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15288441? ago

“A picture is worth many sentences.” He didn’t say “words” like you would expect. So maybe what he means is “A picture is worth many (prison) sentences.”

15288574? ago

That seems to fit more with yesterday's retweet in some ways.

15288738? ago

Uni-brain! Plus, the the night of the Christmas tree lighting ceremony (11/28), the Secret Service tweeted a photo saying that USSS is basically all over protecting POTUS at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony and @POTUS_Schedule tweeted a photo (and DESCRIPTION) of the polycarbonate bullet-proof glass (that's actually some kind of transparent aluminum) that was surrounding POTUS on the stage during the ceremony (although after lighting the tree, POTUS then left the protected area and spent the rest of the time sitting outside exposed).

15288841? ago

Thanks, I wondered where the bullet proof glass info was coming from! I couldn't see it in the pictures from the ceremony. This entire thing is surreal.

15288912? ago

Yeah, the whole thing flipped me out last night when I saw red blinking lights on the left side of his chest BEFORE the tree was even lit - that was NOT a reflection of the tree because it wasn't even turned on yet.

Here's the link to the @POTUS_Schedule tweet re: the bulletproof glass:

Here's a short video on "transparent aluminum" - much better than bullet-proof glass:

Here's some more info I put together on the possible attempted hit at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony:

I did a You Tube search and found another video (ABC News source) since I couldn't get the "Daily Crusader" video to play. This video has over 6 minutes of footage from the tree lighting festivities and POTUS is present through the whole thing (he didn't leave after one minute and not come back, as the Daily Crusader article said): ... So WTF is THIS?!? Starting at the :16 second mark of this video, a red blinking light appears over POTUS' right shoulder AND 2 flashing red dots (that look like laser pointers) appear directly over the left side of POTUS' chest. Those red dots keep flashing from the :16 second mark until the about the :21 second mark. These red dot flashes appeared BEFORE the Christmas tree behind him was even lit, so it's not some kind of reflection from the lit tree - because it wasn't turned on yet.

Here's another video - from a different source (Fox News) during the time that POTUS is on stage counting down the tree lighting. Same deal - those red blinking lights over POTUS' left part of his chest are showing up on their camera too! On the Fox News video, it's at the :08 second mark where those blinking red dots appear on POTUS' chest directly over his heart (like possibly a rifle laser was pointed at him??) and those red dots keep flashing on his chest until about the :16 second mark - here's that video:

Is there such a thing as a rifle laser sight/pointer that BLINKS? Yes, there is - it's called a "pulsing laser light": There are guns with green laser sights and ones with red laser sights, but the blinking part is something I haven't heard of until I started looking for it. Here's some info on red laser sights:

Thread on Voat/QRV about this is at:

15291089? ago

The light didn‘t move with him. Looks like it was on the glass. And as another said, perhaps in the camera, or projected on the glass.

15301155? ago

Good call - hadn't noticed that!

15289657? ago

Great information, thanks! Worthy of a separate post. So much to dig into and understand.

15301639? ago

As Q says - "The more you know" =-)

I put the info above from my dig into the comments of the thread on that subject (thread #2880057) so it would all be together in one place.

15289587? ago

Wow, thanks for all of this info!

15289368? ago

Wife is a photographer. I recognized it as a targeting dot for a camera. Was likely not on the pres. Himself but in the viewfinder of a camera only the photog. Could see. Like two cameras stacked up. Same with the cross hairs. Weird

15289549? ago

Hmmmmm, that could be. Maybe Q will either confirm or dispel the rumors flying about it. Q gave us confirmation on the missile attacks and we also heard about the Paris cemetery scene, so maybe we'll get some kind of acknowledgement or "fake news" verdict from Q this time too (although my mind instantly went to "assassin at that hotel" when Q posted that photo and said, "We know.") But I've been jumpy and wigging out ever since I saw the videos from the tree lighting though, so pardon my being a bit on edge here. ;-)

15289612? ago

Something very weird is going on but I'm utterly at sea as to what it is. The photographer who took the crosshair picture send an apology tweet that seemed like he was shitting bricks. Simplest explanation is lefty photographers doing more of their "funny" bullshit and getting slapped down for it hard.

15301674? ago

Agree - and that ABC News guy absolutely should have known better than to post a photo with friggin' crosshairs on POTUS' head. AS IF he didn't notice the bulls-eye on the back of POTUS' head before he posted that pic. Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!

15289139? ago

It seems hard to believe that USSS would let him walk out from behind the glass after that if it had been a laser from a gun. I wonder if it could have been a light from a camera reflecting off the glass.

15291822? ago

That’s what I’m still lost on...if he was in danger of a sniper why move him from the protection of the glass?

15291104? ago

It looks to be on the glass as it didn‘t move with him.

15289244? ago

That was my biggest wonder about it too. After I saw those bizarre red flashing dots on his chest, I was thinking, "Why on earth didn't they whisk him away?" I thought about it being a camera reflection too, but why are they a pair of dots sitting right next to each other and both blinking simultaneously? And why did 2 different video cameras (Fox News and NBC News) both capture those blinking red dots on their cameras at the exact same moments of Trump's countdown? That's what was puzzling to me and pushed me into the "more likely to believe it" camp.

That, combined with the USSS tweet about protecting POTUS at the ceremony AND the @POTUS_Schedule tweeting the protective bullet-proof glass shell around POTUS that also described how strong it is in detail AND then the ominous hotel lobby photo that Q just posted (#2503) pushed me into the "now I KNOW something happened last night" camp. My Spidey senses are in overdrive - something is UP, if you ask me. Too many coincidences and oddities not to mean something, IMO. But it could all be a ruse or something entirely different going on - can't know for sure. :-S