15414232? ago

Each state must form a million man militia and then start issuing arrest warrants.

15414123? ago

While I'm no fan of the Fed, this graph doesn't look accurate to me.

Inflation hasn't been a major issue in the last 10 years, but that graph shows our purchasing power going to zero?

15413856? ago

The FED is on Trump's list.

15413320? ago

In NY in 2002 a large (and really a large not the medium's they call large nowadays) cheese pizza was $6.50, now it's over $15.00. Ugh.

15412421? ago

Who runs the NYSE & NASDAQ? ===> Jews.

15412412? ago

Be interesting to overlay the stock market gains

to demonstrate what an illusion that growth actually is.

15411452? ago

How about a graph that goes before so we can really see?

15410834? ago

Who runs the Federal Reserve? ===> Jews.

15412604? ago

Careful, they also control voat. /v/technology/2893420

Fun fact, any know if it's a better investment to own vs rent in America?

If you were born after 1981 and your parents raised you how the government told them to, you were fucked. The CIA's Senior Executive Service took hold in 1981. That's right, the organization that can't operate on American soil formed a congress approved plan to reshape society in 1979 and approve to begin in 1981.

If your parents sold at the height of the real-estate bubble between 2001 - 2008 and didn't invest in buying their kids smaller homes or some company that did well like Apple, Google, or Amazon. You were screwed to renting the american dream.

Some might say "I own, you're lying". Ok, Do the math on cost of owning a home bought in the last 10 -15 years. From what I can tell, actual home sales have 5% or less appreciation. Meaning you could buy a $100k house in 2005 and sell it for $105k in 2015. If you want to pretend you paid less than $5k in taxes and maintenance, that's fine, but doesn't make it profitable or better than renting and not paying maintenance or taxes.

My parents each sold their homes for $380k and $200k in early 2000's. Blew the money on stupid business franchises, now have mortgages on homes they previously bought cash almost 15 years later and they're worth the same price they paid, except they paid tens of thousands to maintain, tens of thousands in taxes on inflated valuations, and tens of thousands on interest for their new mortgages.

Hardly the American dream.

  • Drop the FED
  • Bring back the homestead act and give 1 acre of land to any birthright citizen.
  • Then come up with a way to finance people to build homes.

That'll kill democrats cities, it'll make anyone living in a city want to leave, and any non citizens will leave or sabotage the cities that lured them in.

16268931? ago

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15412361? ago

Be interesting to overlay the stock market gains

to demonstrate what an illusion that growth actually is.

15410593? ago

And how do we correct this, again?