15780714? ago

As opposed to what, someone who sold their soul?

15783511? ago

You sell your soul for money every single day.

15780380? ago


The Q community are some of the most prepared, well-armed people you'll ever meet.

Many of us, like myself, have enough guns and ammo to take over a small country and have enough food, water and power supplies to last a decade. I know how to farm, have stockpiled seeds and own a water purification system that can provide enough purified water for 100 people for 3-5 years.

Here's a Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water that I posted earlier.

The difference between concern-trolls and black-pilled-edge-lords and members of the Q community is we pray for the best but plan for the worst whereas you shills only scream and cry and pee your panties.

15780324? ago

While you continue to shill in QRV, don't forget, you're a rat and you will be caught.

15780463? ago

Yes, the US Military will direct their full might to going after shit posters on the Internet

15780505? ago

Who said anything about the US Military? And you're far from just a shit poster.

15780551? ago

Am I? I'm glad you think so highly of my posts.

15780383? ago

i like m

15780437? ago

...ale genitals? Spit it out.

15780508? ago

Ladies never spit, they swallow.

15780519? ago

That's what I thought.