z80hjw_g

15827899? ago

Oh what a wonderful feeling. Oh what a wonderful day. This makes my day, night, hour and minute!

15827849? ago

Nothing is going to happen all of you know this. I eagerly await the excuses

15828527? ago

God bless you.

15830093? ago

whats it like being a Qtard? always getting hyped up only to be let down over and over again? It must be exhausting

15832647? ago

What's it like to take a huge cock up the ass?

15874232? ago

projecting some repressed feelings?

15833275? ago

I don't know. Ask your mother.

15827691? ago

erlaborate on the alex jones thing plox..

15827658? ago

If they just abruptly nuke 8ch, Q can't reliably relocate to another trip code on 4chan or elsewhere via a firm handshake.

If Q is legit, he has enough connections to repair 8ch. But in fact, 8ch was not seriously damaged; it is still online in read-only mode and posting will be restored in due time.

15827554? ago

Msg to the deep state. "That's it?" KEK

15827530? ago

For me the question is not important. I hope that no one asks the question personally. It's only important because Q says so. The MSM can kiss my ass and not ask the question.

15827464? ago

Still waiting to see how Q "blew the fuck out of Alex Jones and Corsi". AJ show still on air and his core fans have never been shown any sort of evidence to demonstrate how he is "mossad".

15827515? ago

He attacked Q. Q is legit. It’s not hard buddy.

15828327? ago

Wow. I guess I've just been blown the fuck out, too. Another post talking about AJ - another post without any sort of evidence. "Disinfo is necessary" , yet somehow everything said by Q is the gospel. I've got no problem with someone disbelieving Q. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My problem is the people here who wave their AJ/mossad opinion around as if it is a fact. Show me some facts, please. I've been asking this question since the first time it came up on EVERY Q board. NO ONE can show me a shred of evidence. Complete dismissal. Not going to miss this sub when it finishes going do the toilet. Not a lot going on here but people slinging their opinions around like it's the Q gospel when the "gospel" itself is admittedly disinfo.

15830437? ago

Dude. Calm down. We’ve ALL had to come to this realization. It’s gonna be ok. AJ is Controlled op. It’s just what it is. Breath.

15832922? ago

AJ is entitled to his opinion the same as every other jackfuck around here. I'm perfectly calm dude. Calmer than you are. Having a different opinion doesn't = mossad. Aside from Infowars crew members please name one other Mossad agent.

15828091? ago

if Q is so legit why do you guys have to make excuses all the time?

15836094? ago

Not all of us do make excuses. Many of us just watch and know it is happening. If you cannot see it, I am sorry for you.

15874243? ago

lmao please all you people do is make excuses and i eagerly await to see all the goal post moving in 2019

15827299? ago

When will the madness end?

15827113? ago

Q, Do it!!!

15826863? ago

Q can show up anywhere he wants to, post the next successive photo of his flight over NK and establish his identity.

15826790? ago

8chan is going though some upgrades, including blockchain technology. It will be more secure than ever when done.

15826685? ago

Q will NEVER be validated in that way. We will always remain in the shadows.

15826640? ago

It was one of those hit pieces that turned me on to Q.

I'm sure I am not the only one. Thank you MSM

15852919? ago

:) love when a plan comes together.

15842181? ago

I too was turned to Q's light by an evil government denouncing truth. Long live the Q, Q is love, Q is life

15826593? ago

Maybe that's why Voat was given a Christmas miracle, someone knew this might happen to 8chan and needed a backup in place.

15826506? ago

I JUST REMEMBERED THIS WAS HERE! I'd been using Twitter all morning as an 8chan proxy until I decided to sleep through it instead.

15826477? ago

This is the time Q said would happen in many posts.

Important to archive. Above & next drops have high probability of shutting down /pol/. It is being safeguarded for these transmissions but not 100% secure. Who owns /pol/? Why is this platform being used? What recent events almost occurred re: /pol/? Why is this relevant? Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings. Repeat. Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings. More false flags imminent. Elections (tues) no longer matter at this stage. Snow White. Godfather III. Above will have context as news unfolds. Summarize and paint the picture. Critical. Q

And agin https://qmap.pub/read/2454

This has been expected. Smile cause this is a proof of activity. That And shills squaking like their hairs on fire. 😎

15826263? ago

Yep, Q is a cult...Q does NOT tell us what to think, where to think, charge us money or make us sign our belongings over... Q only tells us to think for ourselves, to research for ourselves and knowledge will be our choice... Helluva bad cult if you ask me... Its about that time, DO IT Q !!! WWG1WGA•WW

15834709? ago

Q only tells us to think for ourselves

But anyone who doesn't think like us is either a shill, part of the deep state, or both.

15852907? ago

Maybe acourding to the shills.....if you still can't tell real anons from disinfo agents....keep trying. Look into cointelpro. Once you can see it, the game stops working.

15835563? ago

I don’t call folks shills, it’s not up to me to judge anyone. I think at this point everyone pretty much knows their own minds and beliefs & it isn’t in my nature to force anyone to believe what I do. I think all opinions, whether I agree with them or not are important to listen to, that’s the best way to learn. If I knew everything for certain, I certainly wouldn’t be here. So no, I don’t think anyone with an opposing view as mine has to be a shill, that’s just ignorance & judgemental.

15836499? ago

But you can't deny how lightly the term shill gets thrown around.

15837721? ago

Oh absolutely !!! I’ve been called shill, concernfag, nigger, Nazi, White Supremacist and on & on... Until someone gets to know me for who I am, how can they know my heart or true intent... This is the only ‘social media’ I am on, can’t stand ALL the bullshit & crybaby assholes on any sites...

15829755? ago

Q is leading you Qlowns around by the nose. Some Qlowns even call themselves “followers” of Q.

15830755? ago

Then there are assholes like you. Did you have a point or did you just run out of cock to suck and get bored?

15834072? ago

its funny poking at losers and gimps.

15830861? ago

My point is that you Qlowns are part of a Qult. (I’d have hoped you could have picked up on that, but I must remind myself that I’m speaking with mindless Qlowns.)

15830897? ago

You don't think Q is real? I guess you're part of a whole other cult that attacks Q followers. You should stick with sucking cock.

15831904? ago

In fact I do think Q is real. Real fraudulent.

15826221? ago

I just went over to 8chan. WTF, when did it stop working?

15826753? ago

Looks like we're under attack. The DS shills don't want us exposing their attempt at making Q-supporters look like a neo-nazi -- all for the sake of making Trump look like Hitler.

15826892? ago

Taking flack on all fronts now. Definitely over the target, more attacks than ever (youtube, fb, twater, gab, voat) & now they somehow manage to take 8chan down, damn. Something's in the mix. Buckle up, gonna get bUmPy!!

15829781? ago

Yep. Been over the target for a year now...

15827180? ago

Roger that. 10-4.

15826090? ago

Q hadn't posted in several days. I wonder if the DS is particularly fearful of what Q might next post, and that is why they are screwing with 8Chan.

15836033? ago

10 days dark..

15826070? ago

I would encourage all who haven't already check out https://qmap.pub/proofs

I didn't realize how many there was, pretty interesting stuff, alot of "coincidences"

15826059? ago

I had read all the Q posts. They expected all along that someday, the Deep State would crash 8Chan and were ready for it.

15826019? ago

USA is now QSA

15830911? ago


15825993? ago

Q discredited himself when his predictions weren't coming true.

15826383? ago

Perhaps you meant when some people's speculations didn't come true?

15837289? ago

No. I meant specifically when your false prophet's predictions didn't cone true.

15825962? ago

Dear 8ch.net - save us from the Deep State :) We need a solid protected place for Q to post.

15825833? ago

It seems your timing is spot on. The Q Research catalog on 8chan only goes to December 12, now. Seems 8 chan is under attack again.

15825804? ago

This submission was linked from this v/ShitQtardsSay submission by @kneo24.

Posted automatically (#16419) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15827066? ago


15825783? ago

FUCK but shills are downvoting.

15825825? ago


15825754? ago

The latest posts on Q Research General is from 12/12.

Where's my fix?!?!?!?!

15825711? ago

now they're going to simply blow up 8ch

In other words, they are going to shut it down?

15828416? ago

Delet this goy!

15825669? ago

Can't kill an idea

15825588? ago

Qlarp is dead in the water anons are now onto Trump the Freemason and Qfraud the psyop.

Nothing to see here

Time for Qfags to move along to their next fantasy.

15825862? ago

No worries here. I live in a house of Trump, Freemasonry and the Militia. Q's message is very clear, Trump and my Q followers are well protected. It's far from over bitch!

15825627? ago


15825563? ago

Q is real or the USA is over... 🎯

15834039? ago

what a pathetic weakling you are.

15830058? ago


This has been my thinking.

15829517? ago

Got news for you, my good man, the USA is finished anyway. If everything goes great the inevitable end will only be postponed a few decades at most.

15836137? ago

Postponing might be a good thing.

15830318? ago

If you read revelations, the world is doomed anyway.

15835003? ago

Do you mean the book of Revelation ?

15830442? ago

One doesn’t need to read anything to know that all things end.

15826705? ago

Civil war vs those asleep is next

There are MANY people ready for it to pop off. Trust me. My small town isn’t unique.

15833218? ago

How fucking cool is it going to be to watch cell phone video of mobile homes full of Q-tards getting droned by some pimply video game nerd at Nellis?

15835795? ago

Q-yards? Hahaha. You soon will learn, young loser, that we are not tardy, but we are the real deal. So, shut the fuck up, sit back, watch and learn. You are welcome.

15833119? ago

My sleepers aren't interested in what's going on because they are too busy working two jobs and raising kids. When things change they will just go with it. Politics only add to the stress of everyday life, so they simply ignore it. Of course there are the ones hooked on the MSM that spaz out. But unless they can multiply like zombies they will remain the exception. The activists are the ones that may riot. But regular people want the same things. The differences are in the details not the goals, same as always. We know the enemy and it's not our families, friends or neighbors.

15834049? ago

good thing you joined a cult that divides you from your families, friends, and neighbors.

15827125? ago

Careful. This is just like an lsd psychedelic loop of time.

15826794? ago

Define the enemy you are going to shoot. How do you know who is the enemy and who is not?

15828866? ago

Define the enemy you are going to shoot. How do you know who is the enemy and who is not?

Why define them? It's all pretty simple if we take a lesson from history. In 1209 during the Albigensian Crusade when the Crusaders couldn't distinguish the Cathars from the Catholics, Cistercian Abbout Arnaud Amalric told them, "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius" (Kill them. For the Lord knows who are His.)

15828008? ago

See the video of the TDS kid in the Vape Shop? Just wear a TRUMP 2020 shirt and MAGA hat and see who flips a circuit. Boom! Pow!

15826857? ago

Anyone that fucks wit me or the fam

15825500? ago

This is the place that Q sent us.. he will find a way to communicate unless they take down POTUS twitter acct.

15834058? ago

just as long as you lap up every drop of diarrhea you pathetic twat

15829734? ago

Yes. We will listen and obey.

15826758? ago

If they take down Twitter a site like realpotushours.com or something could be created and deployed pretty quickly.

15825469? ago

Why is it so important to discredit Q? Just let us loyal believers in Q have our supposed "fantasy." Why are you investing so much time and energy gaslighting us? Is this your job or sport? But even if there were no Q, we are believers in a certain mindset and we believe both Q and Trump share our views. We will never change our worldview and all the shilling you do only reinforces that view and helps redpill others as well.

15852558? ago

I don't need to validate Q, because Q has validated me. Love you all anons.

15836102? ago

I think Q regularly discredits himself and doesn't need anyone else to do it for him

15834625? ago

Why is it so important to discredit Q?

Because the truth is immutable and your feelings and beliefs are irrelevant to the truth. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Everyone is NOT entitled to their own facts. Believing in Santa doesn't make him real. Believing in something does NOT make it truth. And truth is the only thing that is important.

Why are you investing so much time and energy gaslighting us?

We are not gaslighting you. We are trying to save you from the deception you have already fallen victim to. Telling you that Q is a fraud is no more gaslighting you than telling you your house is on fire would be arson.

Is this your job or sport?

I can't speak for anyone but myself. But for me, I do it out of a sense of humanitarian compassion. If a person sees a wrong thing being done to another person, it is his DUTY to speak up. And you are a victim of a very wrong thing. Look at how many people say their belief in Q has cost them their family. Look at the hate and racism and bigotry that infests this sub. I've followed this movement since almost the beginning. I've read the all the drops. And I've watched the community transform into a hate filled nest of vipers who instead of debate and discussion fling insults like school children.

If I didn't at least make an attempt at talking some sense into you guys, I'd be complicit.

We will never change our worldview and all the shilling you do only reinforces that view and helps redpill others as well.

That is your problem, not mine. If I've made an attempt and it has fallen on deaf ears, so be it. But you wont be able to say that nobody tried to tell you.

15834975? ago

Incredible hubris, showing, you talk about your views as if it's knowledge but my views as if they are wrong opinions. You mention the Santa myth but because of that Santa myth, millions and millions of children receive gifts and enjoy much fun and excitement from parents who act out the Santa part. Would you try to destroy that, too, in the name of duty to "tell us?" You are so arrogant that you don't seem to realize you could just as easily be wrong. If you really a lone wolf here and not a paid agent, then you are incredibly confused. You need to study Plato. He talked about the nature of knowledge and belief. You have belief, just as I do. Trying to convince me of your belief as opposed to mine is like an evangelical going around trying to tell everyone else they're wrong and need to change their opinions to match yours.

15836453? ago

You mention the Santa myth but because of that Santa myth, millions and millions of children receive gifts and enjoy much fun and excitement from parents who act out the Santa part. Would you try to destroy that, too, in the name of duty to "tell us?

I would indeed like to see parents stop lying to their children. Finding out Santa isn't real can damage a child's trust in their parents. Isn't "Mommy and daddy got you this" preferable to telling the kid something they WILL eventually find out is bullshit? I was raised to never tell an untruth, even if the truth hurts.

15837685? ago

I was raised like that but I was unprepared as a school kid and even later to deal with other people lying. Fortunately, a marriage taught me that people often lie. That aside, however, how could you even play a child's game if you always revealed the truth. And how do you defend from hostile players and enemies? It makes sense to not misrepresent yourself to gain advantage but sometimes a lie is protecting yourself and family and other innocents from powerful enemies. No, that's a very simplistic and wrong way to read the admonition not to lie. It's like those who tell us Jesus said never use violence but that's not what he said. He didn't say to lie down and let the people you are charged with to protect, to let those people be harmed because you thought Jesus said to be nonviolent. After all, he told his disciples to sell their cloak and buy a sword. There are lots and lots of ways to act stupidly and it sounds to me like you've found some.

15837597? ago

Sounds more like virtue signaling, even if it's to yourself. Smug self satisfaction, is your game.

15834016? ago

because its funny to mock pathetic rubes

15834995? ago

It must be so lonely at the top. (sarcasm)

15830499? ago

It's the same reason why they try to demonise Trump supporters in the US, or people who are against leftist claptrap elsewhere.

They know damn well that they are right, but their entire livelihood is at stake if more people become aware of it. The problem is, in their hubris, they think that everyone will just drop what they are doing and listen to them and adhere to their bullshit. It's why they have to fabricate public perception via the MSM, via entertainment in general, and via shills on social media - it's all designed to make people think they are in the minority if they are conservative, in an attempt to concernfag them into turning away from their conservatism.

15834023? ago

as if you don't demonize leftists because the media you consume does it 24/7 you cunt hypocrite... you literally want your political enemies murdered.

15844340? ago

Funny that you put words into my mouth - I don't want them murdered. I think they are doing a great job neutering themselves by mutilating their bodies to the point where they are incapable of having children, whether its through lack of viable reproductive organs, or by removing themselves from the gene pool where no person will breed with them.

I don't consume media either - why do I need to hear people's interpretations on what happened? I go straight to the source material and read that.

Would you like to try again, you abject cunt?

15830443? ago

Because you all keep talking about civil war and shooting Americans. You all are harassing your own family members and destroying relationships for your loyal belief. And a lot of you all are trailer trash racists since coming to voat. You deserve all the hate you are getting.

15831745? ago

No, we don't talk much about civil war and shooting Americans. That's your agent provocateurs. And no, my wife has become FULLY redpilled in the last year so it's actually giving us yet one more area of common ground and she looks up to me more than ever because I was redpilled many years ago and now she's seeing I was right. As to living in a trailer, that's not what makes you trash. I had next door neighbors in a very solidly middle class suburban home, a modern split foyer, frame house, with brick veneer in front, nicely landscaped, and yet they were trash. They were inconsiderate of neighbors, had drugged out fights in the front yard, DUI arrests. So leave your stereotypes at the door, please. There is nothing wrong with people of modest means who live in mobile homes. Being trashy is a personality disorder and I'd say your disrespect and bias shows it's more likely to fit you than the rest of us. And racists? I take a person as I find them and even if someone is less intelligent than I am, it doesn't give me license to mistreat them. You sound like more of a person who is abusive of others who don't fit into your group. And hate? You must be watching too much TV. I've only met one person in my long lifetime who hated me but then he hated everyone because he was seriously mentally ill. I am treated kindly wherever I go and I must tell you, Black women seem to like me. Why? I think it's instinct. They know I'll be good to them, even though I'm a White male. It must be because I look them in the eye, smile, say Hi, and treat them like they are human.

15852731? ago

Real anons are the bestest!!!! Love ya brother. I may live in a camper, but I own my land clear, and have plenty of food on the hoof so.....when the fiat dollar goes away and everyone's mortgages come due??? Yeah. Poor white trash deplorable me, how ever will I survive. My best buddy has no power ever, think emp fears keep him up at night?

These clowns just don't know.

15830514? ago

There's nothing racist about being discerning towards people doing shitty things.

If anything, you propping people up with "special programs for minorities" and other such garbage like that shows just how racist you are.

15830440? ago

My wife and I feel the same way

15826498? ago

Because their overlords are crapping their pants 😎

15826496? ago

Somebody needs to keep tabs on this crowd. Don't want anyone going full qetard once they realize they've been duped and try their hands at domestic terrorism.

15826934? ago

The left takes care of that for the whole country.

15826619? ago

Conservatives believe in following the law. It's the Left who are behind all the terrorism, even if the media makes it out to be conservatives. Leftism is actually a desire to overturn all existing rules and they are the ones who want to tear down our beloved nation and our culture as well. In other words, stuff it.

15826010? ago

Possibly because acting like a bunch of moronic cultists us counter-productive to actual right wing goals? Also because expecting some magic internet prophet to do everything means nothing will ever get done?

15852610? ago

Right wing goals.....bwahaha

You actually think left and right are still things. Hilarious.

15853370? ago

No, hilarious are the nihilistic dipshits who think they're above everything else. Worthless but think they aren't

15832109? ago

They can’t help but to act like moronic cultists. You see, they are moronic cultists, or “Qlowns” as some prefer.

15836641? ago

It's not just embarrassing, it's an obvious Jewish/globalist op to keep masses complacent.

15838342? ago

That’s exactly what Q is doing. They’re being led around by the nose and told to think they’re thinking independently. Some of these Qlowns actually admit to being “followers” of Q.

15826634? ago

Right wing goals? The right wing has been playing nice for a long time and never made headway against Cultural Marxism. Look at the loser candidates they setup to "win" against the DNC. McCain? Romney? And before that Dole? Until Trump, the only people who got elected were the people the CFR authorized to run. (Bush family included.) Obviously, Trump had the support of the people Q represents. Do you think it's just a coincidence that Trump surrounds himself with generals?

You don't have a clue about what is really going on. How can you? You don't have top secret clearance. All you have is propaganda from the globalist-controlled FakeNews oligarchs.

Wake up. You're the one being a moron.

15836788? ago

The right wing has made no headway against cultural Marxism because there has been no right wing since Eisenhower.

Who does Q represent, exactly?

What has surrounding himself with generals done? He's fired all of them and they were all incompetents supporting the enemy agenda.

What is your magic internet prophet going to do?

15839488? ago

Q's purpose is to PSYOP the FakeNews and get people to focus on Trump and the take-down of the Illuminati Cabal.

It's a lonely task when everyone around you are possessed or compromised by "archons."

I feel the same way being here. It's toxic and the job is done anyways.

I can support Trump and the Great Awakening better by re-focusing my energies.

My job is done here.

15840747? ago

Are you high?

15826620? ago

Yet you're here on the last Saturday night of the year, so either you're a LOSER or a SHILL, neither of which is a badge of honor😱 Wake up fool😆

15828543? ago

You are here on the last Saturday of the year. Which are you?

15829688? ago

I'm a Patriot and a Q follower, so it MAKES SENSE if I visit this forum on a Saturday night. You, the enemy, not so much. See how LOGIC WORKS😆

15836799? ago

You're a fucking idiot, nigger.

15833232? ago

That is literally the antithesis of logic. High school dropout, right?

15830592? ago

If I were your enemy it would make perfect sense for me to be here at all times. See how actual logic works?

You are a buffoon.

15830789? ago

that's not logic, just shows that you are either a soulless shill or a satanist yourself. either way you're evil😱

15830820? ago

I hope that when nothing ever happens and Q is revealed as a psyop you are one of the one who kill themselves.

15826518? ago

It must be lonely at the top where you are.

15836805? ago

You have no idea.

15837711? ago

Don't be so sure. But only one of us is truly on top and it's not you.

15837756? ago

Yes it is.

15852626? ago

The path is lonely.....but the climb well worth it.

15826495? ago

Wow, you're so cynical. That must mean you are superior, incredibly smart, and don't have any faults (sarcasm). Notice I indicated that was sarcasm because I didn't figure you, as a Leftist microcephalic would be able to figure that out on your own.

15837148? ago

You aren't a right winger. You're a deranged cultist. NPC of the right. Pointing that out doesn't make cynical, it simply makes me correct. Your magic internet prophet is a psyop

15825945? ago

Perhaps the greatest Q proof of all. Why try so hard to discredit a conspiracy theory concocted by a LARP? Why not just ask POTUS the question? These people are truly stupid.

15829718? ago

Qlown logic: Debuking is proof.

15826181? ago

You never hear about MSM attacking flat-earthers. Why? They actually want to pull that demographic in. So, if they ACTUALLY cared about demographics, why would they not try to paint Q believers sympathetically to try and pull in that demographic? Obviously, they don’t ultimately care about demographics, or ratings, and have a different agenda entirely. They don’t mind agnostics/theists (as long as you aren’t Christian), but if you question them or their government correctly, be it 9/11 or the posts of an anonymous figure, you’re gaslit and slandered. They don’t attack all conspiracy theories evenly, even if some are easier targets, and it makes you wonder why.

15826902? ago

They are only out to bash anything POTUS related. Everything else gets a pass.

15826329? ago


15825813? ago

DING-DING!! The mindset of the movement that is key. Q taught/is teaching us that. Question & think for ourselves. Ask why?

Q is showing us what is happening (and trolling the DS)

DJT is getting things set so justice can be served.

We demand it be served.

We maintain/demand accountability of elected officials in the future.

15836084? ago

I love that you guys think you're thinking for yourself when you're legitimately swallowing the nonsense of an anonymous shit poster online

15829564? ago

The thing is that you’re not thinking for yourselves. You are following. There’s not a cult on Earth whose followers don’t think that they have some special insight or knowledge lacking in non-followers.

15852588? ago

So explain why nothing I believe has changed, and I spoke on all this stuff years before Q ever entered the scene? Who was I blindly following then?

Try harder. Think more.

15853296? ago

What a Qlown.

15830685? ago

The Christian religion is a good example of a cult full of know-it-all followers. Waiting for someone to come and save them instead of getting off their butts and doing it themselves and then, dismissing outright anyone who questions any of it.

15830717? ago


15826406? ago

Think for yourself by accusing everyone who points out errors in your logic a shill...

15826645? ago

People with weak theories, or who post fake news or deceptively titled content, do play the "shill" card, true. As with any open movement there's a lot of noise, even when factoring out actual shills.

15826575? ago

what is the 'error'?

15826801? ago

Precisely, and if people get so butthurt because what they expected wasn't what they got - divorce rates would be a hell of a lot higher ! 😀

15826326? ago

BINGO. Thank you, patriot!

15825614? ago

This! Thank you Anon! 🇺🇸

15825443? ago

I just hope Q posts a final 'closing' post before they are done. Something for the history books.

15825570? ago

"You people are really stupid. Thanks for playing!"

15836039? ago

Fuck you, goy.

15825320? ago

This is now a battle of God vs. Lucifer. The bad dudes have been taken out, only ones left are the Evil ones. God, please help us all. The shit is about to ge very real. Like spiritually really real.

15833279? ago

Yes. Jesus is entering from the rear.

15825303? ago

Dream on. It amazes me how Qeople make shit up as you go along.

15825158? ago


15825429? ago

I wouldn't doubt it.. http://i.imgs.fyi/img/3cyk.jpg Not directed at you btw, it just seemed fitting.

15825133? ago

Is it actually down? I don't see images, but the boards are still there.

15826939? ago

it isn't working.

15825095? ago

You know a Q proof can always happen via POTUS twitter account like before to auth a new Q identity

15824928? ago

Q self discredits by ignoring crimes committed by the Bush Administration, saying shit like "thank you Snowden, we have the algorithm", and pretending 1960s satellites were useful to the cabal. Look, I wanted to believe it for a long time, but it's over. That doesnt mean the fight against the illuminati is done or that Q didn't do a great job of bringing us together in one place. It will be remembered as the most epic larp of all time.

15825121? ago

Did a plane hit the pentagon ?

he he he


15825038? ago

Q self discredits by ignoring crime...

Q self-discredits with every failed pro...

Q will self-discredit, BIG TI...

You're stuck in a loop, suggest reboot.

15825118? ago

I'm not the same poster. No way I can prove it, though, I guess. All our points are true regardless.

15825275? ago

"... All our points.."

That's who I meant by YOU, as in your crew and your talking points your given at the meetings. You are stuck in a loop.

15825306? ago

Kek if you actually think I'm a paid shill. I'm willing to bet there are zero paid shills on voat. All their campaigns are still focused on 4chan. They're not that creative, mostly just racial spam.

15825337? ago

>I'm willing to bet there are zero paid shills on voat.

Again, better get your stories straight.

15824765? ago

Absolute violation of Karma. Free speech has to exist in some form. They are allowed to bury it under other garbage (Facebook, Reddit, etc...) that is censored, but they CANNOT brick up every avenue of uncensored communication.

15825909? ago

Absolute violation of Karma.

Yep. I think this is part of what Q means by "these people are stupid". They cannot understand your comment.

15824711? ago

January 1st is close at hand.

15829683? ago

You mean another day where nothing fucking happens and then anyone who points that out to you fucking morons get called a shill?

15836526? ago

Well, it is put up or shut up time. No more fucking excuses.

Everything was supposed to be revealed last July, right?

15833200? ago

Sir. I'm trying to cum here. Could you please knock it off with all this "reality" nonsense?

15836539? ago

Q is the pentultamite edgelord.

15832201? ago

Did you mean Reeeeee?

15829406? ago

And what happens when you are wrong.. again?

15836559? ago

What do we do? Revolt? I have been asking this since last July when everything was supposed to be revealed.

15852539? ago

Did you not get Q1776?

Maybe reread and reflect some on it.

15853261? ago

It has been a while, and so much has happened since then. I will look!

15859259? ago

No prob anon. Sorry if I was curt in my response.

15859455? ago

That is fine. We are on the same team. Happy New Year, Patriot!

15860901? ago

We must be as Thomas Paine.

15837024? ago

Nothing is going to fucking happen except trump hopefully being impeached for being an actual traitor

15837065? ago

Traitor to the NWO?

15847007? ago

You dummies will literally believe any dumb thing you read. Yea the scary NWO run by evil Jews right?

15848031? ago

Synagogue of Satan

15927300? ago

Trumps son in law is jewish

15927589? ago

Yeah, he is a member of Chabad.

15833202? ago

goalposts -----------------> new goalposts

15836578? ago

It will be embarrassing if the French revolt before we do.

15826276? ago

Everyone who posts "something will happen on/by this day" is a shill, or not paying attention. It's a strawman used to take pot shots at Q.

15852526? ago

Well before Q we would sit around our homes speculating to the hidden truths behind obviose lies......to think doing it still bothers you is truly concerning. Stop being such a conformist, and try thinking your own thoughts.

15831587? ago

I don't think they're all shills per say, people get their hopes up and Q has been very much up to interpretation. It's a bad habit that should be broken though. We don't need to keep trying to make prophesies, future proves past.

15834967? ago

"per se". (I think it's Latin.)

15829476? ago

Absolutely. Since Q is fake to begin with, it makes the manipulation all the easier.

15832431? ago

Who let the faggot in here

15834029? ago

as if you don't obsess over black cock all day

15827810? ago

Its called speculation. Everyone does it. At this point, no drops and people get bored so they start making predictions. But you are correct, Shills take advantage of that and post stupid crap trying to get people to follow. So how do you know if someone is speculating or shilling? Unless you are good at spotting it, you won't know.

My point? Don't base Q off of failed "predictions" or speculations. Much of what people are bitching about lately are their own failed speculations and nothing Q has predicted or said.

15828014? ago

I completely agree. People watch some shitty YouTube video which makes outlandish claims, and then when they of course never happen, others pounce on it. Half of these are likely purported by well meaning idiots, and the other half are likely purported by shills.

15827862? ago

It reminds me of the folks who speculated and made graven images when Moses disappeared for 40 day Days!

15826983? ago

Will this FORCE the Q?

15830046? ago

The Q Question.

15826399? ago

Yep. Then the idiots go "see hes fake because he predicted something would happen on such and such date but it didn't! LARP. Reeeeee".

15826437? ago


15825915? ago

And that will be the end of "10 days of darkness"

15827079? ago

Does that mean arrests? Or the end of the shutdown? Or something else? Sorry, I'm new here & it's a lot to take in.

15856920? ago

It is often just "Days Of Darkness" not 10 days of darkness. My guess is that Q can't or won't post while the government is shut down. I think it was referenced before that there is some reason, like that natsec rules are different during a shutdown. As soon as the shutdown is over Q will post again is my guess.

15852486? ago

Somewhere on the internet, people are thinking like this...... https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2018/12/restored-republic-via-gcr-as-of-dec-31.html

Fingers crossed anon......my 2018 has been glorious, has yours?

15853331? ago

Very cool, thanks for the link & have a glorious new year!

15833496? ago

Well, the idea would be that the executive order allowing the President to arrest people a little more freely would go into effect then. But putting dates on things and telling people about the dates only has led to disappointment.

15828231? ago

Honestly, I don't think anyone can say exactly what things will look like. There's been some well thought out scenarios that have been presented, but they're educated guesses. My perspective is that we should expect the unexpected. Trump/Q/Military Intel will undoubtedly do some things that the enemy won't expect, either tactically or from a timing perspective.

My guess is that we'll know it when we see it. And I would certainly hope that it comes soon. Millions of people are getting very, very tired of being abused by the entities that have been taken over by the DS (media, academia, social media) and the millions of moronic drones that follow them. We need to see some justice soon.

15838521? ago

I agree, it would be bad news if Trump/Q's plans become public. The element of surprise will be crucial.

15835705? ago

Wow, no weird expressions? (e.g., gay....etc.) That is an upvoat right here. Truly appreciate the honest discussion. I will keep coming back, if not for you two folks! TY!

15829618? ago


15831400? ago

No problem my friend. One thing I should have added. There are some who believe "it" is going down right now. Several big DS names have been silent on social media since Dec. 21st/22nd, Trump is suddenly overseas and making non public stops which was hinted at by Q a year ago. The evidence is very circumstantial that some arrests are occurring right now but the pieces do fit. The problem is that they're very vague, nebulous pieces.

Even more nebulous, my gut tells me that something is going down right now.

But we shall see. Prepare for the worst and hope/pray for the best as always.

15838469? ago

"Prepare for the worst and hope/pray for the best as always."

That's great advice!

15827886? ago

it means nothing. Come January 1st come hack to see all the malfunctioning Qtards make excuses

15833196? ago


15826972? ago

Bro that just blew my mind. Q's last post was on 12/22/18 and if he posts again on 1/1/19 that is 10 days of darkness. Damn I'm high...

15836077? ago

So, let's anticipate Q's return on January 2nd. That would make ten days.

15828486? ago


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Isn't that 9 days of darkness?

15840283? ago

You are right I thought I counted correctly, but I was counting the 22nd as one of the days. I suppose the 2nd would make sense then.

15830314? ago

You count the 22nd as well

15831520? ago

But if Q posted on the 22nd, then how is that a day of darkness?

15838192? ago

I should've corrected the op, the 10 days of darkness is the govt shutdown which began on the 22nd

15835670? ago

I appreciate the convo. Thanks!

15828393? ago

Especially weird because I think Q would post on Christmas. He posts for other holidays. So it was a conscience choice not to post.

15826185? ago

1/1/19 mirror 9/11/01

15829216? ago

Wouldn't that be 10/1/19?

15835654? ago

Good point. Either way, it works. I want sooner, rather than later...just saying.

15833882? ago

Yes, red october...

15829909? ago

no, because you typically drop the leader if it is a zero. I thought the same at first.

15828451? ago

In a mirror, everything is backwards. Is this to mean that we're going to get the opposite equivalent of a "terrorist" attack that set the world back, cost us freedoms, shook the markets, changed our psyches for the worse, started wars and allowed the DS to usurp more control over us?

15842085? ago

Maybe it'll be a terrorist attack **against ** the jews who did 9/11, and it will finally bring the USA out of the darkness!

15828000? ago

interesting thought our calendar starts with year 1 so the new minimum started 2001 interesting since GW started massive Punishment on injured solders remember the Army Hospitals Mold not fit for occupancy , and high suicides/ deaths

15826597? ago

Saw this one on Twitter. I love this one.


15826333? ago

Now that makes some sense.

15826128? ago

Yes. Let's get this done.

15824688? ago

No coincidences, no deals.

Also 8ch is being restored from backup, last I looked. Should most likely be available to funpost on in an hour or fifteen.

15825637? ago


This article says DS Century Link was taken down by whitehats/blackwater to patch known NSA(stolen) exploit.

and maybe 8chan was taken down as retaliation? wdyt?

15826727? ago

Sorcha Faal is a longtime bullshit merchant and that entire site should be considered suspect.

15852853? ago

Everything should be considered suspect, but if you use discernment many pieces of very good info show therethere first. They drop much good info to build trust so you will fall for the bad. Don't be a sucker, and take what good you can from wherever it appears.

15835040? ago

Absolutely "whatdoesitmean" is not a trustworthy site and some of the translations from Russian are laughable. However, I read it every day because some of the information is actually on-target. You just have to trickle it through your bullshit filter.

15852862? ago


15829711? ago

That's the name of a video game bad guy anyway.

15824983? ago

Perhaps. This might be a test shot and the next one will obliterate it and all of its backups. Wouldn't surprise me if they're watching their restoration steps to see where they hold all the data so the next time can be more complete.

15825844? ago

Anons back everything up offline, I imagine the server data is also archived and secure.

15824968? ago

Except there ARE coincidences.

Q is attacked because it brings conspiracy theorists together in a small number of places, not because it's real.

15827472? ago

Hey! I found the glowing CIAnigger! Get him guys!

15826963? ago

Yet you are here. Top Minds are getting desperate these days.

15825006? ago

Nice try glowfag. Q has already proven himself by showing inside knowledge. Such as NK or Sessions/REDOCTOBER

15825022? ago

Just because Q is an insider with classified knowledge doesnt mean it's not a larp.

15827484? ago

But you’re ignoring literally everything else happening in the world....

Don’t do that.

15825517? ago

"I'm from the Government, I'm here to help" -Q

15825442? ago

You do realize how fucking dumb that sounds, right?

15825560? ago

Nope. Both FBIanon and Q admitted to using disinformation.

15825126? ago

Just because you say it doesn't make it true or you not a liar.

15824511? ago

Q self-discredits with every failed promise. Q will terminally self-discredit on Jan 22nd... when everybody who should be at GITMO is on live tv at the SOTU.

15825134? ago

You've already posted a "Q self-discredits" thread elsewhere, shill. Thus, you have self-discredited your own claim. Go back and suck Mr. Soros' pinky toes some more for some improved inspiration, shill.

15825048? ago

Q self discredits by ignoring crime...

Q self-discredits with every failed pro...

Q will self-discredit, BIG TI...

You're stuck in a loop, suggest reboot.

15824880? ago

Oh look, a super shill! Why the hell would anyone but a Q follower be here? Thanks for validation.

Q says FISA brings down the House. This is vague still, which house? One of Q's last posts say the Democrat party will cease to exist. So who gives a shit if they momentarily own the House? Q constantly said Senate and SCOTUS are the target and goal and all that matters for this phase.

Trump will get his wall BEFORE this Congress ends. Why? Because he WON'T sign anything without the wall. He owns the future senate. The Democrats can either have a D House pass the wall bill (bad!) or just let the R House pass it and have a few D's vote for it in the senate. This will happen in the next few days. I'll be surprised if this doesnt go down this way.

However, if it doesn't, this is my personal prediction. You shills throw dates around and make it seem like Q is discredited somehow when an anons prediction fails. That's not how this works.

Just like MSM hit pieces. Your presence here only validates Q. If I didn't believe in Q there would literally be no way on earth I'd be here shilling against him, unless I was being paid maybe.

15826470? ago

...of cards."

15824588? ago

If nothing happens on Jan 22nd, you don't think these dumb fucking Qtards won't come up with a future date (only for that to be changed as well).

Q is a sunk-cost fallacy. These morons have invested hundreds of hours into this nonsense that admitting they got conned will break their fragile little minds.

But if you're reading this and you still believe Q, Jan 22nd should be your day of reckoning to realize, yall got scammed by a troll and got fed a bunch of bullshit that you shoveled down your throats.

15826947? ago

If you're so sure of yourself, why bother wasting hours trying to convince us you're right and we're morons? Just let it happen.

15826104? ago

You better hope Q is real. A civil war wont go well for the left.

15826012? ago

Ah yes...Pride before the Fall. Arrogance, misplaced loyalties, 2 yr old temper tantrum mentality and a lot of you can't even figure out if you're a girl or a boy. You're as obvious as a pile of shit on a white snowbank. But hey man that's cool. If you choose to go down with the swamp we aren't gonna try and stop you. Carry on. The true Qanons can taste that victory is at hand! We have total FAITH in Q Team and POTUS. You won't be finding any of us in meltdown in some "safe space". We'll be far to busy celebrating the liberation and freedom of WE THE PEOPLE of the world. WWG1WGA

15832721? ago


Delusional. Capital D. Get meds. Srsly

15838023? ago

Never needed meds bud. I deal with any challenges I might encounter head on. I've always done my own research on anything I've been interested in and learned a long time ago to distinguish truth from lies. Also haven't been brainwashed because I stopped watching TV, listening to radio and reading the newspaper over 20 years ago. My world is alot clearer than yours. No delusion here. Happy New Year!

16186437? ago

Did it happen yet faggot LOL


15825145? ago

You wouldn't be here if Q was a LARP. You would still be doing PR for pedo rings. This is a better gig for you so don't blow it. If you blue pill all of us, you'll have to move on. Slow walk it more. Good boy

15824723? ago

nothing happens on Jan 22nd, you don't think these dumb fucking Qtards won't come up with a future date...

Umm... YOU, the Shillfags, have been pushing Jan 22 and Jan 3 as dates to get ready for. Kinda like setting up a trap so later on you can spring it.

Hello Captain ObviouShill

15824929? ago

Thanks. Absolutely! These shills ironically validate Q just by posting. Q has already proven him/herself beyond doubt, so they make up dates to get excited about then laugh when nothing happens. Take EYETHESPY for example, he was massively hyping up 6/6/2018 and then nothing. I bet a lot of people got discouraged by that. It's not necessarily a bad play, but the problem is it's a play that only idiots fall for.

Anons are the smartest most autistic people on earth and we're sick to shit of people making us feel like insecure conspiracy theorists.


15824622? ago

oh, I've known for months. but it's a grand diversion watching them scream.... ""Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee""

15824938? ago

No one's reeing except for you in that vape shop.

15824661? ago

it really is entertaining as hell to watch people these people come up with the most insane explanations to keep believing and watching it be reinforced by more mental cases

15827026? ago

Watch the FED. Even they are out attacking "crazy conspiracies." I guess they're realizing Q is the real deal.

15832736? ago

Add Soros, Antifa, CNN and Hillary and I'll have a Qtard Bingo!