15520666? ago

How did this begin?

Read Patriarchs and Prophets, Ch. 1-4: https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/84.68#68

How does it end?

Read The Great Controversy, Ch. 35-42: https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/132.2545#2545

Hope to see you when He returns for us.

15522897? ago

Oh and don't use goog for your searches right? Seems like a lot of eyes looking.

15528097? ago

I believe that Matthew 10:16-20 has a nugget of peace for us for when we are called to give account for our thoughts and actions, that if our life is hid in Christ, and we are people led by Him, he will take care and provide in the moment of necessity:

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;

And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.

But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.”

15528505? ago

This gives me faith!! You have no idea how scared I was, but Dad always watches over me. He sent you to show me this. Thank you!

15522839? ago

Wow. Eyes wide open and seeing clearly. Thought it was along these lines. This solidifies my thinking. God is beyond way cool and all the other adjectives I can think of. Aren't you planning a trip south soon? Reading 35-42 tonight, but I think I'm getting the jist of things. Wow is all this simple human can say. Mind blown and impressed and humbled and scared shitless as well. wwg1wga and soon.

15528236? ago

You will see the telegraphed movement that has been taking place and will take place. No need for fear, because our God is powerful. Those chapters that you will read next are powerful. They may seem scary but they end in such that brings tears of absolute beauty and hope to my eyes.

The chapters you are reading are just the condensed version, the tips of the iceberg, the bookends.

The full story was written out in a series of five books beginning with what you first read and ending with what you will read next.

The Conflict of Ages Series: 1. Patriarchs and Prophets 2. Prophets and Kings 3. The Desire of Ages 4. Acts of the Appostles 5. The Great Controversy

Have hope man. Lift up your eyes to the heavens from when our help comes! And as you receive blessings, pass them to others.

From here on out people will only become more confused and scared. If we are given special light, and hope, and peace, then let us be beacons to the dark world around us, sharing that which our Heavely Father has so kindly shared with us!

15519233? ago

I will pray for food and Jesus will provide me fishes and bread and some beer and cigarettes perhaps.

15519382? ago

You must be canadian.

15519153? ago

Many believers have moved away from VOAT because of the unrighteous an horrific sentiments displayed. I don't blame them. Do you hear me Q?

15519396? ago

Some are buttwipes, but for the most part, the people on here are God fearing and lovable.

15519030? ago

Here's a fantastic cheat and easy prepping guide for beginners that was posted here last week:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15518750? ago

300 bags of cheetos, my crack pipe and the love of Jesus is all I need.

15519034? ago

No argument here. Except the Cheetos stain your fingers.

15517826? ago

Bibles? Ahem.. I have my Talmud ready.

15518001? ago

Bible is a term for any Holy record or document. Just converted, need to pick mine up :-) Guess I do have friends. Roots run deep. The old testament mentioned Jesse, you haven't seen him around here, have you? Maybe a root of him? Is God cool?!

15517816? ago

I have my talmud and a whole case of fresh baby dicks. I should be good.

15518050? ago

Wow. A case of 24? You know it's just the foreskin you cut off right? Not telling you how to be a Moyal or anything, but it seems you're a bit zealous in your work. Stop being like that, you know it's the zionist bastards that are the real assholes right? Just making sure.

15518376? ago

Even thought its anonymous, it still flags you as the op.

15518483? ago

Dont explain how the internets work to boomers. Its more funny this way.

15518278? ago

Did you mean to say its just the tip that you guys bite off? Because thats more accurate. Dont forget to give him a little sucky sucky too, as is customary for the kikes

15517786? ago

I supposed paper is good for starting fires, wiping your ass, and rolling papers.

15518061? ago

God I hope you aren't dyslexic.

15517768? ago

Only for weeks, not months. Wonder if I should sock away more food and water.

15518075? ago

I'll cut to the chase. If you're here in a month, yes. If not then no. The whole rapture thing and all.

15517734? ago

Batteries and food. Generator etc. Shortwave radio as well.

15518449? ago

Cross necklace, candles with the saints on them