15238646? ago

What the saying "A December to remember "

15237928? ago

hope its true

15237069? ago

I'm calling it. My bet is massive nuke on Rome perpetrated by Britain, blamed on Saudi/Russia terrorism.

15235914? ago

EXTREME panic = EXTREMISM = FF attacks, widespread, rioting, shootings, etc, etc, etc

15235681? ago

The part about being 'extremely' vigilant (not sure why single quotes?) reminds me of the Hussein/JB tweets calling for "action" the other day.

15235386? ago

They are panicking because the Christ is gonna be there running the show pretty soon. It won't look pretty for them.

15234772? ago

RFAG here, DC = Denver, Colorado possibly as well?

15242500? ago

Denver is a hub of NWO and cabal activity. You might be onto something.

15234640? ago

I've been thinking for a while, maybe they are expending ammunition, but wouldn't they be saving the huge distractions for when the ball actually drops? I'm sure Q and team will stop and false flags they can but it does seem kind of hectic in the pace of .... "Stuff" happening.

15233864? ago

Where is that proof regarding all those sealed indictments?

When I want to find it again all I am shows is countless fake msm shit about it being debunked.

Anyone has a link to 100% that sealed mass indictment proof?

15244595? ago


However the response is often that this is no proof, just a list with some graphics to since no source comes with the list.

15249609? ago


Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) is an electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information online from federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts, and the PACER Case Locator. PACER is provided by the Federal Judiciary in keeping with its commitment to providing public access to court information via a centralized service.

The site requires registering and I believe there is a fee to use the service. Pacer is the source.

15233580? ago


15231571? ago

I really don't like Koala in the kill box......(unless it's LAS)

15231501? ago

I do not have enough points yet to post, but this is something we need to be following. Maybe someone will post it for us. http://ghostpost.info/PostAnswer.aspx?Id=378

15231437? ago

“Release the Kraken!”

15231380? ago

DC in a kill box? This can't be good. Keep Potus and team in prayers.

15231352? ago

House of Cards re Maggie. http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/House_of_Cards They all fall down when Maggie squeks her pacifier

15231096? ago

Q said think timing of POTUS tweet vs. Maggie Haberman tweet. Maggie's tweet was at 9:31 pm on November 20th and POTUS tweet was at 1:39 on November 25th. The timing of POTUS tweet was exact reverse of Maggie's tweet.

15232240? ago

"Think mirror"

15231070? ago

Why the diff ?? … House of Cards v. HouseOfCards

15230969? ago

Q just posted again. What is Koala? Thank god for qmap titles I’ve followed since the start yet it’s so confusing most of the time.... Thankful for those who know what they’re doing with this intel.

15237292? ago

15232697? ago

I'm guess Koala somehow pertains to Australia in some way.

15230942? ago

Watch out for unusual activity ..

If you see something .. say something

They WILL try to pin the next FF on Q .. You Patriots are the only thing that can stop this from happening!!!!

15230865? ago

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15230746? ago

I have been actively decoding the timestamps in Trumps tweets past few weeks ... and its warning this will be a Boom week.

Mind you it was buried with a lot of disinformation .. so its significant.

It referenced

Q1952 (Iron Eagle - Double Meaning)

Q2319 Ford/CIA connection --- indication of potential upcoming FF event?



We are not alone.

I drove 3 hours (with my wife's ex but that's a whole nother story). We walked over a mile, stood outside (wind chill of 36 degree) for 3 hours, to support Potus in Washington, MI.

There were between 10-15k Patriots standing outside watching Potus on a Jumbotron. There were shouts of "Qarmy" "Whose Q?" And "Release the Texts!!!".

If you think your efforts are not making a difference, my experience tonight says otherwise.

Anons and Autists, your efforts are more important than you will ever know. So from someone who does not have your skill set, from one Patriot to another THANK YOU for your service..

Where We Go One We go all.

Main Body:

Godspeed, Patriot(s). Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead. Q

More than happy to send proof if any doubtfags think this is a larp message.

May be referring to release of that book mentioned in Q today .. maybe something else

15242562? ago

I drove 3 hours (with my wife's ex but that's a whole nother story).

Awe :)

15230695? ago

Trusting the plan, Q


15230685? ago



What does that mean in the drop?

15230797? ago

reference to the people that the deep state had embedded into the Trump Administration, and also in the media that were attemping an inside job to derail the Q Train. They are "false brothers" or a fifth column in the ranks. More dangerous than open enemies. They sport MAGA hats while they are the leakers in the tank of gas.

15230862? ago

TX. Wasn't sure.

15230977? ago

Q states that most of the people that have left the administration were actually forced out. These 'plants', are generally known ahead of time. The Q team uses them to spread disinformation, and then they are discarded after their shelf life expires. A new twist in the term "useful idiot".

15230659? ago

House of Cards is the US House of Representatives. It is going to come crashing down in December. Time to pay the piper for the election fraud.

15230620? ago

Image the movie that will be made after this is over.

15232277? ago

Hahah that’s exactly what i’ve been saying to my friends that won’t bother getting into Q! You’re gonna regret it when it’s all over and the documentary comes out

15230670? ago

All I know is either Kirk Cameron or Robert Loggia will be in it for sure.

15231027? ago

James Earl Jones: "Bring on the PAIN!"

15230757? ago

lets have Diniro play Trump.. LMAO!!

15232484? ago

No thanks

15230595? ago

Wake up Maggie I think I've got something to say to you. Its late November and you really need to get back to school. We laughed at all of your jokes, but now you tell me that Q really is not a hoax. Maggie you couldn't have tried anymore. You called out the conductor on the Q train, but we both know it will only cause even more pain. Ohhh Maggie we wish we never seen your face!

15237352? ago

I just peed !

15236967? ago

Expect another big FF event any day now.

Dems need to divert attention away from whats coming their way.

15230974? ago

Give it to her Rod!

Best comment of the day!

15230509? ago

The [ ] is not a kill box. It's a focus on this box. Incorrect expectations are generated when we assume.

15230496? ago

thoughts on what "extreme" means?

15231325? ago

I think panic in the past has meant they are scrambling to think up a new narative or plan of attack to defend. Extreme panic could be better yet, as in, they can’t think of any alternatives or motives to hide their plans when revealed and possibly at this point, they are about to turn on each other. At some point they will completely and publicly turn on each other to confuse and hope to save themselves. Extreme panic to me would mean they are breaking down emotionally and unable to think logically. I mean, after all, they are pretty stupid, so, the truth, if revealed, won’t be hard to crush them.

15230727? ago

somewhere north of "dedicated" and south of "total" would be my final answer.

15230597? ago

'extreme panic'? Sounds like swamp rats freaking out. Just remember, they're not as bright as they think they are. This makes them even more dangerous, as they're not smart enough to not do something extremely dumb. Just like a scared deer next to a road, you don't know what kind of dumb shit they'll do until they do it.

15230709? ago

Makes me crack up thinking how bugged liddle Adam Schitt's eyes are right now.

15230754? ago

Saw him on TV the other night. Textbook definition of "Pencil-Necked Geek".

15230495? ago

Give them no quarter.

15230416? ago

Hell yeah, [DC] in the kill box. Bring on the pain and the frog marches!

15230750? ago

can u imagine what the ' watchers ' for the DS are feeling at the moment ? DC in a kill box. DS iphones must be ringin off the hook. then they the ' watchers ' come over here and read all the posts. they gotta be shittin bricks !!!!

15230326? ago

Thank you! I went through withdrawal symptoms with acute Q-Lirium Tremens! Feeling better now. ANd DC in kill box. Suits me!

15230316? ago

Just a few days from December. If they bring down the entire system, it could get fun in a hurry.

15230289? ago

When people panic they makes mistakes. Sometimes they're life threatening mistakes. Prepare and be aware.

15230237? ago

[House of Cards] in the kill box. Drops 2180: https://qmap.pub/read/2180 and 2445: https://qmap.pub/read/2445 mirror this. Likely related.

Drops 372: https://qanon.pub/#372 1573: https://qmap.pub/read/1573 and 2390: https://qmap.pub/read/2390 mention "House of Cards" in general.

15230112? ago

Give those swamp rats what they deserve, Q. Nothing would make me happier.

15230057? ago

"Be 'extremely' vigilant in Dec."

I really, really don't like the sound of that. We better all be ready in case shit really does hit the fan in December.

15236773? ago

December draws in big crowds at shopping malls etc shopping for christmas gifts. Be careful!

15231983? ago

Already there's news to take away Declass news away in Oz/Kiwi land.


Maybe related, maybe natural, but this is soft news. Let's hope no hard FF.

15236178? ago

Note its 145 whales .. lmao D5 again

15231470? ago

Q already said numerous times

If you see something say something

The next big FF will be tried to be pinned on Q

Only Patriots eyes and ears are going to prevent it from happening

Remember Q does not promote violence!

15235925? ago

Or the BIG one that already happened...the Cali fires

15233710? ago

If Q really believes the next FF will be blamed on the Q Patriot, the most effective way to derail, or weaken this FF would be for POTUS to tweet, "We have been made aware of information that, the deep state enemies of the U.S. may launch a FF attack and blame that attack on a popular patriot movement call Qanon".

The only time this would not be the best thing to do is if they know exactly the WHO and WHERE so that POTUS team could guarantee no innocent lives were lost, and could catch the bad guys in the act.

15234664? ago

[187] attempt on AS possibly ?

just reading between the lines on the tweets

15230889? ago

I believe it will. I’ve seen so many on left boasting how Trump is going to be arrested for crimes against humanity in the coming weeks. They truly believe it. What kind of apeshit style tantrum will they throw when the opposite happens??? That does worry me.

15238108? ago

Them going apeshit is what I've been looking forward to for 2 years now. But they won't lose their minds if nothing happens. Something truly monumental would have to happen. Like the indictment and arrest of their political leaders.

15240026? ago

I’ve been waiting for it too. I think it’s coming. When the arrests start happening they will react with more hatred towards the right.

15233785? ago

Can you believe the lefties, and how deeply they have fallen down the Fake News rabbit hole? When each person IE. Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Popadopoulas was called to testify, the left would proclaim, bye bye Trump, you've had it now LOL.

15240013? ago

I don’t know how they can’t see the forest through the trees here.

15232545? ago

shit sponsored by evil Deep State actors is the thing that's a concern - the typical Lefty throwing their temper tantrums, even if they run out and do it in the streets, is not a major concern. They could get an entire city (cough, Portland) all worked up and in the end that's easy to pacify. Shut there electricity, water, and major arterials down until they capitulate to law and order.

Deep State sponsored FFs are a different matter...

15240061? ago

Yes. And we know they are too weak to go very long without their iPhones let alone water and electric. That’s why I’m not afraid of a full scale shutdown. I only worry about people who need medications etc. I’ve been on my relatives to be sure they stay stocked up on them.

15233734? ago

Well then POTUS should announce to the public that they have Intel that suggest a FF attack is immanent. Beat them to the punch already!

15232024? ago

The antifa founder will go completely bananas


Imagine the damage his neck could inflict.

15233050? ago

I hope you're being sarcastic, if not let me say it for others who may not be informed..

There is no founder or leader for antifa.

Are there schills funneling money into and trying to steer antifa? Yes.

Are there FBI informants doing just that as well? Yes.

But ultimately it is a rogue agent with no real solid structure, organization or leadership.

Know the enemy.

15236035? ago

Just joking, look at the pic

15237452? ago

Totally missed that, sorry

15231740? ago

Yah, it will be a meltdown of epic proportions, and also a very dangerous time for this nation.

15231103? ago

Boomerang Projection ??? Bring it into being!

15231026? ago

I'm not worried about leftie loons, I'm worried about false flags to be frank.

Who knows what these people might do. They will need something big to distract from this.

15234015? ago

September was preparedness month.

Did you heed the warning?






15242415? ago

And Bater aka Water. Since you only have about 48hrs without it. Water, Fire, Shelter, Food. You have about two weeks without food.

15231079? ago

Yes, like Bill Gates talking about an epidemic that could kill millions. What exactly did he mean by that or why did he say that now....?

15230673? ago

I'm fine with it and am SO gonna laugh at the idiots who (almost) literally wanted to shoot the messenger who tried to warn them around here about it all - me. It's about damned time I started thinking about MY ass & stop worrying about the people who ACTIVELY would rather be blue-pilled over it all regardless of pretty much anything.

15232801? ago

I understand your frustration but I don't think you should have that attitude. All of us here at one point, were blue pilled. Most people just want to go about their lives, mind their business, work, have a family and enjoy their days here on this earth. While yes, it's unwise of them to keep themselves in the dark, not everyone finds this sort of thing interesting and the deep state has done an excellent job of making these people reject any ideas outside of the MSM/norm.

15238605? ago

I was red pilled instantaneously when I got shot 10 years ago. EVERY FILTER I HAVE went away...even the ones I didn't even know I had.

15230856? ago

I'd just ignore those people. Odds are they aren't even part of the board. Just here shilling and trolling.

Unless you got downvoted into oblivion. Might want to take a step back and consider why if that is the case.

15233980? ago

Thanks, it's all the "real life" ones who just. won't. LOOK. It's as if they just saw Lot's wife turn into salt and won't look now for anything. I think they really ARE "like sheep" more than just the saying goes because anything juuuust a little outside the "norm" is rejected largely out of fright when it's not pure denial. I never got around to the good stuff b/c they won't accept the basic facts. Hell, I even murmured "This Russia collusion BS is gonna be off the Dems and put on Trump pretty fast, you watch." On and on the examples go. I didn't even get props for a bona fide psychic prediction, either. Maybe because it wasn't absolutely perfect. https://imgur.com/xxICwhp

15234364? ago

You have the cabal's Hollywood to thank for that. By normalizing this sort of stuff into the mainstream through movies and other media, we have an inherent bias towards this information being false. Because the source of our knowledge of it fiction. Also through Psyops in the media that get us to think one way or another about a certain subject.

This is why we are asleep. We have literally been programmed to ignore and disregard serious issues through this exact method, rather than take them seriously.And if it is potentially real, we are aware of the implications that would bring if it was real. So subconsciously, we are more likely to dismiss it or end up in denial when confronted with evidence due to our cognitive dissonance on the matter.

It is very frustrating, yes.However I find the best way to handle people in realize is to ask questions. Lead them to holes in logic or inconsistencies. Get them to think for themselves, to see the problem themselves.Simply telling some people is bound to have it ignored. You coax them into wanting to know more, be it through curiosity or concern.

If you had a wall with this method and they call you crazy, you simply ask them, "What if I could prove it? That it's true/real." to which you will likely get something like "No you can't." or "You are crazy." to which reply to that, "I bet I can. Here, take a look at this." as for the person who calls you crazy or starts to get a hysterical, point to yourself and say, "Tell me. Do I look like I am joking or pulling your leg here?" and give them a very flat and serious look and say, "I'm being completely serious."

From there, if they try to say they got time, ask them when they do got time, and that you really want to show it to them. This shows that you really are being both serious, and are confident in whatever it is you want to show them. As for the person in denial, if they still say no, point out, "Well, if it really is crazy and not true, then you got nothing to worry about or lose than a few minutes of your time, right? And if I'm right, you learn something new."

If they still refuse ask them a very simple question, "Is the real reason don't want to even take a look, is because you are afraid it what it would mean if it is true? If not that, then why? What reason other than fear could you possibly have were you don't even want to take a look at it?"

You get the idea. If no go after another question ro two, it's hopeless in that moment. Give them some time to either look into it themselves or really think about it; as you will have planted the seed of doubt. From there, try again a few days later and see how it goes. If no joy after that, just start rambling off facts with complete confidence. By not giving pause or hesitation in your speech, it shows that you aren't just making this up on the fly. This is something you know.

From there? It's up to them. There isn't much else that you can do.

15234824? ago

yup just today I told my MOTHER that people are suffering from "The Normalcy Bias." LONG established science. Didn't wanna hear. I tried the questions thing, with someone else online, and did a darned good job if I may say so: "Congressmen who have been in office more than a term or two are disproportionately millionaires who get rich AFTER entering Congress. Why?" or "they call anyone wanting guns and a border wall 'racists,' but they largely live in complexes with big tall walls defended by armed guards. Why?" and like 8 more just as rational, leading step-by-step A-B-C. The first reply was "here's a guy who's gonna shoot up a school any day now." smh. Then again, these are dimorats I'm trying to talk to -- the worst offenders. But they're the ones who need to awaken. I think I'm at the "there isn't much else that you can do" part, but I'll keep in mind your approach. It was like pulling teeth just to get my Mom to watch the video of the beams hitting the fires (cell phone vids) on YouTube. I didn't even say "laser" I said "some sort of beam." I'm not even trying to lead her anywhere other than WATCH THE @#$% THING! I don't try to explain it...or the MELTED cars (in a forest fire?) and bridges, the destroyed homes, all surrounded by....nice, green trees. Stepfather said "Nah, I saw the news it was like a wasteland all burned up." I said, "Of COURSE they did, Mike. You don't think they'll show you any FUNNY stuff going on, do you?" He was 29 years Army 67Z and saw it all. All I can hope is that some dire, public event will force them to wake up. Thanks for the thoughtful response. I really appreciate it and needed someone to help my keep my chin up.

15238375? ago

Next time you should point out that the media only shows you what they "want" you to see. However there are a lot of other things that happen that they won't show you; and what you are trying to do is show these things. Because the media "lies by omission" a lot.

that the real story is what they won't show you. You, however, know this story and have the evidence of alternative and independent sources that aren't paid by mega corporations to tell people only what is in their best interest.

Then ask them a question like. "If you were offered millions of dollars to leave some details out of certain stories, would you do it?" even if they say no, ask them if they think other people would. Then point out that a lot of people retired or left the big news corporations over the past few decades because they couldn't do it. However, the ones who stayed and are hired from there, are the ones who would.

Point out that this is the state of mainstream media. They are all the sell outs would take the money. The actual journalists who didn't take the money have left to form either alternative news sources or independent journalism.

15273462? ago

BTW, I'm not worried about getting pats on the back for the election prediction, etc., but rather I would have THOUGHT it would earn me SOME sort of consideration. It does not.

15273446? ago

I still don't get ANY props for telling the world on Nov 3, 2016 that Trump would win with 303 EV. He got 304, so I was within < 0.5% error, and I said this when NOBODY thought that he'd win. I also predicted the exact date of a previously untracked meteor that hit Siberia on Feb 15, 2013. And with that in mind, I'm "just a conspiracy theorist." They're literally not listening to someone with a track record of accurately predicting the future. What good is it to have a gift like that when nobody listens to the info when I've been correct time after time? There are a few other instances, too, that I won't get into I trust these two give you the gist of things. As for Q, I "saw" that General Nakasone plays a very large role, I think on the "Tech-savvy" side to keep the channel running and secure/ward off DDoS attacks or whatnot on the cyber-side. My strongest impression was "half Asian/Hawaiian" and a week later, I was made aware of who is in charge of not only the NSA, but US Cyber Command too, and working backwards from the OTHER direction, he would seem to be the most obvious choice for such a job, at least. Maybe one day we'll find out. Trump's head of the whole operation, of course, but doesn't have the high-tech computer savvy to handle things on that end. I've pointed out all the obvious things and the things you've said. They just don't want to hear it. Then again, Mom's a HUGE dimocrat because she and her idiot sisters are all air-headed and closed-minded when it comes to Their Politics. Facts mean nothing so long as CNN says otherwise and in so doing, verify their wind-tunnel brain-dead non-thinking. They're TOLD what to think, it's very obvious, and they just do not care. They're living in a fantasy world from which there is no awakening, let alone "The Great Awakening." It's ALL "just a conspiracy theory," despite me SHOWING my Mother the video of the beam coming from the sky in the CA fires, on multiple videos or despite seeing alllllll those burned cars and homes while (nearly) all the vegetation surrounding them were untouched. All I tried to do was get HER to ask the same questions - "Why?" or "How did this happen naturally?" She refuses to do even that. So I give up.

15236832? ago

I wouldn’t get too caught up in people unable to process real info. The choice to know is ours

15230303? ago

Don’t worry, it won’t. In case you haven’t noticed nothing ever happens with Q’s prefictions.

15230453? ago

Right, because there haven't consistently been a bunch of FF shootings to distract from big news over the past two years, esp. in recent weeks and months. Nothing's happening. The Blue Wave is real. You guys are winning.

15230972? ago

What about theshooting when Q doesn’t say anything? Why doesn’t Q say watchout for a FF on these specific dates in these specific cities or States?

15248751? ago

If I understand Q is a military op. From that perspective, it simply doesn't work that way.

15230039? ago


15230023? ago

Had Q ever put DC in the [ ] kill box?

15232930? ago

Dick Cheney

15230667? ago

What does the kill box signify?

15233559? ago

It's a target box as I understand it. Not a kill box.

Like the heads up display (HUD) in military aircraft.

15238865? ago

No it's much more than an individual weapon system target, it a command and control principle used to ensure all weapons systems are focused to achieve a campaign objective, and to even ensure minimization of friendly kills.

Think establishment of common grid reference systems (CGRS).


15242199? ago

^^^What he said. Thanks anon.

15231237? ago

When you are targeting the enemy in your sights, they are in the kill box. Only thing left to do is pull the trigger. But most of the time, it feels like Q is just saying, that’s the current target to focus on; not necessarily destroy or kill people.

15231085? ago

"Kill box" is one way to say it. "Execution box" is another way to say it.

In some cases, it means that they are an immediate target for take down. In other cases it means that there are actions being executed right now.

15238792? ago

CHAPTER TWO: DEFINING THE KILL BOX https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a429320.pdf

From this document I believe [KILL BOX] is a term that denotes a Where more than a What. The [KILL BOX] designation works to ensure that all resources are focused on a specific set of coordinates which follows the techniques for the establishment of common grid reference systems (CGRS).

15230155? ago

Nov 4th


15231064? ago


15230092? ago

No. This is the first time.

Extreme panic indeed.

15232505? ago

District of Killumbia?

15230019? ago

Tweet is about optics, preparing the normies for what’s about to come. Nothing can stop it. Enjoy

15230397? ago

How can I not enjoy. I get to see G Bush hang! Had to live in Kuwait City for a year because of him.

15229943? ago

The biggest panic I've heard is that the White House keeps using Fraser Fir trees for the Official White House Tree. Come on Spruce just once guys.

15230706? ago

Yeah, see, the people around here in South Carolina really ARE stupid hicks, and I am a native. If I told them what you just did, they'd scream "HE DIED IN THE SEVENTIES!" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Lee

15230427? ago


15229937? ago

Q 2499 shows the "House of Cards" pic from 8chan is Q drop 2494 https://qmap.pub/read/2494

15230133? ago

I have often wondered if "house of cards" refers to cardinals in the catholic church...

15230384? ago

Or. Saint Louis baseball more importantly. Mark McGuire was framed. Psyop of Cubs fans.

15231406? ago

LaRousa coup