15850498? ago

No more $ aid for Isreal Not 1 penny!! No more DUAL CITIZENS in USA government

15526685? ago

Fake news. We are not stupid to believe this.

15527895? ago

cope harder Moshe.

15558193? ago

You cannot believe in God and hate Israel. Read the Bible.

15492002? ago

hey people, one thing is clear: this board is FULL of paid shills. they wouldnt be here if their masters weren't afraid of the information being discussed. stay vigilant, dont be derailed by the shills. they're not half as clever as they think.

15492059? ago

We are going to win, make no mistake about it.

15484517? ago

I fuckin hate deceptive people, as much as liars thieves and cheaters ... and headlines/titles like this are deceptive as fuck... how many people are forming their thoughts and feel they read real news by consuming misleading titles like that? MUELLER ADMITS!?! Jesus christ, more like mueller has a case going that puts a few dots on paper and we used it to draw the mona lisa.

People willing to practice dis/mis information are no better than MSM schills.

15483198? ago

this is pure turn speak and meuller never said such thing but keep up the nasty jew hate...even the picture in that article is age old made up bs against jews...the person who started this thread is nothing more then a shroll a child or a muslim and i will keep on posting the same thing. U r not a true patriot and U r not a true follow of Q ..u think its cool to follow Q ..if you think DJT would agree with the hate for jews we see on here ..i dare you to send him a letter

15482280? ago

This story stumbles over its own feet. Flynn and Kushner are 'in trouble' for efforts to defend Israel, while at the same time we should believe that Israel was colluding with the Democrats to prevent Trump (who would fight for them while Hillary wouldn't) from being elected. Got it. You people are stupid.

15482395? ago

Well, that's the problem. Both Flynn and Kushner were unwittingly used by Israel as pawns, to frame the incoming Trump administration.

15526702? ago

Hahaha. Clown alert!

15527984? ago

Yeah, Israelis are clowns

15558270? ago

God promised to Israel in Gen. 12:3, "And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

15482852? ago

Yeah right. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that story.

15482188? ago

Inside every Jew hating Nazi is a Muslim trying to come out.

15484758? ago

Dude, did you just call NAZIS, Sand niggers? Oh my god. That's gonna trigger some goose-stepping LARP's so fucking hard!

15482231? ago

Wow, you sound Islamophobic. You're not racist, are you buddy? I thought your people kept telling us that Diversity is our strength? Don't be a racist islamophobe okay?

15481809? ago

Saving for last! SOON.

15481006? ago

No more Jew and Israel hatred. There are corrupt people in the Israeli government that deserve a reckoning. This will come. However, I stand with Israel as GOD commands!!!

15481301? ago

2Jn 1:9  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.  2Jn 1:10  If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:  2Jn 1:11  For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

15481097? ago

Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9

Galatians 5:2


15480847? ago

oh and i guess that would mean another two years of mueller??????? then when he decides it isnt israelgate....then would be next

15480878? ago

Q already said it was Israel

"Israel Last"

In a RICO you roll up small players then the big guys last. If Q said "ISRAEL LAST" that means Israel controls the Cabal. Period.

15526769? ago

"Saving Israel for last." That could be a positive statement, not for Israel destruction.

15527959? ago

Oh it is a very positive statement. Israel is being exposed left and right. GOD BLESS Q

15558306? ago

Don't say "God Bless" when you hate Israel. The Bible says, "And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” God was referring to Israel in Gen. 12:3

15480801? ago

New day same shit. Evidence of voter fraud released by Dec. 21st followed immediately by FISA declas and mass arrest's to bring down the DemocRAT House or Trump is done. If the rats control the House, backed by the MSM, they will stop at nothing on a daily basis to take down POTUS.

GATEWAY PUNDIT: Leaker Adam Schiff: President Trump “May Face the Real Prospect of Jail Time” (VIDEO)...


15480709? ago

Ironic isn't it? When Obama interfered in their election no one had anything to say about it. Now what are we going to say? Do like I say or do like I do.

15480628? ago

i dont know where all of you get your information from...but...if you really want to break it down, this is not about religion. this is about ego. everyone is innately divine. those that do not come from an intention toward another divinely, is typically coming from an egotistical intention if greedy, hateful, attempting to dominate over another, etc etc... judaism is 5779 yrs old. it is conservative. those jews that went leftist need to return to judaism. israel isnt made up of only jews... so to blame israel is inot correct. israel as well as america and many other countries have been corrupted by globalists who dont give a shit about anyone else and view everyone else as slaves. so, trump is attempting to free the american slaves, and take down the cabal made up of many different people. but you idiots would continue to try to blame jews, judaism, and call jews kikes, shlomos, baby eating satan lovers...when in reality, if you knew anything about judaism, would know that it is completely false to accuse judaism of such. if you want to worship a jew called jesus, go ahead, but realize the foundation of christianity catholicism etc was taken from judaism and thise religions made you all sheep wretches..,which you believe, and think you should fear g-d instead of walking with g-d. everyone has their own connection to g-d and you dont need to go through a priest to talk to g-d. maybe if you all improve your perspective, youd have a greater relationship with god and maybe jews!

15480510? ago

Mueller is so desperate to even try this.What a fucking low down dirty piece of shit he is.

15480128? ago

Would you show a cornered Rat your arse.

15479496? ago

Come on really? We know Mueller is a hack and lying about everything but on this one Israel thing all the sudden he is believable? He is shifting the blame away from the deep state. Yes maybe some bad actors are Jewish but it doesn't mean they all are and just because Mueller, Comey, Brennon and Clapper are corrupt American intelligence doesn't mean all others inside those departments are. Q said 5 eyes. Mueller isn't going to say, "it was the UK and Aussies that did it with the help of our spy agencies. If so would that make those two nations of peoples entirely out to get the whole world? He is appealing to those with an already Israeli bias. He will only get a thumbs up from others that blame them like the UN, the Palestinians, Hezbollah, Iranians etc. WE ALL KNOW HILLARY LOST THE ELECTION CAUSE SHE SUCKS. She just didn't cheat hard enough.

15479302? ago

WHY DOESN'T ANYONE -(normies)- LISTEN!!! I can't figure this out. frazzles my brain. It's right in PLAIN SIGHT, for God's Sake.

15479279? ago

Please, we should draw a distinction...it is widely known that it’s the Zionist Israel that is the culprit. I would not lump in the regular Israeli Jews with them.

15479423? ago

Esau gambit is not gonna work this time

15479267? ago

Wait to see this from another source. Sounds like horse shit.

15479428? ago

Keep coping, Moshe

15480055? ago

What does that even mean? Lol

15479232? ago

Seems like Mueller just wants to keep an investigation going. I think it is time to bring out that unredacted FISA.

15479236? ago

I agree, but it's also become clear that there are A LOT of Mossad players involved in this (((Russia))) bullshit. I would rather have Mueller clear out the bad Israeli actors than rush to release the documents and allow some of them to escape to harm our nation again.

15479247? ago

I'm sure you are right.

15479096? ago

Why Mr Mueller, are you trying to make me like you?

Israel is a false flag. Jews are foreign enemies and a threat to all nations. They cannot be ignored any longer.

15478876? ago

This guy is full of crap put him on the short end of a rope

15479200? ago

Edgy bruh

15478107? ago

Shills ruin every board. Israel is our friend. My lord and savior warns about harming Israel. You may have heard of him, his name is Jesus. Yes, he is a Jew also. So you wanna omit that part of the Bible because it doesn’t fit your narrative? You must be working for the likes of MSNBC. I am a Q supporter, yes. But never forget our lord Jesus. Do you think that it’s only the military protecting POTUS? Don’t replace God with Q.

15481436? ago


The truth is in the bible itself.

Revelation 3:9:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

It's true that the biblical jews were/are the chosen people of God. But modern day "jews" are a farce; nothing more than a subversion that has been designed to lead astray those that have the lord in their hearts. What we know "judaism" to be today is actually a sect of the biblical Pharisees, the antagonists that wanted to put Jesus to death.

Your heart is in the right place but you are being deceived. Indeed, the biblical Israel deserves a place in our hearts but the modern day "State of Israel" is a creation of the anti-Christ.

15481287? ago

No, they are not. Read your bible. This is just one. Look who Paul says Israel today is. Abrahams seed. That is Jesus. No flesh is going to help you get to the father.

2Jn 1:9  Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.  2Jn 1:10  If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:  2Jn 1:11  For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

15479322? ago

Again I think it would be a mistake to blame the Israeli Jews. But blame should be placed on the Zionist Jews. They are part of the cabal in my opinion.

15478771? ago

"Muh Israel" lol. The Zionist Nation State is not mentioned in the Bible. Don't confuse what was, with what it has become.

15478474? ago

Jesus? That's the same guy who said they were the Synagogue of Satan in Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9?

You claim you are a Q supporter but you oppose "ISRAEL LAST"?

15478241? ago

No. You're falling victim to deception, my friend. The "Israel" that's mentioned in the bible is a completely different entity than the modern day "State of Israel". The name "Israel" has been hijacked and is being used by the minions of the anti-Christ.

15478059? ago

zionists must be dealt with.

15478055? ago

Saving the best for last?

15478481? ago


can't wait

15477800? ago

The biggest problem with out elections isn't Russia, nor Israel, nor any other foreign nation (except maybe Mexico) - it's the Democrats!

15477874? ago

Why is every dual citizen in Congress a Democrat except one? Why did jewish people vote 85+% Democrat?

15477789? ago

look at the nazifags on here creaming their pants over fake ass news. all nazi will rot in hell with satan if you dont stop attacking Gods people. period.

15478082? ago

Lol. "God's People" hate God. It's not even a question of who is burning in Hell here.

It's Jews and their allies. That's you Boomer.

You may deny Jews are the enemy, and we'll prove you wrong, but you will not deny God. Unfortunately, by aiding the enemy (Jews), you deny God.

May you rot in Hell? No.

You will rot in Hell.

15484518? ago

you are a shill/ troll. we know you by the boomer comment. God your poor and stupid. i hope you starve when this is over. tick tock. death comes for you and no one will mourn your passing demon. I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare and decree his warring angels come for you and attack with all their considerable might. shoo fly. you bother me no more.

15486516? ago

You can declare and decree all you want, but when you worship the God of the Jews (Satan)... Well, I really couldn't care less what you say.

You know that saying about playing chess with a pigeon, and it shitting on the board? That's you. You are a pigeon. Weak, feeble-minded, and holds no concept of higher things above basic survival and instinct.

Goodbye, degenerate. May the Lord have mercy on you. We won't.

15486649? ago

i worship the God of the Bible. I worship the Father of Abraham Noah and Jesus. I worship the great I am

15486616? ago

you trolls all say the same exact shit. none of you are americans. none of you has a single independent thought run through your head. your all meat suits. either calling people boomers or the pigeon shitting on a checker board. its laughable.

15486874? ago

My... The projection is strong with you, I must say.

15486915? ago

theres another copy. we should just change you all to npc pics. that way we can ignore you easier. what a worthless life you are.

15486946? ago

Ah... I see the issue here.

You aren't understanding what is going on here... And I assumed Voat's immune response removed "people" like you. Seems we missed one.

15486999? ago

well your still here so clearly "people" like you slip in like a snake on its belly

15477882? ago

I don't think the Synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9) are God's people unless you think satan is God or something

15484626? ago

dont you profess to know the Bible, as a Christian. Even Satan reveres God and knows He has dominion over him. Satan can recite the Bible but has no discernment over it. it is like reading a foreign language. clearly you are of your father Satan you have no understanding of the Bible and attemps to wield it like a weapon but dont know its true power will fail misrably

15489604? ago

Hey bud, Jesus told the jews their father was Satan, but nice try Moshe. Your people are going back into the ovens they rightfully belong in. Instead of crying about being exposed, go to your rabbi and tell him to repent your wicked, satanic tribe before the rest of us Whites wake up.

Last time you dealt with Germany alone, a nation half the size of Texas. This time, the WHOLE White race will SHOAH your kind for your crimes.

15501404? ago

im glad your an angry nazi. anger eats at the heart and kills you young. not a jew but i will say a prayer they take your home and all that you own and you have to burn your own shit to keep warm. lol hahaha. this amuses me

15501467? ago

you might not be a jew but you are a good goy

15480403? ago

By their fruits. Forgive them for they know not what they do.

15477723? ago

If my daughter married into the machine I would get as close as I could in order to snuff it out

15477679? ago

so now we believe mueller.? please this is bullshit. mueller is a grey hat. some things aretrue othersare false. why would israel sabatoge trump for wicked hilary. please.

15480459? ago

I agree. Muellers heart knows no light. But regarding your use of Israel, I would say Zionist, then it perhaps would make sense.

15477891? ago

85+% of jews voted Democrat

Hillary promised a no fly zone in Syria and she promised a war in Iran

15484576? ago

pulling this shit out you ass. all poles are fakes

15477456? ago

now this makes more sense

15477388? ago

pogroms anyone?

15477317? ago

I do not subscribe to anti-Semitism stuff... but I do not like Jared Kushner. If I'm Mike Flynn, I'm certain that I wouldn't be taking any orders from Trump's son-in-law.

Kushner ---> Still water runs deep. Don't trust him.

15477296? ago

Calling BS on this source

15477190? ago

Heh heh I know a certain shill who types in all caps who's gonna be pissed about this one. Told you it was the Jews, it's ALWAYS the Jews.

15477041? ago

I fucking knew it! That prick mentioned time in Israel, literally glossed over that. The SECOND he mentioned Israel, I knew that fuck was most likely Mossad.

Israel, FUCK YOU.

15476948? ago

No one has ever explained to me why or how Israel was our greatest ally. The same fervor which leftists hold and defend their cultural Marxist insane views is the same way Israel First people behave. Israel is not our ally. They take billions from us and then they spy on us, steal and sell our secrets to China, Russia, whoever. They bombed the U.S.S. Liberty and killed our own people. WTF? How is that an ally?

15482516? ago

It's from a brainwashed from a brainwashed PULPIT that they are believing this. The Bible, if looked at CLEARLY, says NO SUCH THING-that they are OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, NOR "THE CHOSEN PEOPLE". BIG LIES. But taught AND believed,...until the anons!

15482165? ago

They are our greatest ally because for 3000 years the Jews always win. If they go over to the globalist side, the globalists win.

15477985? ago

A book written by Kikes about a kike on a stick Jedi-Mind tricked a bunch of self loathing fools to suck off the Balfour-Rothschild created land of Israel.

Makes perfect sense... Oh wait...

15478012? ago

Lol, you're talking about Kikeianity.

Wait until you figure out Christianity... Not so friendly to hostiles....

15478499? ago

Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

15476905? ago

By way of deception, thou shalt do war. ~Mossad motto.

15476894? ago

Linking to the daily crusader brings discredit on the Qanon community. President Trump explicitly said not to pull this kind of crap.

15477149? ago

"ISRAEL LAST" -Q the time has come nice try shareblue shill

15476835? ago


15476844? ago

Nice try. Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9, Galations 5:2

15476896? ago





15477377? ago

Jesus was Aramaic, an early Caucasian race as were all Israelis before the resurrection. After the resurrection the Christians left the Holy Land to spread the good word to the rest of the White world. These are the "lost tribes". The leftover non believers, Edomites and Judeans mostly, then were overran by Muslims and then forced out and became the race we currently know as "Jews"

15477680? ago


15477755? ago

Wrong. He was Aramaic. This can be proven scientifically. Go shill elsewhere shariablue.

15477814? ago





15477955? ago

It was an early Caucasian race you uneducated NPC. Stop wasting my time with your stupidity. Imagine being so stupid you didn't know where the language got its name.

15477992? ago





15483133? ago

Pretending to be smarter than reality won't get you far, rabbi. Arameans lived from Israel to the Caucaus mountains. Guess where the name Caucasian comes from? Todays Jews are mixed and inbred and share little to no dna with these people.

15489953? ago

^ ^ ^

Self-admitted shill right here.

How to identify these sick fucks:


15492912? ago

And you have nothing. Go away inbred jewboy. The whole board knows you are a giant shill and ive reported your spamming and refusal to argue in good faith directly to the upper mods. Your clock is ticking.

15492993? ago

^ ^ ^











15493092? ago

You are now reported to the v/reportspammers sub as the globals requested. This is a place for intelligent discussion, not autistic screeching because you have no factual counterargument. Enjoy your ban.

Where Whites Go One Whites Go All

15493368? ago

^ ^ ^












15478558? ago

Jesus was not a jew, He actually called you people the synagogue of satan and said your father was the devil and you defiled His temple.

15478595? ago


15479371? ago

Does not compute. Must shill on.

15479250? ago

Galatians 5:2, buddy.

15490000? ago

I notice your "list" is down to one passage.



15490071? ago

Jesus was GOD Jews are PEOPLE Jesus was not a PERSON - He was GOD

Your blasphemy doesn't work buddy.

39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

15490114? ago

Jesus was a Jew believed to be God become man by his followers, but not initially by the elite, Constantine formalized and the bible became one with a "divinated" Jesus

15490175? ago

39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

15492637? ago

Still consistent with Jesus being a Jew.

15492695? ago

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Jesus was GOD

Jews are PEOPLE (more correctly, they are DEMONS)

Jesus was not a PERSON - He was GOD

Your blasphemy doesn't work buddy.

15492805? ago

Still consistent with Jesus being a Jew.

Everything in the Bible is 100% consistent with Jesus being a Jew.

YOU are a shillfuck degenerate spewing FALSE INFORMATION.


15493956? ago

Jesus was God

Jews are not God

Jews are people (DEMONS to be correct)

Jesus is neither a person nor a demon

Your lies don't work here, satan

Get thee behind me, kike

15494150? ago

^ ^ ^



15495449? ago

Jesus was God

Jews are not God

Jews are people (DEMONS to be correct)

Jesus is neither a person nor a demon

Your lies don't work here, satan

Get thee behind me, kike

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

15495545? ago

Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus was considered a heretical Jew by the elite.

Jesus the son of God was walking the Earth as a Jewish man.

The Jews who followed Jesus' teachings eventually became considered "Christians".

Jesus said about the Old Testament (Jewish writings) that he did not come to abolish The Law, but to fulfill it.

You are a lying satanic worshiping shill.

15495647? ago

Jesus was God

Jews are not God

Jews are people (DEMONS to be correct)

Jesus is neither a person nor a demon

Your lies don't work here, satan

Get thee behind me, kike

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

15495683? ago

Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus was considered a heretical Jew by the elite.

Jesus the son of God was walking the Earth as a Jewish man.

The Jews who followed Jesus' teachings eventually became considered "Christians".

Jesus said about the Old Testament (Jewish writings) that he did not come to abolish The Law, but to fulfill it.

You are a lying Satan worshiping shill.

15496006? ago

God is not a person, dumbass

15496319? ago


15477121? ago

He actually was talking to the pharisees, which were the top Jewish rabbis, so yeah, He was calling their whole faith the synagogue of satan, also remember what he said to the jews when he entered the temple, "And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

15476737? ago


15476548? ago

Fake News.

15476482? ago

Possible he is trying to open a new investigation? Stall? DS Tricks. Just being open minded.

15476533? ago

No looks like he's just confirming what we all already knew.

15476586? ago


15476470? ago

soooo. how bout i just jump in here for a sec. people tend to associate israel only with judaism, when in reality in modern day, there are jews, christians, catholics, muslims in israel. so, to say its israelgate and say its the jews, again...oy vey the jews! its not judaism that is the problem. further, the bullshit called ba’al and moloch are not from judaism. further, jesus was a jew...killed on a cross, not a star of david, dumbasses. further, the last supper was a passover dinner, dumbasses. further, why are you worshipping a jew and not g-d? you’re antisemetic, but you worship a jew that supposedly died for YOUR sins? how about you question your own religion... or walk spiritually....start your own journey already. stfu with your antisemetism...its really ignorant.

15477501? ago

Jews did not exist until after Christ. Jesus was Aramaic. Jews are the leftovers of the south tribes after being racemixed and ran out of the country. The original Greek Bible does not use the word Jew to describe Gods people pre Christ as the term Jew was not even yet in use. The addition of it is a total subversion of the truth.

15480634? ago

dude judaism is 5779 yrs old. the concept of christ is man made . go learn about constantine...

15483005? ago

You don't get it. I'm talking about the race of people who call themselves Jews. Not the age of the religion. Jews, as we know them today as a race, did not exist until after Christ.

15508379? ago

um i do get it...and maybe you need to go get more educated. jews and judaism have been around for 5779 years. jews as they are today, have been in a variety of different situations (for lack of a better word)....some have maintained being conservative, some said screw this and assimilated and celebrate christmas...its a little more fun and “less responsibility”... some converted to hide from hitler/nazis...some dont even practice judaism, some are taught liberal ways, growing up in liberal areas and turned socialist, some are very fucking pissed off at liberals with a jewish name that arent practicing jews and are part of the problem...so, please dont preach to me about the man made idea of christ being dominant in the world, where that religion teaches people to fear god, to be a wretch, to not question authority, to take the bible literally word for word, and to use a mediator who is considered more powerful that the community members, who in turn, gathers and knows everyones goings on via confessionals... jesus was a jew...the last supper was a passover dinner. theres a lamb shank on the plate, why? do you know why? probably you dont know why and are just another individual that thinks that jews eat babies and are into child sacrifice, and are so fucking ignorant that you feel the need to spew out antisemetism. if you had any genuine interest in knowing more, maybe your conversation would be more of a question of interest froma genuine place of intention.... what the fuck, dude.... go question what you were even taught about christ... then go research constantine and what they did to the people to control different groups and have them indoctrinated.... all roads dont lead to rome...they lead back to g-d.

15515565? ago

You are missing the entire point. The Jews of today are not the race of people who were the "chosen" nor was Jesus one of them. They are both mixed and inbred leftover scraps of the people who accepted Christ and left to spread the word, known as the "lost tribes" The "Jews" who live in Israel today are the Synagogue of Satan that Revalation teaches of. Also your ideas about Christianity are completely misplaced and wrong. Yes we should fear God, but there is no teaching to be a wretch, not question authority blindly, or the pastor being more powerful than the rest of the Church. I won't even go into the rest of your spiel as your obvious incorrectness in these parts makes it clear you have no business talking on the subject.

15556543? ago

wow ok youre super smart. and im just a staunch conservative jew who once again doesnt know jack shit about man made concepts vs the torah. you are just so smartvand i dont know what to say..wow. so, there are different groups of catholocism, which accepted or rejected some man made concepts...so different degress for different sects of religion. hows that...roman catholics to episcopalian...whatever the throughline is spiritual...the many differences are man made. maybe go study constantine era and how they controlled people in the communities...you are THiS religion or you die. you convert or you die. you soeak with a lisp or you die (spain). thats called indoctrination...there are jews today still that wont be indoctrinated...so, your statement that all jews today are mutts, and not the jews of 5779 years ago is mistaken...there are orthodox, hassidic, conservadox, conservative reform,chabad etc etc etc some are very much about the teachings of the torah strictly...some are teaching more lenient, some are for jesus, which i totally dont agree with, but they jews that went liberal and leftist socialist communist progressive, need to return to judaism...it has led to greater antisemetism, even if inadvertently...maybe you understand, maybe you dont, but you cannot make a generalization about jews. israel today, though it has welcomed other religions and as judaism is open to all humanity, has let in people to its country that doesnt respect israel, so politically, israel is not jewish per se, currently...it is israel and needs to erradicate the corruption...just like america and every other country that has been corrupted. this is what is happening today...there are many jews today that are not even practicing judaism. this doesnt mean that jews are to blame or rather should i say judaism...but they are just human being coming from a ego driven intent...same as many other people from many other religious backgrounds...this is in part the cabal. they are ass backwards, and have had a lot of power. if you still dont understand, then maybe go get more educated.... i know a lot more about judaism that you do...and yes, people were taught to be wretches, and fear god, and all for the main purpose of the vatican and priests and the people in poltics at the time it was created. that was confessional, that was peoples mentality not worthy oh so wretched and sinful...how bout thinking your innately divine and equal to a priest if so...

15478569? ago

the jews ALWAYS retcon history. ALWAYS

15476539? ago

Is that why Israel uses a DNA test to determine Judaism for Right of Return?

Is that why Israel color codes Christian Palestinian Citizens passports so the IOF knows to harass them?

15476416? ago

Good to see the potential for truth gaining traction... I believe most won't disagree that there's a very well organized effort, by a few, to subvert the masses. But, for the defenders of Israhell, they can't seem to provide any solid evidence of any other Nation or group who can pull off such an elaborate and sophisticated scheme. The mask is coming off!

15476333? ago

When will it become apparent that the unwavering support for Israel is bad for America.

15476329? ago

Anti Jewish bull shit. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Lucifer is behind all the anti jew crap. Wake up people.

15476435? ago

Then why did Jesus Himself call them the synagogue of satan in rev 2:9 and rev 3:9, unless you're saying Jesus is lucifer or some shit

15486834? ago

Try reading all the Bible not just bits and pieces

15486829? ago

Here we go. Quote a certain part in the bible. To make your case but leave out the rest of the content of it. Lol

15476264? ago

Have any of you cucks noticed this dearly turd sucker site keeps stating “peaceful Iran” while Jew bashing? Regardless of what you feel or think of (((them))) , this fucking website is pure Iranian propaganda and you sheep are buying it. Peaceful Iran, using nuclear for peaceful energy only... my ass. That was proven false over five years ago. WAKE UP CUCKS!

15476466? ago

Hillary also wanted a war in Iran just like Israel does now... really activates the almonds

15476459? ago

Iran has not engaged in an offensive war with any nation in over 200 years. This is historical fact. Now Israel on the other hand is trying to start a war in Iran, Syria, and Lebanon and dying to drag America into it

15476155? ago

Hmmm, saving the best for last..?

15476246? ago


15477202? ago

Everybody on twatter is trying to smear Trump by saying he is not for "America first" but for "Greater Isra-hell first" Yinon Plan

15477738? ago

treasonous fucks. nazifag. trump is for us this is a shill attack you bastards may you all rot in hell with satan

15478047? ago

Sieg Heil, Kike.

I dare you to say this same statement again when we have tanks rolling down the streets of Tel Aviv.

I would say may you rot in Hell, but Kikes hate Christ anyway so it's not even a question. You will rot in Hell, JEW.

15484555? ago

im not a jew, demon. death to nazis will be the last thing you ever hear. we all stand with Jews. no one stands with nazis except other retards like yourself. go wipe the spittle from your lip you drooling idiot. i bind you in the name of Jesus Christ.

15486482? ago

Using Christ's name in vain.... Gonna have to work on that Kikeian.

Out of the way, degenerate. Christians of old would've had a field day with filth the likes of you.

15478515? ago




15476659? ago

Exactly.. Exiting isn't it..!

15476127? ago

These shills are running wild here lately, its almost as if they are trying to make us look like Jew hating racist, just for the New York Times to rip on us for their masters. Like something big is coming, like the Deep State is about to be no more. I can die happy now. This is the most confirmation ill need.

15476253? ago


Sorry you don't like it, Shareblue

15476004? ago

Why are the Jesuits never named? Behind every Jew is a Jesuit pulling his strings.

15477559? ago

You've got that flipped around bud

15478663? ago

What makes you say that?

15483039? ago

Jesuits are priests, many of whom are tools to the Jews, not vice versa

15486364? ago

The Rothschild crew do the banking for the Vatican, fool.

15486391? ago

That's the point. Kikes controlling Catholics, not Catholics controlling kikes.

15486413? ago

You think the Vatican is controlled by...money? Aha.

15486887? ago

Money, little boys, whatever they want I would assume.

15479209? ago


15480316? ago


15476775? ago

I'm still not quite sure what 'Jesuit' means? Are they similar to Catholics?🧐

15477094? ago

It's an excuse Mossad uses whenever they need to deflect from Israeli crimes.

15477526? ago

thanks and sounds exactly like something (((they))) would do.

15476067? ago

Nice pilpul, too bad it's a patent falsehood and simple D&C misdirection

15478676? ago

Found one.

15479221? ago

Your smears don't work here anymore. Three years of you people calling me a "Nazi" for supporting Trump and guess what, I don't care if you continue calling me a Nazi anymore. You cried wolf too many times boy

15480310? ago

ego ego ego ego ego ego

15480892? ago

I still don't care about your smears.

15475989? ago


15475956? ago


15475638? ago

Much as I believe Israel is behind 99.99% of the crap that goes down here, I don't believe this particular news article is fully grasping what's going on here. DailyCrusader is pretty much just on an anti-Israel crusade and they'll reach for anything.

I found Dan Bongino's interview of George Papadopoulous rather interesting, as it showed how the Mossad tried to entrap him and explained his actions to try to avoid that. So yes, Israel is involved, but likely not in the exact way portrayed in this article.

Here's the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45m5DP1xfRg

15476278? ago

Daily Crusader is pretty weak and it's been spammed a lot on /pol/. It feels equivalent to a high school newspaper for 4channers. Even if I agree with some of what's being written, it doesn't contribute anything to our collective understanding. We don't need echo chamber publications that use memes in their articles, we need info gathering, analysis, and insight.

15476553? ago

Agreed...gatewaypundit is about the same...is posting this shit like trying to wish it into reality? Gay.

15477076? ago

You're a shill, how much does Netanyahu pay you per post?

15476417? ago

Given that /pol/ are the people who exposed the corruption and meme'd Trump into office, I don't see what you are getting at here

15476886? ago

It's a weak publication.

15477068? ago

Not as weak as your argument, rabbi

15477358? ago

There's no argument, it's a comment on the quality of the content. It's like whoever put it together has one objective in mind: Write what you think the truth is. It won't convince anyone who doesn't already agree with it. It's like a smelling salt for the anons that are less intellectually equipped. It's not a net positive and the way it's so consistently promoted lately really sends the wrong message, I.e., "Look at my website." I understand the need to promote content, but just be up-front about it.

15477473? ago

Nice try, shareblue shill

15477573? ago

So, it's your website, then? Look, dude, I'm telling you this as someone who could do a better job: Clean that shit up. Write like a professional, not like a blogger. Be subtle and prioritize intellectual honesty. I love merchant memes as much as anyone else, but what do you think that looks like to people that aren't redpilled? Content that just pats itself on the back is useless. It doesn't help us win the war. We don't need our own HuffPo, we need people who set good examples and set us apart from the blubbering likes of Alex Jones.

15475712? ago

sorry rabbi but Israel has been exposed to us goyims

15482566? ago

KEK! ; )

15475449? ago

Why are the twitter accounts in the article not verified accounts?

15475654? ago

Because Twitter is run by (((JACK DORSEY))) who is an Israeli citizen. Even George Papdopoulos official Twitter is NOT VERIFIED.

15475717? ago


15475381? ago

There will be white hats in Israel too.

15475663? ago

Esau gambit is not gonna work this time bud. Israel is a racist endeavour, a racist ethnostate, and a welfare leech and parasite

15478116? ago

There's not much wrong with an ethnostate though.

It's just the ethnicity that lives in that particular ethnostate that is the problem.

15478546? ago

I wouldn't even have cared what they did in their land if they did not meddle in ours, but now no option is left but UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of Israel, just like they forced our land

15475376? ago

Israel or the deep state within Israel? It's not just the USA with a deep state; just about every country has a deep state.

15475669? ago

Esua gambit is not gonna work this time bud, in the age of free flow of information. Israel is a racist endeavour, a racist ethnostate, and a welfare leech and parasite

15475292? ago

The article mentions the "Hudson Institute" which is a neocon think tank, the same place Pence gave a speech last month pointing fingers at China.

15475257? ago

ROFL so meny shills here. How dumb you need to be to fall for that antisemetic "article" with drawings taken from the NAZIS. pathetic

15475467? ago

Daily Crusader came off as fake news the first time someone started spamming links from there a couple weeks ago (particularly the story claiming MOS tried to ice POTUS at the tree lighting ceremony). It is pretty easy to see their bias when they have a "Remember USS Liberty" link in the main bar at the top of the page. That outfit appears to be another jew-obsessed site just like Veterans Today. It is one thing to be anti-jew, but another thing to allow that lens to distort one's analysis of everything.

15475679? ago

keep coping moshe

15475420? ago

The talmud and torah teach that nonjews "goyium" are slaves. Jews don't believe that non jews are even human. Every orthodox jew knows this and every cryptojew knows this as well, the rest of the jews are just varying degrees of this theme.

They don’t hide it.

They don’t fear you.

You are sheep to them.

You are feeders.



Sanhedrin 55b

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his.



Sanhedrin 54b

Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.



Ketubot 11b

When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, it is as if one puts the finger into the eye




[NSFW] Pics for sharing




We learned in the mishna that one sucks blood from the wound after the circumcision was performed on Shabbat. Rav Pappa said: A craftsman who does not suck the blood after every circumcision is a danger to the child undergoing circumcision, and we remove him from his position as circumcisor.



The ancient method of performing metzitzah—metzitzah b'peh, or oral suction—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut.


Under Jewish law, a mohel must draw blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but some Orthodox groups use their mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.



Full Talmud PDFs for even more translations



MSM / Corporate Control








Banking Control


Government Control



World Control






Bolshevik Revolution








Communism / German Revolution







15475290? ago

nice try shareblue but your D&C cover op for your master Soros and Israel is over and exposed.

15475106? ago

Hmm, Anonymous recently suggests Trump is a Zionist puppet. Remember there is no man above the spirit or Christ. Not Q, Not Trump.

15476970? ago

Trump is the epitome of an ALPHA male and could never be a Zionist puppet! He belongs to NO ONE except for GOD and his FAMILY. WWG1WGA! MAGA

15477105? ago

Which is why deception is so powerful. I’m not saying one way or another. Just don’t get too lost in admiration.

15475308? ago

Amen that no one is above Christ.

But Trump is no zionist puppet. He is doing all he can within constraints to expose their evils

15475162? ago

Anonymous is BS

15475491? ago

Anonymous is CIA and useful idiots. Anonymous is the CIA's "Q" movement.

15485264? ago


15475043? ago

Nice nice... Let's keep going

15475042? ago

great. i'd like to see a second source on this, too

15475981? ago

Yeah, me too. Everytime I read a headline that's just too perfect, it's from this dailycrusader

15474967? ago

Israel ALWAYS pulls off false flags. Of course they pretended to be Russia. These people are serpents, forktongued snakes who lie to our faces.

15482185? ago

I thought according to voat the Jews control everything, even Russia.

15482240? ago

(((They))) hate Russia bro.

15479519? ago

I think it should be know to all that are against Israel that the archive websites archive.fo archive.is archive.today are Israeli operated sites to flag what people are trying to protect.

This article even has links to archives that now disappeared.


15481133? ago

Do you have some proof Crowdstrike is Israeli? I'm not doubting you I would just love to get that to our Editor-In-Chief with proof to update this article

15482257? ago

Which is fair but are we sure it's the same company? The one who did HRC's server is based in Sunnyvale CA. I really want it to be the same company to be fair, I might try calling them early tomorrow to see if I can verify, also their cofounder Kurtz sounds like an Israeli tbh

15482315? ago

Without going into too much info, https://web.archive.org/web/20161108104032/https://www.vultr.com/about/team/

Look into the employees missing photos in the archives, there's really only one that matters as they only have one main position this company needs access to everything. I have friends in this "world" that gave me the red flag years ago. I suspected I was onto something when my posts on rebbit kept getting deleted after being immediately downvoted to -15ish within minutes.

15484562? ago

That link was all the proof I need! Lmao smh

15476087? ago

Keep messing with God's people. Morons. If you are getting paid to post anti-jew crap the money your getting wont be worth it when you meet the Father? If you are not getting paid and post anti-jew jew-hate nonsense you are with satan. I pray you wake before its too late.

15479124? ago

Gods people dont make porn and force it into white societies. Gods people dont live by usury. Jews do. Jesus Christ labelled jews as children of satan. Gods chosen are white people. History shows this. We create good things, give the most charity, invent almost everything, etc., etc

15478810? ago

I've gotta ask, why do you mince speaking out about a government with a people? The Torah says math is gods language and all popular faiths claim that liars don't go to heaven. If a government lies I don't see how speaking out about it is going against god, in fact it should be considered living how he expects.

Additionally, don't jews not believe in an afterlife? So are you mincing beliefs here as well?

I agree that you shouldn't bear false witness and you also shouldn't judge people you don't know. So while you might have met bad people that claim to be jews, doesn't condemn all jews, in fact should suggest you met a liar and believed one of the lies they tell themselves (i'm jewish). But unless you're directly condemning "these people are serpents" to mean jewish rather than Israeli's, I don't see the association. OP never mentions jewish and only mentions Israel, they aren't the same.

15478917? ago

All in Israel are not evil. All in America are not evil. All in South Africa are not evil.

The bible clearly states Israel is where God wants His people. Israel is where the war between good and evil will be fought.

15482777? ago

The bible clearly states Israel is where God wants His people

No. You recall John 4 where Jesus states that the time is coming when worship will no longer be relegated to Jerusalem? That era began at the cross; thus, God's people are no more bound to a specific location or a particular structure, as we ourselves are now His temple, as living stones (Philippians 3:3). The rites and elements of the OT age were symbols, illustrations of real spiritual things. No longer must a literal lamb be sacrificed for Passover, as Christ Jesus Himself is our Lamb, etc. Abraham was not seeking tangible land, but "a heavenly city" - the New Jerusalem, the replacement for the carnal earthly version (just as Adam is replaced by the Last Adam).

15479340? ago

I believe that's my point but more to the effect that the Israeli government is not "a people" and is capable of doing evil as there's no system known to protect an organization from evildoers

15479867? ago

When America stops giving 30+ billion a year to Israel a lot of the evil will stop. Q and DJT know what needs to be done to clean up Israel. We need to trust the plan and let the men that got us this far continue.

The anti-jew and anti-Israel crap only helps the enemy. It helps Islamic hate groups whom are a lot worse than Israel and the jews

15480548? ago


That's not anti-Q, shareblue shill. That is a direct quote from Q.

Sorry you don't like it. Maybe you would be more comfortable back home in Israel.

15482578? ago

One of the hateful leaders of these goyim. Get out of mommies basement. If she finds out what you're up to in her home she will be pissed. Tiki touches are sold at Walmart. Pick some up and march in mom's backyard.

I would love to go to Israel. Maybe 1 day.

15478671? ago

Israel is filled with fake satanic jews, shut the fuck up you dumb nigger

15477639? ago


we know the ashkenazi are FAKE JEWS, for all we know the rest of you dumb jews are fake as well.


15477205? ago

We are Gods chosen, not the Synagoge of Satan. That's the entire point of the New Testament, to replace the Old.

15477496? ago

The new Testament is all about love brother. Our Lord and Saviour came to wake us. Teach us about Fathers love and justice. Nothing about replacing anyone. Wake brother before it's to late. Everything we do is recorded. Father knows all...

15480561? ago

Matthew 21:33-41 makes clear that the Lord of the Vineyard is going to destroy the tenants who murdered His Son and replace them with new tenants.

15477613? ago

No, it replaces their covenant as the Chosen. I fear not attesting for my actions fighting the subversion of our religion by the Synagoge of Satan.

15476487? ago

Jews suck baby dicks and christ cucks jerk off while they watch.

15482210? ago

So do catholics priests, but they are Jews too?

15492919? ago

Catholic priests dont cut the dicks off and drink the blood

Also, the libel that Catholic priests are pedos was bullshit started by jews, and we all see through it now.

I'm not even a Catholic and I see through what your people tried to do to our culture through every facet.

Go back to hell, demon jew

15501739? ago

You are denying that their has been massive child abuse in the Catholic church? How fucking stupid are you?

15502150? ago

Not nearly as much as jews who cut off babies dicks and drink the blood. Literally every jewish male has his genitals mutilated as an infant.


15502298? ago

I watch porn and circumcised dicks work just fine. Makes AIDS harder to transmit too. That's probably another Jewish plot too, huh?

15502336? ago

Hey buddy, you have no frenulum or ridged band. Your parents mutilated you at birth.

Circumcision also transfers herpes --> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/herpes-babies-jewish-circumcision-ritual-link-rabbis-infants-a7620446.html

15477074? ago


15476357? ago

I’m not anti-Semitic - but it seems as though they’re more wound up BEING “chosen” rather than doing what the chosen are supposed to do.

15476551? ago

That is not for us to decide. They meet Father as do you and I. Some of us will have the Son by our side when we bow to Father in love and admiration.

15476824? ago

Those who have not the Son, also have not the Father.

15477147? ago


15476239? ago

"Gods people" ? pfff ... which "god" , Baal or Lucifer ?

15476396? ago

Read the bible. Bible is scripture.

There is evil in Israel just as there is evil in America. Trust the plan. No division in the Q movement.

15477062? ago


15476816? ago

Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9

I trust Q. He said "ISRAEL LAST" - the time is now and I'm sorry you don't like it.

15477162? ago

Lmao. Genius. You now speak for Q? Morons

15477518? ago


Sorry bud

15477589? ago

Israel last. Nothing to be sorry about. Israel will be last. Q and DJT decide when its that day not you or I..

15477901? ago

Israel last, bud

It's happening.

15476220? ago

In Jesus name I condemn you kike loving faggot. I bind you and cast you to hell where you will spend the rest of eternity with the rest of your hook nose demon family.

15476211? ago

I may have agreed with you a couple months ago - before I read informative piece from a Jewish man whose father & himself dedicated their lives to informing the people. He said there is a huge difference between Israeli govt Jews & true Jews - who are NOT allowed to have a homeland until Christ comes. Kharzarian Jews are vastly different from Messianic Jews.

15476340? ago

Read the bible..

15476368? ago

Which part? Revelations 2:9 and Revelations 3:9? They're called the synagogue of satan in there.

15476467? ago

Gods people. Be careful. You are making a mistake with your anti-Jew crap. We all meet the Father. Father of the Jewish people. Father to all man. Father is loving but He is also Just God.

15477934? ago

Fuck off Kike enabler. Stupid fucking Religious Justice Warriors are the biggest dupes for Israel.

15476514? ago

I doubt that God's people would consistently cut off babies dicks and drink the blood https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/herpes-babies-jewish-circumcision-ritual-link-rabbis-infants-a7620446.html

15476576? ago

That is not for you or I to decide. Bible is clear about the jewish people they are Gods people.

15489924? ago

The bible sucks

15478873? ago

Pretty sure i can decide just fine by myself that its wrong to suck a babies dick, you pedo cult faggot.

15478986? ago

I agree. Try not to be so hateful it wasn't your penis or your family members.

The cabal are brutalizing our children. Focus on the DS cabal stop worrying about the Jews.

15480573? ago

Most Americans had their dicks mutilated by those freaks, even the non-Jews

Don't tell us what was or wasn't our penis.

15482511? ago

Poor guy. I'd bet you cant see yours without a mirror. Give me your address and I will ship you a microscope. Maybe you will be less hateful if you can finally see your tiny wieny

15477017? ago

and "jews" are not those people

15477043? ago

Matthew 21 33-41 The Landlord will kick out the wicked Husbandmen from the Vineyard because they murdered His Son

15476834? ago

In Revelations 2:9 and Revelations 3:9 they're called the synagogue of satan so I don't understand which "god" you are referring to.

15476498? ago

Jews are subhuman filth.

15476490? ago

Jews are not GODs people, we are all GOD himself

15477555? ago

Correct. We are all Gods people. Love and respect all of Gods children brothers and sisters.

15480580? ago

Piss off. Your "god of love" is NOT my God. My God HATES evil.

Psalms 139:21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

15482919? ago

The Universe is the body of GOD. We are all HIM. We are all ONE.

The creator and the creation are ONE.

15482447? ago

Moron. Your interpretation is twisted. God is Father to all He is the Creator. Beginning and end.

Fathers love all their children. You hateful cunt.

15482953? ago

Of course you are right my friend. The hole universe is just a bunch of LOVE!

15476229? ago

Esau gambit is not gonna work on us any longer. We know.

15476206? ago

I don't think the Synagogue of Satan, as Jesus Himself described them in Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9, are God's people.

Further, calling one race "God's people" and not other races is pretty fucking racist dude and you should check your privilege, racist.

15476796? ago

Satanists pretending to be Jews are not Jews

15477168? ago

“Satanists pretending to be Jews are not Jews.” Exactly. I feel like a broken record. Need to keep saying it, though, because far too few understand. Which makes me question everything and everyone, as nothing is what it seems...

15480313? ago

Which is exactly why Israel is an illegitimate state, because it's run by satanists pretending to be jews.

15483889? ago

I do agree with you here.

15477689? ago

^ ^ ^


15480288? ago

^^^ Verified Hasbara soul-less kike.

Pervert (by default) and his CAPS signature on EVERY post SHOUTING at those who expose the JEWS is an obvious sign.

Ya continually fail the IDF creed "By way of deception..." and not fit to be an IDF and certainly not very effective here. You should try another career path.

15489957? ago

^ ^ ^

Verified shill account right here.

How to identify:


15490570? ago

^^^ Hasbara heeb just clocked in

15492644? ago

^ ^ ^

Shill projecting itself to be on a shilling schedule.



15477117? ago


Shocking Documentary How You Are Being Mind Controlled & Don't Know It


Six Million Jews 1915-1938


You Must Understand the Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They Hated Russians, They hated Christians. The Bolsheviks are still around today, owning and controlling the media


CNN Jews


Yes, Jews Really Do Control Hollywood. So What?

Jews Clarify What They Mean When They Say Goyim Are Sub Human



Netanyahu in Kazakhstan warns Iran: We're a tiger, not a rabbit


Kazakhstan asks Benjamin Netanyahu for help in war on terror


Soviet dictator Josef Stalin banned any research into the Khazars, fearing it would prove Russia was descended from a Jewish state.


TIL that in 1934 Stalin created a province, bigger than Israel, to preserve Jewish culture. It still exists today.


Is There A Connection Between Ancient Indian And Hebrew Language?


Name of Satan


I think that Kazakhstan is being positioned to be the new seat of the NWO. And this thing that started in SA is just a part of that



They have extremely good relations with Israel and that should be of great concern.


Giant Pentagram seen from high above Kazakhstan https://www.livescience.com/38623-giant-pentagram-in-kazakhstan.html



Ex-U.S. Envoy Cites 'Moderate' Kazakhstan, Its Desire For 'Global Role'


Kazakhstan President Proposes a Global “Cryptocurrency” Known as G-Global - January 17, 2018 at 02:39AM


The visit by Kazakhstan's president focused attention on President Trump’s history of business dealings with Kazakh businessmen, including Tevfik Arif, whose company built New York City's Trump Soho


Today, it was my honor to welcome President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan to the @WhiteHouse!


Press Releases: The United States and Kazakhstan - An Economic Partnership for the 21st Century


Department of State pledges to fortify Kazakhstan's borders and seaports.


Kazakhstan is a 'kleptocracy' ruled by an autocrat. It's also an increasingly important US ally | NBC


UraniumOne Smoking Gun. The Mysterious owners of the Kazakhstan Deposit


Watch Trump, seated next to the authoritarian leader of Kazakhstan, order the press "out"


New video by The White House on YouTube President Trump Greets President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan at the White House


How a Trump SoHo Partner Ended Up With Toxic Mining Riches From Kazakhstan


United States and Kazakhstan: An Enhanced Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century


[Bloomberg Business] Trump says he has “no idea” whether money from Kazakhstan was invested in Trump SoHo


Trump's meeting with Kazakhstan president is important gesture of cooperation


Kazakhstan National Anthem - Borat [with lyrics]


What you need to know about ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN and the ILLUMINATI


Astana Kazakhstan Shows the USA Nuked and The Mark of the Beast and the Rapture. NWO Illuminati


Kazakhstan - Our Time Is Now - Documentary


The US is set to open one of the world’s largest bioweapons labs in 2015 – not in the US, but in the former Soviet satellite state of Kazakhstan.


BBC - Kazakhstan’s 21st-century capital - NWO Illuminati Architeture


'More than 50 geoglyphs, including a massive swastika, discovered across northern Kazakhstan'


US, Israel selling spy systems to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan: Report


Tony Blair gives Kazakhstan’s autocratic president tips on how to defend a massacre



The US is building a bioweapons lab in Kazakhstan


The Smoking, Radioactive Gun: Uranium One


15474934? ago

erase israel off the face of the Earth and take every last irreparably damaged Jew and put them in the ground so the rest of the planet and the galactic empire can finally live in peace and harmony.

there is no world peace as long as we allow Jews to perpetuate their filth and perversions at our expense


15480764? ago

I've been invested in this whole thing just as long as you have. I know the evils of Israel and also know that Jews are incredibly tribal, and even though Jesus was one himself, everything god did was for a purpose. I do not want a genocide, of any people, even though I know that getting rid of all certain types of people most likely would leave the world a safer place.

I just can't condone becoming the monsters we are fighting against. However, I would like everyone that has committed crimes against humanity, and everyone that has benefited off the mistreatment of their fellow man to be brought to justice. Let the world see what crimes they have committed and let the chips fall where they may after that.

15477995? ago

U can't be that stupid can u? Q followers are united. It's good versus evil. Race wars is what the cabal wants for division and distraction. The only war Q and patriots is fighting is good versus evil which has no gender, color, or nationality.

If u had half a brain you would read scripture. In Revelations "they claim they are Jews but are not. They are the synagogue of satan".

Q followers we need to immediately down vote shills like this. They come is to sabotage and we are too smart to let them do this.

15479194? ago


Nice try Shareblue shill

15475767? ago


15475884? ago


15477158? ago

I think im going to walk around saying this.

15475587? ago

OK you dumb faggot HASBARAT shill. Fuck off. Since Jews have mixed their DNA with every people from every continent, how do you distinguish them from others? You are nothing more than an instigating shill fuck. What's sad is my American taxes go to pay this hasbarat there in Israel.

15479803? ago

I dont pay taxes... yet

15476524? ago

Jews havent mixed their dna with anyone, they stay in their ghettos and inbreed amongst themselves.

15476560? ago

Not true.

Source: am Jewish.

15478909? ago

You just proved my point though.

15480071? ago

Wow you're retarded if you really think that.

15479952? ago

I'm sure you'll believe that regardless.

15477275? ago

Ok. So what do they look for when they do those dna tests for isreali citizenship then?

15477541? ago

Down syndrome, and other signs of retardation and inbreeding.

15478916? ago

Thats how they know someone is a true jew.

15475411? ago

Imagine the MSM quoting this post and associating it with Q. Shills gonna shill. Race war!? Sounds like the cabal’s playbook to me.

15478900? ago

Why do you still care what the KSM says about you?

15480427? ago

Uff da

15477432? ago


15476008? ago

The MSM is too lazy to search for quotes like this. They will make them up themselves with their own Voat accounts.

Imagine the MSM writing an article about a mafia that holds its meetings in Tel Aviv and calling it the Russian mafia. Imagine the MSM having a documentary about Al Capone and neglecting to Meyer Lansky or the Bronfmans. Imagine the MSM running a TV drama like the Sopranos but calling it the Epsteins and all the criminals are Jewish just like all the criminals in the Sopranos are Italian-Americans.

Maybe the MSM should stop peddling hatred themselves if they want to be taken seriously. Actually their time is up. Ignore the MSM. Break them up with anti-trust legislation. Send them all to jail for hate crimes.

15475864? ago

Fear of bad press is just another form of censorship

15475612? ago

fuck the msm. I hope those kikes are trembling in their pedo bunkers.

15475578? ago

Optics game is over. We know who has been ruining our country, and we are not playing along any more. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

15475373? ago

Shill, shill upvotes. They are on full throttle.

15475583? ago

We know who has been ruining our country, and we are not playing along any more. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"

15480488? ago

  • Voltaire Very good quote.

15475636? ago

Paid fake raycis. You suck at cointelpro'ing a forum and should be fired, all you can do is timewaste, can't directly affect narrative.

15475704? ago

your lies don't work here anymore shareblue. the goyim know. you guys should have allowed Trump to win instead of smearing us all as Nazis, because now your "Nazi" shtick is old and doesn't work, like the boy who cried wolf.

15475954? ago

Ah, triggered in your corn flakes shill.

15476184? ago

Says the guy who's shilling on a post he disagrees with lmao. Keep moving and go elsewhere if you dislike it.

15474924? ago

This is funny. It's starting to look like if you replace "Russia" with "ISRAEL", "Putin" with "NETANYAHU", and "Trump" with "HILLARY", then we have a real picture of the COLLUSION that occurred. Curious why POTUS keeps supporting Israel when 85+% of Jews voted Democrat, when they just tried to assassinate him, and when the media they own crucifies him literally daily?

15482438? ago

SPOT-ON, Patriot.

15479806? ago

I thought the Saudi’s owned the media.

15480599? ago

Yeah sure the (((Saudis))) okay that's why they literally had to murder Mossad asset Khashoggi

15478855? ago

Me thinks you misunderstand the meaning of "literally" 😁

15480482? ago

Not OP - I think they meant the "literally" to be towards "daily" - meaning that the media does, indeed, DAILY shit all over DJT. The "crucifies" part was meant figuratively.

15477702? ago

I would like to think that he's simply keeping his enemies close. Trump is human and he can only fight for so long before he becomes exhausted.

15477079? ago

Think Mirror. Bingo

15475081? ago

Friends close. Enemies closer. He had to win them over so he can defeat them.

15484268? ago

I dunno it's getting rly hard for me to believe this. I feel I'm going delusional. Trump has been sucking Jewish dick pretty hard for awhile now. At first I would tell myself "LOOK HE MET WITH USS LIBERTY SURVIVOR, THE ZIONISTS ARE GOING DOWN!!!" But he has surrounded himself with the Zionist cabal. It's can't be overlooked anymore.During the hanaka speech he was gargaling the Jew balls so hard it was so disgusting. Israel is our greatest ally!! Am I right?!?

15484515? ago

The reason you are having a hard time believing this is because you fell in the trap of generalization. You only view "them" as "ALL of [insert whatever 'them' you want to generalize] as a single, unified entity. They/them/most of them ≠ all. It is a fools errand to form opinions based on such broad generalizations. Expand your thinking.

15492927? ago

Esau gambit won't work this time, Moshe.

15477697? ago

Whomever has more jews on their side always wins, so he has to win them over. The cabal loves encouraging nationalist anti-semitism because it just means they will have an easy time recruiting more highly capable jews to the globalist team.

15478487? ago

nice try Moshe

15481844? ago

How many thousands of years have there been attempts to wipe out the Jews and they always end up winning in the end? Sorry pal, got to have the Jews on your side to win.

15486229? ago

Win what? Yet another expulsion? It's easy to (win) when your starting point is nothing. Build nothing, create nothing, just latch on to shit and fuck it all up greed.

Yes winning.

15476323? ago

Nah. If it was just a strategy he would never have allowed his kids to marry into the tribe.

He is one of them not against them.

To believe otherwise is pure wishful thinking.

15482452? ago

Wrong, Friend. their MOTHER probably is.

15480443? ago

FREEWILL. God grants it, devil steals it. Until you understand the strategy of both, you will be controlled. It may take a lifetime..when your FREEWILL is manipulated, or you steal someone else's FREEWILL, the deepstate (luciferian) ruled by evil is at work in You. If you are shocked or insulted by this post, it's time to wake up. You have a job, and a purpose. And it does not include division or spreading hatred. We WILL be united. Are you in or out??? Shills, speak! Show yourselves!!! Patriots, speak! It's ok to keep seeking a higher understanding of unity. WWG1WGA!

15480991? ago

Agree wholeheartedly and appreciate the straightforwardness

15485601? ago

Thank you. I'm definitely not an antagonist. I'm a uniter, learning the enemy's schemes, and resisting. Life is better when FREEWILL is really and truly FREE!!!

15476398? ago

That makes sense until you consider that judaism is genetic and matrilineal, per the rabbis themselves. This means that Ivanka's kids simply can not be jewish by rabbinical law. If Trump wanted jew grandkids he would have had to marry one of his SONS to a JEWESS

15477966? ago

Which may imply Kushner wanted out of his Jewness.

15480591? ago

IMO Kushner is a fake jew and the rabbis bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

15486445? ago

Indeed. I haven't picked up on any Jewiness from him, he seems genuine enough.

I mean, the Nazis had plenty of Jews in high positions so hey....

15489580? ago

None of the rat fucks get an Ahnenpass this time

WE made our own FAKE JEWS to blend in with them this time, WE learned from Hitler's mistakes such as Emil Maurice.

The jews who got Ahnenpasses BETRAYED the Reich. NOT AGAIN!

15475193? ago

He had to win them over so he can defeat them.

This is the most likely explanation. Have you seen the official White House Hanukkah videos?

ALL the comments are redpilled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2kUBUPShl8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc4Wizup-MQ

Trump hasn't disabled commenting or voting. It's like he WANTS us to expose them...

15480863? ago

They are already calling Trump a Nazi. Could you imagine if they could paint him as antisemetic?!

15480884? ago

Optics game is over. They already call him a Nazi, exactly, no where else to go from here.

15480351? ago

Good to know he's happy to have us shit on him just to get to da joos. Weird but honorable behavior.

Sort of proves we at least think for ourselves.

15477286? ago

Makes me wonder about how Q pointed everyone here and had the BO create a new board. It’s like we need to get “softened” up a bit before the final part of the plan.

15480043? ago

people have been saying thats the main reason for q sending people to voat, to wake them up to the jewish question

15475393? ago

Holy shit, those comment people are fucking woke!!

15477072? ago

Utterly Woke Comments on those videos.....bloody brilliant. Love seeing & reading them. PATRIOTS waking up others on an Official Whitehouse YT Channel. Can't get any better than that.

15478598? ago

Heil, anons. We will win

15474864? ago

LMAO. I LOVE how Israel is being exposed left and right. This is great. Some "allies" these people are

15474810? ago


15477111? ago

This may wake up at least 3, 4, maybe 5 at most. I guess that's a win..

15475950? ago

The normies need Mueller for that, though. This movie is for the normies