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15229794? ago

If you get the flu shot you are a damn fool.

15230143? ago

if you get any vaccine you are a damn fool.

the stats don't lie... all the 'diseases' were on the decline the same time sanitation / hygiene were on the rise.

then they changed how they diagnosed polio after polio vaccine was introduced to make the stats jump.

15230299? ago

I allow the vaccine for my kids because otherwise I would go to jail. The shit part is, there are actual life saving vaccines in the mix, the downside is there are poisons in there that they masquerade as vaccines.

15231264? ago

When it comes to vaccines, you want to have your kids drink some silica rich water everyday at least a week before the shots, and several weeks after.

Silica goes a long way with removing heavy metals in general from the body through urine.

15231309? ago

what about distilled water? Should I be giving them distilled water every day?

15231999? ago

Distilled water is way better for people than tap water, or even some bottled water. (just filtered tap water in some cases.) Because the process removes impurities, purifying it. It can taste a little flat though; but hey. It's water. You don't exactly drink it for the taste. lol

As for water with Silica. It's only really found in mountain spring water. This is because of all of the stone it passes through to reach the surface enriches it with minerals, silica being one of them. (And as you might expect, the water can have a slightly salty taste to it from this, though.) You'll want to check the lables to see if it contains silica, as most bottled water does not.

Normally I'm not one to be concerned with the "omg! 'X' Is bad for us, we all gonna die! Quick, take/eat/drink this!" hype or hyperbole. Because normally, whatever it is isn't really that big of a deal. However with aluminium, it actually is a serious problem we are facing right now and is kind of being swept under the rug. Because there is just so much of it in not only everything we eat and drink, but in the actual air itself. (Look into chemtrails for more details on that.)

Having too much aluminum in our bodies is all kinds of bad juju for our brains and central nervous system, also it isn't the best for our bones and lymph nodes either. Which is why I try to draw attention to aluminium whenever vaccines are mentioned. Since we don't exactly know which ones are important or not, the best we can do is prepare our kids bodies with some silica before and after the shots to carry out as much of the heavy metals introduced out as possible.

Because like the saying goes: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

15232802? ago

I love you. Thank you.