15490094? ago

Today is your lucky day Einstein. I didn't leave.

15489169? ago

See ya later you Jew bastard!

15488900? ago

Jews are the only p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶m̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ inbred idiots but you keep driving them away.

  • there , fixed it for ya , you inbred idiot :D

15488233? ago

Intelligent Jews nose everything.

15487908? ago

smart 0/10 no. Even with the false assertion of higher median jew IQ there are more than ten times as many Whites with 130+IQ than jews, more Whites with 130+ IQ than there are jews in the world.

help 0/10 no. https://voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838/10#15191838

15487805? ago

You people are obsessed with posting about Jews. Why don't you start a research board devoted to your favorite subject and stop trying to distract us with your efforts to create some issue of patriots vs Jews. You're stupid, we know you're stupid, you do not have any influence and nobody is paying any attention to your bullshit. Now go suck your thumb somewhere and stop pestering us. You're worse than horseflies.

15487820? ago

Found the nazi.

15487566? ago

So... you want to dissuade the idea that intellect and morality are constrained by race and religion....... by telling us that their race and religion is superior. Seems legit.

15487667? ago

Hey I tried being nice about it...

15487723? ago

(I dont think ^he^ gets it)

Oh yea bro, you're real smart ;)

15487507? ago

O.P. There's a guy who posts on the v/GreatAwakening or v/TheAwakening sub called @GayBlackJew. Go and read his posts. That Anon knows how to talk with respect to others; he accepts that others will criticize him, but he explains his point of view in a calm manner.

Here's a post in which he participated this morning - Tired of being told that I have No Right to speak out against a GAY Lifestyle! Not Homophobic just Pissed about the ENFORCEMENT!. Go learn from him O.P.

Edit: I don't mean this in a critical way. I don't want us to become an echo chamber here. Would like to keep Anons with differing opinions. But you can't control other Anons speech.

15488159? ago

Thanks for the kind words, Anon


15488297? ago

We must resist all forms of collectivism and collectivist thinking. I look at the individual first. Too many on Voat are too similar to the Left/Right/Liberals/Democrats/Neo Conservatives - they want to pigeonhole everyone into neat little groups based on their religion, race, gender, etc. And then they attack those groups.

Q Post #563:

Why are we here?

Why are we providing crumbs?

Think MEMO.


Not convinced this is spreading?

You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.

You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.


APART you are weak.












This is more important than you can imagine.


15487455? ago

A self-hating Jew! How original.

15487482? ago

No, I don't hate myself, just you nazi hicks.

15487597? ago

Well you aren't doing yourself any favors, many people were on the fence about what they say about you... then you go and prove it's all true. Yea, real genius aren't ya.

15487750? ago

Look, I'm here for Q. I'm a true patriot. And guess what? True patriots dont like reading nazi hatefacts (your words, not mine) when we're trying to catch up on the latest Q happenings. So lets just clean the board up so intelligent people can also lurk here.

15488040? ago

(your words, not mine)

^this response is to my only reply to you.

You know we aren't all one person right?

I'm here for Q stuff too, but the J thing has been in these peoples minds for awhile and guess what, I listen to conspiracy claims. That's not gonna change and you shouldn't be trying to silence anyone.

You do realize that the more you pull this shit, the less trustworthy you become, you threatened me with extinction just a few posts down. You can't tell which one I am unless I let you, but as OP, we see everything you say as yours.

15487509? ago

But, you are a Jew.

The ovens are this way =====>

15487376? ago

Nice. Apologetic Jew. Happy Hannukah!

15487390? ago

I tried being nice but you all just used it as an opportunity to post more nazi bullshit.

15490137? ago

Unfortunately the world has awoken. We are smarter, stronger and more determined than our oppressors. We don't fear death and look forward to this opportunity to fight for our freedom. Wwg1wga.

15487411? ago

You the exception?

15487277? ago

Happy Hanukkah!!!

15487286? ago

Still not working.

15487327? ago

What I was just trying to be polite?

15487377? ago

Im not exactly new here, i know all the nazi tricks.

15487452? ago

No wonder so many people talk about Jews like they do, you're not very friendly. I'll be the bigger person and move along, I just wanted to be friends

Edit: Spelling

15487649? ago

Sorry if i fail to kiss your asses after reading hours of nazi drivel and then being insulted for attempting to clean the mess up.

15487577? ago

Ladies and gentlemen reading this thread... we have a winner^

15487264? ago

Go away

15487270? ago

But what will you nazis do once all of us intelligent people leave?

15488910? ago

You appear to love the word 'nazi' and claim you're shitposts are the result of intelligence?

15487309? ago

True. Jews are special. What would Newton have done if it were not for his Jewish housekeeper dropping an apple on his head?

15487307? ago

You actually think what you are saying is intelligent? Lol

15487335? ago

More intelligent than you inbred white trash.

15487583? ago

Good thing you're not a racist.

15487655? ago

White isn't a race.

15487735? ago

You're so lucky I cant reach you from here.

15487775? ago

Im so lucky that your people will all be extinct soon.

15488011? ago

Better than you have tried.

They are no longer with us.

15487246? ago

Keep messing around with the chosen people and see what happens, you sister-fucking hicks.

15487268? ago

Who's fucking chosen people are they ?

15487275? ago

G-ds. Keep messing with them and find out.

15488008? ago

we know which god, (the god of this world), and we also know who wins ------- too bad for you.

15487292? ago

Ye are of your father the devil, who was a liar from the beginning and the father of it.

15487321? ago

Yes thank you, thats a great example of the type of nazi bullshit we need to clean up.

15487958? ago

that was Jesus' words. He was awake to the jews too.

15487607? ago

The bible was apparently written by nazis.... who knew!?

15487664? ago

Yes it was.

15487746? ago

protip: It really wasn't.

Source: not even christian and I know that.

15487791? ago

Not literal nazis but the bible is full of anti semitism.

15488007? ago

Don't feel too bad, God hates everyone (but he hates you the most apparently)

15487985? ago

facts are facts, truth is truth, even if you find truth offensive. You have the power within you to find a site more to your liking where you will fit in. I encourage you to exercise that power.

you do not however, have the power to sensor people here,which is exactly why we are here