15345771? ago

I like to say, Democracy is two wolves and a pig deciding what to have for lunch.

15345703? ago

  1. Know your enemy - educate everyone you can about the "Deep State"
  2. Educate American citizens on the constitution and hold our elected officials accountable. We are a constitutional republic.
  3. Give God credit.

15343886? ago

I have noticed that Dems have been using the word "democracy" a lot lately. Also, this week, 2 people that I talk to occasionally said that we should get rid of the Electoral College because we need to have democratic voting. It's becoming stylish. Not good.

15343800? ago

Democracy is a tyrannical form of government. It's where 51% of the population can take away the life, liberty and property of the other 49% with a simple majority vote. It's when two wolves and a sheep vote on what's for dinner.

15343499? ago

How do we fight to keep our republic as it stands?

We should all be armed: Firearm buying guide for home defense and tactical prepping

Not only armed but prepared to act: Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15343368? ago

no transparency and no individual freedom

this is not a republic

15343319? ago

A true democracy is tyranny of the majority. It's very, very easy to manipulate and exploit. Especially if the majority of the people are fucking dumb and easily influenced.