15549135? ago

This has all the signs of a false flag, just like the MKUltra school shootings... Q post 2585: How do you 'quel' a protest against you... notice any pattern?

French authorities now advising yellow vesters not to protest 'out of security risk' , coincidence?

15546556? ago

Too long it seems.

15545935? ago

The invaders have guns, the French do not.

15543739? ago

Muslims are our no. 1 problem, all of our ills are from the muslim.

15544985? ago

Islam is the weapon, Jewish lobbyists are the ones wielding it.

15543526? ago

How do you know shooter was a Muslim? Only because the media reported he yelled "Allah Akkbar?"


15542970? ago

Wait... you still believe these shooter stories? Dear oh dear.

15542744? ago

It is not up to,the "French people," just like having migrants flood in was not their decision. Those decisions are made by unelected controllers whose interests are served by tearing down the culture, quality of life, and national identity of citizens of countries associated with western civilization.

15541741? ago

How long until we kill off the baby boomer scum? They ruined this country.They have taken everything and now expect someone else to fix things. I am going to start using obese baby boomers as targets.

15542190? ago

You sound as bad as the libtards's.

The demise of this country didnt start with the baby boomers, it started in 1913 at the hands of POTUS Wilson and a few dirty Senators. It got worse with every generation thereafter including yours. With your attitude you are part of the problem. Why don't you start trying to be "part" of the solution?

15542757? ago

Well said!!!

15541492? ago

Why aren't the yellow jackets burning Muslems? Cheaper than cars, but harder to light I guess.

15539240? ago

How long does it take before stormfront faggots show up to shit in the punch bowl?

15544989? ago

Nobody goes to stormfront anymore, bunch of old, boomer feminists. lol

15539153? ago

Five years from today, the vast majority of Muslims currently occupying European soil will be gone.

15541114? ago

From your lips to God’s ears...

15540125? ago

Five years is a long time.

15540269? ago

It took hundreds of years to drive them out last time.

15539854? ago

Hope your right. Europe is for Europeans.

15539012? ago

Macron's got a non-confidence vote against him as President at 10:30 am ET time tomorrow. So the French could be cleaning up pretty quick if they ditch the Little Twerp tomorrow.

15541527? ago

He would just be replaced by another elitist shit head. They need to dust off the guillotine.

15541684? ago

You make a good point. Merkel was just replaced by another woman in the German Christian Democrat Party that was nicknamed "Mini Merkel". So I assume Macron has prepared a successor to carry on his open borders mass immigration globalist Muslim loving socialism plan

15542227? ago

All French government leaders go to one of two schools. Those both need to be sacked and burned as soon as the guillotine is running on 24x7 basis. Then they can start working on the immigrant problem.

15538758? ago

It's already infected the natives.

15538755? ago

Seeing how the french neutered themselves. I'd say a very long time.

15538751? ago

The French wussies, thats why the vest are yellow!

15541408? ago

It seems the wussies are the only ones fighting to take back their country. I believe propaganda divided us so that we wouldn't reunite to take down the globalist. France has always been with America through out history.

15540145? ago

Read a book. We wouldn't be here without the French.

15542798? ago

Are you assuming this person can read?

15538732? ago

First more socialism to appease the protest...then recession (it's on the way)...then debt/currency crisis...then civil war...then a new beginning