15288120? ago

KOALA is pedophile Operation Koala,

15284148? ago

Regarding Papadopolous, new 'evidence' (uncorroborated of course, and arrived on Schitt's desk): https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/11/papadopouloss-russia-ties-still-interest-fbi-schiff/576895/

15284217? ago

https://twitter.com/simonamangiante Simona Papadopolous is tweeting to counter this latest sham. Photos of letter (Blasey-Ford type of evidence). Stupid Schitts.

15283845? ago

Just wondering about [koala] - ref to Australia. Okay. How about this from George Papadopolous, and the koukla reference: EXCHANGE the A with the UK ! Oooh la la. This is a pix of he and Simona, writing "in living color with the koukla". https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19/status/1066513666806304768

Point is, while I think it is perfectly coherent he is simply sharing his joy with his lovely 'baby doll', this Q post is also November 25. Who posted first, Q or GP?

15283980? ago

Interesting. I think Papadopolous may be some key here, or that is some communication. Papa signalling it's the UK via koUKla, Q apparently emphasizing Australia with koAla. Q post was at: Nov 25 2018 20:55:51 (EST) GP post was: 3:07 PM - 25 Nov 2018

So if this is so, Q confirmed or emphasized. Papa has been tweeting repeatedly on the FISA.

Bottom of Q post:

Does UK stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?

Does AUS stand w/ the US or only select divisions within the US?

Will immediate action(s) be 'publicly' taken within each country to REUNIFY THE BOND that was once held PRIOR TO…….[CLAS 9]?


15240579? ago

It would be best to Declass an hour or two before the Congressional hearings and only let the Congressmen on the committee see it. That way they would have the dirt and can ask hard, pointed questions. And the witness would not know that they have already seen the declassified documents and hopefully lie (commit perjury).

15235457? ago

Advantage prior: If it is out prior, they wont be able to lie so much, because the lies then contradict known facts.

Advantage post: By lying and contradicting, they would add to their felonies. However, this would have to be proven/layed out in another laborious process, which would be rather confusing to the public.

Advantage prior: The focus is straight on the matters right from the start. The 'press' will be unable to twist things. With every statement by the culprits, the revelations of the DECLAS would only be hardened/confirmed.

Advantage prior.

15234269? ago

declass at beginning of hearing but hold that info until mid interview, hot off the press this just in style to all in the room mid interview, some will already have their own hi-lighted copies ready to go. And the real questions begin.

15233427? ago

Declas a week in advance so the news has to report against the narrative they have pushed for so long

15232296? ago

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15232101? ago

According to Exec Order 13526 1.7 anything which falls under these categories cannot be considered classified and thus redacted. This means it is beneficial for the Country for release to be prior to meeting with the House Committee. It's going to be a VERY interesting lame duck SESSION.

15232094? ago

I personally would like to see the declass AFTER the upcoming testimonies.

Chances are they will perjur themselves and the FISA declass will be the proof adding even more charges against them.

Now if it is BEFORE their testimonies, that is ok as well. They will squirm.

My preference really doe not matter.

Either way they are screwed.

What I do see is LL going first. If closed door then Comey has no clue as to what she says (and something tells me she is one caged bird)...

Howdy recommended a closed hearing that is video tapped to remove any classified info so we can see what they say to many questions afterwards and also that changes the typical 5min hearing we are used to seeing.

The only thing I can say I know for sure is:

Trust Q Trust the Plan Invest in popcorn God Wins.

15233062? ago

If Trump declasses just before the hearing then they won't be able to play the Declas Card....

15232046? ago

Option C?

Drop the Declas during testimony and bust em like an old school Perry Mason episode.

15233001? ago

Yep, if the committee has the declassified documents in front of them it's going to be very hard for them to squirm out of it using lawyer talk....

15231792? ago

In either case, Qteam can leverage The advantages at the opportune moment. Aussie bad hats in the killbox? DoItQ

15233020? ago

Both side of Aussie Politics needs to go, both sides are pretty much on the same side at the moment

15231645? ago

«Q is a LARP, nothings happening, where is the FISA!?»

It’s right fucking here faggot ass shills!

15231634? ago

DECLAS EXACTLY at the time of testimony ... and announce them that .

And watch them squirm .

15231650? ago

Overnight would be funny, think Booker "Spartacus" moment.

15231401? ago

RR has a BIG decision to make at this crossroad.

15234200? ago

RR decision will be made for him. it's probably a relief for him lol

15232000? ago

He has nothing to decide, he is no longer in charge, its whitakers baby now.

15231387? ago

Will the release occur prior to scheduled testimony?

List advantages.

Will the release occur post scheduled testimony?

List advantages.

If those testifying 'know' select CLAS docs will become public [self-incrimination] how might that alter/change their testimony?

DC has become RAT infested.

I suspect this is simply Q attempting to destabilize and panic the Swamp further, including Comey and Lynch.

Q already knows what they are going to do, depending on how the actors respond to THIS drop and other triggers.

He wants them to panic, to be off-guard, and vulnerable. If they know the DLCLAS could come at any instant, before or after they testify, they really have no choice but to freak out.

In other words, weaken them as much as possible, then corner them.

What will Trump Team do? Release before or after? Heck, I have no idea, but my popcorn is ready to go.

15233260? ago

Q is giving them 1 last chance to do the right thing tell the truth, fess up and still go to jail, but at least they told the truth. America loves when people tell the truth and beg for forgiveness. Comey has kids, he should fess up, and live. #dearjim

15234390? ago

I doubt Comey is concerned. I wouldn't be, I'd just wait out the STORM. Dems just showed that they can once again steal elections. This recent Mid-term election was a test to see if they could tweak those voting machines successfully... and with the same manor as Trump does things: slight of hand, diversion, decption. They are stupid, but they are learning, fighting. If I'm Comey, I only panic after Mueller is removed from his witch hunt(I bet that won't end for at least another 3 years), or the 2020 election is another Trump victory. Really, what consequences consistently happens to these people? Very little, if any. If they want to make those scoundrels panic, leak the damn McCain firing squad video.

15238445? ago

PFC thinking vs General thinking. Also you are way to jaded. The world is getting better, maybe on it's own, or maybe it's GOD, or maybe it's everyone but you...hard to tell. But you are way too cynical and killing people, when the #1 rule is don't kill. Not a good idea. Lock them away and hold them responsible.

Think how scared you were when you knew you were caught stealing candy as a kid. He is smart and knows it's over. Why can't you see it. Or at least wait until 5 dec to gloat or complain :)

15240172? ago

It's 'too' jaded. FYI... since you want to lecture.

Maybe it's everyone but me? Judge not...

Cynical? Indeed... I mistrust the motives of others. Like Lindsey Graham. He will be exposed as a bad apple, watch.

What Number one rule? Number ONE rule to me, 'I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before me.'

I'm not gloating, I'm giving an opinion as to why Comey would wait to see if the Dems returned to power before he ever panicked.

I support Trump, I am skeptical of the changes expected. Want to make God laugh? Show him your plan. He's in charge.

You must think you're special.

15242046? ago

Yes, i am special, and so are you. That is a good rule too, but not really a rule, and you aren't god (techincally you are i am and so is everyone). My point was to point out to you, that your frown needs to be turned upside down.

FYI, i'm so above your level only thing to do is shout down to you, so you can pull yourself up. Can't see that? attachments you may have :)

Good news is we need you to. however grumpy you is no good for the movement, have faith, is the term that seems appropriate

15242841? ago

I have my faith in God. Not in mankind.. that is where one can remain hopeful.

Glad you are so above my level... whatever that means.

Judging by the way you write and continue to find it appropriate to condescend, I highly suspect you're female (am I right)? You may have the last word. I didn't join this site to argue.

15233892? ago

Problem is, when you are in the Cabal, you pretty much do not get that option. If he confesses, and tries to come clean, well, don't imagine revenge would not be exacted against him or his family.

These people are far, far beyond evil and ruthless. It's the network that is sick.

15238462? ago

that isn't how it works. The cabal only has power over you when no one knows the truth. If they come clean, they leave your family out. The truth will set you free, meaning your soul.

15235402? ago

How much pizza do you think stains his shirts? You dont get to hold a lot of dirt on the Clintons without them having dirt on you.

15232822? ago

Yes, I suppose they had to schedule some disruptor space on the Cabal's narrative calendar, but maybe Q actually is asking for field notes.

All targets have gone haggard since departing power.

Tieless, partially shaven, and maybe just plum out of power, the fuel they need. So starve them, tease or feed.

Teasing it is.

What worked best in Watergate, since it's going to take 1 or 2 or 3 to knock America upside the head?

  1. Long term. Discredit oppo media in front of everyone. Establish reliable sources. In progress.

  2. Shorter term:
    Do the sex crimes first, then expose the pimps. Public gotta know, if only for the safety of the future.

  3. Tomorrow or this week. Release the relevant sanitized OIG report with disputed parts redacted, but with the promise all the unredacted parts will be discussed. Tape Comey LL depos with Gowdy hired as Repub questioner, like the babe from AZ for Judge K.

  4. Clean up the tape and release it on a prescheduled date and time.

  5. Break the net.

15233165? ago

Gowdy is the fuckin man for grilling people!

He doenst seem to actually get much done or follow through on many people he has cornered, but this big "Q" thing seems like he can actually get some stuff accomplished with the way he does business. That dude is sick with it, like the Michael Jordan of questioning witnesses.

15234276? ago

When someone is stuck on stupid, children do not matter. See Joseph and Magda Goebbels, circa the Bunker, April 1945.

15231332? ago

Declas in stages for maximum leverage applied to rats.

Rats will rat out other rats Rats will testify truthfully if they know evidence of their activities are already released or can be released at moments notice prove prejury. Stupid Rats think they can outwit the Declas but any lies will only loop around into a noose.

15235315? ago

Rats is RAT though. Why is it all caps? Republicans Against Trump? Idk, someones initials? Overthinking?

15235388? ago

DC has become RAT infested.

to become suggest it wasn't previously

another take could be rats pouring into DC to squeak-n-squeal for deals or increases for hostile takeover attempt.

could be an acronym too

15235153? ago

I had a brain fart on the Rats. Makes sense to me now. There is a general sense that LL is a Ratting, hopefully there are many more.

15235208? ago

I am sure they will all rat, its what rats do.

I am okay with deals that grant certain privileges like say participation in a hobby while locked up and awaiting execution (because I sure as hell don't really want to spend tax dollars feeding, clothing, medical provisions and housing these traitors who plotted the destruction of our nation, conspired with foreign entities for the murder or enslavement of all of us Americans).

15231328? ago

Question: What is the [Koala] reference?

<conjecture> I suspect it is a code word known by certain actors, probably the Deep State actors, to identify an operative or operation.

Consider the context. Q is essentially calling out the UK and AUSTRALIA - where do your loyalties lie? With the US, or only certain parties within the US???? (i.e. Deep State / Cabal)

Possibly, [Koala] is Alexander Downer (Aus High Commissioner to UK, facilitated the Steele Dossier handoff and setup for "Russian Collusion").

Either way, koala is a uniquely Australian animal, so there is a high possibility that this points to something Australian-related, whether it is Downer, a group, or operation.

I think Q is probably dropping in order to flush out the DS and incite greater panic on the Australian side. As in WE KNOW .... "see, we know what/who KOALA is. This is not a game."

15283989? ago

Yes, see above post about "koUKla", that George Papadopolous tweeted earlier that day.

15286892? ago

Huh. I think you're mistaken. Pap has gone into prison, and the last tweet he put up is dated the 26th, as far as I can see.

15237449? ago

15235577? ago

Is there a chance the the Koala investigation is protecting the politically connected financiers? If so, then "killing" that investigation and starting a new one with different people/groups investigating would be the best way to uncover the people financing the child porn rings. Just a thought.

15232915? ago

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to kill Koala's over here....

15232320? ago

See edited main post for possible hit on "Koala" from another anon.

15232144? ago

Yes- Australia is one of the 5-eyes where Brennan and others went to when they had their SEC clearance. Australia is guilty up to their eyeballs.

15232041? ago

The bad guys know the good guys know (everything). It's not about who knows what. It's about what is leaked to the public and when. IMHO

"The game is over when the public knows."

15231736? ago

Good reasoning... agreed that it has to do with a code name/word distinctly from Australia. Q's calling them direct with this drop.

15231632? ago

Good read Anon. The f'n suspense is KILLIN' me!!!

15231541? ago

Possibly Aust PM, given his hairstyle.

15233333? ago

like a ss code name

15231968? ago

I don't get it, hairstyle like a Koala? Scott Morisson

15231709? ago

LOL. Somehow I suspect that neither Deep State or White Hats use code words based on someone's hairstyle. Mobsters in St. Kilda, maybe, but not Q.

15231289? ago

It would stand to reason that if your crimes are already known you'd be forced to testify as a witness. With Comey out of the way they could ask him about crimes of others involved. Can't invoke the 5th to protect others. However it could be a goal to get contempt or call a "bluff". I wouldn't bank on that though with the new house members incoming. No need to alow walk anything if you have it all and are ready to make a move.

15232945? ago

What happens if the Senate Committee has the Declas Documents when they start asking questions????

15232976? ago

Who says they haven't had the documents? I bet they have had the documents from the beginning.

15231248? ago

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Declass so the scum can't lie their asses off again and for over the last 2 years.

15231119? ago

DECLAS BEFORE the rats testify! Get it out there. They will lie their butts off if the decals is done after; AND they either take the 5th or say 200 times that they "don't recall". So get the show on the road and DECLAS before the hearings start. Sheesh!

15236896? ago

Is it possible that this is how they set up a perjury trap? If they know the DECLAS is coming, they either tell the truth and out themselves, or they lie and set themselves up to be charged with felony perjury.

15232686? ago

Knowing Q... its going to be after... You know. Its just more suspenseful that way.

15234239? ago

Regrettably, I think you are correct.

15232219? ago

Or declas during

15233688? ago

Imagine if Comey gets his public hearing and they declass during his testimony. It would show many of his answers to be lies. What would the MSM do? They couldn't point to the answers that benefit them knowing other questions need to be asked. It would be an interesting news day.

15232932? ago

It's all about leverage, things like Declas are the Fulcrum point which means the bigger the level you have, the bigger the boulder you can move....

15232894? ago

This could cause more panic.

15232695? ago


15231780? ago

I think you changed my mind. I like this reasoning

15231043? ago

Declas must be coming.

And for the record, I think Koala Bears are cute.

15231411? ago

I am rather particular to them myself. So cuddly. Them eyes too though.

15234992? ago

They do have a reputation for indiscriminate pissing while being cuddled. Koala's are protected species. Some bad players, workers, pollies etc who never seem to lose their jobs are referred to as Koalas for that reason. It is the Drop Bears that you need to be wary of down here.

15231741? ago

Off topic, but koala: web search this: "gumnut koala Craigslist". Be prepared to LOLOLOL

15235687? ago

Nope. I think I am okay thanks much.

15241058? ago

Your loss, for real.

15241120? ago

I am willing to accept that loss and move on with my life because I already know what that is.

15231369? ago

Koalas are not bears - cute yes, bears no. Deal with it.

15232659? ago

As a child I learned that Koalas are Marsupials, so that rules out bear lineage from get go. But it is very uncanny how Australia and Tasmania have had Marsupial species that tend to parallel-resemble various Mammalian species.

15233043? ago

Koalas stink, they have horrible odor!

15232539? ago

Truth hurts, but it has to be said.

15231476? ago

Kind'a like tomatoes aren't vegetables?

15233302? ago

Yeah tomatoes are actually classed as a fruit. Go figure.

15235040? ago

I've read it expressed succinctly as: "Intelligence is knowing tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."

15231554? ago

What a fruit. No. Wait. Whaaaat? Bwahahahahahaaaaaa!!!

15231028? ago

Q Drop included is 2177 not 2176 due to an earlier missing post around that time period. Remember, the Qmap and Qanon.pub boards are maintained by anons not Q.


15231268? ago

2+1+7+7 =?

15231358? ago

2 + 1 + 7 + 7 = Q = EO 13825 amending the Manual for Military Commissions and the UCMJ for military tribunals = Justice for We The People

15231440? ago

section 1.7 Ohhhhh.... this only gets better doesn't it?

15231339? ago