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15686789? ago

This is a garbage fake news site.

Come back with a source that isn't the fucking dailycrusader

15688083? ago

There was a post about that dailycrusader fake news. Upon doing the research myself, it became apparent to me. This website is owned and operated by a jew.

People should see this post ( or do their own research.

15688249? ago

I literally see no proof that crusaderanon is jewish in there. Actually looks like he's being persecuted by the County of Broward for naming the jew. Nice try, moshe

15688465? ago

I literally see no proof that crusaderanon is jewish in there. Actually looks like he's being persecuted by the County of Broward for naming the jew. Nice try, moshe

I know who you are and why you are spreading fake news. I did my own research to reach this conclusion. I'll let the original author explain it to you.

@Crensch, come gas this Jew!

15689726? ago

does it hurt you to know that you have to insult jews to shill effectively in here when you yourself are a jew?

15692495? ago

does it hurt you to know that you have to insult jews to shill effectively in here when you yourself are a jew?

I've seen this same script repeated too many times. I'm not gonna waste anymore time on you rabbi.

BTW someone wrote a nice song for you (