15400603? ago

I'm going to throw this out there.

Is there any way this 'pulse' could be a deep state warning to Q? I'm thinking along the lines of a test to see how effective a piece of technology, whatever it is, can send a pulse around the globe. What if this pulse was testing the ability to send a global EMP in the event of Declass?

There have been numerous articles about solar storms recently which would be the perfect cover up for an EMP attack to wipe out communications and electronics. Wouldn't it be an incredible coincidence if one were to hit just as their corruption is being exposed?

15400378? ago

not much of a "shot heard around the world" if you had to stop and explain to people that it happened.

15398228? ago

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15397843? ago

15394467? ago

If certian frequencies effect the human body , and mind , even heal , could it be our person bells got rung hand it has to do with Earth's people awakening ?

15394223? ago

Great post, TY. There were mass meditations going on globally all day on 11/11, particularly around 10am EST. I personally hope it was white hats anchoring in that higher frequency we were holding as a collective on that day.

15393256? ago

Kraken Fart Train LOL

15392046? ago

Made me think of the Sean Connery scene too. One ping. This is the ulf comms tech that makes whales kill themselves.

15391496? ago

My uncle has since retired from the Navy, but laid fiber optic cables under the ocean for SAIC. Does this have anything to do with this?

15391248? ago

So, maybe I'm jumping to conclusions right here, but I think that one of black projects is basically an instalation that is capable of to artificially induce earthquakes?

15390436? ago

One more thing to add patriot. The Earth cycles at 17Mhz. We cycle at 17Mhz. That's our frequency. Counter our frequency and what happens then patriot? One guess is all you'll need if you are who I think you are. Smart. Think in terms of Frequency and Waves, you'll advance science more in one day than in a lifetime of bible reading.

15394347? ago

Where they reharmonizing us ? Bringing the world to be able to see ?

15395692? ago

they were comfortable we were about to activate their kryptonite you'll SEE soon

15398048? ago

I hope there are books written after . But I will be looking for it alot sooner .

15391295? ago

Don't forget electromagnetism .

15392771? ago

Everything you experience is electric, even the stones in the road. Their frequency is so slow you can't tell, but it is moving and vibrating in tune with the universe. So are we, if we stop vibrating, we, poof, cease to exist, just like that. Rapture much?

15390460? ago

This wasn't a white hat or anything to do with white anything. God is calling. Few heard the call.

15390316? ago

did we witness the taking of beam weapon sat or fire starters out of orbit?

15390103? ago

We all agree a vibration rang the world like a bell.

Thing is, when something vibrates, it shifts.

Apply that Globally.

15391344? ago

Let's put something out before they catch on. smh..

15389579? ago

Rev 6: Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a loud voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse,. And he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer .Over time I was praying concerning the times we are in and anguishing over the evil of our times. Finally, the Lord put the pieces together in my mind and the Holy Spirit directed me to Rev 5 and 6 and said "Read and know."My mind was opened and I saw that Mr. Trump, the trump card played by God, is the one who is on the white horse. We are now in the unsealing the first seal of the seven-sealed scroll which Christ, who is the only one worthy to open the scroll. I then heard the words again. "Read and know." The crown which was given to the one on the white horse is the stephanos, the crown of the believer. The same crown which all believers will cast at the feet of Him on the throne whom we worship. He was given a bow, to conquer- nikao- to overcome. I then heard the words "Read and know." I was directed to Psalm 51, a Psalm of repentance of David. Donald J Trump will dedicate his life to God and cry "have mercy on me O God according to your loving kindness.... blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquities, and cleanse me from my sin." He accepts Jesus Christ as his savior. A great conquest against evil in this world is beginning starting with America, the greatest gentile nation in the world. He will also begin the great and last incoming of believers into His church just before He calls it home to begin the great tribulation- The Time of Jacobs Troubles. And then verses 18 and 19 of Psalm 51 jolted me- Donald J Trump will be the catalyst to build the walls of Jerusalem. "Then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness." Please pray about this.

15391026? ago

Good start perhaps. Even better when you know that white Christians are the true physical Israel. (By their own admission modern day Jews are not Israelites. 9% of them are from the forever enemy of Israel, Esau/Edom.) This is why the white male and Christianity is under attack by them.

15393173? ago

I don't buy into your gnostic mysticism

15389487? ago

Go to Qpub.com and search 11/11. You will see woe fascinating correlations.

15388992? ago

Excellent post, OP!

15388872? ago

Great work Navyfag anon. In Q drop # 560 he also says "The Shot Heard Round The World" and also mentions Tesla.


This also explains the [17] in the kill box and the importance of the number 17 with Trump and Q. Of course it's the alphanumerical number of Q, but the White Hats chose the letter Q. The number is more important than the alphabet letter.

15388853? ago

Huge event... Knocking out the quantum computers. We saw nothing, but future proves past.

15388765? ago

Thanks bullshitanon. For adding nothing.

15388686? ago

I don't know much about what you just presented in such a clear and precise manner but it rings true in my soul. Thank you Patriot for your knowledge and sharing it WWG1WGA

15388051? ago

Could this possibly be a later, improved and finely-tuned version of the infamous Tesla Earthquake Machine? Prof John Trump was reportedly recruited by US Govt to examine Tesla's research (nothing to see here) and he later handed down info to nephew DJT.

15387517? ago

It's sonar and its probably the first test of the network. They have sensors laid everywhere. Create waves and the sensors can tell if there is a ship or submarine above them based on the resonance of the wave above them.

15387508? ago

Cross check with rise in sea life death by beaching

15387471? ago

Great post. I understand the happening but I don’t understand what it has to do with the sat comms that were taken down per Q. Does anyone have input on that!

15387323? ago

Q 2527 Think WAVES. WW? Define 'unified' [17] SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who? [Controlled] moment activated? [17] Do you believe in coincidences? Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]? There is a place for everyone. Q

This post was a hint at what the 11:11 unifying event was: Waves = the low frequency waves heard WW = Worldwide 17= 17 second intervals Black hate satellite communications were knocked out and forced to use a new class of technology to communicate. Who did this? But it was controlled by white hats the moment it was activated.

I don't know what the [CA_J] means or there is a place for everyone.

So I think your guess that it was either a nullifying event or white hats took control the instant it was activated and used it to send a message that we know what you are trying to do, but we took control.

When Q says this is much bigger than we can imagine, I believe it.

15386964? ago

Where did the towers go, Judy Wood. Good read.

15386857? ago

Kind of reminds me of Kingsman: The Secret Service. France- Source of signal---Source of uprising

15387198? ago

Is there any military base in the island of Mayotte?

15393357? ago

I don't think so. Seems like a very improvrished location. Some YouTube vids on it.

15386824? ago

hoe lee fuk

15386791? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRSP comment by @kestrel9.

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15386671? ago

All that is required to ring a bell is a "HAMMER" Take that to the bank.

15386649? ago

"Many people do not realize there is a connection between Earthquakes and seismic waves. When those seismic waves acquire a unique quality that confounds people you should immediately think about the non-linear butterfly effect at work below the level of understanding. When the Sun subtracts its external magnetic field it allows more cosmic radiation to enter the heliosphere and the planets. Those particles are able to ramp up the magma excitation of planets with a molten core to act in kind. The monochromatic seismic waves are a hint to me that a specific size particle is causing the increases..........might it be the proton or neutrino? Could this be why Volcanic activity has been on an uptick along the ring of Fire and off the Coast of Africa adjacent to the East African Rift? Seismic tomography is influenced by many things. Mantle tomography is very responsive to extraterrestrial energy sources. Plate tectonics is driven by convection, and we know that the lighter material in the mantle rises into the spreading centers of oceanic rises. Could it be cosmic radiation or a change in neutrino flavor that is behind these effects on Earth because the sun is now less magnetic? It does seem unusual that both magnetic poles of Earth are moving too when these seismic waves are being made. "

15386141? ago

I hope everyone here realises that all of the things that look like Obelixes like the Washington Momument at War Memorials etc are low vibrational antennas which get charged up on Rememberence Day etc

15386075? ago

All I know is I drove past our local Masonic low vibration antenna(War Memorial) and there was some seriously pissed off energy going into it because they've just realised it ain't working anymore...

15386002? ago

The shot heard around the world that no one knew about til 10 days later.

15385736? ago

Wondering ...if you know the resonant frequency of a tall building, or maybe 2, could you resonate them so that they collapse? You might even be able to calculate a couple of positions remote from the buildings such that where the two seismic waves converge it sets up a destructive resonation in the tall buildings. People close to the buildings wouldn't be able to detect the original seismic waves only see their effects. Might need a distraction though to explain the collapses. Maybe an aircraft crash? A distraction that could be used as an excuse to start wars to sell more weapons? I know Tesla almost collapsed a hotel he was living in....I wonder...

15402695? ago

Interesting video concerning the financial shenanigans behind 9/11 U.S. ATTORNEY WILL ALLOW GRAND JURY TO INVESTIGATE 9/11. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ndZS4ATIn60/

15389086? ago

My engineering friend has told me the buildings are constructed in such a way as to neutralize the effect of resonate frequency, and that they are now well aware of this effect when designing all large structures. Resonate frequency has collapsed large structures in the past.

15402714? ago

Maybe now...but then ?

15388972? ago

That’s how thr Tacoma Narrows bridge collapsed. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j-zczJXSxnw

15388887? ago

Wasn't there a seismic event a few seconds before the first building collapsed?

15390674? ago

That’d be the underground nuke. They set off three that day.

15385878? ago

Very interesting anon.... very fucking interesting indeed. You would need to research the seismic records and hobbyist reports from 911...

15385915? ago

Seismic record show very peculiar observations on the day.

15396402? ago

Waaaay back when after 911 a video surfaced of the owner of tower 7...the owner was talking to someone and (if I remember correctly) was watching the towers burn. I don't remember exactly what was said, all I remember was the owner said, "Pull it." And shortly thereafter tower 7 came down.

15397162? ago

I've seen. He slipped up and admitted it was a choice to demolish building 7.

But ofcourse there wasn't time to install demolition hardware and pull it (demolition term for executing a demolition), and I guess he slipped up.

Which shows building 7 was equipped for demolition before 911... Which can also include the towers?

15397328? ago

YES! Thank you, for the confirmation. No one remembers that. Crazy huh? I also read that the owner of building 7 had taken out a huge insurance policy right before 911. What scumbaggery.

Yes, I believe there was a combination of things that took the towers down. Just like the deep state, do several evil things, confuse the issue and make it hard for any one theory or cause to be found.

15397446? ago

Yes and along with the insurance policy, the DAY BEFORE 9.11 a billion (trillion?) Dollars went missing from the Pentagon...

After 9.11 ofcourse, everyone forgot about it.

Oh and also : the area the Pentagon was hit happens to be the exact area where information pertaining to finances and money was.

OH and also building 7 most likely had relevant files pertaining to the missing money as well.

Nothing to see here; just a bunch of coencidence.

15397478? ago

Almost 3 trillion. Then Rumsfeld backtracked after the fact and blamed it on difficult accounting.

15397568? ago

Let's not forget also: BBC reporter, reporting live that building 7 collapsed, while it's VISIBLY standing in the skyline in the background. So much shady shit surrounding 9.11

15398329? ago

Yes that was some shady shit. Right out there for the world to see.

15397475? ago

Agreed....can't wait for the masses to understand.

15395755? ago

Dr. Judy wood...

15385844? ago

Don't be silly. CNN told me that the jet fuel melted the steel.

15386580? ago


15386369? ago

yeah, in about the time it takes to roast a chicken. South Tower "collapses" (read: disintegrates mid-air) 56 minutes after strike.

15390658? ago

Yeah - that’s when they set off the underground nuke

15385720? ago

It was the Nazi bell under Antartica! Ahhhhh runs for tinfoil hat

15385716? ago

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! thank you

archived at http://archive.is/M8kYu

15385701? ago

If you want to jamb and possibly destroy radar you blast it with noise on radar receiver freq at high enough intensity and ka boom! Will work on police radar!

15385542? ago

ECM tech here. Maybe it wax a barrage jamming tone sent throughout the world to mess up the DS?

15385495? ago

Wow that is a great read. Thank you Anon and wifeanon. WWG1WGA

15385471? ago

cool story brahh

15385353? ago

17Hz? I have no answers, but just an observation in musical terms. In equal temperament, if you tune to A=432Hz, Verdi’s ‘A’, instead of the 440Hz norm, then 17Hz is a very low C#, a third above A. Fun facts.

15388574? ago

528 hz is the love frequency. the heart.

15385516? ago

17 seconds is the period. 1/17=0.059 Hz is the frequency. You can’t hear it.

15385740? ago

17 ? where have we heard that number before?

15386600? ago

hmm, 17 .... 17.... sounds so familiar.

What was your Q?

15385234? ago

Excellent post and thank you for sharing!


15385059? ago

Do you suppose this connects to the recent Alaska 7.0 earthquake, near the HAARP array?

15385024? ago

Just a thought - In the Book of Revelation, seven trumpets are sounded, one at a time, to cue apocalyptic events. The seven trumpets are sounded by seven angels and the events that follow are described in detail from Revelation Chapters 8 to 11. According to Revelation 8:1-2, the angels sound these trumpets after the breaking of the seventh seal. These seals secured the apocalyptic document held in the right hand of Him who sits on the main throne.

Perhaps the signal that the declass and unsealing has begun??

15391528? ago

I always noted the God is preceded by trumpets, Satan's followers answer to the tolling of a bell.

15389562? ago

Rev 6: Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a loud voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse,. And he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer .Over time I was praying concerning the times we are in and anguishing over the evil of our times. Finally, the Lord put the pieces together in my mind and the Holy Spirit directed me to Rev 5 and 6 and said "Read and know."My mind was opened and I saw that Mr. Trump, the trump card played by God, is the one who is on the white horse. We are now in the unsealing the first seal of the seven-sealed scroll which Christ, who is the only one worthy to open the scroll. I then heard the words again. "Read and know." The crown which was given to the one on the white horse is the stephanos, the crown of the believer. The same crown which all believers will cast at the feet of Him on the throne whom we worship. He was given a bow, to conquer- nikao- to overcome. I then heard the words "Read and know." I was directed to Psalm 51, a Psalm of repentance of David. Donald J Trump will dedicate his life to God and cry "have mercy on me O God according to your loving kindness.... blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquities, and cleanse me from my sin." He accepts Jesus Christ as his savior. A great conquest against evil in this world is beginning starting with America, the greatest gentile nation in the world. He will also begin the great and last incoming of believers into His church just before He calls it home to begin the great tribulation- The Time of Jacobs Troubles. And then verses 18 and 19 of Psalm 51 jolted me- Donald J Trump will be the catalyst to build the walls of Jerusalem. "Then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness." Please pray about this.

15400798? ago

Last year, Israel produced a new temple sheckle. On the one side it has 2 faces, one is Cyrus the great who had rebuilt the wall's of Jerusalem and the temple. The other face is of Donlad John Trump. Trump was honored because he declared Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel. Being also that his son inlaw Jared is Jewish and is promoting a peace plan, it is also likely that Trump will endevor on the greatest real estate venture of his life. Something God has been grooming him for all his life. The temple.👈 THIS is why Israel is being saved for last. AS Q has stated. And btw on the backside of the coin, is a picture of the temple.

15390089? ago

Q is for Quello; the one, the common source (ger) Trump is not God maybe a prophet or true believer? But, definitely sacrificing himself for Countrymen and Nation. Also, likely saddened by the pure evil he knows and fights. Probably in prayer a lot to overcome fatigue of darkness to light. (((+))) wwg1wga as per Q boom...rooster out

15390189? ago

The one on the white horse is not God- he carries the crown o9f a believer...

15384979? ago

The shot heard around the world... hits a French-owned island. The Great Awakening. Riots in France now escalating, reports of shutting the country down on Dec 10th.

Side note, Q's favorite number, 17 (Q is also the 17th letter of course), is used biblically as a number for VICTORY.

Also 1+7 = 8 = NEW BEGINNING (Think octaves, day of the week, etc).

15389622? ago

Rev 6: Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a loud voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse,. And he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer .Over time I was praying concerning the times we are in and anguishing over the evil of our times. Finally, the Lord put the pieces together in my mind and the Holy Spirit directed me to Rev 5 and 6 and said "Read and know."My mind was opened and I saw that Mr. Trump, the trump card played by God, is the one who is on the white horse. We are now in the unsealing the first seal of the seven-sealed scroll which Christ, who is the only one worthy to open the scroll. I then heard the words again. "Read and know." The crown which was given to the one on the white horse is the stephanos, the crown of the believer. The same crown which all believers will cast at the feet of Him on the throne whom we worship. He was given a bow, to conquer- nikao- to overcome. I then heard the words "Read and know." I was directed to Psalm 51, a Psalm of repentance of David. Donald J Trump will dedicate his life to God and cry "have mercy on me O God according to your loving kindness.... blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquities, and cleanse me from my sin." He accepts Jesus Christ as his savior. A great conquest against evil in this world is beginning starting with America, the greatest gentile nation in the world. He will also begin the great and last incoming of believers into His church just before He calls it home to begin the great tribulation- The Time of Jacobs Troubles. And then verses 18 and 19 of Psalm 51 jolted me- Donald J Trump will be the catalyst to build the walls of Jerusalem. "Then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness." Please pray about this.

15405889? ago

Interesting thoughts. I have seen some prophecies about Trump becoming a believer and having a heart like David did, before his time in office is complete. I view tribulation issues differently, and also regarding Jerusalem, but time will tell. Future proves past eh? LOL.

15385372? ago

Higher frequency, baby! WOO!

15386609? ago

So if they can make the earth vibrate, and we are on the earth.......had the self same thought.

15386991? ago

If they can make the earth vibrate and vibrations can destroy, they can destroy our planet....end of humanity as we know it.

15384843? ago

So you’re saying SOSUS can monitor not just the sound channel in the ocean but a sound channel in the bedrock?

15384651? ago

Thanks for your Service, AF Vet here. Good background on that.

Are you certain the origin datum point is off Madagascar, was it? Or was it 180 degrees opposite, around the globe but resonated as if from there?

Q seems to have told us Q took control of a newly- deployed hi-tech weapon the Enemy fired up, then the Enemy immediately saw Q take it away from them, same as with the super computers and satellites.

Have you seen data which from your experience proves the 11-11 event was not natural sub-earth caused/subsea event? Do you think it possible the 17 cycle low freak waves were part of ELF or similar system? Or more likely new hi-tech weapon Q confiscated, as may well be the case here?



15391789? ago

I like the idea of something Q stole!

15392342? ago

Q 2527... Think WAVES. WW? Define 'unified' [17] SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who? [Controlled] moment activated? [17] Do you believe in coincidences? Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]? There is a place for everyone. Q

'Q' posted that apparently in response to a snarky challenge from shill, shill demanded he/shill be comforted/awarded participation trophy, so Q responded. Looks to me as if Q was waiting for Rothschilds/DS/Cabal weapon/Toy to manifest then abscounded with the new toy. Q did so remove Enemy access to several super computers and satellites in this fashion, if you recall. Q/Trump do things, they do.

Jes sayin'.

War is Heck innit.


15393259? ago

I love it! It makes me so proud to be on the Trump Train!

15386860? ago

Would have been difficult to prevent a bounce off mantle and core interfaces. They weren't detected.

15387001? ago

Ah, thanx, that makes sense. If any such bounce is not detected in real time is it possible to miss them with sensors located further away or not attuned? Do the listening devices/instruments on sonar SOSUS lines record, could be checked later?


15612095? ago

listening devices are always recording. no bounces.

15385663? ago

180 degrees opposite around the globe is at the following coordinates:

12.823048, -134.847925 (12° 49' 23" N, 134° 50' 52.5" W)

This is East of Hawaii. I found this info at the following link:

The Antipodes Map

Interesting thing I noted - This point, east of Hawaii is perfectly in line with Anchorage, Alaska, if that's of interest to anyone.

15384572? ago

Thank you for your service & sharing your insight anon


15384525? ago

It is quite odd. Tectonic noise is irregular, at least what's been observed previously.

15384519? ago

WOW! Thank you for educating us. WE NEED-TO-KNOW! I have been rereading early Q posts and am intrigued at Q's foretelling -- military strategy at it's finest. Note Q post 1332 -- the first time D5 is mentioned. United we stand- world wide. Conspiracy no more!!

Q post 1332 !4pRcUA0lBE 10 May 2018 - 8:43:20 PM Fellow Patriots: What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5. Stay the course and trust the plan. Protective measures are in place. Remain BRAVE. We knew this day would come. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ📁 United We Stand (WW). WWG1WGA. We FIGHT. Conspiracy no more. Q

15388876? ago

Also, 1332 split up is 13 32, each pair adds to 4 and 5, or D5. It's amazing how much there is in here!

15384498? ago

This was an ULF transmission to all dark sites to let them know who is in control now. From pole to pole every object in contact with the ground got a piece of that. The signal created positive interference where it was detected by seismic stations.

This is some old school tech I have not seen for nearly 45 years now, good to see they never abandoned it.

15385098? ago

ULF communications equipment creates electromagnetic waves - I.E. radio waves, not seismic vibration. The reports specifically state that it was picked up by seismologists.

15385935? ago

Radio transmission is simply a means to transfer energy from one point to another, there are at least three 'radio' transmission systems, that's how it was discovered electrical research and the sought after primary use case. Pump enough energy through a mono pole into the earth and into a fault line and you will have interesting results.

15395344? ago

Kilauea..... ?

15384757? ago

The US, Russia, and India are the only nations known to have constructed ELF communication facilities.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]

The U.S. facilities were used between 1985 and 2004 but are now decommissioned.[9]


15386013? ago

ELF pioneers also include Steinmetz, Heavyside, Tesla, Marconi & Alexanderson whom all worked in the US from 1880-1930 ish, so thats when ELF was started here. There is also several new ELF receiving stations having been constructed in recent years for earthquake detection systems. The research and technology here goes way back.

15384464? ago

non-militaryfag here, this post was fun to read! Any chance you could expand to give us an idea or two at what type of tech is capable of creating such waves?

Also, what are CERN and the other LHC's REALLY used for?

15384394? ago

Some ideas: maybe it was to lift global elf mindcontrol? Maybe it was to stop geoengineering controllers?

15389224? ago

I have wondered about this, as well. After all, it is called "The Great Awakening!" Double meaning?

15389909? ago

I know it's far out there, and nothing anyone without top secret clearance could prove, but we do know from old unclassified gov docs that ELF mindcontrol is possible. I personally think that something has been going on since at least 9/11/2001 to control the populace, mixed with fluoride in the water, maybe we have been made docile and accepting. Turning off the switch would indeed be a great awakening.

15386237? ago

All of the Obelisks you see at War Memorials are all STONE antennas which harness all of the Trauma Energy from those who participated in World Wars etc to propagate that extremely low vibration into the general populace and are charged up on days like Rememberance Day, 4th July etc

15384202? ago

As a communications technician in the navy....the energy and size of the "antennae" required to generate such a signal is huuuuuuuuuge. ELF communications have been developed in order to communicate with subs at sea....but was deemed too expensive and untrustworthy. This was a 17hz signal....I don't wanna do the math to determine wavelength..ae size...etc. Holy crap. It is artificial in source...and WE did not create it. Think about that.

15395466? ago

17 Hz.... 17seconds between waves..... Anymore?

15391141? ago

I know where they could hide these antennae.




The last link is no secret, but it's overlooked how well established we are on the continent. If there was a ginormous anything thats secret, like another full cern lab, it's here.

15386820? ago

CERN. Or the partially constructed elementary particle installation under the 3 mid-western states. I know Illinois and Kentucky were 2 of the states. Don't remember 3rd. Theoretically abandoned when we joined CERN. Geophysics fag.

15388813? ago

I remember the SSC being partially constructed in Texas. Looking at a US map it seems we're talking about two different installations.

The two possible third states which border both Illinois and Kentucky are Indiana to the northeast, or Missouri to the southwest.

15389599? ago

The tunnel in TX has collapsed. I can no longer function as far as I know.

15388837? ago

The texas one is the only one i know of, i seem to remember some shady happenings surrounding that deal and abandoned project...

15384988? ago

This was a 17hz signal.

Actually it was a 1/17 Hz = 0.0588 Hz

15385453? ago

Wow. The antenna has to be several miles long for that freq.

15412359? ago

Off track imo. Think flashlight on a wall. What happens as you move further away. Drawing on a smooth surface with a laser from space will create the desired effect. 10-1 says the seas were calm that day. The way of the peaceful warrior. Im just a maintance man tho, what do i know.?

15397171? ago

what if, and i have no clue about any of this so just throwing it out there. but, what if they figured out how to amplify the signal w/o needing the antenna to be huge? you know how we make things smaller but more powerful with new tech?

15388189? ago

I read somewhere it would need to be about 13 miles.

15386349? ago

Yeah but think about how many miles in the ocean there are that you could hide it in...

15391731? ago

Antarctica? Doesn’t everyone say something is hidden there? Or CERN?

15391971? ago

I find it difficult to believe CERN could be making waves like this, as they're quite clearly a particle accelerator - but I'll certainly believe that CERN is a communication system that shoots particles to its target for a quantum level of encryption that cannot be intercepted.

15386244? ago

Go Here

0.0298 hz square tone===thats how fast this is.....

15384973? ago

Depth is reported at 10 km. This is approximately 600 fathoms. Graph in OPs link says sound travels at 4900 ft/s at that depth, which is approximately 1494 m/s. Using lambda=vT, the wavelenght is approximately 25,398 m or ~16 miles. The frequency is approximately 0.059 Hz.

These underwater sound tunnels act like wave guides (think fiber optics). If we ASSUME that 0.059 Hz is a RESONANT frequency of planet Earth, then all we have to do to create and sustain such a vibration is to ping on her every 17 seconds (think of pushing a child on a swing). Seems this could be done from a satellite. Not sure how to ping.

15399233? ago

10 km depth you say? This just happened, also at 10 km depth.

15386585? ago

This is a hair off of a 60hz harmonic and could be doen with sound vibes. no antenna needed.

15403176? ago

I’ve been looking at the raw data from various places. I get periods from 15 to 17.6 seconds. Some are reporting 17s and others report 16s. 1/0.06=16.67 seconds. I am liking your idea. How would it be done?

15386828? ago

Values for the speed are estimated. Could easily be 0.06Hz.

15386159? ago

Man made underwater antenna maybe? Runs horizontal?

15396420? ago


15401253? ago

Happy for you.

15384967? ago


15384858? ago

Was it 17hz or a 17 second period?

15384950? ago

From what I have read, I am to understand that the signal was "primarily made up of one type of wave, which took 17 seconds to repeat." That translated...for me anyways...is a 17hz signal. I could be wrong.

15386014? ago

It is a 17 second Period.

Frequency = 1/(Period)

So it was a 0.0588 Hz Frequency

15386400? ago

Well...definitely not technology of an earth-bound intelligence.

15390738? ago

Wait - why can’t it be an earthbound intelligence again?

15400507? ago

Because every time something weird happens, people want to roll it into their favorite pet conspiracy.

15384960? ago

I don’t think you understand how frequency works.

17hz is 17 times per second.

Once in 17 seconds is 0.58 times per second.

15385925? ago

Correct 0.058Hz - the signal was noted to repeat every 17 seconds = 1 cycle per 17 sec = 1/17 Hz.. But that's a little misleading here. I think the 17s repeat itself is the key, as a message to us to link the shot heard around the world to signal the GA.

15385488? ago

missing a zero after the decimal point, but you're otherwise on the right track

15384854? ago

subatlantic cable for an antenna?

15384702? ago

17634850.470588237 M wavelength

15386286? ago

An antenna 17600 Km long, just quite not long enough to stretch half the earth circumference...

15384196? ago

Those were quantum waves, designed to permanently anchor in a new collective timeline. There is no going back to the pre-Trump DS status-quo now.

15386429? ago

When I drove past the local War Memorial last night there was some hardcore pissed off energy going into it because they've just realised that their low-vibrational antenna that has been being powered by all of the collective trauma from Wars etc isn't working anymore...

15386220? ago

So, the sound was to stop, or start an event? I'm a hairstylist. Can someone explain in simple verbage what the waves came from, and why?

15388728? ago

Not intending to doxx, but -- were you at a bar a couple months ago and a female friend of yours brought me in to discuss my Q shirt with you? We (previously) dated, briefly, as well. That shouldn't doxx, but I do know you styled my hair once. Just curious, God bless!

15391401? ago

Wasn't me. I've only seen one other Q in my town and it was on a car ; )

15391883? ago

Cool. Would have been cosmic, but anyway... patriot on, patriot!

15386188? ago

Sauce on timeline re-anchoring?

15384179? ago

But, NOTHING is happening here in America. Just the same old bullshit.... but today is Tuesday.

15386228? ago

Epstein trail is today. So there's that.

15390811? ago

He got off with a fine. That's it.

15384392? ago

What's the difference between France and America right now? Same Trump, Same message, Same oppressors.....

15388167? ago

France is led by DS, we are not.

15384402? ago

A good question. Why aren't WE rioting in the streets and trying to take back control of our Government?

15386238? ago

Pre-children I would have shared your sentiment ... post-children I do not. We NEVER want this conflict to go hot. Yeah yeah cull the heard and all that ... unless it is you or yours that is culled

15394636? ago

Because the alternative of sitting back and letting some sand nigger rape your wife and behead your children is way better than actually doing something about it. Just keep paying those 60 odd % taxes to the bank niggers, that'll make the problem go away...

15390801? ago

Fuck that. It's going hot whether you like it or not. That's why I was never stupid enough to have children.

15384575? ago

To many pussies that are affraid of everything.They have tuff ass John Wayne keyboards though.

15386212? ago

We have more to lose ... people don’t take to the streets unless they are hungry (historically) ... the gov’t pays half (?) the country to sit on their ass and play fortnite

15387999? ago

Indeed pain will be required,the majority will learn their AR/SKS arent worth a shit on something that shoots back.Going to be alot of fat wheezy rednecks and hillbillys taken out in short order once we start slapping leather.You must loose something in order to gain tangible.

15388550? ago

I thought the idea was we lose the DS in a bloodless coup, and with it 10-30% of the population who can’t understand orange man is not bad. Acceptable losses.

15384118? ago

Thanks for you insight. "Other purposes? Comms or some type of wave nullification ops. Was the aim, not to propagate a wave train, but to end one?" So I take it the DS globalist has/had technology to produce a tsunami wave train some say it was cern. Your thoughts. Thanks again.

15384098? ago

Interesting post man. Was just skimming through 8chan to see what everyone had to say about the WAVES after looking at some published articles. A couple even said the waves appeared non natural and man made but that it would be impossible to produce such a wide scale frequency like that. Definitely looks like previous Q posts are converging around this event. But WTF does it mean? Why was the frequency epicenter coming from Mayonette? Is there a nuclear sub or some sort of base or DUMB located there it came from? Or maybe it was a satellite hyper focusing a frequency on to a target? What in da hell does the frequency do? Send a message or cancel out another frequency? Feel like with all the CIA/fbi leaks over the last couple decades that theres gotta be some kind of info out there on what this tech is.

15386123? ago

The opposite side of the world is about half way between California and Hawaii. Plenty of US Naval activity in that area. The idea reminds me of a scifi novel I read decades ago. A missile was launched at a planet but struck the opposite side as the the base where the characters were. They realized after a bit that it was a kinetic strike and the energy would reach them as an seismic wave going right through the planet.

15384676? ago

Would need huge antenna if traditional tech used , ELF Navy systems did that, do that.

15384420? ago

Grab your shovel, a heap load of digging to be done here

15385501? ago

nah, when you have that much manure a hose is quicker

15384414? ago

Or perhaps there was something underwater. Mayonette is an island right?

A submarine's little "dwooooooooo" pinging sounds harmless enough on the inside, but on the outside it can fuck you up. We already have weaponry that can make you feel like your skin is burning simply by charged particles. That is KNOWN to the public.

Perhaps a satellite was aimed directly at this hostile underwater entity, perhaps even a base, and a massive wave was directed straight at it, potentially destroying this target with such a wave of sound and vibration.

Trumpets of Jericho anyone? They brought down walls.

15386507? ago

Just finished the book of Joshua. I looked up the frequency of the jofar but don't recall what it was. The low, vibrational sound going round and round the walls of Jericho hypnotized the residents, causing them to lose courage against the Israelites army. By faith, the walls of the city fell and God gave Joshua victory.

By faith, God will subdue our enemies and hand them over to us. Leaders who commune with the Lord before executing strategic battle moves will see victory.

15389641? ago

Rev 6: Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a loud voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse,. And he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer .Over time I was praying concerning the times we are in and anguishing over the evil of our times. Finally, the Lord put the pieces together in my mind and the Holy Spirit directed me to Rev 5 and 6 and said "Read and know."My mind was opened and I saw that Mr. Trump, the trump card played by God, is the one who is on the white horse. We are now in the unsealing the first seal of the seven-sealed scroll which Christ, who is the only one worthy to open the scroll. I then heard the words again. "Read and know." The crown which was given to the one on the white horse is the stephanos, the crown of the believer. The same crown which all believers will cast at the feet of Him on the throne whom we worship. He was given a bow, to conquer- nikao- to overcome. I then heard the words "Read and know." I was directed to Psalm 51, a Psalm of repentance of David. Donald J Trump will dedicate his life to God and cry "have mercy on me O God according to your loving kindness.... blot out my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquities, and cleanse me from my sin." He accepts Jesus Christ as his savior. A great conquest against evil in this world is beginning starting with America, the greatest gentile nation in the world. He will also begin the great and last incoming of believers into His church just before He calls it home to begin the great tribulation- The Time of Jacobs Troubles. And then verses 18 and 19 of Psalm 51 jolted me- Donald J Trump will be the catalyst to build the walls of Jerusalem. "Then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness." Please pray about this.

15387149? ago

Amen! On a side note here away from our topic, I wish that if Q is reading this, PLEASE, neutralize the enemy that wreaked havoc in CA by using DEWs. That is a very dangerous weapon. I live in CA (I've always been conservative, have voted for POTUS45, and knew immediately when he won that it was GOD Who placed him in the WH--we're not all dems and our votes always get hijacked) and the fires were real and devastating. ThankQ for all that you do for our President, for Americans, and for the world.