15321178? ago

There could be arrests and executions, and it still wouldn't stop the shills. They are being paid, or they are libtards, or they are just massive cunts, whose only joy in their miserable lives is fucking with other people. They will keep coming, making demands, spreading division, making new claims.

15320679? ago

Now here’s the thing. I kinda want you guys to be right. I’d love for there to be some epic deep state killing event on the 5th, but if there isn’t I’m gonna be there ribbing you.

15319318? ago

It will be progressive from the 3rd to the 5th so dont blink

15319267? ago

lmfao The smell of desperation is thick in here.

15319077? ago

have you seen this... Q possible Countdown?? - Q countdown Theory Drop on Nov 20th. Next Drop on Nov 25th (5 days) Next Drop on Nov 29th (4 days)

Will there be drops on: Dec 2nd (3 days) Dec 4th (2 days) Dec 5th (1 Day)

DECEMBER 5th ~ D5 or Maybe Dec 6th - (0 day)

15319032? ago

There won't



15318912? ago

It would be an oasis in the desert a this point.

15318822? ago

The shills can waste all the characters and time they want. Ignore them.

Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

15319056? ago

If nothing is coming, then there is nothing to stop. Thus, making your statement true.

"You played yourself"

15320909? ago

If there is nothing to stop why are shillings wasting their time on a LARP? "You played yourself"

15318808? ago

Stop bringing them up every thread... That's when they come back.

15318787? ago

  • NF14

15318607? ago

Go suck a sack of hairy balls!!!

15319374? ago

Always a closet homo with a 14yo homo reference,see public schooled yet?(common)

15318465? ago

You see that other thread about google?

There is so much happening on December 5th it isn't funny.

15318580? ago

Co gress holds hearings constantly. A Congressional hearing, in and of itself, does squat