15618911? ago

As long as it is needed too, when you are talking about taking out the Federal Reserve, jalf of the Government and many, many college and Uni professors and faculty members along with NGO'S galore, it will take time to sort out and restructure.

15616377? ago

Until the bullets run out and the knives are blunt....

15616310? ago

About as long as a spelling class.

15616293? ago

It's not going to happen, despite your fascist fantasies. Q isn't real.

15616810? ago

So says the Leftist, because he's so sure his Communist utopian fantasies are just on the verge of coming true! By the way, murderer, the Nazis are nationalist LEFTISTS, while Commies are globalist LEFTISTS. For the rest of humanity that is actually sane, there's not a nickel's worth of difference -- we just want freedom, especially from your damned tyrannical fantasies, and if you force the issue, we WILL kill you if you force us to. And you always force us to.

15616875? ago

Lol. You won't be killing anyone you bloated, lonely, deluded internet warrior. You won't be doing shit except trying to sound tough on the internet. And if you think the Nazis were left-wing then you're also a fucking idiot with zero comprehension of politics and history.

15618133? ago

Of course the Nazis were left wing. They literally got their anti Jew laws by taking the democratic Jim crow laws and crossed out negro and replaced it with Jew. History lesson for the antifag

15616921? ago

Go away shill.

15615979? ago

As long as it takes for the entire population to be processed for what comes after.

15615549? ago

15615434? ago

I think it depends on why martial law is called.

If it's declared to help the DoJ round up thousands of criminals then it shouldn't take more than a day or two.

If (((George Soros))) and his (((friends))) are planning to start a civil war using hired thugs to trash and burn our cities, it may take the police more than a few days to arrest them all.

If martial law is declared to prevent justice-starved patriots from marching on the homes of Democrats after we learn they all cheated during the midterms... perhaps just a day.

Please read this following link and consider if you are prepared for martial law to last a week or two:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15615389? ago

As long as it takes... But i would say 2 months if all planning, sealed indictments, arrests, etc are achieved... Also, it's going to take a little bit of time to break into those underground bunkers and fight off their personal military of armed mercs... But our military has been training for underground bunker warfare, so regardless of everything else... Their are going to be Patriots that will likely loose their lives in the ultimate battle for our freedom!!!

15615751? ago

What underground bunkers are you referring to?

Located where?

15617213? ago

Speaking of underground bunkers... Big story breaking on Chans regarding possible Cabal/Deep State bunkers under Arlington Cemetery:


15615976? ago

do some searches for DUMB's Deep Underground Military Bases. They are they real deal...

15615816? ago

Seriously... There are underground bunkers throughout the US and high speed tunnels that connect them too. Look up NASA Tunnelling Machines that are nuclear powered and leave the walls smooth because it takes the materials that it tunnels through and turns it into concrete like smoothness via nuclear plasma technology.

You think that the White House and NORAD are the only places with underground bunkers... There all over the world.

Supposedly the biggest bunker is in Brazil underneath the soccer stadium... With over 10 years of food, supplies, alcohol, drugs and can handle up to 10,000 people.

15615874? ago

Yes I'm serious about the extraordinary claims you are making.

It this just something you assume exists or is there evidence?

15615886? ago

Done the research... There's tons of articles... Just did a search on underground bunkers and there's a list of US military underground bunkers... Why the government has a list of them i have to wonder why for security purposes, but they do.

15615626? ago

Knowing how much Trump loves our military, you can guarantee that he will erect a memorial for all the fallen... Bigger and larger than the Vietnam Memorial and 9-11 Memorial because this battle will be the most important battle for the Life, Freedoms, History and Values of The United States of America!!!

15615568? ago

We need to make a solemn promise that survivors record every name of every patriot who dies defending freedom. Some way, somehow, we leave a record.

15615431? ago

Thank you Patriot. I agree with timeline. Thought 90 days myself.