15458805? ago

This: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2899160

Now it makes sense

15458433? ago

We are all wondering about this guy. It’s not the first thing Trump has done that makes me wonder. But hey, Huber was appointed by Obama and, if rumors are true, he is really kicking ass.

15451291? ago

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15445126? ago

We're overlooking the big elephant in the room. There are literally a dozen other treasonous acts that the Clintons could be prosecuted for. Benghazi, Pissgate, Podesta. Why nominate Barr just to pursue the CF angle? Makes absolutely no sense when a non-satan-worshiping NWO treasonous POS could be nominated and convict them of a dozen things which are punishable by execution.

15444988? ago

Yes. However, what if POTUS appoints during the recess????

15458450? ago

What happens then?

15443560? ago

I understand why you are asking the question and I think he is a lousy choice. I cannot find the law answer quickly, however a published report late yesterday seems to indicate confirmation (again) is mandatory. Part of it reads" Trump told reporters at the White House on Friday morning he intends to nominate William Barr to be attorney general, replacing acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker who assumed the position after Trump ousted Jeff Sessions as the Justice Department’s leader last month. If confirmed by the Senate, Barr would return to running the Justice Department after serving as as attorney general from 1991 to 1993 under George H.W. Bush. Barr is a longtime Washington power lawyer and is currently counsel at the Kirkland & Ellis law firm." /////

I suppose Trump is appointing him to go chase Clinton. However how can any of us trust a GHWB Atty General? Really. So, I am deeply confused. This is like rain on a sunny day. Sometimes it makes me doubt the plan and Q.

15444708? ago

Weren't Whitaker and Cavanaugh both part of W's team?