15641690? ago

This is one more loss for the DS, and the shills know it. Holy fuck, are they ever attacking the living shit out of any Flynn thread! Something more is up. I believe we are over another unintended target, too. Wonder what it is? Dig!!

15641983? ago

Extra "Q Points" for saying "shill" and "over the target" in the same post! If you save up your Q Points you can trade them in for fun prizes at the end.

15641425? ago

It's not over until the fat lady swings.

15641412? ago

Clinton-Appointed Judge APOLOGIZES to Flynn for Treason Remark During Sentencing

Judge Sullivan apologizes for his “treason” comments, noting that he was confused about the dates during which Flynn acted as a foreign agent.

“I felt terrible about that,” he reportedly said. “I’m not suggesting he committed treason,” Sullivan adds, further apologizing for his remarks in the prior session.

Flynn’s conduct as a foreign agent ended in mid-November of 2016, far before Trump took office.

Source https://bigleaguepolitics.com/clinton-appointed-judge-suggests-flynn-committed-treason-during-sentencing/

15639594? ago

Now sentencing delayed and judge apologizes for implying Flynn a traitor. Maybe Q got to him. Maybe judge will wait till after the Storm. If you shill fucks were right they would have thrown the book at him today.

15641737? ago

And, if you Qtards were right, the criminals would already be arrested.

15641977? ago

stupid statement. Nobody gas guaranteed a date

15642090? ago

That's the problem.

15643231? ago

Or as many warriors as possible.

15639438? ago

Remember the Floor being closed off so no one could get in, I just got to believe they let Sullivan in on the Plan, and he is going along with it. Do you realize this is showing the Public what it means to not Register as a Foreign Agent, and do you know how many of the DS was doing that with the Dossier? A lot!! It is coming folks, keep trusting the Plan!! This was never brought up before today, and why? It is part of the Plan!!

15639290? ago

Do you know how I realized w/in 2 seconds this was a shill post? Look at the language. Ok, now.. if you're over the age of 13 you literally do not talk this way and knowing how desperate these people are it becomes obvious their level of intelligence reaches just below 'hillbilly' -you know, the banjo slanty eyed kind? The only difference is the people from the movie deliverance use much better vernacular and much more coherent and concise sentence structures. Downvoat and moving on. lmao. Try Harder ;)

15639221? ago

Sullivan gives way too much commentary and narration, to the point of bringing into question his impartiality. He should retire.

15639209? ago

Has anybody stopped to think for a minute?? If Obama Administration knew that Flynn was comped then why didn't they prosecute him?? Can't ya'll see that Obama couldn't because they are the ones who are guilty of treason!! They wanted him silenced for their protection. They are crappin in their pants right now!! GO GEN FLYNN!!!!!!!!

15639948? ago

Has any Q-believer stopped to think for a minute? I should think the answer would be a resounding NO.

15639157? ago

Warning this thread is heavily infected with shills.

15639584? ago

"Shill" = anyone who does not believe EXACTLY the same thing that I believe

15639116? ago

Looks to me that the media is the one being drawn into a trap. Celebrate the sentencing of someone "selling out their country", and telling how evil it is.

Who else do we know with sealed indictments that have sold out our country for much much worse, even hampering our national security. Interesting the word treason was even brought up.

It's a media honey trap.

15641724? ago

More excuses to justify things not going according to "the plan".

15641573? ago


15641442? ago

You may want to stop telling the bad guys what's really going on.

15639311? ago

This guy gets it

15639108? ago


15639053? ago

Sullivan BACKTRACTS!!!

""I felt terrible about that," Sullivan says, after the prosecutor notes Flynn's conduct as a foreign agent ended in mid-Nov 2016. "I'm not suggesting he committed treason," Sullivan adds, further apologizing for his remarks in the prior session."

15639021? ago

Told you all. Fucktards. WalkAwayQ

15638943? ago

Fuck off with your thread jacking.

15639413? ago

Go read a book hillbilly and then come try to communicate. First go to school and finish that. maybe GED.. you know. maybe.

15639439? ago

I'll downvote you some more so you can never start a thread here.

15649936? ago

sadly anon votes don't count.

15638819? ago

Shills gonna shill, this thread takes the fucking cake.

Y’all are so concerned with controlling the narrative you come on to a board you completely disagree with just to try and sew discord. Kys you fucking niggers. Arrests incoming and it isn’t Trump.

15638931? ago

When are the arrests coming by, smart guy? Got any end date?

You gonna jump off the train when the Dem-majority congress is seated?

Or are you gonna wait until Trump is out of office?

15638909? ago

You "sow discord" --- you don't use a needle and a thread.

15638772? ago

Read this thread: https://twitter.com/Mark923to25 ... Flynn is doing this to nullify his NDA concerning everything Obama ...

15638924? ago

Quick! Make up an excuse! Move the goal posts! Must explain why Q is "winning" (even when he is losing).

15638970? ago

Quick! I'm a paid shill! Here's another chance to earn my Christmas bonus!

15639047? ago

Nope. I don't get paid. I do this for free and for fun. You idiots are easy to trigger.

15638889? ago

Yeah, Mark's a lawfag... good one to follow.

15638689? ago

Can you retell the story. I'm not sure what you're saying. A plane did a figure 8? they do that all the time if they are "parked" or in a holding pattern for landing.

15638813? ago

Basically came outside and the guy was hauling ass doing circles and then went over and commenced to doing another set of circles. Was not doing figure eights. Just circles. Two. He rounded maybed 5 x in each circle and what looked like military jet flew towards him and he took off. No local news knows anything and are trying to find out as well. All i know. sorry. shits been out there for over an hour and is growing moving east. down the coast. growing..

15638666? ago

He's gonna take that rubber bullet for us that will open the can of worms for pedo rapers podesta spawns crimes

15638645? ago

Can't post your own thread so you shit in someone else's.

15638992? ago


15638756? ago

So tell ur mods whiny bitch. GTF over it and move on. It'll be ok. Your video games will still be there when you get home. First step is looking for a job.

15638723? ago

God you guys that are not Q and just old voaters are fucking pathetic. just move on u fucking hillbilly do nothing.

15638671? ago

No dumbass. If you'd read. You'd know your dumb fucking rules prevent it. READ MUTHERFUCKER. If you're not helping GTF out the way fag boy. Literally- first three fucking words.

15638515? ago

I'm done if he gets even 24 hours.

15639318? ago

The Judge walks back statements to Flynn after he learns Flynn was NOT working for Turkey while in the Trump admin. Gee, Mueller's team failed to clarify that point.........what a surprise (NOT)

15638876? ago

Smart man. After Q lies to you enough times you start to think: "This is bullshit". My final straw was the November election.

15641600? ago

Projection. An old tactic. What a libtard does the best. Everyone knows this very well now.

15641703? ago

Too bad I voted Republican. Does that still make me a "libtard"? You guys can't fathom the concept that other people might not have the same opinion as you. If anyone disagrees with you in ANY way, you call them a "shill" or "libtard".

15641292? ago


15639394? ago

Then why the fuck are you still here? LEAVE, BITCH!

15639485? ago

No. I'm here to wake up people who are on the fence. I want them to think about whether Q is really a psyop or not. Some people haven't bought into the cult as deeply as you have. Besides, you can't make me leave. I'm here every day.

15639570? ago

Bahahaha. You're so full of shit I can smell you where I'm at.

You're a pathetic excuse of a shill. You could do a lot better. But apparently you're too fucking retarded to even troll correctly.

They must not be paying you guys much. The talent is severely lacking. You sad, sad piece of shit.

15639690? ago

Or theyre not a shill

15639207? ago

Shut the fuck up. Gen Flynn had to plead guilty in order to get around the NDAs. https://twitter.com/Mark923to25/status/1075077947478941696

15639416? ago

Nice excuse. Quick! Move the goal posts! Make up some reason why things aren't going our way.

15639115? ago

You are a liar. If you had enough, you would not be here. Just another shill.

15639234? ago

I am only a "shill" because I disagree with you and don't trust Q's plan. That is not what a shill really is. A real shill is someone who gets paid to pretend to be something he is not to fool you with disinformation. I am not trying to fool you. I am telling you that Q is a liar. This whole thing is a psyop designed to distract your and prevent you from taking action. There will be no mass arrests. More and more people are waking up to the lies that Q is spreading here. The "plan" is not working.

15646286? ago

Get that weapons grade gerbil outta your ass and shill elsewhere.

15639592? ago

How about you take action? Oh wait, you’re a coward faggot.

The only way to get me to give up on Q is to get Trump to say.

15639682? ago

Wow, so instead of using your own brain to do your thinking, you've just admitted that you will allow Trump to do your thinking for you. The brainwashing worked pretty well on you, I'm sure Trump will be pleased.

15639263? ago

And the elections were stolen

15639223? ago

You larping retard.

15638474? ago

I have little hope for America. Once justice succumbs to.Evil all is lost. What is the plan?

15641641? ago

I have little hope for shills who never have lived an upright life, then get on here and attempt to thwart the truth.

15641760? ago

What exactly is "the truth"? The only thing I see is that the bad guys are winning.

15638981? ago

The plan is:

  1. Establish the New World Order
  2. Enslave America
  3. Let evil men rule the world forever and ever


15639277? ago

(((evil men)))

15639076? ago

I wish I was not living in interesting times.

15646815? ago

Ancient Chinese curse.

15638615? ago


15638451? ago

https://archive.fo/Oy5NU :


"You were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the president!

"Arguably, this undermines everything this flag over here stands for! Arguably, you sold your country out!""

This has been an automated message.

15638599? ago


15638774? ago

It all makes a lot more sense when you realize that Q is a con man.

15639036? ago

He plead guilty to saying “Not really” and “I don’t know”.

If he really was an unregistered foreign agent, you think Mueller wouldn’t have sought those charges???

It’s obvious something else is going on here.

15638431? ago

Patriots are not in control. There will be no mass arrests. As soon as Dems take the House, Trump will be impeached.

We're fucked.

15639665? ago

Lol shilly mc shillerton from shillerville

15639267? ago

impeached like clinton was ... means nothing, as won't pass the senate. just a big waste of time for political grandstanding. This was all made up, unlike bill who really was getting it on in the white house with an intern.

15639324? ago

They will spend MILLIONS of our taxdollars doing it too. They will investigate everything Trump has ever done. And, they will obstruct, block and delay at every chance they get. No arrests will be made. Nothing will happen. If the arrests don't happen by Jan 3rd., Donald Trump and the Republicans are done. He won't win again in 2020. It's time to put up or shut up.

15638959? ago

Really, what could we have done in Oct/Nov.

15639062? ago

Released FISA

Arrested Hillary Clinton

Arrested Obama

Prevented voter fraud

And much, much more.....

15639298? ago

So impatient. How quickly would you like multiple generations of corruption to be corrected? Less than 2 years? Get the fuck out of here.

15639505? ago

If nothing is done by Jan. 3rd, then the ride is over and we lose. Two more weeks. Time to put up or shut up. Do or die.

15639397? ago

Only takes about 1 or 2 minutes to arrest someone.

15638927? ago

Impeached for what?

15639301? ago

Making leftists mad.

15639087? ago

It does not matter. They will BUY the votes needed to get rid of him. You guys don't seem to understand how little time we have.

If nothing happens in the next 2 weeks we are DONE.

15639228? ago

Lol be more obvious, shill.

If you are obsessed with the timeline you aren't informed.

15639407? ago

If you aren't concerned about the timeline then you are STUPID.

Jan 3rd is the end of the line. If arrests haven't happened by then, nothing will be done.

15638926? ago

And you still aren't going to do shit.

15638471? ago

Almost like Q was designed to prevent us from taking direct action. Really m akes you think.

15638508? ago

That is EXACTLY what the Q psyop was designed to do. We could have been doing something for the last 2 years. But, we have been waiting on the sideline chanting: "Trust the Plan".

15638732? ago

You keep replying to yourself. This entire thread is almost all the same shill agreeing with himself.

15639314? ago

No, youre just a larping retard.

15638824? ago

These "shills" that you speak about --- seem to be people who disagree with you and think that Q is NOT in control. You need some way to discredit them and so you label them, laugh at them, and try to get others to ignore them. But, these "shills" are Americans just like you who no longer "trust the plan". They started wondering if this whole thing is just bullshit.

15639501? ago

They seem obsessed with discrediting something on the internet. Why do they care? If they don't believe it, why spend so much energy obsessing over it? Trying to persuade others? Could it be the paycheck? Just asking.

15639552? ago

Nope. I don't get a paycheck. I used to believe Q. But, after being lied to again and again and again... I stopped believing. Now, I'm pissed off. And, if I'm pissed off, you're going to be pissed off too. I have plenty of time on my hands and I feel like posting here. I have shitloads of CCP and can make as many posts as I want. You can't stop me either. So, Fuck Q!

15639261? ago

Before Q most people didn't know the was a plan to trust.

What is the point of a Q psyop then? There is no point. Dark to light.

15639388? ago

There still is no "plan" to trust. It's a plan to prevent you from rioting in the streets like they're doing in France. That is the NORMAL reaction to finding out your leaders are a bunch of globalist puppets trying to enslave you. But, we are too busy trusting the plan. Americans are too fat, lazy, and apathetic to actually do anything besides talk shit on the Internet. Q's job is to keep everyone in one place and distracted while the people in charge continue to implement the New World Order in America. Soon, it won't matter what we do. It will be too late to stop it.

15638569? ago

Definitely planned out very well. This is probably a DEM operation. They knew how to game the MAGA/Q followers. It was all a game alright.

15638748? ago

I even theorized that they specifically targeted baby boomer evangelical Christians to exploit a loophole in their logic:


15638520? ago

I was beginning to think everyone left here was a brainwashed idiot. Glad to see someone else realizes whats happening.

15638395? ago

When he gets prison time, are you guys going to start realizing Q is not in control?

15639421? ago

When you wake up w an enlarged butthole, will you realize you been fucked, or will you keep your head under the pillow?

15639164? ago

When he doesn't get prison time and the judge throws it out are you guys going to start realizing Q is not a LARP and is indeed in control?

15639257? ago

Same shit you fags said about the elections we just lost.

15639449? ago

They haven't even taken their seats yet..... And the election was a massive sting...

15638709? ago

Q was never "in control" it was only information that was always bullshit. Anyone in here that questioned it was downvoted and had numerous asshats screaming that they were shills.

15638741? ago

Its nice to see others are realizing what I have. Thanks anon.

15639292? ago

v/QwalkAway. ..........

15638440? ago

They won't realize it until Comrade Ivan is about to put a bullet into their thick skull.