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15384202? ago

As a communications technician in the navy....the energy and size of the "antennae" required to generate such a signal is huuuuuuuuuge. ELF communications have been developed in order to communicate with subs at sea....but was deemed too expensive and untrustworthy. This was a 17hz signal....I don't wanna do the math to determine size...etc. Holy crap. It is artificial in source...and WE did not create it. Think about that.

15384973? ago

Depth is reported at 10 km. This is approximately 600 fathoms. Graph in OPs link says sound travels at 4900 ft/s at that depth, which is approximately 1494 m/s. Using lambda=vT, the wavelenght is approximately 25,398 m or ~16 miles. The frequency is approximately 0.059 Hz.

These underwater sound tunnels act like wave guides (think fiber optics). If we ASSUME that 0.059 Hz is a RESONANT frequency of planet Earth, then all we have to do to create and sustain such a vibration is to ping on her every 17 seconds (think of pushing a child on a swing). Seems this could be done from a satellite. Not sure how to ping.

15399233? ago

10 km depth you say? This just happened, also at 10 km depth.