Emmanuel Macron, French President, Announces Totalitarian State On Live Television! (dailycrusader.com)
submitted 6.2 years ago by 2903767?
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15495481? 6.2 years ago
WOW. So this is his plan to deal with the protests huh? This won't end well judging by French history
15496400? 6.2 years ago
That's pure disinfo. Macron didn't say anything like that. Check for yourself:
15499603? 6.2 years ago
Why are French anons in that post calling you a liar and saying that you are covering up for the globalists?
15499144? 6.2 years ago
That video plus Macron's actions are WORD FOR WORD what the article says, Rabbi...
15498396? 6.2 years ago
NOthing in this article seems to be in the video at all.
15499163? 6.2 years ago
The video plus Macron's actions are almost WORD FOR WORD what's in the article, wtf? Where did all you shills come from, is this what 4chan calls "JIDF"?
15497118? 6.2 years ago
Exactly! This article is FAKE NEWS! Watch the speech for yourself folks. Think for yourselves.
15499157? 6.2 years ago
Just watched the video and it's basically EXACTLY what the article says...
15500529? 6.2 years ago
Then I DARE EVERYBODY to watch it and see for Yourselves!
15497076? 6.2 years ago
Yes, Macron did'nt say that!! Disinfo!!
15499147? 6.2 years ago
Yeah he did, but nice try on the deflection...
15532225? 6.2 years ago
If it is true, please give us the source of it.
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15495481? ago
WOW. So this is his plan to deal with the protests huh? This won't end well judging by French history
15496400? ago
That's pure disinfo. Macron didn't say anything like that. Check for yourself:
15499603? ago
Why are French anons in that post calling you a liar and saying that you are covering up for the globalists?
15499144? ago
That video plus Macron's actions are WORD FOR WORD what the article says, Rabbi...
15498396? ago
NOthing in this article seems to be in the video at all.
15499163? ago
The video plus Macron's actions are almost WORD FOR WORD what's in the article, wtf? Where did all you shills come from, is this what 4chan calls "JIDF"?
15497118? ago
Exactly! This article is FAKE NEWS! Watch the speech for yourself folks. Think for yourselves.
15499157? ago
Just watched the video and it's basically EXACTLY what the article says...
15500529? ago
Then I DARE EVERYBODY to watch it and see for Yourselves!
15497076? ago
Yes, Macron did'nt say that!! Disinfo!!
15499147? ago
Yeah he did, but nice try on the deflection...
15532225? ago
If it is true, please give us the source of it.