15272810? ago

fuck that cunt, I'm still waiting for him to water board himself on tv

15272667? ago

Personally, if I knew the place I worked at was evil, I'd quit. No amount of money is worth my piece of mind. Fox News has gone full retard. Even Judge Nap who used to be spot on about Constitutional issues has been comped. I see it, you see it, we all see it. I don't trust Hannity as long as he works there. I'd quit in a very public, high-profile way to send a message and find something else to do for my subsistence.

15272725? ago

Hannity is necessary to the plan. He spreads truth to the nornies, the best he can. Our movement needs him. Many of us are awake, and see things the normies do not. They are not ready, not at our level. Sean is for them.

15270952? ago

The we is his kike handlers at Fox. The great things is a reference to its viewers doing fuck all, but praying their supernatural Q savior will swoop down and punish their enemies for them. All the while the stolen seats are still in the hands of the kike left. Q predicted this.

15270487? ago

DHS has 45 days from Nov, 6 to submit voter Fraud Report, So the newbees who stole votes will be dismissed from their seats in Jan, Remember The DOJ and The New Court Martial Rules take effect Janurary 1 2019 House gets seated Jan 3rd,

15268831? ago

Q has referenced Hannity in 5 posts one indicating that Hannity and Sarah Carter are Patriots. I also recall reading an article indicating that Trump will use Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity of the MSM to help communicate “the hammer”. I suspect the hammer will be “the Storm is Upon us”.

15268320? ago

You see, goys, he is doing this to keep you all calm so that you wont react. This is a trick and you all keep falling for it like sheep. Its sad is what it is. Remember when The Tea Party was happening and this idiot jumped out in front of it and started screaming about how israel is our friend and all that other treasonous horseshit? all this shit is controlled on all sides. Nothing is gonna be happening except for a soap opera theater.

15268068? ago

Interesting post, but it's in QRV. Blech!

15267138? ago

15267005? ago

I don't trust Hannity anymore. I used to watch him and ONLY him. Now that the Deep State has infiltrated Fox I trust NOTHING coming from them. I only believe our Great President's Tweets and Truth telling Truth on the internet. Fox to me has become CNN. With no one watching their BS on other news shows, they had to take over Fox. They hoped to get some of us to believe their BS lies. Kind of like Hillary giving a rally and no one showed up, so she had to get a singer to perform in order to get a crowd. Same mind set. Hope Fox also reaps the ratings of their butt brother CNN. I hope Our President does start a news channel. I would trust and watch it.

15271004? ago

I won't watch Hannity again until he leaves Fox News. I haven't turned on Fox in weeks and I am not going to...they are dead to me.

15270511? ago

Trust Sarah Carter and John Solomon. They have amazing sources and they seemed almost plugged into parts of the Plan.

Hannity has very good sources as well, but he doesn't know the timing of the Plan any better that we do, so his TICK TOCKS, don't materialize.

However, you are right. Fox is under new management and slowly becoming more MSM every month.

15267465? ago

Q did say we shouldn’t trust any TV media — to turn it all off.

15268022? ago

I stopped trusting main stream media after the Iraq WMD lies. MSM wasn't any better then than they are now. They try to make it sound like 2 different "realities" is what is causing so much division in America, I call bullshit on that. Their has been controlled media on both sides for a hell of a long time, trickling out talking points for both sides to make them feel like THEY know whats REALLY going on, but they sure as shit all get on the same page when they need the wool pulled over every bodies eyes so they can advance their agenda. As a matter of fact....that is what made me jump on the Trump train. Early on....I was sure his run was nothing more than a publicity stunt and he was making a mockery of the election process. When ALL of the media started simultaneously attacking him and that is when I knew he was for real and that he was just the man for the job.

15266825? ago

I heard that and said to myself, "he knows". He also said it's going to be entertaining but serious. lol

15266608? ago

If the criminals get locked up I won't even complain if I get coal in my stocking :D

15266843? ago

All i want for Christmas is ..............

15266584? ago

Could the news conference tomorrow have anything to do with voter fraud?

15267459? ago

something is happening with it...........very odd on who is all going to be there

15266831? ago

That would be outstanding

15266525? ago

Where is the link to whatever we're talking about here?

15266492? ago

Sorry, but Hannity could develop telepathy and I wouldn't give a damn. He works for cancerous Fox and no matter how outspoken he is, there's a leash around his neck.

15267469? ago

a short one

15266186? ago

Declas before Christmas and if they have evidence of voter fraud get that out before Christmas as well lots of people getting together and talking through the holiday season get this information out in December go on the offensive don't let the rats take over the house Trump is USA's last chance.

15267550? ago

Q said that Dec 5th (declass fisa) is the beginning of the avalanche that brings down the House.

15270586? ago

Nothing important will happen before Dec 6. It wouldn't make any sense to release the IG report and the FISA documents before Huber testifies to the nature and scope of his investigations. Allow a day to let it sink in and then drop the hammers on Dec 7 (Pearl Harbor Day).

It has to be done before the House goes on recess on Dec 14 so the documents can be delivered to the committees before they leave. But that only gives the House 13 days (if they work through the weekend).

This would cause hysteria, panic, and despair on the Democrat side (and some R's), but not enough time to do anything about it. Democrats cannot call the House back in session until they take control on Jan 14.

Then Huber begins the waves of unsealed indictments through December and beyond.

Then DHS drops the vote fraud hammer just before Christmas. If it proves many D's were illegally elected and sealed indictments have been prepared for some of those who committed vote fraud like Brenda Snipe and the Arizona gang, Democrats would be going insane all December and half of January as the Democrat Party is dismantled over the recess period.

The recess period would be an excellent time for the arrests to occur as they can be done more quietly while Congress is spread across the US "enjoying" Christmas break.

Don't know if it will happen that way, but if Trump waits until the House returns in January, it will be a hundred times more difficult to pull off.

15271304? ago

Pres can call the Congress back into session. It's in the Constitution

15274328? ago

True, but why would Trump want to call the Congress back in sessions while the Q team is dismantling the Democrats? My point was that the Democrats are powerless to call the House back in session because they don't yet control the House. They will be powerless until Dec 14.

15274387? ago

13 days to get things done with a Republican House...more if called back into session.

New Congress doesn't get sworn in until Jan 3 2019.

That's the point

15275281? ago

I believe it is Jan 14. The House is scheduled to be in recess from Dec 14 through Jan 8. The Senate returns a few days earlier than that, but both chambers will be in Recess past Jan 4.

I'm not sure that the Congress will be called back into session after they go on recess. Why would Paul or Mitch want to call the Congress back in session if Trump and Q are dismantling the deep state. FISA brings down the House. Best done while it is in recess.

15280395? ago

In general, yes. However, unless I'm mistaken, thee elections are certified on the 3rd and the incoming Speaker, if sworn early (which is possible) can call the new House to session immediately.

15266844? ago

Dec 21 is deadline for voter fraud investigations

15266072? ago

Ohhhh that says a lot

15265977? ago

Oh goody, more tick tock from Hannity?

15265930? ago

It'll just be a new segment on his show,

He's hypeing it up, like someone on TV does.

He said a similar statement on his radio show today, but added something along the lines of "we can't say what it is yet or the other guys will copy us and take our idea".

It's just a new segment on his show that he's teasing, this is nothing.

15266940? ago

He said a similar statement on his radio show today, but added something along the lines of "we can't say what it is yet or the other guys will copy us and take our idea".

OP was talking about today. I happened to hear it because I happened to be in my truck. I never go out of my way to listen to talk radio but if I'm riding I'll have it on. When I heard it I thought to myself that he knows. I took the part you quoted a little differently. To me it sounded like he thought he may have said too much and was trying to cover it with the "other guys" statement.

15269828? ago

Ehh he knows what he's doing, he's a smart guy.

He talked about how they'll rip off his idea without giving credit "trust me you won't be disappointed" got me excited but I think this was a sneaky promo more than a tip to the future happenings.

15265911? ago

Voter fraud report due right before Christmas.

15270465? ago

this is really going to make talking Christmas politics to be fun this year (my in-laws are Democrats)

15266863? ago

He said when they take over the house. That happens after xmas.

15265926? ago

"Timing is everything "

15267298? ago

15267445? ago

Thernovich needs to lay off the Gorilla Mindset.

15267431? ago

Get a life.

15267383? ago

You gotta lay off the hormones brother...

15265828? ago

Planned? Let's stop this nonsense. Results are the only things that matter

15265882? ago

Hannity is doing the same hypefest Q has been doing. Dunno if Q realized it was backfiring or if it's the same "it's your fault you were tricked" challenge being handed to normies.

15266406? ago

Agreed. It’s all wait-and-see-blah-blah-blah. All it does is confirm to me Hannity is close to the Q phantom narrative and probably helping author posts.

15270369? ago

It’s all wait-and-see-blah-blah-blah

What element of life is not that way?

15266531? ago

And yet you hang out here and post. Get a life

15265684? ago


They cheated! If they take the House then the rule of law in America is dead. We should rise up and start the next civil war.

15269704? ago

If trump fails, that will be our future

15266624? ago

This might make you feel better:


If the new Democrat controlled house has no Quorum they can't hold any votes. This means they cannot vote to investigate anything or anyone.

House members are replaced through Special Election. Elections take months. If arrests happen now we lose House while we have the majority (not good but is there any business going to be done now?) and give more time for elections to take place and the House is not nulllified as long. That is good if we regain control of House in those Special Elections (3 months after arrests).

I can't imagine that Democrats will do well after the DECLAS, Huber, Mueller, and Horowitz give their reports in those 3 months leading up to the Special Elections.

If Nancy gets Speaker next week, when the arrests happen the Democrat party will have no leadership. Is it better that happen while she is Minority Leader or Speaker? Does it matter either way? The House will have no Quorum, no Speaker, and the Democrats in the house will be in complete disarray with no heir apparent waiting to takeover. Is this why Trump is supporting her for Speaker?


Meanwhile the Senate gets back to work within days to weeks because Senators are appointed by state's Governor.

If arrests in Senate happens at the same time as the House then the Senate could take longer to reach Quorum as outgoing Governors could defer to wait for the new Governor to appoint. Does Q's post suggest they won't happen at the same time?

If you have a Republican Governor leaving and you want a Republican appointed in place of a Democrat who has been arrested and the incoming Governor is a Democrat, then you could arrest that Senator while the State out going Republican Governor is still in control.

Those arrests would have to happen soon enough for pressure to be put on that arrested Democratic or Republican Senator to resign, or for the Senator to be fired by the Senate so that the outgoing Republican Governor can appoint before the Democrat can take office and appoint a Democrat before investigations make Democrats out of favor.

Outgoing Governors would have less justification to appoint a Republican than s/he would if the Democrats are completely disgraced and voters are angry with Democrats.

Conversely, If their is a Democratic Governor and a Republican Senator is arrested we could loose control of the Senate. So there are Republican Senators who will have to stay in power until they can be arrested without the control of the Senate being lost.

Of course it should be noted that Governors do not always appoint Senators of their own political party. This will be more of an issue in purple and battleground states.

They will have to go state by state and determine the timing of arrests. And of course their will be accusations of politically motivated arrests but depending on the evidence against the arrested legislator this may be of minimal impact.

SAUCE: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2873890 (I cleaned up the typos and grammar)

15272246? ago

Glad tidings indeed! TY

15267328? ago

Thanks for taking the time to post this here too. It’s a well thought out analysis. I hadn’t considered how potential arrests might affect the Senate. Would love for the stolen races to be exposed and set aside.

15271316? ago

Quorum required to go into session. Majority required to vote passage of bills

15271901? ago

Thank you, hope springs eternal!

15272359? ago

Yes it does! You're welcome.

15266562? ago

Go to sleep, goyim. It's all going according to plan. Lose the house, continue to demographically be replaced, pay high taxes, turn your daughters into tax slaves and feed your sons opiates and ssri's, continue the wars in the middle east, oh, and pay your taxes!!

All according to the plan, enjoy the show. Happy hanukah

15265757? ago

Relax enjoy the.show, it's just starting to get good.

15266108? ago

Fucking Niggers!!! Every damn time. Get out of my movie theater.

15266166? ago

Niggers ruin everything.

15265815? ago

Popcorn, get your popcorn. Salty buttery popcorn!

15271457? ago

Is "popcorn" a code word like "pizza"? Why TF do you have a fixation with popcorn? This is not a movie! It's real life and everything is hanging by a thread. Stop eating and start getting upset.

15283268? ago

Do you even follow Q?

15267065? ago

I think Q is a clever popcorn salesman

15268749? ago

We need a post to vote on the favorite Q popcorn!!!


15272405? ago

Orville Select. Genuine unsalted melted butter. A decent pinch of Himalayan salt. Enjoy!

15265796? ago

If there are no arrests and the Dems take control of the House, all hell is going to break loose in this country.

15268568? ago

Nothing will happen if the Dems are seated. It will be business as usual and no one will do anything but complain about how bad the Dems are. Years from now we'll say, hey remember when the whole world found out the Dems were rigging elections? We'll say it very quietly though, so we don't get sent to a re-education camp.

Action must be taken prior to them stepping foot into office. This too, is out of our hands. If provisions weren't made by the government to capture voter fraud in this election we have little hope for recourse as individuals.

15272398? ago

Bullshit. There are millions of us.... and we have guns.

15266415? ago

There were never going to be any arrests anyway. Get used to that.

15266270? ago

Exactly, I think they know that though

15265823? ago

EO for..military tribunals takes effect January 1. Then the fun begins.

15265558? ago

We? Does he have a frog in his pocket?

15266169? ago

I've got a monster in my pocket.

15266658? ago

A frog monster?

15266835? ago

Would you like to touch it?

15266855? ago

I heard you get warts from that.

15266677? ago

Or a monster frog

15266759? ago

Getting kinda jumpy?

15266789? ago

And feeling kinda lumpy

(Ok that's toads, but moh rhymes)

15266838? ago

Well don't get grumpy

15266898? ago

Or upset Humpty Dumpty

15266937? ago

Cause if he breaks ….we're fucked

15266997? ago

Which is better than being cucked

15267103? ago

Or drug through the muck.

15267559? ago

With a giant truck

15267862? ago

Driven by a duck

15267938? ago

That quacks like a schmuck

15270089? ago

Cause he's run out of luck

15270189? ago

With no feathers left to pluck

15270420? ago

Man that would suck

15270448? ago

He said with a cluck

15271462? ago

To senator schmuck

15272428? ago

If you stop this asinine rhyme, I'll pay you a buck

15276831? ago

Lots o luck getting that buck

15277874? ago

Because I just don't give a fuck

15265565? ago

He.just might.... Nice