15316955? ago

Exactly, Q is Don Jr trying to keep support fot his daddy-0

15311579? ago

When I see some fucking arrests start happening, then I'll "trust the plan". Until then, it's just words on the Internet.

15310824? ago

Dear shill, go fuck yourself. Seriously. I see the plan in action everyday. I see the arrests. I see the riots. I see entire countries waking up. I see the riots and the protests worldwide. You don't seem to see much further than the Clintons. High level players, but not the masters. Maybe you should spend less time concernfagging and more time with your eyes open.

15309391? ago

nothing to worry because God is in control, good people will rise in time, one flip, bad situation becomes all good salvation.

15309239? ago

I started off believing Q was real out of pure hope that something would be done to stop these seditious traitors, but its beyond obvious now this was all a LARP. Now I just come here to laugh at the retarded sheep

15308851? ago

98% of concernfags are paid shills/bots

15308863? ago

your math sux, it's 132% <grin>

15309796? ago

Bro, you need a real job. You're clearly a young Male who doesn't have a strong father figure in your life. Your fear consumes you and seems to be having an effect on your life. How many days of your life are you willing to waste on message boards sharing your cry for help? Go find your father and see if he'll put down his purse for awhile and spend some time with you.

15308760? ago

OH, YES: Let me drop the Q-quotes: "Look there, not here." "Move along," "nothing to see here".... "Coincidence" "These (((Qtards))) are stupid."

15308735? ago


Don't trust the plan.

Maintain an open mind until we know every name on every one of the 61,000 sealed indictments.

But more importantly - plan for the worst! Neither President Trump nor Q are gods and their plans may not go to plan!

Hope for the best but plan for the worst.

Buy a gun and prepare yourself and your family to fight!

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

Firearm buying guide for home defense and tactical prepping

15308682? ago

How.much do you get paid to post these? How does one apply? You are welcome for the response. What do you get a dollar?

15308783? ago

the retirement package is FAB..... But since it requires a Q clearance? It I tell you, then I'll have to.........

15308795? ago

Don't tell me

15308739? ago

I think he gets another bj from his dad

15308631? ago

Classic concernfagging

15308650? ago

we do try. tyvm