Daily Crusader Predicted It: Israeli False Flag Operation Begins In Southern Syria; Kurdish-led Forces Attacked By (((ISIS))) (dailycrusader.com)
submitted 6 years ago by 2928714?
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15709566? 6 years ago
TheDailyCrusader.com is run by a FELON in BROWARD COUNTY
15716865? 6 years ago
Why are all the charges in that post DISMISSED?
15713178? 6 years ago
All I see are dismissed charges?
15711088? 6 years ago
is the felon connected? or is the felon a patriot who has really gotten himself into some shit? We should dig the shit outta this guy as he is clearly shitting up QRV. We need to know.
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15709566? ago
TheDailyCrusader.com is run by a FELON in BROWARD COUNTY
15716865? ago
Why are all the charges in that post DISMISSED?
15713178? ago
All I see are dismissed charges?
15711088? ago
is the felon connected? or is the felon a patriot who has really gotten himself into some shit? We should dig the shit outta this guy as he is clearly shitting up QRV. We need to know.