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15690988? ago

What Vindictator said:

I don't see Argo saying Aquino is innocent. He is asking for evidence of the claim Aquino is a pedo. I don't know much about Aquino or the Temple of Set, but I do know that the claim made against him by the three year old daughter of a Christian pastor turned out to be impossible, if police reports are to be believed (i.e. Aquino's innocence of that charge would be "credible"). Argosciv is only stating what his research showed. If there is evidence that research is wrong, it ought to be presented against Aquino.

That does not look like "defending" to me. think- overreacted.

15691260? ago

In terms of factual information, the most offensive thing I have ever found in a dig regarding Aquino is his eyebrows. The fucker should be shot for trying to look like a Vulcan no doubt, but as far as I can tell Aquino was burned by his peers for NOT being a satanist pedophile. If anyone has any actual evidence which passes the smell test I'd love to see it, but honestly I don't know how important Aquino is in the bigger picture. He was in the business of creating pro-war propaganda, and he wrote a book that essentially said "why don't we use more propaganda and less actual war in order to win without killing?" and so he got thrown out of his job. Since he literally worked for the people who's job it is to destroy a person's reputation through propaganda, I'll need to see some pretty good evidence before I can form any solid opinions on the guy.

15696820? ago

So you're just going to dismiss what people such as Paul Bonnaci, John DeCamp, Noreen Gosch, Cathy O'Brien, and countless child victims have revealed about Aquino's disgusting crimes?

But yeah, his eyebrows!

15691337? ago

Are you fucking kidding me? How much are they paying you? "As far as I can tell Aquino was burned by his peers for NOT being a satanist pedophile." You piece of shit.

15691555? ago

Yeah, sorry. "The Konformist" doesn't pass the smell test. The fuck is this website?

Look, I gotta be honest. I don't really care if Aquino was a pedo or not. However I would like it if people who present their case against the guy would stop making such shitty info-graphics.

15696828? ago

You don't care if he's a pedo? So you're good with pedos?

Get fucked!

15699090? ago

Every time the guy gets mentioned, hundreds of shills come out of nowhere and downvote anyone who doesn't think the guy is a satanist and call them names and tell them to get fucked. It's childish attacks only. That's Shill behavior. You are acting like a shill.

Conveniently, I continue to not care. There are more relevant pedos to prosecute.

15700804? ago

Uh, maybe because so many people know why a piece of shit he is? It doesn't make someone a shill to hate a sick satanist pedophile!

15701737? ago

Then why was he so publicly prosecuted and smeared in the (corrupt controlled child-fucking media) for exactly the crimes that the cabal literally never prosecutes anyone for unless they are trying to blackmail them and destroy their reputation?

15702084? ago

He's not smeared in the MSM! Quite the opposite!

15691566? ago

The references are at the bottom of that page.


  1. Al-Kurdi, Husayn “Messing With Our Minds,” Toward Freedom, May 1998

  2. Arce, Rose Marie “Liability in Point Abuse Case Debated,” The Times Herald Record (Middletown, New York), December 23, 1986

  3. Blood, Linda The New Satanists, Warner Books, 1994

  4. Cunningham, Douglas and Alan Snel “A Legacy of Pain: Settlement Doesn't Ease Abused Children's Fears,” The Times Herald Record (Middletown, New York), June 11, 1991

  5. DeCamp, John W. The Franklin Cover-Up, AWT, Inc., 1992

  6. Ehrensaft, Diane “Preschool Child Sex Abuse: The Aftermath of the Presidio Case,” The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, April 1992

  7. Goldston, Linda “Army of the Night,” San Jose Mercury News, July 24, 1988

  8. Goldston, Linda “Satanic Priest Questioned in New Sex Case,” San Jose Mercury News, May 13, 1989

  9. Hays, Constance L. “$2.7 Million Settles Army Child-Abuse Case,” New York Times, May 23, 1991

  10. Sawyer, Kathy “Army Doctor Turns Down Promotion; Lax Response to Case of Child Abuse Cited,” Washington Post, June 25, 1985

  11. Steinberg, Jeffrey “Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military,” EIR, July 2, 1999

  12. “Army Doctor Refuses Promotion in Protest,” San Diego Union Tribune, June 25, 1985

  13. “The Keys to Hell and Death – Part II,” SFLR News (the newsletter of San Francisco Liberation Radio), May 21, 2001

  14. Michael Aquino v. The Honorable Michael Stone, Secretary of the Army (Civ. A. No. 90-1547-A), United States District Court, Alexandria Division, July 1, 1991"

15691439? ago

Do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Dont be a dick if someone comes up with different results.

15691475? ago

Trust me I have. Keep defending the head of the church of satan. That fuck was behind the Franklin cover-up, the Presidio Daycare abuse, called out by Cathy O’Brien and Fiona Barnett, called out by Noreen Gosch about the disappearance of her son Johnny Gosch. Like I said extremely evil man.