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15169556? ago

Read Euclid, Aristotle and then Plato. Learn the five maths: number, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy (moving points) and music. When you can create geometry from music then learn dialects geometrically. Learn to recreate all words you know out of the five maths. Once you've mastered your tongue and built it upon the self evident rock of math, then start mastering the ten arts. Finally, teach and lead others to a mathematical awakening.

15170010? ago

Or, you could do something productive like buy guns and ammo and learn how to farm and prepare for years of civil war without power or water infrastructure.

Prepare to fight for western civilization if not everything "goes to plan".

Quoting Plato won't stop niggers as they kick down your door and shoot you in the belly and steal your stuff.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15170064? ago

This is exactly what Q talks about. These people mean well, but they only know how to use bandaids. If you want to truly fix this mess you must ascend far beyond the capacity of those you walk amongst.

15170115? ago

You won't consider supplies of nonperishable food, farming and water purification skills to be beneath you when you're starving to death and you won't be so haughty when you're begging for scraps.

15170322? ago

I'm not trying to insult you, or demean the very essential things you've pointed out. We need to secure these things, I agree. We also need to go far beyond them, and stop this cycle.

15170553? ago

Western civilization is fighting a battle for our survival.

This is not the time for existential debate and speaking in Latin.

This is the time to prepare to fight for survival.

You and I can both quote Plato, but do you know which crops produce the most nutritious vegetables using the least amount of water and what time of year to plan them? Do you have a stockpile of those seeds? Do you have a plan to convert parkland into farmland and your neighborhood rooftops into water catchment devices to help your community to survive?

You sound like a self-impressed, mirror-kissing first year philosophy student when you refer to such skills as "bandaids".

15170749? ago

Okay I tried to be gentle, but this guy is retarded. Tell me, O great farmer, which plant will make a country with a white majority rise up and unite? Can you tell me which soil type removes corrupt politicians, and tells the difference between progression and digression? Seriously I'm confused. You seem to know so much about the ends of the line survival! So please enlighten me on what crop row technique prevents a nuclear bomb, or stops child porn and transgenderism, and preserves culture? I know you mentioned ammo being one of the primaries; it seems like good advice. Which type of ammo stops a cyclic degradation of a society? I heard the AK is pretty well suited, but how does one undo decades of indoctrination and programming? I know seasons are critical! At least I think, but can you tell me when you should plant the seeds of revolution? Or how to grow the grass roots movement? Finally, there is something I can't understand, which I'm sure a lone survivalist hiding in a dear stand eating canned cabbage will know; that is, what is the point of life? For, if you a man doesn't know the goal how can he win the race? O great post-civilization prepper, please shed your seeds of truth.

15170804? ago

Now you know how to unite a nation, remove corrupt politicians, are morally superior and can stop nuclear bombs... because you can quote Aristotle?

So why haven't you done all of these things already?

If you're so smart, with your first-year philosophy references, what are you waiting for?

The truth is you can't do any of those things... and you couldn't even feed yourself or help your community during a crisis.

You'd literally be useless during a prolonged war.

I bet Negros would kill you and steal your shoes within the first two hours of chaos.

15170867? ago

First, I was raised on a farm which produced 26 different products. Second, you didn't answer any of my questions O wise man. Third, the guy I live with is obsessed with guns and his favorite form of hanging out is going to the range. Fourth, even Jesus rebuked his mother and said it's not his time; it is still years from mine. Fifth, college is for idiots, this is 1k books, and six years raising a new school of Athens talking, not your butchering of philosophy. Sixth, we're only in this situation because our ability to reason and work harmoniously with others and ourselves has been broken. I'm doing preventative care. Seventh, don't feel so threatened. Most of our founding fathers were the best philosophers the world has ever know, and were farmers as well. Eight, we're on the same side. So share your knowledge instead of trying to tear down others.

15171182? ago

Thanks for being so concerned about my opinion of you, which is really odd for a true student of philosophy.

Ha ha ha - to be honest, I was suspecting number nine to be that you can also transform into a truck.

Anyhoo - let me explain this to you simply. The difference between you and I is I can do the things I claimed and I am prepared... whereas your self-proclaimed, philosophy-based skills in stopping nuclear bombs, uniting a nation, ending pedophilia and transgenderism, solving political corruption and curing society are all skills that you only assume you have.

I mean, you've never done any of those thing, however you assume that you can... It reminds me of my six year old nephew who believed he could lift cars over his head simply because he assumed that he could while lacking an understanding of the real world.

All of your claims are based on your ego and imagination.

That's why you've been so fun to talk to - because you've been attempting to justify fan-fiction with you in the leading role.

You should never present your baseless imaginings as a real solution while referring to real solutions as bandaids.

15171219? ago

Don't play a pigeon in chess - it will knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like it won. The game is yours my little pigeon.

15171300? ago

Or another one: don't wrestle pigs, they will drag you into the mud and they'll enjoy it.

15171296? ago

For an intellectually superior student of your philosophy, I'm surprised how quickly you resort to mud-throwing.

Is mud-throwing a skill you learned from Plato? /s

Ha ha ha ha.

15171310? ago

The game is yours my little pigeon.

15171341? ago

I'm not interested in your ad hominem... although I do have one final question about how you'll use your advanced knowledge of Plato to save America... In your imagination, when you're saving us with your mind... are there any fight scenes on a helicopter and do you get chased down a hallway by an explosion?

15171349? ago

The game is yours my little pigeon

15171110? ago

I like you.

15171155? ago

Thanks for that. Hit me up on this thread if you ever want to talk.

15170673? ago

Yes/ You two are absolutely correct. Because there is a very real possibility that things could potentially go south, and go south hard; and if that happens, you don't want to be caught with your pants down.

Think about the logistics of feeding 330 million people for a week without power. A month? 2 months? During complete and total societal collapse from natural disaster or war?

We have become so pampered and lazy that the reality of conflict and survival have become alien to many of us. However there is a very real possibility we could be facing just that. So best to be prepared.