15792945? ago

Nah, they had enough time. No more talk.

15792396? ago

Anyone here that was ‘INSTANTLY’ Red Pilled?

Did it take time - learning - with an intelligent mind to start with?

They’re gonna think you’re a fucking nutcase as they do now.

15792263? ago

we are already supposed to be waking people up. Unfortunately some liberals can't even be force fed a red pill

15792127? ago

If they riot it will be because they're afraid of losing their freebies, not because they believe they're doing the right thing.

15791883? ago

I try to red pill people as best as I can, and try to follow some rules and guidelines when red pilling people that are clueless. But I have to say some people are just very unaware and delusional. Some people aren't capable of accepting the truth behind the evil of our high level politicians. Somthing big needs to happen for people to wake up and start listening to eachother. Right now as big as we are, there's still a huge portion of the population that is completely mind controlled and asleep, we need somthing to kick start their awakening

15791696? ago

Attack with what? Dildos and soy lattes?

15791578? ago

You watch too much TV and need to get a grip.

If shit is truly going down it will be done subtly as to avoid the civil unrest you’re expecting.

Expect results but not fireworks

15791341? ago

Normies have run out of time. Transition from red-pilling to blue-killing when the market crashes. Do or die.

15791291? ago

Waking the normies will extremely hard. Will need optics in the news to point to. Their eyes are clouded by the Fake news nets. Old habits are hard to stop.

15790593? ago

How do we know this isn't really going to turn into agenda 21?

15791242? ago

Because Q and Trump are encouraging us to THINK FOR OURSELVES! Simple as that.

15790234? ago

If these are the "normies"...


...then there is little hope for them!!!

15790138? ago

What if it's really a deep STATE COUP?

15790136? ago

Yes, since we haven't been able to redpill them yet, after the SHTF they will totally listen to us.

15790061? ago

Waking and red-pilling the normies has been our mission the whole time.

15790454? ago

It's not working.

15791227? ago

Then so be it. We can't do the work for them since the necessary changes need to be INTERNAL and that's why Q has us questioning everything we've ever 'believed' in. This is a SPIRITUAL WAR. Wake up.

15791410? ago

Remember that when they kick your front door in and butcher yout wife and kids.

15790044? ago

Screencap this post and this one and this one and share them. The Islamic states have been running our schools, our "mainstream" media, and our national security agencies for at least a decade, possibly 30 years or more. They simply bought off everybody with their oil money and then used our security agencies for covert operations to undermine anyone else's ability to do business, which is why the banks are trying to force David Horowitz and Robert Spencer (not Richard) off the internet.

15789952? ago

There is no fucking storm coming you idiot. But I will be coming for you to give you a big kick in the fucking ass for trusting in a goddamn LARP. Wake the fuck up. Two years from now you will still be talking your bullshit and no one has been arrested and no fucking storm has come.

And two years from now is after the 2020 election and you are fucking pissed because the Dems are running the Oval and both Houses because all you LARP Lovers believed a fucking phantom was gonna save the country for you so you could sit back and pick your fucking noses in the meantime.

15791273? ago


15791339? ago

I want you to remember it will be jackoffs like yourself that will divide the base and drive them away because they just don't believe in things that haven't proven themselves. It won't be the Dems that beat Trump in 2020. It will shit for brains assholes like yourself.

15790053? ago

Are you grumpy? You sound grumpy.

15789883? ago

They hate guns don't they? Why would they own one? Words make them run to their safe place with coloring books and blankies. Our military is massively proTrump.as are gun owners for the most part. I do not think the lefty tards will want to take on the police, ice, military, and NG, along with a patriotic civilian militia who are very anti ILLEGALS.

15791533? ago

The lefty tards are noise and fodder. Pay attention to the envious and greedy behind the lefty tards hiding in the shadows and already attacking daily as they lust for power.

15789821? ago

isn't that what the last two years was for?

isn't that what the MAGA and Q movements were all about?

isn't that why things are being slow walked with lots of exposure, rather than "bull in a china shop" approach?

all the idiots screaming for arrests already, have failed to understand that ALL the people need to be prepared, so as to minimise the adverse reaction.

15790169? ago

all the idiots screaming for arrests already, have failed to understand that ALL the people need to be prepared, so as to minimise the adverse reaction.

That will never happen while the enemy controls the flow of information. We need some arrests to open the people to the accepting that there is problem. They could arrest only Antfia. They could arrest only the people working for Qatar. They could arrest only one high level Hollywood pedo ring. They could raid only one of the big 3 newspapers. They could arrest only the specific people at the UN implicated in sending the invasion "caravan" into the US. We're getting nothing. We're not even seeing any serious attempt to break the information monopoly.

15790924? ago

it is clear that you don't understand the plan.

The "ARRESTS" cult thinks that all that matters is punishing criminals........ This is merely a by-product, not the actual plan.

The plan, as stated by Trump at the start, ...........is to drain the swamp and restore power to the people.

There have been a large number of people removed from positions of power already, and many more in the spotlight.

The plan is still in the exposure stage, where the players are being highlighted and their activities being shown for what they are, in order to get the people (normies) to SEE it

Every Trump tweet and every Q post pokes and prods the DS into reacting and bringing themselves into the spotlight.. The guilty dogs yap loudly and identify themselves, then they retaliate or make false and hypocritical statements publicly. ...... eventually even normies go ....."wtf?"

The end goal is to clean out the govt and the msm, so that they operate FOR the people, so that they serve and represent rather than rule.

The arrests and punishments are merely a by-product of that, and when they happen, the population needs to understand and support it, so that society doesn't collapse into total self-destruction.

Trump loves his country and is trying desperately to avoid a civil war which would end civilised society in USA and cease to be a successful nation.

15791557? ago

The "ARRESTS" cult thinks that all that matters is punishing criminals.....

No, what matters is getting them out of power. Mass arrests are the only remaining option because everything else has already been tried. We've won elections, we've passed laws, we've gotten the word out as much as we could. The time to act was after the election or after the Saudi coup while there was momentum.

15791614? ago

No, what matters is getting them out of power. Mass arrests are the only remaining option because everything else has already been tried.

list after list has been posted of hundreds of those whose power has been removed. Many forced resignations

if you don't want to see, ... you won't

15791381? ago

It is clear YOU don't understand the Plan. Q made it clear the military will do most of the work - not all of it.

15791556? ago

yeah, whatever you reckon

once again you lot avoid the content of the points made, to suit your own little ideas..... I never mentioned the military at all.

15789768? ago

Mmm, all this talk about civil war makes me wanna go oil my guns a little bit

15791673? ago

better freshen up you chopsticks and your chinese language while you are at it.

after your glorious civil war, USA will no longer be a nation and china will simply walk in and say "you are now our slaves".

15789785? ago

Get ready to shoot some commies!

15789766? ago

There is no waking people up. You cannot wake someone who thinks they know it all. That goes for people on both sides of any dispute. Pride goes before the fall.

15791685? ago

that is very evident here on these boards. Everybody knows it all and if you don't agree you are automatically retarded..... lol

15792835? ago

Yes, unfortunately it seems to be the way with a lot of people. It can be easy to fall into that trap. I have to continually check myself. The more years I live the more I realize I don't know.

15789678? ago

Every leftist you wake up is two less dead in the upcoming civil war

15789791? ago

Nah... I'd rather shoot them

15789671? ago

Sorry, but when the liberal "resistance" is activated, they will kill you for disagreeing with them. By that time, the talking is through, and the shooting begins.

15789798? ago

And, what a GLORIOUS day that will be!!!

15792290? ago

read about the civil war, there was nothing glorious about it

15791712? ago

glorious as the nation burns to the ground. yeeeaaahhhhhh. GLORIOUS

15789665? ago

15789793? ago

You're the fake shill, the storm is here, you'll see soon enough, you'll see soon enough, you'll see soon enough, you'll see soon enough, you'll see soon enough

15789802? ago

Yeah, link to that Trump tweet faggot.

15789895? ago

It was deleted, you kike

15789944? ago

You are a shill placed here to get us to follow fake news and look like dumbasses. You are ether a low level shill or Mike Rothschild, the professional MSM shill who attacks us constantly. No one is falling for your bullshit ether way. The president wouldn't write something that huge and delete it fuckface.


15789663? ago

This is why I have a bunker fully stocked with totino's pizza rolls and mountain dew. I can last for months in there

15789647? ago

As soon as we some arrests, we can worry about the next step. I have my doubts as to whether we will ever see any mass arrests.