15170666? ago

I hope someone here can help. Just wanted to show support for this great endeavor you plan to take on. God bless you, we appreciate you all putting those brilliant minds to work for us.

15170487? ago

Not a fan of the term autist, but I too just started in the last couple of weeks after seeing DJT post identical tweets and wondering why he would do such a thing.

Note: Time stamps of tweets and Q drops need to be in US EST.

To give you an idea of what I have found thus far - just one small example from Q's latest drops.

Have been looking today for references arising from the latest Q drops and checking for Delta shifts, to see if any corresponding checksum matches, as I was wondering if there was any additional significance to the timing of the latest Q drops.

As you know the latest 5 Q drops had timestamps of: Q#2494 21:42:33 Q#2495 22:00:31 Q#2496 23:04:59 Q#2497 23:41:59 Q#2498 23:46:59

Q#2494 21:42:33 A simple delta of the timestamp yields 21:09 referencing Q2109.

Q#2109 Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. Q

I also recalled seeing the T-minus[12:34] comment from Q771 and wondered if it had any significance, shifting the timestamp by 12:34 yields 9:08:33. Searching for Q drop time codes containing 9:08 with checksum 3+3 = 6, yielded Q1615.



Patriots one & all! Q

Q#2494 21:42:33 Q#2495 22:00:31 Looking at the difference in timestamps yielded a delta of 17:58. Q#1758 simply reads

This is NOT A GAME.

In response to a tweet from John O Brennan to Trump stating “Your worldview does not represent American ideals. To Allies & friends: Be patient, Mr. Trump is a temporary aberration. The America you once knew will return.”

I am sure we all agree that we hope it doesn’t.

Now Q2496/7/8 timestamps were a set indicated by the :59 on each timestamp. Q#2496 23:04:59 Q#2497 23:41:59 Q#2498 23:46:59

First looking at the difference between time stamps: yielded deltas of 37:00 and 5:00. I initially took the 5 to be indication of D5, but if you look at Q375 we receive a warning from Q.

Q#375 [Shows attachment of MSM article compared with another Media outlet] Same day. Coincidence? Only the beginning. Q

I don’t think Q is trying to scare us, just prepare us for the ramping up in the opposition from the Cabal and MSM as the fight to retain power. Just remember ultimately we will win …. #WINNING !!

Now if you look at the delta within in time code … something else interesting is revealed. Q#2496 23:04:59 Delta 19:55 Q#2497 23:41:59 Delta 18:18 Q#2498 23:46:59 Delta 23:13

Q#1955 Do not force those not yet ready. The FAKE NEWS narrative (make-believe) has been ingrained for a long time. Do not isolate yourself within your own family. Dark to Light. TRUTH will SHINE. Impossible to DEFEND. Impossible to IGNORE. Stay Strong. You are NOT ALONE. Patriots ALL. Q

Q#1818 Hillary's Mentor was KKK Leader Robert Byrd Reconcile. Q

Also 18th letter of the alphabet is R. So 18:18 also refers to RR once again.

Finally Q#2313 reminds us that the fight is real.

Darkest days. Amen, brother. This evil must be destroyed. Q

Some pretty serious stuff, but as they say its always darkest just before the dawn.
Just remember ….

Dark to Light. TRUTH will SHINE. Impossible to DEFEND. Impossible to IGNORE. Stay Strong. You are NOT ALONE. Patriots ALL.

Best of luck fellow Patriots, Q team and Trump !!! My prayers are with you all.

Have posted my findings elsewhere but let me know if you would like me to drop any others here if you arent comfortable navigating your way around the chans.

15170142? ago

Grab the latest Q-proofs from 8 chan and then create memes for them post them to social media

15169668? ago

Someone of your caliber would be far more useful working with the Autists and Anons on the offical Q research board. However, first watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W7EF--ful0

Then head on over to https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html and read that.

Lastly, I advise not posting and just lurking for at least a week or two. (Preferably longer) There are a few reasons for this which become quite obvious after just a few mins. lol Namely to learn how to identify bots and to not get yourself filtered for making a mistakes or posting dumb shit. Learn the "feel" of the board before posting. Because this is not a chat room, this is a war room.

15170937? ago

Time to reinvent myself?!? I know I’m not as technically smart as most on here. I do have my moments! Although I had my suspicions, I had no idea the term was “filtered.” Geez y’all have good memories!

15169667? ago

How do you "look up" an anon? You're anonymous. You're not easy to find.

15169664? ago


15169651? ago

During your research, if you find any good sources of info, please archive them using archive.is and back them up locally.

Most truly powerful Tweets and YouTube videos are removed very quickly - so please preserve anything of value before (((Zuckerburg))) or (((JewYube))) delete it.

I try to backup everything on BitChute.

I wouldn't assume that archive.is won't start deleting valuable content, but in the meantime it's still a powerful distribution tool because it allows users to retrieve archived web pages based on the url.

Here's some info yoy may find interesting:

The most treasonous people in human history



Our Mainstream News Networks and President Trump's hidden warning with his Fake News Awards "winners".

This information is valuable because there are so few places in the world or forums online where we can research and discuss this freely without being arrested or banned.

15169556? ago

Read Euclid, Aristotle and then Plato. Learn the five maths: number, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy (moving points) and music. When you can create geometry from music then learn dialects geometrically. Learn to recreate all words you know out of the five maths. Once you've mastered your tongue and built it upon the self evident rock of math, then start mastering the ten arts. Finally, teach and lead others to a mathematical awakening.

15171398? ago

THIS IS AMAZING! I've been searching for a map for so long. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

15171105? ago

LOL and some more LOL...LOL

15171133? ago

Some hear truth and practice, some hear truth think about it every now and then, and some laugh when they hear it. Truth wouldn't be truth if there weren't those who laughed.

15171178? ago

There is Always Truth... then there is sarcasm, mixed with truth.. then we laugh... But we always forge ahead brothers... But we laugh along the way to keep our sanity. :)

15171234? ago

I sense you're being cheerful and authentic; that's a pleasure. I would say humor is what makes us insane, but maybe that is for a different time.

15171396? ago

Nope.. we all need a little humor along the way. This new anon is looking for guidance. Anon or Autist is irrelevant at his/her point. Sending someone down a rabbit hole with no clue is useless. Experience, knowledge and wisdom can only be obtained by "time invested". There is no "one" book that can explain what we're dealing with today. The reality is that there is most definitely Good and Evil. To discern the difference is the only way to decipher fact from fiction! So, advise to our new anon, lurk, study, research... follow other anon/autist leads... up votes down voats...knee jerk reactions are for tards. Don't be "that guy"! Be patient! There are a lot of evil acts that lead to a very evil Agenda. This will be apparent as you learn! God Bless You! WWG1WGA in! Happy Thanksgiving! :)

15171422? ago

I'm with the other guy, I think humor makes you susceptible and unintelligible.

15170905? ago

All of that mumbo jumbo and you don’t even know how to start a new paragraph.

To the OP my suggestion is lurk more and spend at least a month learning the ins and outs. It takes time. Learning to differentiate between nonsense and facts is key

15170968? ago

You should listen to a guy who refutes the path to immortal understanding because it doesn't include the use of pressing enter (in a ten line piece), but forgets to put a period at the end of his sentence.

15180465? ago

I don’t refute anything you said. I have actually spent a lot of time studying those things. However it has very little to do with Q and you just tried to send someone down a path that would require years of study. Just because that is maybe how you got to where you are does not mean that is the only way and you definitely made it seem like it is.

My suggestion is if you are trying to help people along their path that have already found their way here, then maybe it would be more helpful to not try and send them immediately down tangent studies. This sub is dedicated to Q and the awakening of the people of this world. Not one thing you mentioned is a requirement to understanding what Q is telling us. If a person chooses to study those things in addition to joining this movement good for them.

15181333? ago

Q is about so much more than locking people up. It is about an awakening. There is no true awakening that doesn't start and end with number. A few of these books could be replaced with others, but none I've come across come close. OP said he understands whats is being asked of him, and wants to put in the long term work to find a life purpose. I don't think he was looking for meme techniques. I think he was looking for a role to reshape the awakening of the souls of mankind.

15170723? ago

Mushrooms or acid?

15170876? ago

Presently none. Twice a year I do both. The key is what you read, talk, or think about while in that state. You?

15171861? ago

False prophets burn. Check your ego.

15170772? ago

Whats the context of the question?

15171114? ago

I love Lucy.. of course! lol

15170010? ago

Or, you could do something productive like buy guns and ammo and learn how to farm and prepare for years of civil war without power or water infrastructure.

Prepare to fight for western civilization if not everything "goes to plan".

Quoting Plato won't stop niggers as they kick down your door and shoot you in the belly and steal your stuff.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15170064? ago

This is exactly what Q talks about. These people mean well, but they only know how to use bandaids. If you want to truly fix this mess you must ascend far beyond the capacity of those you walk amongst.

15170115? ago

You won't consider supplies of nonperishable food, farming and water purification skills to be beneath you when you're starving to death and you won't be so haughty when you're begging for scraps.

15170322? ago

I'm not trying to insult you, or demean the very essential things you've pointed out. We need to secure these things, I agree. We also need to go far beyond them, and stop this cycle.

15170553? ago

Western civilization is fighting a battle for our survival.

This is not the time for existential debate and speaking in Latin.

This is the time to prepare to fight for survival.

You and I can both quote Plato, but do you know which crops produce the most nutritious vegetables using the least amount of water and what time of year to plan them? Do you have a stockpile of those seeds? Do you have a plan to convert parkland into farmland and your neighborhood rooftops into water catchment devices to help your community to survive?

You sound like a self-impressed, mirror-kissing first year philosophy student when you refer to such skills as "bandaids".

15170749? ago

Okay I tried to be gentle, but this guy is retarded. Tell me, O great farmer, which plant will make a country with a white majority rise up and unite? Can you tell me which soil type removes corrupt politicians, and tells the difference between progression and digression? Seriously I'm confused. You seem to know so much about the ends of the line survival! So please enlighten me on what crop row technique prevents a nuclear bomb, or stops child porn and transgenderism, and preserves culture? I know you mentioned ammo being one of the primaries; it seems like good advice. Which type of ammo stops a cyclic degradation of a society? I heard the AK is pretty well suited, but how does one undo decades of indoctrination and programming? I know seasons are critical! At least I think, but can you tell me when you should plant the seeds of revolution? Or how to grow the grass roots movement? Finally, there is something I can't understand, which I'm sure a lone survivalist hiding in a dear stand eating canned cabbage will know; that is, what is the point of life? For, if you a man doesn't know the goal how can he win the race? O great post-civilization prepper, please shed your seeds of truth.

15170804? ago

Now you know how to unite a nation, remove corrupt politicians, are morally superior and can stop nuclear bombs... because you can quote Aristotle?

So why haven't you done all of these things already?

If you're so smart, with your first-year philosophy references, what are you waiting for?

The truth is you can't do any of those things... and you couldn't even feed yourself or help your community during a crisis.

You'd literally be useless during a prolonged war.

I bet Negros would kill you and steal your shoes within the first two hours of chaos.

15170867? ago

First, I was raised on a farm which produced 26 different products. Second, you didn't answer any of my questions O wise man. Third, the guy I live with is obsessed with guns and his favorite form of hanging out is going to the range. Fourth, even Jesus rebuked his mother and said it's not his time; it is still years from mine. Fifth, college is for idiots, this is 1k books, and six years raising a new school of Athens talking, not your butchering of philosophy. Sixth, we're only in this situation because our ability to reason and work harmoniously with others and ourselves has been broken. I'm doing preventative care. Seventh, don't feel so threatened. Most of our founding fathers were the best philosophers the world has ever know, and were farmers as well. Eight, we're on the same side. So share your knowledge instead of trying to tear down others.

15171182? ago

Thanks for being so concerned about my opinion of you, which is really odd for a true student of philosophy.

Ha ha ha - to be honest, I was suspecting number nine to be that you can also transform into a truck.

Anyhoo - let me explain this to you simply. The difference between you and I is I can do the things I claimed and I am prepared... whereas your self-proclaimed, philosophy-based skills in stopping nuclear bombs, uniting a nation, ending pedophilia and transgenderism, solving political corruption and curing society are all skills that you only assume you have.

I mean, you've never done any of those thing, however you assume that you can... It reminds me of my six year old nephew who believed he could lift cars over his head simply because he assumed that he could while lacking an understanding of the real world.

All of your claims are based on your ego and imagination.

That's why you've been so fun to talk to - because you've been attempting to justify fan-fiction with you in the leading role.

You should never present your baseless imaginings as a real solution while referring to real solutions as bandaids.

15171219? ago

Don't play a pigeon in chess - it will knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like it won. The game is yours my little pigeon.

15171300? ago

Or another one: don't wrestle pigs, they will drag you into the mud and they'll enjoy it.

15171296? ago

For an intellectually superior student of your philosophy, I'm surprised how quickly you resort to mud-throwing.

Is mud-throwing a skill you learned from Plato? /s

Ha ha ha ha.

15171310? ago

The game is yours my little pigeon.

15171341? ago

I'm not interested in your ad hominem... although I do have one final question about how you'll use your advanced knowledge of Plato to save America... In your imagination, when you're saving us with your mind... are there any fight scenes on a helicopter and do you get chased down a hallway by an explosion?

15171349? ago

The game is yours my little pigeon

15171110? ago

I like you.

15171155? ago

Thanks for that. Hit me up on this thread if you ever want to talk.

15170673? ago

Yes/ You two are absolutely correct. Because there is a very real possibility that things could potentially go south, and go south hard; and if that happens, you don't want to be caught with your pants down.

Think about the logistics of feeding 330 million people for a week without power. A month? 2 months? During complete and total societal collapse from natural disaster or war?

We have become so pampered and lazy that the reality of conflict and survival have become alien to many of us. However there is a very real possibility we could be facing just that. So best to be prepared.

15169565? ago

Okay, be right back!

15169537? ago

No Autists here..

15169529? ago

Go study these 187 groups and see how they are currently active in the USA http://humansarefree.com/2017/04/america-is-under-attack-by-187-groups.html