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15522883? ago

You wonder why you guys are shilled. You disrespect Voat and you disrespect the owner of Voat, @PuttItOut. Yet, you gladly accept that Q ENDORSED QRV as the Reddit Replacement Sub. Therefore, Q approved of this site.

People will always shill here, and never accept you as a goat as long as you disrespect our house. You come here and shit on our carpet and expect us to treat you with kindness? Especially ones that do not even believe in Q yet? What Patriots. What a poor example of what this movement stands for.


15522982? ago

Therefore, Q approved of this site.

LMAO nice try, Q approved this sub. They know this site is fucked too, that's why it was stated the 8chan would be the last place left. Again, checkers level consensus cracking. Can we get some higher level shills? This is getting a bit boring and repetitive.

15523022? ago

@NotHereForPizza @Youllrememberme @ThisIsTotallyNotMe and the rest of the ElectroLumus group...

I know you’re butt hurt for being exposed. This doesn’t help your reputation you concensus cracking paid shills.

15523497? ago

10 on 1

15523562? ago

It's pretty amusing that you've become more repetitive than those you accuse of being repetitive.

How sure are you that it's 10 if there's but a few people casting votes?

15523752? ago

I'm not sure, that's just what it feels like. I am positive it's SBBH shilling QRV though, the proof is in the links.

15523774? ago

You were sure enough to keep repeating it, now when asked to source it, you're not sure? Hmmm...

Your links don't prove anything other than your desperation to push a narrative. It failed when you and your ilk tried to blackmail @srayzie, it still fails today.

15523806? ago

It's obvious to anyone reading this.

I've never tried to blackmail srayzie. That's ridiculous.

15523848? ago

I've never tried to blackmail srayzie. That's ridiculous.

So let's assume for a moment that you're not in league with them.

Are you aware that you're spouting a narrative being pushed by those who did try to blackmail @srayzie?

15533027? ago

I speak the truth. Everything I've posted has been SBBH's own words.

15533058? ago

What did I tell you about pushing it, motherfucker?

15564655? ago

@youllrememberme, I can’t reply since your alt has me blocked.

First of all, one from your group, RickFlairFaggotWooo believes the earth is flat..

The only reason you said me and @Bopper are shilling with flat earth stuff is because your alt @Oh_Well_ian knows that Bopper is my friend is he’s a flat earther. Bopper doesn’t shill anything. He’s one of the nicest people on Voat.

Tell your alt that it’s strange how he hasn’t replied to this. everytime Electrolumus comes up, alts vanish.

You have no balls. You have to talk shit about me in Subs that I can’t reply in? Wow. 🙄 Your treason list subs remind me so much of ProtectQRV.

15572067? ago

Honestly I think RickFlairWooo is boppers alt. You told me that bopper was a flat earther. You know I'm not Ian or titnm, srayzie. Why do you keep playing these shilly games? I have no alts, you're just a shill trying to frame me for exposing you. My subs are empty srayzie, they were going to be used to list the people in the cabal that have committed treason. ProtectQRV is a joke of you ask me, is titnm your sock puppet for manufacturing drama. Everyone knows you can't go a minute without some "me" drama in your life. Look at your Sarah bullshit.

15575065? ago

Oh these aren’t all yours as well? @ThePuppetShow @youllrememberme2 @youllrememberme3

The Sarah thing was real. I archived and showed screenshots stupid ass. I hope they unleash their bots on you punk.

15575599? ago

Those are mine, but you know those were created when I got brigaded by your sbbh buddies and TPS is deleted.

15575751? ago

Ok Loser 😂

15576194? ago

Says the person worried about their namefagging rep on a message board. LMFAO!

15577972? ago

Being an anonymous coward works out for shills like you. Now you don’t have to work as hard trying to cover your tracks.

Anyone that isn’t anonymous is a name fag? 🙄

15579121? ago

Save it, you have so many alts it doesn't matter if you're anon or not. You even upvote yourself with your alts bahahahaha "muh popularity". Look how you always appeal to authoruty out of anon and ping your shill crew to come vote for you too. LMAO! That's why you and your crew hate anon, pinging your CTR power user crew doesn't work in QRV. You're a joke, srayzie. Did highschool treat you badly? Is that why you rely on Voat for attention?

15564704? ago

15533058 here.

None of the above is directed to me, right? Because I sure as shit am not YRM...