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15341080? ago

It's simple:


  • UNITED STATES is a corporation, corporations do not have citizens they have employees.
  • UNITED STATES is foreign to the states, it is not a state it is a territory
  • UNITED STATES is Military "needful buildings" armories, ports, prisons etc.
  • All this being provable facts, the CIA can and does survey everyone and everything it can get it's hands on.

The CIA is a private business it was founded by NAZI's rescued from Germany after WWII to spy on Russia.

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY INC. (CIA) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 3/9/83 File No. 2004409

A US citizen was originally created for freed slaves to give them the same rights as white people but what they got were "privileges" that can be taken at any time for no reason at all called "civil rights", are you now or were you ever a slave?

Do you want "civil rights" or do you want "human rights" because you cant have both.