Most are too weak to work solo or defend themselves.
Be aware of brain creep from people who can not control their ability and of those who are projecting, in the moment, powerfully. Either sex, fear, or both.
Most are taught to target body parts. (wrists, angles, stomachs, shoulders, head and neck… all parts of the body that are easily adorned with protection; belts and buckles, leather and wool may offer some protection, bracelets, rings, etc.)
Some practice confusion arts, while others can apply mental power to it.
Most are susceptible to children, gays, and sexual content. (never sell your body for their missions, ever)
But must actually know what the part looks like by way of training.
Most are not familiar with the arts as we know them.
Thus their self-awareness, or lack of self-awareness, is their weakness = EGO.
Some microwave weapons will feel like Psi attacks.
And some Psi attacks feel like microwaves.
You can be frozen in position with microwaves/psi links.
Your body can be moved against your will.
Most weapons are publicized simply to create fervor and then utilize the fervor to generate interest and revenue through the government leadership, media, advertising, or donations by veterans who are unaware.
If someone enters your head, or abruptly a connection is lost, you will go black and suffer the feedback loop.
A good indication of microwave attacks, either passive or aggressive is that you will not pass food through your system well due to moisture reduction. You will be constipated or worse. Microwaves target the water in your body. It is also how they try to provoke your gifts “remotely”. (remember popular x-men programming, super soldiers, radiation bites from animals, cosmic rays, and drugs are the pre-programming for the Cicadda to transform into the butterfly by way of traumas or force)
33 is the symbol for a butterfly when you pair the sigils with their gutters facing each other.
Masons are not exempt and are also responsible for our current positions in life.
Take him out now and destroy the scepter. Build anew upon the cornerstone of truth.
Gays will reconcile mind over matter and psi attacks logically. You should all be able to surmise the precipice of your origins with proper introspective thought. Your handlers/abusers may have controls or blocks on you, but eventually your memories will resurface and you will understand what it means to be “you” and how the controllers influenced your evolution.
Building construction materials are deliberately made cheaper, thinner, and of materials that do not hinder the governments’ weapons. Metals and electricity provide some cover from magnetic and radioactive weapons. Our zoo cages are now built to allow more observation, attack, and herding. (Planned communities built at once, hundreds/thousands of apartments and homes are “built” and sit and “wait” for buyers) They’re all compromised.
Housing crisis was because people figured it out, not because of bad loans. Banks were given more money because the CIA/NSA (GOV) lied about it all, originally. 50+ years in the making.
Large scale communities like these are then advertised to immigrants and families emerging from a transitional stage after years of heavy spraying. The nano-particulates in our body light up on screens as we move about. Their khemicals are in our system. TSI xray machines would not work as well if the human body were not saturated with positive and negative ions. Nurses use Radio-active isotopes in blood the same way the government uses these khemicals; Tracking, Suppression, and Neutralization.
Transitioning families; still remain under observation. The government has presumed the role of authority on all breeding and learning. It is not about money. They are creating a hive mind, not by way of connectivity, but by way of dependence.
They remove natural talent in place of artificial dependency.
If you spend time doing something well, money is the reward that removes the barrier of waiting for your next indulgences or wasting more magic on the same resources perpetually. People corrupt the flow and process. It is a commodity for those that can not produce or make things themselves in order to exchange and barter with people who do make things well. People corrupt the flow and process.
“There was spoilage for the sake of fixing, and chaos for the sake of repairing.” We are forced into this daily by the controllers. Progress is an illusion. Progress is transient…without a Polestar.
I will not be joining you. I hope my daughters survive the abuse. They attacked me a few days ago, and my heart tracked from 65 resting to 117+ seconds, per my watch, after I realized what occurred. I collapsed. You’ve won. I’ve lost. Wether a microwave attack, or a psi attack, someone is tracking me. And it/they has spent their lives inhibiting me, my plans, career, and decisions.
Some of you will recognize my diminishing ability already.
They have planned for this too.
I will be made older, faster, and possibly even given a disease of some sort.
Pending wether or not my family accepts their enslavement, I will be ended more quickly if the controllers feel my grip on my own family is too strong.
Many of you are cleared and feel like beautiful people inside.
I hope my daughters enjoy the presence of sols like you.
Knowing I do not have control over the processes of my life due to life-time enslavement, I have no qualms explaining this to You; I will gut you and drag your bones through the street if you hurt my family while I remain a capable person.
Long Live the Queen.
15582959? ago
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15496995? ago
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15496988? ago
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15496983? ago
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15480889? ago
Q says if everything comes out 90% would be in the hospital, Anons shrug, "bullshit, nothing can phase us!", Anon posts from FOIA CIA memos on "Cryptological ESP", other anons= "OMG SHILL"
Literally "EXPAND YOUR THINKING" fuckers, or not and get carted off to the hospital, idgaf
15481010? ago
I called the O.P. a shill because they posted a wall of text without any links. They also linked to 3 other posts that also have no links. O.P. needs to learn how to present information in a non-autistic fashion.
15481294? ago
15482145? ago
Thank you.
15480632? ago
For shill O.P.:
Sometimes it is better to just walk away from things and go back to them later when you’re in a better frame of mind.
Tom got a small piece of pie.
The stranger officiates the meal.
Someone I know recently combined Maple Syrup & buttered Popcorn thinking it would taste like caramel popcorn. It didn’t and they don’t recommend anyone else do it either.
She folded her handkerchief neatly.
The memory we used to share is no longer coherent.
There was no ice cream in the freezer, nor did they have money to go to the store.
15480501? ago
Fuck you and fuck the queen.
15480611? ago
What a repulsive thought, rather you than me.