15278583? ago


15277669? ago

For the first time here I can't understand the negative reactions here. Your scenario is not likely but near worst case. It's best to be prepared and then to hope it will not be as bad. Better than underestimating the situation. I, for myself, am prepared. Thanks for your work!

15277865? ago

People here like to picture a bloodless revolution where the cabal is taken down and life in America continues on and everyone is happy and free. They picture Q having contingency plans for every possible scenario and they assume all the bad guys will go to jail and the good guys will live happily ever after. They picture Trump saving the American people from any possible situation and preventing all sorts of bad stuff from happening.

My personal theory is that a lot of people who hang out here are baby boomers who are retired (or close to retirement). They have a lot of "stuff" (houses, cars, motorcycles, jewelry, clothes, electronics, boats, etc.) They also have a lot of money saved for retirement. They are collecting Social Security (or will start collecting it soon). If the world were to go to hell in a worst-case-scenario like I've described, they would lose EVERYTHING. They don't like thinking about this. This scares them to death.

So, they picture a nice easy transition to a future utopia where everyone is protected, everyone is safe, all their assets are safe, their Social Security checks and retirement money is safe. They picture their life pretty much going on just like it is now but, without the "bad guys" around. They are so invested in this idea that they will shout down and downvote anyone who points out the truth.

Revolutions are usually not easy and they certainly aren't bloodless. Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty has to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. During revolutions, people sometimes lose everything. You risk your money, your property, and your life to secure freedom. Sometimes you lose. People here don't like to think about losing. They don't want to consider worst-case-scenarios. They like Utopian scenarios where everyone comes out fine and nobody gets hurt. They like fantasies.

15278096? ago

I think we're still on plan A to have as few riots as possible. But the Cabal won't give up without a fight. Some will try damage limitation but some will fight. I didn't expect it to be so placid and it will defintely get rougher soon.

15278147? ago

Once (((they))) collapse the global economy, all hell is going to break lose. It is going to be a bloodbath.

15276121? ago

I think there would be different levels of enforcement, not enough LE to lock down the entire armed country. I would be more than willing to give a month's earnings to see these things arrested and tried by our military. I am ready to help Trump, our LE, and Military in any way I can. WWG1WGA

15275860? ago

You are 100% full of shit, sir.

15275801? ago

Sorry bub, but the entire military including the National Guard is too thin to put the entire nation under martial law. It would most likely be limited to DC and a few other locations where power resides. America will adapt and carry on.

15275675? ago

Dude, if you're not prepared and can't imagine what to do with your kids for 10 days (or longer) while we take the country back then you're surely not conservative.

15275551? ago

down voting this nonsense, fucking dumbass

15275633? ago

Remember me. Someday you'll think: "Oh shit! That anon was right".

15275353? ago

How does 10 day suspension of haebeus corpus affect my ability to get gas at the gas station?

You really glossed over that part.

15275390? ago

You think they are going to let people roam the streets freely while we're under martial law and financial collapse? There will be roving gangs of criminals with guns looting and robbing people. If they see you out there they will assume you're one of them.

15275460? ago

Daytime - go about your day, but with many restrictions. Nighttime - curfew. POTUS will do what he has to, but he won't want society to collapse.

15275469? ago

Financial collapse is going to cause millions of businesses to go under. Our whole financial system is going down. There will be nothing to go about. Your day will be over. America as we know it is coming to an end.

15275698? ago

America as we know it is coming to an end.

America as we know it came to an end under the last adminsitration. Now we're picking up the pieces and, if you're under 20, the America YOU know will not be returning. Thankfully.

15275735? ago

America will be collapsing soon. The American dream has been dead for a long time. We no longer have patriots who are willing to fight for their freedom, we have pussies who wait for someone else to come along and save the day.

15275510? ago

Oh well, maybe I can tend to my vegetable patch and fight off invaders with my pitchfork?

15275427? ago

Why not? Has nothing to do with haebeus corpus.

I like how you added financial collapse out of nowhere because even your made up definition of martial law isn't scary enough for your BS.

Q never said anything about curfew or movement being restricted.

Happy Hannukah, though.

15275242? ago

I think you are mostly wrong - so here's my take. ML in this case will likely be Trump bringing in the military to run the DOJ and FBI while completely taking over the NSA and CIA. People will live as normal except areas where rioting breaks out or at the borders which will likely be closed.. There will be arrests and tribunals of high level people and use of the emergency broadcasting system will be used to inform the people and explain the extent of ML. Also under ML the 2018 mid term elections will be held again after canceling the current one, postponing the new house and senate in January. The militart will assist in the rehabilitation of government, border and electoral processes. It could last a year or two.

15275389? ago

This is the most likely scenario, but what about the stock markets? How will they handle this kind of disruption? What will the bankers and the Federal Reserve do?

15275795? ago

The (((Deep State))) runs the Federal Reserve, the Stock Market, and all the Central Banks and the BIS. Once Trump starts to arrest people they are going to knock down this house of cards and purposely collapse the global economy. The dollar is going bye bye.

15275861? ago

I asked the question, and you gave the exact reply I was looking for.

15275233? ago

Good write up.

I think the most important point you make is the economic one. Any kind of National level Martial Law declared in America will have major negative implications for world stock markets. So maybe it would be in conjunction with a global financial reset? That would affect the whole world. Bloody hell, can you imagine the chaos?

Good job a lot of us have been preparing for years. Shame I'm up here in Canuckistan with no weapons.

15275254? ago

If you can make it down to the American South, I'll arm you to the teeth. Come fight for our side!

15275345? ago

Nice offer, but can you imagine trying to cross the border? I have multiple plans though - sshhhh!! :-)

15274984? ago

FEAR PORN! Who said ML will be coast to coast? Traditionally ML is carried out in the cities where it's needed. ML also does NOT mean you can't leave your house. Depending on how bad riots etc are that will dictate the restrictions imposed on the people. It's NOT automatic lock down nation wide. Stop freaking people out. With that said....IF it's coupled with economic collapse....THEN we're all phucked!

15275084? ago

We are all fucked. Just start accepting that now. Then, the shock won't be as bad when it actually happens.

This whole system is going to tank. It's been planned that way for years.

15275202? ago

Oh I know. The post didn't seem to offer any lube..Just went for it!..lol

15275221? ago

I don't fuck around with pleasantries. I just tell it like it is.

15275252? ago

Do you believe the US has the military assets to lock down every city coast to coast?

15275283? ago

Why do you think they have been militarizing the local police? I used to live in small town of less than 6,000 people and the cops all had riot gear, a SWAT vehicle, and military guns out the wazoo. I always wondered what they planned on using it for. (There hadn't been a major crime in that town in like 25 yrs.).

15275442? ago

I see that. It's a good point. For a lot of years I have wondered why our police look more like military. In a lot of places they have removed the "to serve and protect" from their cars. Ok with that being said. We can both agree that the militarization of our police has been going on for alot more years than Trump has been in office.. right? So honestly tell me this..How can we be sure that this is what it seems and not the FINALLY push to throw the USA into a police state and lock us down for good. Maybe this is 6D chess and we are the suckers...I'm not shillin but the thought had crossed my mind. Because I'm seeing POTUS use ALOT of Obama EO used. People say ha ha it's against Obummer but what if.....this WAS the plan all along. I don't trust people. nobody. I hope I'm wrong.

15275578? ago

I agree with you. I am not entirely convinced that Trump isn't a puppet of the Deep State. This occurred to me earlier: The original plan was for Obama to set up all the conditions for NWO and then for Hillary to take control and implement it. But, what if the Deep State had a good idea? What if they said: "Let's put a guy in charge for 4-8 yrs. and let him pretend that he's on the side of the patriots!" This would do 2 things: first it would expose who all the patriots are and second, it would really really piss off the liberals (work them into a frenzy). Then, when the next dictator is installed, they would be even farther left of Hillary. They would round up all the patriots and they would have the leftists screaming to join the NWO of their own free will. They collapse the global economy. They roll out a global cryptocurrency, then they implement the mark of the beast. By then, it's too late. Everyone is enslaved and there is no more chance to fight back. The patriots never suspected anything because they assumed Q and Trump were going to save us all.

15275729? ago

That about sums it up. And we get to sit and watch if that's what happens because we can't do shit about it. Even the NSA has it that we figured out the plan....just why did Q recommend Anons come here?..."Anonymous" uh huh..sure...IP address....Just like the Conceal Carry permits..Just a list of which doors to hit without knocking. I'm just seeing a culmination of what's been put into place for Decades... But I just can't vote dem.so here we are..waiting for utopia...

15274956? ago

I don't think martial law means any of your doom and gloom is going to happen. But at any rate there isn't going to be any martial law anyway.

15275097? ago

When it does happen, you're going to be running around shitting your pants going "oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!"

Better to start being prepared for it now.

15275137? ago

When is this magical event suppose to happen? Specifically?

15275324? ago

Whenever Trump / Q decides to start the arrests and declare martial law. I wish I knew the date.

15275217? ago

November 11, 1990

15275328? ago

Oh I guess we're safe for awhile then. Was getting worried. NOT

15275128? ago

No I'm not, I have three months of food and 2000 rounds of ammo.

15275334? ago

Good for you! I hope you're prepared to shoot your desperate neighbors who try to steal your food?

15276251? ago

Hell yes!
And there are hundreds of squirrels in the woods as well.

15275380? ago

Uh duh, that's what the ammo is for.

Then you barter with them to get more food. Bullets have a great exchange rate.

15275428? ago

They want YOUR food. They have none. They will eventually get desperate enough to try to kill you to take your food. The only "exchange" you'll be doing is shooting them with bullets and robbing their corpses laying dead in your front yard.

15275444? ago


Three rounds exchanged for all their food is a really good exchange rate indeed.

I'm glad you understand what I meant.

15275489? ago

Good call.

15274937? ago

Not really. There are countries that have been under martial law (military rule) for three decades and people just go about their business. Sure it’s good to be prepared but civilization will still be running.

15275107? ago

Coupled with a financial collapse? This won't end well. Watch.

15275741? ago

Just like everything in all of history: some will thrive, some will get crushed.

15275746? ago

Yep. That is true. Millions are going to die either way. Most people here have a hard time accepting that.

15275867? ago

Most people here have a hard time accepting that.

I see it like the radiation scare after Fukushima: if the narrative is true, some people's bodies will mutate and they'll survive. The ones that don't shouldn't be burdened with knowing they're going to die.

15276809? ago

That doesn't mean sticking your head in the sand and ignoring reality. Once tumors start appearing it's pretty obvious that you have cancer.

15291569? ago

Once tumors start appearing it's pretty obvious that you have cancer. You can pretend you don't. But, that doesn't change anything. You're still going to die of cancer.

Ok. You go die of cancer and I'll hang out with the people who didn't buy into the nihilism and ended up surviving even after the doctors sent them home to die.

15291593? ago

Good luck with that Steve Jobs.

15291921? ago

Progressives are such desperate nihilists whose life purpose is to ruin the day of anyone who doesn't buy into their projected mental illness. They truly can't handle anyone disagreeing with them, keep coming back for more and more attempts to get you to be as desperate, suicidal and nihilistic as they are.

Do us all a favor: Go take yourself out and leave this world for the sane people.

15291950? ago

I'm not a progressive, dumbass. I vote Republican. I just have a different outlook on life than you do. That doesn't make me wrong. That doesn't make me a shill or a bot. I am a realist. I am thinking in terms of what could actually happen. You are deluding yourself and putting on rose-tinted glasses.

15291968? ago

So go take to the streets over impatience and get yourself killed. Whatever. Anyone who can't handle having a different perspective is a fascist progressive, regardless of how you vote.

Fuck off, nihilist. Take to the streets on your own and see how far you get.

15292007? ago

As soon as civil war breaks out, I hope you get shot in the head quickly.

15292059? ago

As soon as civil war breaks out, I hope you get shot in the head

Another profound not-an-argument response from a poser.

"May every intention you put out towards others, be returned to you with specificity"

It's up to you how you want that to turn out.

15292034? ago

Now you've proven yourself a paid shill trying to make the movement look bad. All I wished upon you is to take the nihilism pill you're trying to force on everyone else and take yourself out. As said numerous times already, fuck off shill.

15292042? ago

I'm not a paid shill. I get paid nothing. I just want you dumb assholes to wake up and face reality.

15292074? ago

Huge dissonance between what you claim and what you post, poser.

15292089? ago

Yes, I disagree with you on some things. That makes me a "shill" because I don't follow the hive mind like you do. Fuck off.

15293540? ago

No, your refusal to agree to disagree is what makes you a progressive shill. FUCK OFF

15274867? ago

Effects? We can round up the socialists.

Good enough.

15274907? ago

Yes, that is a positive side effect. YOU personally won't be doing anything. If they catch you roaming around the streets outside your house, you'll be arrested or shot. But what effects will martial law have on YOU? Inside your house? You might be stuck there for 3-4 months? Without working. Without money. How is that going to work?

15275325? ago

we been under martial rule since the constitution was destroyed the day congress walked out to keep their black slave fuck toy kids

15275368? ago

But, it hasn't effected the population in any major way. Also, the global economy hasn't collapsed yet.

15275534? ago

you can own nothing how is that for effecting the population senate doc 43

https://voat.co/v/QRV/2757133/14187553 i'll just leave this here... Full text of "Senate Doc 43 Money Banking History Senate 43.pdf The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government

15275505? ago

are you stupid? the economy collapsed 80 years ago, you have no ability to pay anything since the "dollar" is undefined in law, we use military script because we are all prisoners of war. we can only discharge and when you do they just run you over and keep making you pay again and again for the same fucking thing

15275657? ago

Yeah, but idiots still keep showing up to work each day and paying their bills and taxes. Fat lot of good that did.

15275480? ago

yeah only the military courts prosecuting every crime without telling anyone we are under martial rule