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15152020? ago

still not believing that the jews wont let this happen keep on keepin on q tards

15152149? ago

That's OK because some of us qtards are hoping for the best, but planning for the worst.

If not everything "goes to plan" and civil war breaks out, I'm ready to defend my family and my nation.

I've got enough guns and ammo and supplies so my family can thrive for a decade.

Another prepper qtard like myself posted this:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15152890? ago

There ain't gonna be no civil war.

If any hillbillies from the shithole states decide to take matters into their own hands, and start forming up convoys of lifted pickups with confederate flags flying... I'm not going to say I'll shed any tears when video surfaces of them getting shredded from above by the business end of a GAU-8.

15153030? ago

Wow - you're all lubed up and bent over for your Jew masters, hey?

There's literally no fight in you - you are the perfect goyim.

Even Esau got a bowl of stew in exchange for his birthright.

15153156? ago

You masturbate to the thought of civil war. You are no patriot.