15575725? ago

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15504939? ago

what a big difference you think he means those things he said?

15503832? ago

I saw this article today in my RSS. Seemed like bullshit. Tried to verify. Couldn’t. Deleted from RSS.

Why would they publish that? Clickbait? Advertising money? Fucked up.

15501211? ago

You had me at "stop believing".

15501185? ago

Is that why Q just confirmed his article as true?

Wow, you look stupid now

15501072? ago

I also saw a comment which had the orders list of the DW article copy pasted. I asked if he has another source for confirming - no answer.

15501047? ago

Dalywire is chaotic. Macron didnt say these things written as a list below the video in the Dailywire article. However these orders mirror the emergency powers which have been in place anyway. Sloppy journalism, or even clickbait.

15500851? ago

You know I legit thought this Daily Crusader guy was bullshit, but seeing how often you jews keep attacking him I think I'm gonna bookmark his site and read it every morning now

Fuck you fake news peddling kikes

15500706? ago

Half of the videos on YouTube are falsely labeled. It's all a big lie.

15500376? ago

I'm speaking specifically to his speech. He never said what that website is claiming he said. Sac le'Bueea!?

15501311? ago

Macron declared a State of Emergency. That covers EVERYTHING in that article

Also, Q just issued drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

You shills look REALLY, REALLY stupid now.

15500206? ago

Hi there,Macron. How's the micro-dick hanging?

15500102? ago

I got some nefarious pop-up from that site won't be visiting it again. Had to totally shut off my computer and reboot to get it to stop.

15499705? ago

Final proof Trump is owned by the same bankers that own the federal reserve.


15499582? ago

Headlines are always misleading and sensational. And the author of articles does not write his own headline when a story is published on a site like that. The author writes a story and publisher has their own headline writers write a sensational, misleading headline. Then when reading the story, you usually get more accurate info but we're in a propaganda war so don't count on either side to be completely fair, honest, and objective.

15499146? ago

If you haven’t figured out that the daily turd burglar is a lie, then there is either no hope for you, or you’ve a lot of work to do.

15499700? ago

J'habite en france ... macron fait tout cela ET ENCORE PLUS, ces gens sont des GLOBALISTES couvrant le programme mondialiste

NONE OF IT IS LIES I LIVE IN FRANCE... Macron has been using LIVE AMMO and GRENADES ON US when we are peaceful... the article is true and PLUS MUCH MORE...

15501339? ago

Q just made a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

Godspeed Froganon.

15499040? ago

Any movement, good or bad, will be loaded with DUMB people.

Some members of this community have the right energy, their hearts are in the right place. But their dedication to research is only reading the headlines.

If the headlines support their personal view or perhaps are related to a Q objective, they upvote.

These people are simply cheerleaders we can't depend on to represent what this is all about, despite their enthusiasm.

15499239? ago

And when the shooting starts, they will “just” type about it..

15498996? ago


Thank you for this. Great Anon! However the real video needs to be placed sharing screen with all the atrocities committed by the police on the protestors...and then distribute it wide and far...The puppet 'blah,blah' and the images of all the civil right abuses committed so far on the protesters...

15499418? ago





15502112? ago

We believe you, and are following the events... There's a video that purports that Macron today declared the French equivalent to the US 'martial law' which some Anons have flagged as fake... It does not fit with what he actually said in his speech today (as paltry as that was)...

15498882? ago

Add zerohedge and Truepundit to the list of untrustworthy.

15499545? ago

Ok now I know this whole thread is garbage.

OP is a kike pedophile

15501360? ago

Q just made a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

(((OP))) shills look REALLY, REALLY stupid now.

15499896? ago

Enjoy your comfortable lies. They get it right every now and then just to keep you hooked. Keep drinking that coolaid tho.

15499947? ago

Jokes on them: I only read them every now and then.

Seriously though, spin is everywhere. Critical thinking and being honest with yourself exposes the bs. But spin isn't lies, like the mainstream fake news

15500067? ago

You're right spin is everywhere but, face it some are worse than others. Everything you read needs to be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism. Some places get it wrong on occasion some get it wrong most of the time and some get it wrong with the sole purpose of trying to manipulate you. It's at the point now, every time I see a zerohedge article I don't bother reading it because they have consistently been wrong and manipulative.

15500216? ago

Yeah I get it. I'm projecting my reading process onto a statistically lower IQ population. How'd ya like that humble brag?

Anyway, they are always drawing conclusions and suggesting solutions. But the important part for me, is that these places usually start from some real info, true info that doesn't get any traction anywhere else.

Their spin isn't needed anymore. I have all I need: who is reporting what and why? Or why but? And who benefits?

If people aren't doing this, I may have been giving them to much credit.

15500545? ago

The problem is the "real info" they start from is often times a tweet or some other unreliable source. You are right tho, I applaud them for trying but, I have to wonder if they do more harm than good. Are half assed unreliable sources better than no sources?

15500672? ago

im not talking about tweets. I suppose i ignore those types of articles. Im realizing i probably filter out a bunch of clickbait shit.

also ive seen zerohedge call it on a few important things for me. but thats going back to when that plane went down in ukraine and everybody said it was russians even though it benfits putin in no way to kill hundreds of civilians over another country's airspace. zerohedge told me why the (((cia))) wanted us to hate russia again. which told me later why we were supposed to hate assad. They werent part of teh cabal. THAT much i knew. but things change.

all that to say, your criticisms arent unwarranted. im just used to ignoring garbage: its the only way i stayed on /pol/ for so long. i do have my limits though.

15500801? ago

If everyone thought like you it would be a non-issue. I see comfortable lies that are easy to believe because they are our lies. It's not much different that liberals linking articles from shareblue. I'm not saying they never get it right. I;m saying getting it right and factual is second to being first and sensational.

15500895? ago

i guess as people who arent going to join the media game, we must exist in spaces like these where we try and slap the cognitive dissonance out of each other.

15499648? ago

J'habite en france ... macron fait tout cela ET ENCORE PLUS, ces gens sont des GLOBALISTES couvrant le programme mondialiste

I live in France... this OP is covering up for the globalists... Macron has done all this and PLUS MORE to us...

15499814? ago

J'voudrais un hamburger et frit.

How'd I do?

Godspeed, cousin.

15500842? ago

At least as good as my english HAHA

Western society will survive brother, you guys do your part after we do :)

Au revoir!

15498816? ago

There's definitely been a lot more low-grade info or disinfo posted to the front page as of late. The truth is on our side... we don't need to BS.

15501289? ago

Q just posted a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

The OP shills look REALLY, REALLY stupid now.

15498812? ago

You would think with all these "awake" users at QVR they wouldn't fall for such obviously fake news.

15501297? ago

Q just made a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

You shills look REALLY, REALLY stupid now.

15498415? ago

I listened and he didn't say any of the things that the daily crusader listed. DIS and MIS information

15499664? ago

J'habite en france ... macron fait tout cela ET ENCORE PLUS, ces gens sont des GLOBALISTES couvrant le programme mondialiste

I am FRENCH... Macron has done what the article says and PLUS MUCH MORE...

15499392? ago

Have you even been paying attention? Here in France they have been shooting us with live ammo and even using grenades on us. The article is 100% correct...

15499802? ago

It's correct as in that's what's happening, but not in terms of what actual words came out of his mouth

I cannot confirm since I don't speak French, I watched live but the translator sounded like his first time translating

15500823? ago

That's splitting hairs, he literally said he declares a STATE OF EMERGENCY in the video, which means EVERYTHING the article states is true...

15501327? ago

Yeah, also Q just made a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

The (((OP))) shills look REALLY, REALLY stupid now.

15499682? ago

J'habite en france ... macron fait tout cela ET ENCORE PLUS, ces gens sont des GLOBALISTES couvrant le programme mondialiste

I LIVE IN FRANCE... Macron has promised us 100 euros extra a month if we sell ourselves like WHORES to the globalist... and if we don't he has been using LIVE AMMUNITION and GRENADES on our innocent protestors... why do you peopl defend Macron? are you globalist

15499404? ago

Doesn't (((breitbart))) have a HQ in Jerusalem and been posting anti-Trump stuff and didn't Trump fire Bannon in disgrace because he was working for mossad?

15497819? ago

Everyone please downvote the fuck out of that bullshit blog and others like neon nettle etc

15499380? ago

Hello I live in France and nothing was wrong in the DC article, why are you people covering up for the globalists, are you globalist shills?

15501421? ago

Disinfo campaigns are usually 90% truth 10% lies - daily crusader along with others are “meh” sources

15501238? ago

Hello Jew.

15498165? ago

Hate disinformation sites and when I see dailycrusder as the link, downvote and move one to worthwhile anon research.

15499637? ago

J'habite en france ... macron fait tout cela ET ENCORE PLUS, ces gens sont des GLOBALISTES couvrant le programme mondialiste

I live in France, everything in this article is right and plus more they are doing to us, why are you globalists covering up for EU and Macron lies???

15496895? ago

People need to learn to actually read the articles and watch the videos. Seriously when you blindly promote serious shit like that without confirming it, then you're no better than the Fake News.

15501196? ago

Q just made a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically what the DC article said.

You shills are REALLY STUPID.

15499336? ago

I am in France and the DC article was 100% correct... the only fake news here is OP trying to cover up for the globalists in his tribe...

15501219? ago

Q just posted drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

Godspeed, France anon. I hope you guys win!

15500076? ago

It's shilly in here. The DC article itself has the video with the translation which disproves the DC article. You've ran into a paradox, retreat. You can't say it's correct without saying it correctly disproves itself and you can't say the video they posted was fake and still claim DC is credible. The truth speaks for itself and needs no further debate.

15500754? ago

Telling that you claim a French anon is lying about his own experiences. Shill, much?

15501095? ago

Dodging the paradox you put yourself in by trying to use identity politics.

Yep, I'm the shill.

15501140? ago

What paradox and who is "you"? Q just made a drop about the STATE OF EMERGENCY in Paris by the way. Good job looking like a retard.

15501342? ago

"DC article was 100% correct" DC article contains Video which proves he did not say any of the things the article claims. Article cannot be 100% correct and also include a video which proves it 100% incorrect. Paradox. Also no Q did not, that didn't happen. Not replying again after a blatant lie like that. Worthless shill.

15501382? ago

Macron declared a State of Emergency which covers EVERYTHING listed in that article. Sorry kike. You know I didn't care much for Daily Crusader before but seeing your hebraic kvetching makes me think they are on to something.

15497634? ago

How can you verify anything if you don't speak the native language in which the speech is made in order to translate it yourself?

15499622? ago

J'habite en france ... macron fait tout cela ET ENCORE PLUS, ces gens sont des GLOBALISTES couvrant le programme mondialiste

I live in France, Macron has done all this plus more, this OP is covering up for GLOBALIST LIES

15500748? ago

wow, they're downvoting you for telling the truth... insane

15499206? ago

Fucking read the shit they print in English! Fuck, like “Iran is a peaceful nation” or “Iran only wants nuclear energy for peaceful use” fucking lies but you ((())) hate blind idiots follow it like gospel. FUCKING READING COMPREHENSION ANONS, or die.

15499685? ago

We seek truth, not a narrative to side with.

I was asking the question in a larger context; we can watch translated videos all day long and think we're informed but unless we speak the language we could be missing the point.

15501242? ago

Q just posted a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

This jew shill is just mad Daily Crusader has been exposing the globalists.

15499360? ago

cope harder rabbi moshenberg everyone hates your people for your lies. I live in France and police have already used live ammo and grenades on us

15497750? ago

Well what you don't do is promote the first thing you hear especially when it's as significant as the shit that site wrote up without more credible verification's.

15499350? ago

Hello, I live in France and Macron's actions plus this video are exactly what the article says... Why are you guys all lying?

15499025? ago

Exactly. We have the truth of our side. We can take the time to make sure our info's legit.

15496757? ago

What's the tl;dr?

15497673? ago

The usual meaningless political jabber of someone trying to quell a violent mob and pretending to "understand".

15497740? ago

Promise the French the world and sell it to the elites behind closed doors...typical politician shit...same shit different shithead...

15497014? ago

Flapping his gums about French unity like he isn't doing everything he can to fuck over the French economy and soft-genocide the ethnic French.

15496564? ago

15496561? ago

Downvoat that piece of shit website

15497258? ago

Where is the translation? I just listened to the Youtube video and it has NOTHING IN IT that the shill fuck Evangelical Bullshit DailyCrusader has written up. Fuck that cuck'd website.

15499438? ago


15501091? ago

So, what's the source for the report content in the article? It certainly isn't the video or that speech.

What a load of BS

15497742? ago




15496439? ago

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15496428? ago

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15496427? ago

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15496323? ago

DailyCrusader and whatdoesitmean .... both disinformation psyops that are spammed here daily.

15503304? ago

/v/IsraelFirst disagrees with you about DailyCrusader.


Pretty much proof it's a shit source.

15507026? ago


15506977? ago

As an Orthodox Jew, everything in that subverse is correct. I'm subscribing to it now.

15502793? ago


Before it's news

Natural news

And on and on and on it goes

15501207? ago

Q just made a drop confirming the STATE OF EMERGENCY in France, basically everything the DC article says is true.

You shills look REALLY, REALLY stupid now.

15501522? ago

Blatant lie.

15506122? ago

Point to the soecific drop or shut up.

There was no such drop.

15499329? ago

I am in France and the DC article was 100% correct... Looks like the only fake news here is OP trying to cover up for the globalists...

15499483? ago

Je vis aussi en France ... ces gens ne font que défendre les mondialistes ... au moins nous savons ce que la vérité est ...


15500743? ago

wow, they're downvoting you for telling the truth... very telling.

15501504? ago

No one said the protestors were being treated right, the article claims he said these things and is enforcing them on air, none of that is true. Therefore article is false. Stop shilling. We value truth here, and the DC article is blatantly a lie which includes the video in it's own article which proves it's a lie. Conflating two unrelated issues (ethical treatment of protestors vs article lying about Macron saying things he didn't say) is a ABC tactic of disinformation.

15502165? ago

Macron literally declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY in that speech. Which covers, legally, EVERYTHING in that article. If you're low IQ, that's on you

15504711? ago
