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15231328? ago

Question: What is the [Koala] reference?

<conjecture> I suspect it is a code word known by certain actors, probably the Deep State actors, to identify an operative or operation.

Consider the context. Q is essentially calling out the UK and AUSTRALIA - where do your loyalties lie? With the US, or only certain parties within the US???? (i.e. Deep State / Cabal)

Possibly, [Koala] is Alexander Downer (Aus High Commissioner to UK, facilitated the Steele Dossier handoff and setup for "Russian Collusion").

Either way, koala is a uniquely Australian animal, so there is a high possibility that this points to something Australian-related, whether it is Downer, a group, or operation.

I think Q is probably dropping in order to flush out the DS and incite greater panic on the Australian side. As in WE KNOW .... "see, we know what/who KOALA is. This is not a game."

15237449? ago