15619357? ago

A gentle warning...

Crusader Site mixes real stories with fake, and headlines are clickbait

It draws you in with half truth clickbait and then preaches subtle disinformation

It is run by a CONVICTED FELON as you can see following link below.


Don't take my word for it.. look for yourself.. follow the truth...follow the court records.....

15363068? ago

I believe the adrenochrome is released from the adrenal glands which sit on top of our kidneys. I believe walnut sauce is adrenal glands, not pineal gland. Something is up with the eye though, not sure what.

15364012? ago

Adrenochrome is released from the adrenals up to the pineals. Pineals have been consumed for adrenochrome for at least half a century, before the source of the chemical was discovered.

15358674? ago

The adrenal glands sort of resemble a walnut.

Search "walnut sauce" in the Podesta Emails.


15356998? ago

I'm of the understanding it's what is released in the blood of a human as some sort of a mental defensive mechanism (more concentrated in younger people) when in extreme pain or torture / fear that when ingested by another person gets you fucked up in a weird kind of horrible way.

15348348? ago

There is more to it than just andrenochrome, we have to find the rest of the drugs as well.

15348130? ago

This is a prime example of disinfo. Unless someone else can find a link to fucking "penguin adrenochrome" and "extracting with a needle to the eye", I call bullshit.

15349923? ago

I stand corrected about the penguin gland harvesting! Wikileaks proves a shipment was made in the 1973 to MIT.

I stand by my statement about "needle through the eye" to harvest from humans. That is exaggerated bullshit designed to discredit.

15351501? ago

describing both harvesting from and injecting pineal hormones into rats using a needle, and suturing wounds back shut https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.3727/000000003108746786

15375019? ago

neither of those is a human eye

15379457? ago

Nice pilpul, rabbi

15380034? ago

You know you sound like a dipshit, right?

15380712? ago

Nice try, Rabbi

15348786? ago

Although I don't have links, some months back there was a report of a confiscated shipment of penguin pineal glands. Perhaps someone else remembers it and has a link? I've also read (again, no link) that the black eyes we see in the so-called 'elites' is due to a needle through the eye. Cannot substantiate, so I guess I'm just a shill, right?

15349280? ago

When specifically asked for links you didn't do anything but attempt to propagate the baseless claims from the article. Adding exaggerated details about a "needle through the eye" only giving a black eye is the topper.

Is being a tool worse than being a shill?

15349376? ago

15348096? ago

The money being spent trying to cause people in the Q movement to go against God's people and satan's biggest enemy the Jews is insane. We are Q and stand with all patriots to rid our world of hateful mother fuckers that want division.

15348623? ago

They are not God's people ever since they murdered Christ. The Bible is clear about this in the parable of the Husbandmen.

Matthew 21 33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:

34 And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.

35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.

36 Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.

37 But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son.

38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance.

39 And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.

40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?

41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.

15347967? ago

If you enlarge the Q drop in April with the pic from Rachel Chandler's Instagram, they are killing and eating babies.

15348611? ago

Can you get me a link or something anon?

15345790? ago

I don’t discuss Q with my husband. He is a normie and a conservative. Once he said Hillary is a murderer and pedophiles need adrenochrome. I was shocked and asked him where he heard such a thing. He said he probably read it somewhere.

15346122? ago


15345754? ago

Is this a reliable article?

15346115? ago


15345133? ago

Adrenochrome is just oxidized epinephrine. It makes little sense to get this from a person when you can just buy it pretty cheap or just put expired epipens to use.

15345118? ago

The fact that we live in 2018, aka a world where a news article needs to clarify where Antartica is, or that there is a lot of penguins there, should tell you something about our government and what is being taught to our children, and how poorly educated our population is. No wonder we are in this cabal mess, no one knows anything these days. The article states, “Adrenochrome is generally known to be harvested from the pineal glands of penguins in places such as Antartica (the South Pole).” Sure maybe this is a little off topic for what we are talking about here, but I think “Adrenochrome is generally known to be harvested from the pineal glands of penguins.” Would have been sufficient. Anyway, don’t let me distract from what’s really being said here. Keep fighting!

15345507? ago

I wonder if THAT is why the cabal is so fixated on Antarctica?

15346187? ago

No unless they have an underground bunker where they take the stolen children too.

15344937? ago

hunter s thompson was so right in his day as a 'crazy author' that goes gonzo.

15348817? ago

He was a disgusting pervert murderer who made snuff films.

15349112? ago

sounds like you kinda idolize him. very interesting.

15344805? ago

There is a paid army to debunk adrenochrome. It's the one topic they cannot let come out.

15344718? ago

Elite zionists? oh you mean americans. you are right

15345111? ago

No, we mean Jews that subverted there way in. Israel. Zionism. Judaism. Very specific.

15345148? ago

LOL you think HRC, obama, epstein, BC, HUMA etc are isralies or jews? they are americans...like most of the CABAL scum

15346540? ago

Jew puppets at best. Rothschilds (JEWS) control HRC. EPSTEIN is obviously a jew so I'm not sure why you even tried to use that as an example. You have Jews, Crypto Jews and then the blackmailed and/or owned goyim they control. Welcome to Jew warfare 101.

How is the weather in tel aviv today???

15345869? ago

They are addicts of adrenochrome supplied by the zionists, and lilke all addicts, are willing to do just about anything to get their fix.

15345327? ago

Hillary maiden name - (((RODHAM)))

(((BARACK))) is a Hebrew name


Huma is a kidnapped muslim used by Mossad to blend in as a non-Jew, but she was raised to be a Jew slave

Nice try though

15346103? ago




15346767? ago

You keep shouting the same thing...you're trying to hard.

15345287? ago

I have to agree. That website is too biased to use as a source, I've seen other sources on the topic without 'da Jooooooos' garbage

Don't forget the Podestas.. they're Italian

15348789? ago

Podesta's are just shabbos goys. They aren't in charge of anything. Cute attempt though.

15350826? ago

So skippy isn't into kids?

15358148? ago

Not relevant to whether they are in charge of anything or not. They're just shabbos goys doing the bidding of their (((leaders))) Q said Israel last. In a RICO you go from low level to higher level. Skippy was already exposed so he is low level. Israel last means Israelis are in charge of the RICO. Cute attempt though

15344411? ago

I wonder if you could get it from animals

15344870? ago

The article says they get it from penguins in Antarctica. WTF?

15344564? ago

The Chinese torture dogs to get it. The Maya used to eat the brains and hearts of people killed after severe athletic contests.

15344200? ago


15344569? ago

No it's not.

15344553? ago

Quit shouting and repeating yourself.

15344527? ago


15346896? ago


15351100? ago


15358164? ago


15344198? ago

So this is that shit the bad guy in Amnesia was going after...

15344161? ago

Open you minds, this shit is real, completely insane, but remember you're just goyim.

15344139? ago

And if the elites can't get the good stuff, there's always frozen Penguin pineal glands to fall back on in a pinch... https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1973BUENOS05632_b.html

15345850? ago

I womder if its a coincidence that the penial glands were sent to jew york city?

15346129? ago


15346979? ago

Fucking vampires

15343871? ago

But, given we have a chemical formula, it can be produced synthetically. So why not do that? Perhaps that would deprive them of their 'fun'? Now that really would be sick!

15345243? ago

it can be its just prohibitively expensive to do so.

15345135? ago

Chemicals are a lot more than just a formula. Mainstream junk science conveniently says otherwise.

15344989? ago

Both adrenaline and epinephrine are already synthetically produced and used widely in emergency rooms across the world.

15346783? ago

Yes...but there is evil power when "they" get it the old fashioned way. Sick.

15343868? ago

Replace "elite Zionists" with "high ranking Democrats" and the article is basically unchanged and still makes sense....coincidence?

15346742? ago

Replace "elite Zionists" with "elite satanists in every country all over the world" and the article is basically unchanged..."

15345235? ago

just a cohencidence, goyim

15343795? ago

Hmm, Antartica shrouded in secrecy

“...pineal glands of penguins in places such as Antarctica

15351069? ago

Sad thought, but I'd probably take the bet: I bet they have vast factories where humans are born, and harvested. The Matrix was news...

15343781? ago

I've been waiting so very long for more people to know and talk about this stuff. Does my heart good.

One thing I may add. For those of us who have been aware for a long enough time, we will need to help those around us. For many, this will be so disturbing and they will have difficulty processing this info. That's why I'm glad to see more articles coming out.

15343772? ago

Is the lust for violence an addiction to adrenachrome produced by the own body? When 'Fight-and-flight' produces it? Is Islam a culture holding its citizens in a permanent state of addiction to this? Just like the violent African tribe cultures? Like a poor man's version of it? Could this be what affiliates primitive, poor Islam and African violent culture with the Vatican's and Khazarians' sophisticated ultra-rich culture, so magically?

15343687? ago

"Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria. Researchers Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a neurotoxic, psychotomimetic substance and may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. In what they called the "adrenochrome hypothesis", they speculated that megadoses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing brain adrenochrome. While the treatment of schizophrenia with such potent anti-oxidants is highly contested in the literature, and adrenochrome is not currently believed to have any psychedelic properties, a number of recently published papers consider Hoffer's paper a landmark contribution to the notion that impairment of what's now termed the anti-oxidant defense system (AODS) seems to play a role in schizophrenia. Salim, in 2014, points out "oxidative stress theory is gaining momentum and seems quite pertinent considering the evidenced increased production of ROS and decreased occurrence of antioxidant protection in schizophrenic patients. Genetic studies also have linked polymorphisms in genes of oxidative pathway to schizophrenia."

Explains a lot.

15344504? ago

I’ve been wondering for a long time about the psychedelic properties. In “Fear and loathing in Las Vegas” I think they said it makes mescaline seem like candy or something like that. Does it give these sick fucks delusions of grandeur? Is it a way to control them?

15343642? ago

This is why none of these bastards should get any deals. Fast trial and execution.

15343648? ago

Hear, hear! Q promised NO DEALS and I expect POTUS will deliver.

Seen that Bibi is gonna be going to jail soon?

15344236? ago

Nigger faggot, your concept is inbred low-brow, you are failing, and will fail completely and totally in a very short time.


15346874? ago

There's no space in niggerfaggot shill

15347791? ago

OP is not a niggerfaggot, nor are you nigger, faggot.

15346193? ago

It makes no difference if they are fake news the story is 100% true so there fore you are fake news.

15345255? ago

Keep coping Moshe

15343566? ago

What is 'Google Adreno' and 'Google Chrome'???

They put that shit RIGHT in our faces...

15346046? ago


15345777? ago

Sorry but Adreno is a GPU chip made by Qualcomm that happens to be in some google phones. It’s an anagram of their full fledge graphic card line “RADEON”. Still weird but not technically google.

15344336? ago

Just when I thought I'd escaped the Matrix, I arrive in Jupiter Ascending.

15345610? ago

Thanks for the link, excellent comments in that thread.

15344244? ago


15346052? ago

I doubt it rabbi

15345013? ago

Get back to your CNN safe space... Colbert will make it all better, ORANGE MAN BAD.

15343636? ago

Wow. That is interesting!

15348155? ago

morons would be this interested in hate and division. Jews are Gods people you moron. The DS cable is in Israel just like every other country.

15348797? ago

They are not God's people ever since they murdered Christ. The Bible is clear about this in the parable of the Husbandmen.

Matthew 21 33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:

34 And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.

35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.

36 Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.

37 But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son.

38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance.

39 And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.

40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?

41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.

15343563? ago

Ha look at us normal people talking about these weird secrets that are very true. Ha ha so glad to be taking about this

15344333? ago

I know right?! The other day at a construction site someone mentioned 9/11 and all the sudden every tradesman on the job started saying it was an inside job and agreeing with each other. It was the perfect opportunity for me to drop the Q bomb on them.

15348041? ago

That's awesome and it's great to hear about people waking up to reality; it will lighten the load for all of us!

15343537? ago

since when did this go mainstream, and when did normies pick up that Israel is harvesting Palestinian bodies for this? have an upvoat fren

15343547? ago

it seems a lot has changed since Israel tried to assassinate the President the other day during the Christmas tree lighting ceremony...

15346141? ago

That was the Clintons responsible for that attempt dont you pay attention to the Q codes.

15346802? ago

Nice try Moshe, but we all know (((who))) controls the Clintons. Hyatt Regency China is the building Mossad planned the hit at, not an anagram for HRC.

15344145? ago


I missed this one

15346072? ago


15346139? ago

Israel has always been an enemy... want more proof look at the USS Liberty bombing and subsequent coverup

15345036? ago

The ABC news guy who tweeted a pic of Trump, with camera crosshairs on his back, then Q posting the HRC hotel saying "we know", probably the location where the cabal plotted this attempt. Many other symbols and cryptic tweets talking about the bulletproof glass and whatnot. There was an attempt on him that night, but the good guys stopped them (Mossad)

15343762? ago

Fuck Israel

15343521? ago

WOW! I am so glad to see this is finally being mentioned by MSM news sites!!!

15344202? ago


15346165? ago

You are fake news. I dont know anything about the Crusader but I do know the story they just told is 100% true.

15345295? ago

Keep coping, Moshe

15343946? ago

They are not MSM and it seems very strange you are trying to push that narrative.

15343603? ago

This is not MSM

15343645? ago

Close enough for me! Makes sense that zionist-owned media won't comment on their own tribes crimes, honestly

15343681? ago

a fringe website literally on a few hundred people know about is close enough for you?

15343688? ago

According to Alexa it receives almost half a million views daily... I don't know in what world that is called a "fringe website" but okay... I'm just glad to see it being exposed by anyone honestly

15348093? ago

exactly and GLP, Lunatic Outpost, etc. will also be sharing the story around, so millions of people will know about it! So nice try to the SHILLS above, but this avalanche can't be stopped!😎

15343524? ago

They're being exposed left and right for their crimes. Just a little more time.

15343656? ago

dailycrusader is a fringe site no one has ever heard of though...let me know when the normies are being told about it (they never will, on TV at least).

15343664? ago

According to Alexa it receives almost half a million views daily... I don't know in what world that is called a "fringe site" but okay... I'm just glad to see it being exposed by anyone honestly

15343789? ago

500k views out of the population is what I would consider a "fringe site"

15343715? ago

Agreed. It's also the one topic that got many people exiled from v/pizzagate to v/pizzagate whatever because the mods didn't want it discussed.

15343707? ago

I feel ya.

But I only know of this website because it's posted here a lot.

Could just be someone running a website for fun to fuck with us. I just know normies will dismiss this.

Now I'm realizing they will even when it's right in front of their faces.

People are gonna go crazy. Damn

15343766? ago

No they're not. They're going to watch these evil MFers go down on RICO charges and stuff like that. They won't hear about how evil they truly are.

15348168? ago

Nope. That's not Trump and Q's MO; they want us to LEARN so that this doesn't happen again. If a certain percentage remains stubborn or oblivious to the crimes, then we dodged a bullet that they're not finishing the journey with us. WE don't need IGNORANCE on our side; they will be filtered out with the rest of the filth, that's just the way GOD/SOURCE WORKS!

15354337? ago

Learn yes. Go crazy, no. I agree that ignorance is filtered out by God/Source as part of the liberation process to restore human sovereignty.

15343880? ago

As long as they go down I'll be happy.

15345332? ago

Exactly. Safety net of grace for us all. I'm learning to be thankful that I'm strong enough to withstand the truth trauma, without requiring everyone who can't handle it to go through it too. As long as human sovereignty prevails, I'm cool with whatever narrative they want to use to rid the nation of traitors and un-redeemable Marxists.

15349772? ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.