15799395? ago

Yeah I guess it has nothing to do with the increasing number of Christmas lights and power consumption every year...right...

15799631? ago

Increasing number of Christmas lights? I'm sure you have stats to back that up. Maybe an article from a technical journal about how increasing numbers of Christmas lights across the nation is threatening our power grid? No?

15799144? ago

To what end?

15798086? ago

Take your fucking meds

15797995? ago

What makes them glow blue?

15865753? ago


15798905? ago

Copper and chemicals in transformer... the video is the power plant but these plants have safe guards to prevent what we saw... I'll be very curious to read the final report

15797727? ago

Transformers blow up every fucking day across the nation. A fucking squirrel can cause these things to blow. And they're filled with oil to keep them cool. They'll burn for hours and hours before you're able to put them out. You guys are fucking retarded, it makes my head hurt

15865772? ago

when the Ranger in the room giggles and said "I've done that" you listen

15799339? ago

Do they cause 911 to be down in an entire state? Do we see the sky light up in blue for as long as it did? Your head might be hurting because you aren't using it properly.

15801266? ago

911, maybe. Go look up videos of transformer fires, they burn extremely hot and they burn for hours sometimes. I've seen houses burn down from transformers on the pole shorting out.

15797580? ago

Black Eye on alert

15865754? ago

defends against attack does not prevent one

15797262? ago

Black Eye is protecting U.S. powergrid. Straight from Q.


15865762? ago

protect is not the same as prevent

15797729? ago

Perfect, no reason to worry! Just like all of what Q says, it's something to be super alarmed about, but Q team is protecting us so we don't have to take any action!

15797126? ago

Is this like global warming? Go back to sleep.

15797047? ago

The middle bricks of the pyramid are scared. Finally figuring out The Eye sold them out 5 years ago. Better start flipping on each other.

15797007? ago

So far, there have been reports of transformers dying in NY, OH, LA and in Mexico.

Something isn't right.

15803193? ago

I saw a twitter post that said this happened in Minnesota also.

15797171? ago

There are millions of local distribution transformers and thousands of larger transformers. These things go out all the time. Any given day you are going to have multiple failures, especially at the local level in particular. I can remember 4 or 5 just in my local neighborhood alone while a kid 25 years ago. Its a common occurrence when there are this many. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

15797408? ago

They don't burn blue green . That's no transformer.

15800654? ago

Sure they do, in fact electrical faults can create some of the most intense blues/greens/purples and other spectrums of light you'll ever wanna see, especially if you see them up close and personal .... and God forbid you're in an enclosed space with it when it happens, intense it is.

Used to do hi voltage work, when testing last thing I would do is remove safety grounds. If any new guys or others inexperienced with electricity were near I'd ask them what color they thought electricity was. Then I'd have them observe closely as I pulled my ground (always remove it from the equipment end first) and slowly draw an arc out a couple inches from the lead, letting it arc and sizzle a moment so they could see the beautiful blueish/greenish/purpleish magic show. Static electricity, in many cases static would grow to thousands of volts in hi voltage subs.

Depending on how quickly the arcing extinguishes and what metals are involved you get some damn pretty blue/green/purples. So intense you cannot look, it is as lightning.


Some hilights of the link... 'Each and every day in North America, between five and 10 electrical explosions occur in commercial, industrial and institutional electrical equipment and machinery. '

Electric arc temperatures are considered to be approximately 4 times hotter than the sun’s surface. Temperature at arc terminals can reach 35,000°F (for reference, the surface temperature of the sun is ~9,000°F, and the temperature of a wood fire is ~900°F)

Heat radiation exposure is a function of:
Distance to arc
Available fault current
Fault clearing time
Equipment type
Gap between conductors (determined by equipment)
Vaporizes metals
Ignites clothing
200 degrees F - skin not curable (the point at which cell death occurs)
Possible to become fatally burned or seriously injured when working at a distance of 10 feet or more from an electrical explosion.

Electrical blast (or explosion) is the result of the rapid expansion of air caused by an electric arc.

Peaks in the first ½ cycle of fault (~ 9msec)
Pressure levels of 2,160 pounds per square foot (psf) in the immediate vicinity of the Electrical Explosion have been detected
Caused by superheating of air and vaporizing of conductors (air expands to roughly 1670 times and copper expands to roughly 67,000 times its volume – i.e. 1 in3 becomes 1.4 yd3)
Function of arc fault gap and available fault current

Made a lot of money over the years building and servicing such equipment, can confirm fault light-shows.

15797741? ago

Really dumb fuck? What color does copper burn? Fucking pull your head out of your ass and think for yourself. Holly fuck

15797207? ago

AND sometimes a Tsunami is a Tsunami

15797061? ago

I blame the Decepticons.

15796977? ago

Bullshit. Do you have any idea how many Transformers there are throughout the NY state electrical grid alone? Not to mention the entire US power system.

They Fail, dude. Regularly.


15797746? ago


15796999? ago

yep sure do nothing to see here

15797224? ago

Yep nothing to see. This is Totally normal. But it also means Q was wrong.

15865781? ago

no he said protect not prevent

15797779? ago

Wrong, how?