15606570? ago

Every single one of them on TV are DS. You are watching a movie. ALL of what you see is complete propaganda BS. All of it! I don't believe or trust any of them. How much information have you learned over the past year. They have ALL been complicit in selling the BS narrative. It is all, Just enough truth, enough to make you believe,intertwined with false spin and propaganda lies. Both sides. It's just that the Dems and MSM have completely given up on hiding it. The Republicans and their media still try to disguise it. But even their transparency is beginning to show.

15605509? ago

We’re calling it the Death State now

15604224? ago

Here have a downvoat. They don't count in this sub anyway. Asking for voats is against site rules also

15604121? ago

Britt Hume has been a part of the establishment so long he doesn't know how to act outside of it. Many are Deep State but he is not since he's retired and has no power to influence policy - get your definitions straight. Chris Wallace, Shephard Smith, Brett Baier, Ed Henry, Eric Shawn, Neal Cavutto - these guys are MSM leftists playing for the other team. But none of them are Deep State.

15603505? ago

They are all deep state. They are on fucking TV. They own everything. U don't get to make millions on fox news without having a master to serve. This is why we need declas and shit to hit the fan.

15603094? ago

He has sex with megan tranny kelly

15603009? ago

He wants to remain relevant. He's been in the swamp so long and survived by covering his bets. These weasels still want to be able to go to all the best cocktail parties while drawing a hefty paycheck. Pretty much useless in terms of probing, insightful commentary. Placeholder with some name recognition.

15602914? ago

You don't get points from this subverse. Read this post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2744073

15602800? ago

All msm talking heads are owned by their corporate masters, and will say only approved narrative if they want to keep getting their million dollar paychecks. CIA just has to lean on their corporate executives.

15602658? ago

mockingbird !!! like some more info on the son !

15602619? ago

All these media hacks are obviously deep state.

How do you think they get hired.

15602581? ago

Posts should be upvoated on merit. Stop begging

15604727? ago

Need the votes so i can downvote assholes like you.

15604204? ago

Not to mention points don't count in this sub anyway

15604222? ago

Good point

15602505? ago

This might be useful info to help you dig:

Son of journalist Britt Hume, was reportedly found dead in his Arlington, Virginia home. Aside from the statement that this was an "apparent" suicide, there remains in place a total media blackout on this story, possibly out of concern that the actual facts will not withstand public scrutiny. Indeed, it was reported in Associated Press that the Arlington Police were not responding to any inquiries. It has recently been confirmed that the man who performed the as-yet-unreleased autopsy is none other than Dr. James C. Beyer, who has a record of concealing homicides behind a ruling of suicide.

Kenneth Starr's "suicidologist" Dr. Alan L. Berman has waded in again and as he did in the Foster death ruled it "100% certain that this is a suicide and can be nothing else".




15602426? ago

Nah, he's just an out of touch "conservative" like Bill Kristol, always clutching his pearl necklace and not fully understanding the new paradigm of politics we're now in.

15602458? ago

lol 'out of touch'

he's 100% CIA Mockingbird

15602439? ago

So then neocon?

15602396? ago

Brit Hume is an ass.