15289074? ago

Another You tube video of the same tree lighting time, red dots show up, but only as reflection. Not on POTUS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u3Cu7cx_k0

15288938? ago

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15287540? ago

This online article from "Daily Crusader" (never heard of them) has an embedded video of the tree lighting festivities, but I was unable to get the embedded video (or the text link to that video) to play for me. The article says POTUS enters at 58:09, abruptly leaves at 59:38, but since that embedded video won't play for me, I can't see if that's true: https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/secret-service-foils-mossad-assassination-attempt-on-potus-at-wh-christmas-tree-lighting-ceremony/. Scroll all the way down and read the WHOLE article though - the most important stuff is at the bottom.

Towards the bottom of this article, there are 2 photographs showing red laser dots appearing on POTUS' body - one on his chin and one on his right shoulder. I didn't even scroll down the whole article or see those still photos until AFTER I dug up other video of the Christmas tree lighting scene and had already I noticed red dots on POTUS' left side of his chest for a 5-6 second interval while he was counting down the tree lighting on the stage.

I did a You Tube search and found another video (ABC News source) since I couldn't get the "Daily Crusader" video to play. This video has over 6 minutes of footage from the tree lighting festivities and POTUS is present through the whole thing (he didn't leave after one minute and not come back, as the Daily Crusader article said): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkeCklYRdt8 ... WTF is THIS?!? Starting at the :16 second mark of this video, a red blinking light appears over POTUS' right shoulder (shouldn't air traffic be banned all around the White House??) AND there's 2 flashing red dots (that look like laser pointers) appear directly over the left side of POTUS' chest. Those red dots keep flashing from the :16 second mark until the about the :21 second mark. These red dot flashes appeared BEFORE the Christmas tree behind him was even lit, so it's not some kind of reflection from the lit tree - because it wasn't even turned on yet.

Here's another video - from a different source (Fox News) during the time that POTUS is on stage counting down the tree lighting. Same deal - those red blinking lights over POTUS' left part of his chest are showing up on their camera too! On the Fox News video, it's at the :08 second mark where those blinking red dots appear on POTUS' chest directly over his heart (like possibly a rifle laser was pointed at him?) and those red dots keep flashing on his chest until about the :16 second mark - here's that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2L8a9xK4Tc

Is there such a thing as a rifle laser sight/pointer that BLINKS? Yes, there is - it's called a "pulsing laser light": https://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/concealed-carry-issues-discussions/108728-advantage-pulsing-laser-light.html - There are guns with green laser sights and ones with red laser sights. Here's some info on red laser sights: https://www.quora.com/How-do-red-dot-sights-holographic-sights-work-Can-you-see-the-light-if-its-turned-on-and-aimed-at-you

15287891? ago

those are not lasers but reflection from cameras stop tripping

15286388? ago

We being played like chumps. Our military can't even take out a few corrupt officials... Trump keeps looking for loyalty and the deep state just keeps filling the ranks. Something need to move, how many years does it take to arrest someone for treason?

15286219? ago

Watched the video, he did not "suddenly" leave, more fake news.

15285941? ago

It's Christmas. Don't "X" out my Lord.

15285678? ago

https://archive.fo/IgGls :

🐾 MilSpec Ops Monkey 🐾 on Twitter: "… "

This has been an automated message.

15285674? ago

It's CHRISTmas... Get out of here with that X crap

15285638? ago

Post about aborted attempt on Prez at ceremony: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2880120

15285399? ago

Spooks trying to send a message to Trump especially after Trump's threats to declassify FISA ( = Deep State Panic) if the investigations continue endlessly in the House. I wish we weren't living in an unending Jason Bourne spy novel. I am sick of the deep state and their threats to our POTUS. Hang them all.

15285418? ago


15285492? ago

You know the only way to get to Trump is through his children (and they have had plenty of death threats). Trump has to plan everything out first, every single detail before the hammer can be dropped. All hell is going to break loose when he does pull the trigger. Just see the panic he is creating with his tweets, let alone DECLAS. He all but said, he is waiting to use that card. Lets see what happens when Huber testifies. I expect some sort of FF to distract from the testimony.

15285221? ago

This was just posted on 8 chan, thwarted assignation attempt. Scary shit. SS thwarts attempt

15286869? ago

There is no evidence whatsoever to point the blame at Israel except the delusions of anti-jew fanatics looking to create a stigma of and division within the Q movement. The people that hate Trump are the same people that hate Israel. Israel has it's own deep state that hates Trump and wants to overthrow Israel. This includes people like George Soros. Trump and Netanyahu are very close friends. Trump's daughter and son-in-law are Jewish. Trump is not a target of Israel.

15285628? ago

Page won't load. It must be bad.

15285447? ago

That Israel PM tweet is pretty damn suspect, isn't it? The wording, the timing.

Israel is not ours or our POTUS's friend.

15285646? ago

I need the tweet. Don't have a twitter account.

15285673? ago


Not the friendliest sounding tweets. Especially when you consider this attempt on our POTUS the following day.

15285903? ago

Whats wrong with that tweet? Think you are reading way to much into it. Israel is not our enemy.

Plus this attempt on potus. If it was a hit then they had ample time to carry it out. Didnt see anything watchin the video. The still pics the dit looks way to big to be from a gun with the laser on it. And potus was behind glass. Probably a reflection of some kind

15285931? ago

True. Could be nothing. However I really don't trust them.

15285252? ago

see recent bolded post

15285219? ago

Please pray for President Trump's pysical and mental health and the health of his family and inner circle of patriots.

Also pray for America and the triumph of western civilization over the Synagogue of Satan.

15289768? ago

In Jesus Name! LORD you expose and distinguish those who claim to be Jews but who are of the synagogue of Satan and keep your true people out of this mess. Psalm 91 over President Trump and his team.

15285126? ago

I hope all is well.

15285110? ago

This was posted tonight too - https://files.catbox.moe/urgux0.jpg - Pray all is well!