15400194? ago

This is a good question. One would think that if his was a legitimate investigation, at some point he would bloviate to some MSM talking head.

Maybe he is legit, and he's staying out of sight because he isn't a glory hound (doubt.jpg).

He doesn't have shit, so the MSM covers it sparingly.

15399153? ago

"I cannot comment on ongoing investigations"

That's why

15400293? ago

Exactly. And we all know that the redactions in the Flynn addendum have nothing to do with Russian Collusion! Flynn felt compelled to do what he did for both God and Country! He told Mueller where the bodies are buried, and the truth will definitely set America free! Be patient...we're close, Patriots!

15398817? ago

Yes, 2+ years and he's always in a pin-stripe suit with either the dark printed tie or a red printed tie. They sure don't pay him well.....

15399893? ago

The last number reported was 2015, had Bob's net worth in the 4 million range

last salary position paid 240K per annum. no clue how that rolls up to 4 million.. unless his personal real estate has gone up, way up

15398429? ago


15397857? ago

Because he doesn't have jack, and they know it.

15397827? ago

Duh, the MSM is in cahoots.

15397552? ago

Mueller doesn't leak, EVER.

Hes been our man since the beginning.

15397157? ago

Because he sounds like a bumbling idiot when he has to make up shit.

15396936? ago

Maybe because he’s a low key white hat

15396632? ago

The job is to attack Trump not Muller

15396620? ago

"I vas only following orders!"

The entire MSM.

15396444? ago

YEAH, MSM why are you not following Mueller around......oh that's right you are FAKE NEWS!

15396264? ago

Remember, we are watching a movie. Great observation, Patriot! I have thought of this, too, as the media shows the same photo of him over and over and over. Weird.

15396252? ago

Mueller is not sober long enough if ever!

15396212? ago

SC Ken Starr was infront of a microphone all the time.

15398472? ago

Ken Starr was an Independent Counsel, he didn't even have a Rob Rosenstein to report to, but they change the law after him because he was in front of a microphone all the time and he wound going far afield from Whitewater.

15401131? ago

Rod Rosenstein WORKED FOR Ken Starr during the Whitewater scandal. Which means Rod worked with Kavanaugh as well? You do know who's involved and what they've done right? https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/03/ken-starr-confidence-in-rosenstein-864709

15396316? ago

For Clinton's impeachment? Many people don't know that Kavanaugh wrote a scathing letter to Starr recommending Clinton's impeachment/resignation. It brings clarity to Kav's passionate opening speech, "...Revenge on behalf of the Clintons!..."

15396206? ago

Maybe he is in Gitmo? Press photos for optics? One can only dream.

15396169? ago

There's about 1 piece of B-roll footage of Mueller walking with his briefcase



15396293? ago

I enjoyed that video

15396089? ago

You know what, I had this same thought a few months ago when I searched for Mueller making comments in the case. Nothing.

15396082? ago

Because Mueller has nothing to say.

He's spent over $300 million and taken two years to produce a feast and all he has is an empty plate.

15398441? ago

The special counsel investigation has spent less than $40 something million that Manafort had to forfeit.

15399874? ago

Sorry, but just because Manaforts worth was in the arena of 40 million, does not mean that it was not encumbered. Part of what he is in trouble for is lying on LOAN docs.. we have not seen a true number of his actual assets. I would guess Cash, property, investment accounts when cashed out will bring in well under 20 million.. and that is being very conservative Latest number wasted by Team Mueller is 40 million.. with no end in sight yet His 3 properties are on the market now.. with less than 5 million for all

15433821? ago

He forfeited 5 properties

Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, is forfeiting an estimated $22 million worth of real estate in New York — including three Manhattan apartments, a Brooklyn townhouse and a home in the Hamptons — as part of a plea deal with federal prosecutors announced on Friday.

So $20 million in property and the other big ticket items were a life insurance policy and three bank accounts. https://www.justice.gov/file/1094151/download

15396787? ago

more like pocketed 300 million and about to spend it on a nice house.