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15177923? ago

Judging by the blood splatter on his pants, which of these two photographs would you say was taken first?

The left pic shows damage to outside of his right leg. The right pic shows damage to outside of his left leg. How did one bomb do this kind of damage, and how is this man still standing?

Crisis Actor at the Boston Marathon Bombing mass casualty drill #DrillsGoneWild

Both of his pants legs are shredded, but he is still walking. Both of her pants knees are torn, but her knees aren't bleeding. How many tourniquets can you count? Were any tourniquets necessary or effective?

According to Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen, Bill Richard had just completed the marathon and Martin went out to hug his father and returned to his mother and sister just as the first bomb exploded

The eight year old boy killed, his sister horribly injured just moments after their father crossed the finishing line

Rep Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts spoke on the story on MSNBC's Morning Joe, which differs from the accounts that state Martin's father was running during the marathon

Two different sources identify the female next to the boy who died as "MOM". This female somehow has the foreknowledge to flee the scene before the bomb goes off, killing the boy

These photoshopped party hats

Hi Rez image of Boston Marathon Bombing suspect fleeing the scene, turning the corner, with white hat on. Note female in TUFTS LACROSSE sweater on right side of pic. She was standing next to boy who died in bombing, yet somehow fled unharmed


The female in the green circle was next to the boy who died, yet somehow she was able to flee before being injured by the bomb that killed the boy

From background to foreground: female in green circles is enlarged in right pic, showing her TUFTS LACROSSE sweater, shorts, socks shoes, which match the female on the barricade who was next to the boy who died

After public uproar, the FBI reluctantly "fake arrested" the female suspect, because her involvement was so obvious and well documented. She was never identified, which is odd because she clearly was "arrested"

AUTHORITIES: Suspect stole officers gun, shot officer at MIT, then Fled...

later, the story changes to:

Officer Collier had a locking holster, its like a three-way lock. There was apparently an attempt to yank it and they couldn't get it and left

Authorities can't decide if MIT campus cop Sean Collier was shot with his own gun or not, in spite of his gun supposedly being obviously holstered?

this discrepancy is important because the supposed Motive for the Tsarnaev's to kill Sean Collier was to get his gun.

but later the Tsarnaev bothers allegedly had an "arsenal" during the shootout with police?

and apparently didn't need Sean Collier's gun to kill him because they must have had their own.

the locking holster story i suspect is made up product placement ad, meant to sell more of these 3 way locking holsters.

Headline Says: Marathon bombing suspect in custody, 2nd at large. Headline should say: 1 marathon bombing suspect dead, 1 suspect in custody, 1 suspect at large

According to the co-director of MIT's Graduate Program in Science Writing, the 'naked man' is not either of the Tsarnaev brothers... A naked man was in police custody, in handcuffs, and later a pic of a naked body purportedly of Tamerlan was later leaked online

Maret Tsarnaeva the aunt of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the suspected Boston marathon bombers has revealed to me that she can positively identify the oldest nephew Tamerlan Tsarnaev as the man who was stripped naked and placed into a police cruiser during the manhunt for the suspects.

[NSFW] [NSFL] This photo is supposedly of a dead Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Tamerlan supposedly had just been in a gun fight with police. How many bullet holes do you see? Zoom in on his neck and you can see the brushstrokes where the "blood" was applied

Manhunt as pretext for police state

15177929? ago

Here's a picture of the boat that the Boston Marathon Bombing suspect was hiding in. Notice that there is no hatch in the boat cover

Here is the boat the Boston Marathon Bombing suspect was hiding in. Note that the boat cover is stretched tight around the boat, and that there is no blood on the trailer fender

Heres another angle on the boat that Boston Marathon bombing suspect was hiding in. Note the fact that there is no blood on the fender or anywhere else

Bottom pic: How did the suspect get inside the boat? The boat has a shrink wrap cover on it, with a square hatch in it. Theres a step ladder below the hatch. Upper pics: Infrared of heat from chimney, window, and boat. They heated the boat for him

Before and after blood was planted on the boat fender of the boat the Boston Marathon Bombing suspect was hiding in

Do Shrink Wrap Boat Covers Actually Exist Or Not?

google image search for shrink wrap boat cover

The Boston SWAT team that apprehended Dzhokhar said in a CNN interview that his throat appeared to be slashed.

Weird because in this photo, Dzhokhar's throat doesn't appear to be cut, shot, or otherwise injured.

Boston EMS Boston Public Health


Boston Globe


Boston Globe

USA Today

Daily Mail

Boston Urban Shield

Boston Globe

Mass State Police





the track coach who divulged that there was heightened security and officials telling everyone that there would be drills and there's nothing to worry about.

fake lawyer judy clarke magically shows up to defend him in court, just look at her client list to see a who's who of fake villains.

the so called Pay Czar, Kenneth Feinberg. everything he is involved in is sketchy af

1 fraud)

2 fraud)

Who is Graham Fuller?

Turkey issues arrest warrant for former CIA analyst Graham Fuller in connection to 2016 failed military coup. Fuller was also the Father-in-Law to the UNCLE of the 2 alleged Boston bomber brothers. Uncle Ruslan Tsarnaev lived in Fuller's house for a while & used to work for Cheney's Halliburton

Former Waltham, Massachusetts police chief Thomas LaCroix dies

Iowa Senator Charles Grassley's Letter to New FBI Boss James Comey With Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing

PDF warning:

15177956? ago

Part 2: Tsarnaev's at the Boston Maraton finish line

According to Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen, Bill Richard had just completed the marathon and Martin went out to hug his father and returned to his mother and sister just as the first bomb exploded

Rep Stephen Lynch corrects the record

BMB Martin Richard in foreground, reluctantly looking at the camera for a photo op. Behind him is half of the face of suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The female to the right of Martin Richard fled the scene before the bomb went off, and was later arrested in New Bedford by the FBI, but never identified

Boston Marathon Bombing suspect makes his get away on right side of photo, turning the corner, with white hat turned backwards. The 3 people on left side of the pic, and 1 female in TUFTS sweater on right, are photoshopped in. You can tell by looking at their "floating feet" above the pavement

FBI arrests the female suspect in the TUFTS sweater after much public outcry, but release her without identifying her?

Two different sources identify the female next to Martin Richard as "MOM", but when "MOM" got caught on camera fleeing the scene with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, suddenly her ID became a hot topic of debate. She was arrested by the FBI, but her name was never released.

it looks like he wet his pants

So, my questions are:

Why wasn't the "female suspect" injured by the bomb, since she was standing even closer to the bomb than Martin Richard, who allegedly died?

Why did the "female suspect" (MOM?) flee the scene after the bombs blew up, instead of helping her family?

if a side profile photograph is sufficient to identify Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, then why isn't a full face shot of the female suspect in the TUFTS sweater enough to ID her?

also, if you take this photo (copy URL), which is hosted at NYT

and take it to "foto-forensics" website,

(open new tab) (paste URL)

you will get a page that looks like this:

and if you mouse-over the different images, they will show you the original and also their forensic analysis for side-by side comparison

enlarge the images as large as they will go, and find the man running on the left side of the photo in the MIT sweater

notice that the MIT turns to a box in their analysis.

thats because the MIT was photoshopped onto the runner as part of the fabrication of this "evidence"

that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was

a) at the Boston Marathon

b) fled the scene after the bombs blew up

15177997? ago

So, if the brothers were innocent

nobody is claiming that the brothers are innocent.

what is being claimed is that the brothers are basically "crisis actors" merely played along as the "bad guys" in this mass casualty drill.

why did they kill a cop

supposedly they killed a cop because they needed more weapons, even though they had "an arsenal" already.

there has never been a plausible motive offered for killing a cop, and motive is usually one of the cornerstones of any case

the authorities apparently lied about the murder weapon.

AUTHORITIES: Suspect stole officers gun, shot officer at MIT, then fled...

... but later the story changes to:

Officer Collier had a locking holster, its like a three-way lock. There was apparently an attempt to yank it and they couldn't get it and left

it came the the attention of Senator Chuck Grassley that the feds were seen at the scene of the Sean Collier shooting before it took place, and sent the FBI boss a letter asking about their suspicious activities.

PDF warning:

kidnap a man in his car

the victim is allegedly named "Jiang Lantan" a Chinese entrepreneur

Boston Gas station owner Tarek Ahmed describes Jiang Lantan as "white", even though he is also known as Danny the Chinese entrepreneur, and claims that the Tsarnaev's "pushed the man out of the car"

"Authorities" claim Jiang Lantan aka Danny the Chinese entrepreneur is Caucasian, and that he was "dropped off" (as opposed to "pushed out" of the car)

"Authorities" say Jiang Lantan, aka Danny the Chinese entrepreneur, made a daring escape from the Tsarnaev's. This version of his story directly contradicts other claims by "Authorities" that the victim had been "pushed out" of the car, or "dropped off"

Three different sources give 3 different accounts of how Jiang Lantan, aka Danny the Chinese entrepreneur, escaped from the Tsarnaev's during his alleged kidnapping.

They also describe the "Chinese" man as both "white" and "caucasian"

James Alan Fox, PhD is a famous professor who has given speeches to the Congress about terrorism. He just happened to be Jiang Lantan's advisor. Jiang Lantan is also known as "Danny the Chinese entrepreneur" who was allegedly kidnapped by the Tsarnaev brothers a few days after the Boston Marathon Bombing

and then get into a shoot out with police?

Snopes falsely claims that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a shootout with police

Tamerlan walked toward officers, firing his gun until he appeared to run out of bullets. Officers tackled him and were trying to get handcuffs on him, when the stolen SUV came roaring at them, the younger brother at the wheel

Boston Globe: Marathon Bombing suspect in custody, 2nd at large.

The headline should read 1 Marathon Bombing suspect dead, 2nd in custody, 3rd at large.

According to the co-director of MIT's Graduate Program in Science Writing, the 'naked man' is not either of the Tsarnaev brothers... A naked man was in police custody, in handcuffs, and later a pic of a naked body purportedly of Tamerlan was later leaked online

I know if I found out I was wanted for something I didn't do, my first thought wouldn't be, fuck it I'm going out guns a blazing!

According to MA State Police Superintendent Timothy Alben, Boston Maraton Bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev "fled on foot" from scene of shootout. Later the story was changed to say Dzhokhar fled in a SUV, and ran over his brother Tamerlan during his getaway, dragging Tamerlan to his death

NSFL NSFW Allegedly "leaked" photo of naked man, presumably a dead Tamerlan Tsarnaev. According to Snopes he died in shootout with police. Count bullet holes. Police say Dzhokhar ran him over with a SUV while fleeing... "on foot". You can see brushstrokes on his neck where fake blood was applied

15178129? ago

Who is Graham Fuller?

Turkey issues arrest warrant for former CIA analyst Graham Fuller in connection to 2016 failed military coup. Fuller was also the Father-in-Law to the UNCLE of the 2 alleged Boston bomber brothers. Uncle Ruslan Tsarnaev lived in Fuller's house for a while & used to work for Cheney's Halliburton

15187811? ago

... Friday, February 16, 2018, Special Council Robert Mueller indicted 13 names off of a list that was compiled online in 2015 by "anonymous"

13 Russian nationals indicted for interfering in US elections

Defendants knowingly and intentionally conspired with each other (and with persons known and unknown to the Grand Jury) to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit for the purpose of interfering with the U.S. political and electoral processes, including the presidential election of 2016

Friday February 16, 2018 Mueller Announces Guilty Plea of California Man in Investigation

'unwitting' ? Michael Moore joined a Russian sponsored anti-Trump rally hahahaha

Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

CNN and MSNBC Helped Russia Sow Discord by Promoting Fake Anti-Trump Rally

Tuesday, February 20, 2018, special counsel Robert Mueller filed the following criminal information document in D.C. federal district court. The document describes false statements made by Alex Van Der Zwaan.

Kim Dotcom: "Let me assure you, the DNC hack wasn’t even a hack. It was an insider with a memory stick. I know this because I know who did it and why. Special Counsel Mueller is not interested in my evidence. My lawyers wrote to him twice."

Robert Mueller was in a big hurry to act because

the Nunes Grassley-Graham Feinstein Memos were closing in on Mueller

and Mueller wanted to solidify the Russian hacker interference by way of indictment

before Mueller was forced out as Special Council

for the same reasons FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe resigned,

is the same reason Robert Mueller should resign

Nunes, Grassley, Goodlatte, and Horowitz communicate through public letters to leverage public pressure against the Deep State traitors.

Friday February 2, 2018 Nunes Memo

Monday, Feb 05, 2018 Grassley memo backs up Nunes Memo

Monday Jan 05, 2018 Senators Grassley, Graham Refer Christopher Steele for Criminal Investigation

Friday Feb 09 2018 Senator Diane Feinstein - Analysis Refutes Criminal Referral of Christopher Steele

Grassley new less redacted version BTFO Dem memo. FISA apps were intentionally misleading and didn't mention Clinton, DNC at all, just as Nunes memo said

The Grassley Letter Everyone Is Ignoring Is Way More Important Than the Nunes Memo

Nunes memo raises question: Did FBI violate Woods Procedures?

(And it relates in an unexpected way to special counsel Robert Mueller)

Declassified Grassley Document Confirms FISA Memo

if you would like to be brought up to speed, heres some sources:

Sens. Grassley, Graham have questions about Susan Rice's email to herself on Inauguration Day

How CIA Director John Brennan Targeted James Comey: The Russia investigation put the FBI in a bind well before Trump ever landed in the White House

John Brennan gave a speech, which was played on NPR, where he outlined the reasoning for Drone Strikes

Judicial Watch - Tom Fitton's Weekly Update - 'What did Obama know about the Clinton/DNC Dossier?'

List of suspicious resignations related to Boston Marathon Bombing

[X] Robert Mueller

. #ProblemSolvingMatrix #OpWeb #0p6d #0p4c #0p64s + #Q #Qanon = #0p6dQ #0p4cQ #0p64sQ

is currently preoccupied with chemtrails on #OpWeb11

but #ProblemSolvingMatrix could be re-purposed for Q operations

15396183? ago

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