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15274867? ago

Effects? We can round up the socialists.

Good enough.

15274907? ago

Yes, that is a positive side effect. YOU personally won't be doing anything. If they catch you roaming around the streets outside your house, you'll be arrested or shot. But what effects will martial law have on YOU? Inside your house? You might be stuck there for 3-4 months? Without working. Without money. How is that going to work?

15275325? ago

we been under martial rule since the constitution was destroyed the day congress walked out to keep their black slave fuck toy kids

15275368? ago

But, it hasn't effected the population in any major way. Also, the global economy hasn't collapsed yet.

15275534? ago

you can own nothing how is that for effecting the population senate doc 43 i'll just leave this here... Full text of "Senate Doc 43 Money Banking History Senate 43.pdf The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government