15349899? ago

This is the most fucked up thread I have ever read. You people are definitely way out there. I'm glad I'm in the mountains in a secluded place.

15349778? ago

So we are following law now? DARPA , IN-Q-TEL. ENOUGH ALREADY

15346819? ago


Upvote this if love him too

15345987? ago

shut it down and you shut down most of the deep state

15344599? ago

Excellent post anon!!!!!! This is how it’s fucking done people!!!!! Great job!!! Spot on

15344407? ago

FYI, the locations of amazon server farms is secret.

15356758? ago

Oh no they aren't...ask any building controls contractors where they are. We do work in ALL KINDS of datacenters. Mi rosoft is building a new campus in eastern VA as we speak. Want me to point out a few for ya? They are EVERYWHERE and faily easy to spot! Windowless buildings with large backup gen sets is yout first clue.

15343465? ago

Makes great sense. It would be lovely to see Bezos get his ass handed to him.

15343378? ago


15343263? ago

Since when did laws apply to deep state operatives? Laws are for little, unimportant people (AKA “tax payers”).

15342917? ago

It used to be illegal for the CIA to spy on Americans. That was changed when the Patriot Act passed, it repealed that requirement.

15342690? ago

Flag Officer Down


Gentlemen, you must get into the real time curve to become effective.

15342138? ago

Its pretty obvious there is a game at foot here. The greatest advancements the global cabal have ever made has been after we've had years of war. Its a tried and true formula that gets results every time. The classic Problem, Reaction, Solution technique used time and time again. The seeds of conflict have been planted in the insane attempt at relocating the third world into western countries. Simultaneously building up war chests in future combatants countries such as China. The only missing piece is the financial collapse to kick things off ...

Or Q is right and we'll be fine ...

15343690? ago

Q never promised we'll be fine. This is the USA, if you want to be fine you should prepare yourself for anything because we have no idea how this is going to go down.

15341975? ago

i wonder if Snowden was involved -spying on spies?? dont know

15346669? ago

Spy vs. Spy - CIA vs. NSA The game has been in progress for awhile now, just a small part of it all.

15341772? ago

Amy privatized infrastructure is, from the cabal's perspective, an opportunity to "accidentally" leak access for profit

15341686? ago

2015, Amazon AWS established a cloud service technogy center in Chongqing China. Several recent breads on qresearch board include discussion on Amazon and Chongqing connections (sorry, wasn't following those, just noting here).


Amazon AWS recently opened an incubation center in Chongqing’s Liangjiang New Area, liangjiang.gov.cn reported.

Chongqing Amazon AWS incubator is a the joint effort between Amazon AWS, a leading cloud computing provider, Chongqing Foreign Trade Economic Commission, and Chongqing Dadukou district. It’s Amazon’s third such incubator in China and the first in Central China.

CEO Rong Yongkang noted that the company aims to work on innovation and technology by making full use of the company’s partnerships and cloud computing edge.

The incubator will provide cloud computing and technology training to bridge the gaps between start-ups and venture capital.

The incubator will provide up to 100,000 yuan ($15,443) to help enterprises with product development. Companies that plan to sell products overseas will get another $18,000. The incubator will also provide laboratories for companies to train their new employees.

At the same time, a road show was also held, with 19 projects standing out after rounds of competition among over 100 start-up companies.

15342395? ago

Ooooooh, there's that Chongqing city again - the same place where the Hyatt is that Q posted saying "We know." The intrigue never stops! Amazon may have had a seat at that table, along with Eric Schmidt from Goog!

15342461? ago

In addition to the extensive HRC ties, there is GM in the news about closing plants. The Exec VP Devereax for GM-China in Chongqing was head of GM-Holden when they announced closing Australian manufacturing plants in 2013 after subsidy cuts. Plus GM-China had a $400m loss in 2018 due to tariffs. Feinstein is also tied to Chongqing.

Bumpy ride, need more popcorn.

15346426? ago

The hits just keep on coming...

15342755? ago

Oooooh, aren't you just a wealth of information! Thank you for your great addition there! I remember that short presser outside when reporters asked POTUS about GM closing plants and he was PIIIIIIIIIISSED about it! Maybe for more reasons than the job loss part. So interesting!

I don't know if I'll be able to even sleep from the anticipation about Monday. I've got a 10-pack box of microwave popcorn all ready to go and Twizzler sticks too - LOL! Bring the PAIN - Do it Q! =-D

15345788? ago

FYI, microwave cooking is bad for one's health.

15360739? ago

True, but microwave popcorn is too handy to pass up.

15341868? ago

I'm more concerned that amazon cloud hook up to china and cloud contract for the 3 letter agencies gives the commies full info on USA everything.

Yeah Treason for sure.

15342004? ago

I'm almost + u are over the target. With Brennan and Clapper being part of the negotiation with Bezos, it seems as though they were setting up the same type of scam Hillary pulled with her email, just on a much larger scale! Those fuckers need to HANG! Traitors!!!

15353651? ago

Thanks patriot could you lay a upvote on me?

15341228? ago

HOLY SHIT! another post saying HOLY SHIT!

15341790? ago

Yeah, it's tiresome. Factual titles without the histrionics would be nice.

15341080? ago

It's simple:


  • UNITED STATES is a corporation, corporations do not have citizens they have employees.
  • UNITED STATES is foreign to the states, it is not a state it is a territory
  • UNITED STATES is Military "needful buildings" armories, ports, prisons etc.
  • All this being provable facts, the CIA can and does survey everyone and everything it can get it's hands on.

The CIA is a private business it was founded by NAZI's rescued from Germany after WWII to spy on Russia.


CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY INC. (CIA) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 3/9/83 File No. 2004409

A US citizen was originally created for freed slaves to give them the same rights as white people but what they got were "privileges" that can be taken at any time for no reason at all called "civil rights", are you now or were you ever a slave?

Do you want "civil rights" or do you want "human rights" because you cant have both.

15341075? ago

could crash the economy? if aws goes down, deliberately or not, we may be in for a dark period of time. get your gardens boys (and something to defend them with)

15341060? ago

It's simple:


  • UNITED STATES is a corporation, corporations do not have citizens they have employees.
  • UNITED STATES is foreign to the states, it is not a state it is a territory
  • UNITED STATES is Military "needful buildings" armories, ports, prisons etc.
  • All this being provable facts, the CIA can and does survey everyone and everything it can get it's hands on.

The CIA is a private business it was founded by NAZI's rescued from Germany after WWII to spy on Russia.

A US citizen was originally created for freed slaves to give them the same rights as white people but what they got were "privileges" that can be taken at any time for no reason at all called "civil rights", are you now or were you ever a slave?

Do you want "civil rights" or do you want "human rights" because you cant have both.

15340840? ago

Remember that time when the Amazon servers went down?

Search "amazon servers down 2017"

15340673? ago

Fortunately, the vast majority of us are so boring, that all of their spying on us reveals only the evidence of domesticated beings, and mundane activities. (think: families absorbed in school activities, kids, errands, homes, vehicles, shopping, appointments, clubs, leisure, etc.) We've grown accustomed, via social pressure, that these are the societal norms...., and are the sum total of the American dream (for which, others flock to our borders...)

15343562? ago

That's what they want you to think... that it is innocent and mundane and what's the big deal?

15341306? ago


15343565? ago

Another societal manipulation

15340871? ago

You might think this but from all of the data they can collect and analyse they can then get a read on the collective consciousness and then create news cycles/events etc to subtly influence the collective consciousness or certain demographic within the collective.

Currently all they will be seeing is everyone waking the fuck up which is being influenced greatly by the counter use of their platforms by people that are woke....

15343721? ago

You might think this but from all of the data they can collect and analyse they can then get a read on the collective consciousness and then create news cycles/events etc to subtly influence the collective consciousness or certain demographic within the collective.

And use everything about our daily lives to program AI to literally override human sovereignty.

15346594? ago

Total information awareness.

15341083? ago

this ↑

it's a giant brain to monitor how likely they can get away with things based on public opinon/passivity

15343555? ago

And further psychological and behavioral manipulation of the masses.

15342035? ago

They are called trial balloons.

15340945? ago

You are correct. In fact, there is great industry in market analysis-, tracking our every expenditure and shopping habit, hoping to take advantage of trends, and entice shoppers' dollars. Sadly, gov't spying has no such honorable intent... (not that parting us from our wallets, by design, plotting, and intent... is honorable, either.)

15340579? ago

more governmental failure. this is a problem, guys. when are the adults going to step in here?

15340554? ago

What other companies go down when amazon servers go down?

Most or all your favorite smartphone apps.

15340508? ago

Yeah, you're spot on bro.

Do you know what Mussolini thought of Corporations? He viewed them very highly, considered them an essential weapon of his Fascistic Utopia. They are viewed as an "entity" and so, that "entity" will do whatever it must, to survive. No matter how foolish, how pathetic, how stupid. It will do it, because it fears "death". It's cute really, how few people realize, one of the most worthless professions in Modernity is the common Necromancer. Though, most of you refer to them as "Lawyers". Ever ask yourself what you're saying when you say the word "Corp-Oration"? You're saying Corpse Speaking. Tell me, how does a dead man tell tales? Only a Necromancer can tell.

Do you know why you follow laws? Because you have tacitly accepted the Cannon law of the world, that stipulates you are a corpse. You have no free will and in actuality, have no value whatsoever. You are a slave, by law. And so, are subject to the whims of your so-called betters. It's cute, really, what they've managed to do to you all. Well, to us all. We're all actively complicit in it, afterall. We pay our taxes, we go to work 40 hours and masturbate for 20 of them because 75% of our jobs are literally BullShit. Ever ask yourself why 40 hours a week? Because 41 might kill you too young. 40 is optimal for long term survival while taking away your ability to even remotely recognize anything even close to a sense of "Self"

It's why I forgive most of you for being children of war. Boys and girls who have no idea what they face and yet, proclaim boldly "I am X and I know who to blame, how they did it, etc." Sit down, you likely don't know jack. Even Q himself mentioned, among the Awakened, there's maybe 1% of us that really get the whole thing. Know why? Because most of you get lost in the delusion known as Cognitive Disonance, or as I like to call it, Solipsism. All you feckless neophytes who shit on numerology and the other occult studies, claiming it only serves to besmirch the movement, are really just sad children who are eager to wear the chains of slavery and I pity you for it. Cognitive Disonance is when you're actively being a hypocrite in your belief set and Solipsism is the belief that you are God and as God, you can decree what is and is not real (((Science))) and Knowledge.

This isn't a game, it's a well played out and elaborate war where most people in it are pawns who don't know the difference between their 9-5 job and the absolute subjugation of mankind that they're partaking in. For many, it's just a pyacheck and "I gotta eat, don't I?"

The nuremberg defense doesn't work, but boy, y'all are gonna wanna get ready to start being real fucking forgiving of people who were trapped in a system meant to break and destroy you. Especially if y'all want the whole truth to come to light. Can you imagine how many people are trapped behind NDA's and other such "Nat Sec" clauses? This rabbit hole is so deep, we've managed to find ousrelves among the dregs of humanity themselves, t he literal bottom of the bottomless pit of darkness itself. Hold on tight boys because as Q has properly pointed out. WHen the Truth ultimately does come to light, many of you, even among us on this board, won't know what hit them.

15354467? ago

What the fuck are you actually talking about? This just sounded like a long way to tell everyone here that they're ignorant. But what specifically do you think people on these boards don't already know?

15351920? ago

spoiler alert : you have no knowledge of linguistics.

corp-oration = corpse speaking

Even if this was a meaningful division of the word (hint ; it isn't), the proper translation would be BODY speaking. Not corpse. BODY. Corp = corpus = body. It is not an abbreviation of corpse.

Going down the rabbit hole is smart, but don't turn your brain off en route.

15344656? ago

Good post patriot. U r awake. Spot on with regard to 40 hour weeks controlling us. Question.... do u know of a potential alternative because I believe it’s the system itself that isn’t cohesive to the way humans r supposed to be living? To your point, the only thing that matters is the bottom line of the corpse and it breeds greed and corruption period.

15345215? ago

Stop thinking you need "Money" to get things done in this world for starters. Fucking Bezos alone could end world poverty and world hunger, for all time, eliminating all disease and more. The system itself is inherrently corrupt because you've all tacitly accepted the idea that you can't get something for nothing. Incorrect, you are something from seemingly nothing. Thoughts, creativity, flashes of intuition and inspiration, they all seem to stem from "nothing" and yet, they are real.

We just need to stop thinking so damn small, y'know?

15351433? ago

Have you read Gordon White’s “The Chaos Protocols”? I’ve been reading it lately and your comments have been somewhat in a similar vein to the themes therein.

15345883? ago

Original sin and the fall of Man. When Adam and Eve listened to Satan, they were banished from the Garden of Eden where they had everything they needed and could just "be". They were sent out into the world where they would labor to make their food grow from the soil. Ever since, we've had to work to acquire what is ours.

15343426? ago

Geeat post. The responses remind me of how little hope I have in our species, though.

15343345? ago

All you feckless neophytes who shit on numerology and the other occult studies, claiming it only serves to besmirch the movement, are really just sad children who are eager to wear the chains of slavery and I pity you for it. Cognitive Disonance is when you're actively being a hypocrite in your belief set and Solipsism is the belief that you are God and as God, you can decree what is and is not real (((Science))) and Knowledge.

This is the most pathetic egotistical shit I've ever read from a Christ cuck.

15343461? ago

Solipsism is the belief that you are God and as God, you can decree what is and is not

15343482? ago

Being gay is the belief that you know anything, that you have any insight into your creation, that your pathetic little mind can comprehend the forces involved, and even more laughable is the notion that muh numerology which has no measurable effect, no measurable force, and no meaning outside of what is essentially mental geometric mastrubation is the answer to our existence. Try again after church nigger.

15345253? ago

You've offered literally nothing of substance and yet think yourself great. Tell me, what is is like thinking yourself God? It's also really pathetic that you keep thinking I believe in the concept of a God. How fucking shallow is your thinking? How much of a faggot are you? Did you even put a lick of fucking thought into your attack into me you worthless wretch? No? I didn't think so, because it fucking shows. You've thrown together words and hoped and prayed they would come together in a coherent manner and would somehow, magically, get your point across, which seems to be,,,? Fucked if I know, all you've succeeded in doing is shown you have nothing because all you throw are insults and assumptions of my belief set. Come back when you've got a brain you fucking retard.

15345884? ago

Fails to notice the assertion their post about occult and numerology has no actual bearing in reality beyond blackmail opportunities and the money and influence to dupe the stupid sheep that follow it.

Come back when you can measure the effects of numerology.

15343343? ago

You unironically don't know jack shit, but keep thinking you do.

15343238? ago

The foundation of any challenge to control must be, has to be, and cannot be anything else but the opening and awakening of Mind to Consciousness outside the Matrix. Without that we should go home and do what we can to prepare for the inevitable extremes of the tyranny that is heading our way so quickly. People can stockpile all the weapons they like, organize all the protests they like and attack the Control System all they like, but in the end it won’t matter. The Control System is what it is and what it is becoming because the mass of humanity is trapped in the perceptions of Mind. The controllers are mind parasites, after all. But they cannot parasitize, manipulate and program Consciousness because it is well out of their range. Believers in religion, politics and mainstream science are all underpinning the Control System agenda by falling for their game – their mind game.

The character in the Matrix trilogy, called the Trainman, said of his domain:

You don’t get it. I built this place. Down here I make the rules. Down here I make the threats. Down here, I’m God.

It was in these terms that the Gnostics described our world in relation to the Demiurge and the Archons. When you are entrapped in the five senses, and their associated mind, your perception of reality is what the Archons tell you it is. The Control System can only have any effect in the realm of the mind and the ‘physical’ senses. Once you open to All Possibility, your point of attention – of perception – expands into the realms of Consciousness. From there the game is so easy to understand, but without that understanding how can anyone make an informed and effective judgement on how to respond to the global situation that we face? Self-identity is the key to everything. You are the All That Is, All-Knowing, All Possibility. But your attention is currently focused on a tiny range of frequency called visible light and that focus is given names and labels like John and Amy, Caucasian and Jew, rich and poor.

So which ‘you’ are you going to identify with? Do you self-identify with what you really are or only with what you are experiencing? John and Amy, Caucasian and Jew, rich and poor are all figments of the illusion and if that is your only self-identity then the Matrix rules your perception because you have no other point of reference for what is happening to you and the world. Your life this far has been dictated by who you thought you were. Change what you think you are and you will change what you perceive and experience. Together we will change what we all perceive and experience. There is no way out of where we are unless there is a transformation of our sense of self from the self-identity that put us where we are. The more you move your point of attention to the heart the more our suicidal society becomes self-evident. The Archons have transformed a heart society into a gut society to make humanity easy to scam, manipulate and control.

Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) had the insight that comes from going beyond time and saw through the official version of reality.

It was Bruno who said: ‘the Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it’ and ‘heroic love is the property of those superior natures who are called insane, not because they do not know, but because they over-know’.

15343486? ago

‘heroic love is the property of those superior natures who are called insane, not because they do not know, but because they over-know’.

Hahahaha, how fitting a way to describe what I've been faced with. I am truly called insane, all the time. Not for what I know not, but as you say, because I over-know. I know too much, I've read too much, I can fathom far more than most can. I'm built for these kinds of games. I'm designed for this sort of thing. It's like. A tiger exists to hunt down animals, to kill, maim and destroy, it is a predator. I, too, am a predator. But I love combat, I love war, I love the tumult of it all, the chaos, the uncertainty. I love knowing how intense it can be, how visceral.

But, at the end of the day, I know it's a game. You're right, that we have to overcome this existence. I suggest however, that the means of doing so is to have fun in the process. They say one must give the devil his due, many do is begrudingly. I do so willingly, with a smile on my face. Why? Because if I don't give him his due, then I am not paying attention to his successes(and therefor, my failures) and so, he is surpassing me. So, when the devil gets one by me, I smile, I thank him, for making me that much more resilient, that much stronger, that much more reliable.

I prefer to think of it as a game, if I lose sight of it being a game, then I lose my cool. My wrath burns hot, too hot. It doesn't care who, or what, it destroys. So for me, thinking of it as a game, is essential. Lest I lose my head.

15353304? ago

Incredible how the universe works. I thought to myself I wanted to know more about myself yesterday. Today I found a wonderful website sharing lots of great information. Now I see the post a love yours and yours. Everything said fits like a glove. You're describing a state of being called Service to Self. It's perfectly acceptable to live that state. A lot of spiritual growth is understanding our dark side as well as our light side.

15345671? ago

You might have just given me ammunition to help with the concussion symptoms. A sincere thank you!

15346947? ago

It is my absolute pleasure to be of service :)

15346317? ago

I think I tried this last week when I was trying to work in my shop with yet another cracked rib, (one of many in my lifetime). Every time it hurt I would laugh and curse that old demon Satan. Ha ha ha. Then I cut my finger...

15342943? ago

Partly why I utterly refuse to work more than my current part time hours. Why work more when you don't have to, and your bills and everything are paid, and you live comfortably on what you earn?

Secondly, about everything coming to light - bring it on. If I don't survive it, it means I didn't prepare adequately, and as a result, I don't deserve to live anyway.

15341785? ago

Funny, I haven't worked 9-5 in awhile, and my jobs leave my mind free, to research, go down rabbit holes, tilt at windmills...

Let me see if I can help you with your Corporatio...

Corporation is from the Latin for Guild....guild...from old english Mint (goes to coin) or German gild...money...from the name of the place where money was first coined, moneta, the Roman Temple of Juno/Jupiter or (Zeus)...

Ever hear of the Pergamon? The Nazis relocated an entire Greek Temple to Berlin. Rev. 2:12-13

People talk about the plan while we're still dancing to their tune. POTUS is starting to get serious about the Fed, but we are still a long way from liberation.

I get the feeling this is just a reprieve before Satan is given this world almost completely, just before the triumphant return of the Lamb.

I feel sorry for the Jews who have bought into Satan's plan and willlingly participate in bringing down the nations. They (people like Soros) have been duped.


15343449? ago

I feel the same. The fight is good vs evil, but even these qtards would choose evil if the oppurtunity arose. They speak of being one here, a movement, but only so long as the boomera can keep on boomin. Then we also need to coddle them, for if we don't listen to what they're crying about they won't do shit; but regardless still won't do shit. The people that got us here are also the people thinking they're getting us out. Satan is here, and he is going to win. All because for some reason these people think they deserve our interaction, and further they want us to literally worship them. Fuck this world.

15345805? ago

You do not seem like a happy person at all.

15345170? ago

Did you suffer a stroke in the middle of trying to write out your thoughts there? Because the whole thing was a nonsensical rant. Thanks for playing...?

15342490? ago

Well said - and Amen!

15340768? ago

I want to know about Antarctica and the aliens. That is really what keeps me going. I would love to be an early? Host? For aliens. I think that would be the coolest thing ever.

15343360? ago

demon possession is a pretty thing

15343264? ago

Movie 3: TBA is going to be about ET's, Ancient Aliens, and our current break away civilizations.

15349788? ago

Elysium is already out.

15360224? ago

The hollywood movie? Shit goes way deeper than that movie

15341512? ago

One of the things I want to do in this lifetime is meet an alien face to face.

15342990? ago

city of london, go there

15342851? ago

Pinebush NY is the UFO capital My friend is from Pinebush - recalled a dream he had as a kid of an alien Took 23&Me test - twice came back unreadable

15342028? ago

You probably already have but didn't know it.

15341533? ago

I want to BBQ and ger wasted. With some aliens. Get them fucked up on weed and moonshine. Party with those hot pileadian bitches. Next. Morning there are naked aliens all over passed out and a crashed UFO. THAT'S A PARTY.

15340333? ago

if true, that would be extremely phucked up. the real question however is what is the point exactly of duplicating that data? to sell it for shady business deals like facebook's "health initiatives"? supply shady orgs like fusion gps?

15341311? ago

Same with Facebook.

EVERYBODY who installed the app gets listened to 24/7/365

15340550? ago

If it's in "Private hands", you are not federally restricted, are you? And if it's "Off the books", who's holding you to account for what you do with that data? Who you give it too? The moment the CIA signed Bezos up, all that data became prime data for harvesting. It's some powerful shit. When they have it off the books and on privately owned servers that they can just tell you "nah, you can't audit us, McFuck yourself <3" and t hey'll have that good old "Private Company" defense.

And really, if you think they don't already have an activel Autonomic Intelligence within computers, what are you smoking because it's making you blind. I'm looking forward to monday, are you?

15340320? ago

Hmm interesting now its echo and Alexa no thanks.

15340319? ago

Excellent work anon.

I once sat in a room with Bezos and presented to him. He ate lunch with me.

Your assessment is over target.

15341864? ago

Guy is a cunt. His company is a blight on our country. Nothing more than a goddamned on-line catalogue, but he made 60 billion dollars off of it. Makes me sick.

15342774? ago

Could have been Sears...

Ah well, that's capitalism.

15340527? ago

What was he like? What kind of pedo-score would you give him?

15341470? ago

Everyone walked on eggshells like he was special.

Didn't seem that special, other than weird, at the time.

15340289? ago

Makes sense to me. I think Amazon is a big stinker in this equation, which means that Bezos is, too. You don't get that kind of a sweetheart deal with CIA without being under their thumb.

15343168? ago


15340279? ago

All I know is that the Washington Post is the world’s largest pile of bullshit.

15340474? ago

Yep, own by Bezo, who owns Amazon.

15343165? ago

John Podesta writes for WaPo.