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15474967? ago

Israel ALWAYS pulls off false flags. Of course they pretended to be Russia. These people are serpents, forktongued snakes who lie to our faces.

15476087? ago

Keep messing with God's people. Morons. If you are getting paid to post anti-jew crap the money your getting wont be worth it when you meet the Father? If you are not getting paid and post anti-jew jew-hate nonsense you are with satan. I pray you wake before its too late.

15476206? ago

I don't think the Synagogue of Satan, as Jesus Himself described them in Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9, are God's people.

Further, calling one race "God's people" and not other races is pretty fucking racist dude and you should check your privilege, racist.

15476796? ago

Satanists pretending to be Jews are not Jews

15477689? ago

^ ^ ^


15480288? ago

^^^ Verified Hasbara soul-less kike.

Pervert (by default) and his CAPS signature on EVERY post SHOUTING at those who expose the JEWS is an obvious sign.

Ya continually fail the IDF creed "By way of deception..." and not fit to be an IDF and certainly not very effective here. You should try another career path.

15489957? ago

^ ^ ^

Verified shill account right here.

How to identify:

15490570? ago

^^^ Hasbara heeb just clocked in

15492644? ago

^ ^ ^

Shill projecting itself to be on a shilling schedule.

