15158768? ago

Don't forget -- the new Military Tribunal regulations do not become law until January 1, 2019. This will effect the timetable.

15158036? ago

What a great drop. I don't know the plan but I trust the plan. Shills can fuck right off, we're gonna win this thing. WWG1WGA

15157374? ago

That is because nothing is cumming unless you count Trump's jizz all over your retarded face, morons.

15157501? ago

Please substantiate your claim.

15157756? ago

Would love too. Meet u here 365 days from now. I bet 1000 no major unsealing, arrests, or complete wall.

15157864? ago

You forgot to switch alts.

15155306? ago


15155151? ago

This gives me blue balls...and I'm a girl.

Go Q!!!


15155341? ago

This gives me Q balls...and I'm a guy. :P

15158615? ago

hey, my pool table has a Q ball ...

15154857? ago

Yes. Nothing can stop the coming Globalist banking Cabal from plunging us into civil unrest. Trump cannot fix it in his lifetime. It will take a generation of woke patriots to weather the financial and social storm that is coming. THE PIPER MUST BE PAID. The Fabians will need to be expelled from the Rockafeller public [re]education system and from higher education. The CFR needs to designated an enemy of the state. And withdraw from the UN with an ultimate goal of total abolishment of it. We need to get off the fiat money system to eliminate the scam of the Federal reserve hidden tax inflation confiscation scheme. I know the patriots arpund me can do it, but we have generations of pussy hat wearing cucks surrounding us that prefer a comfortable slavery over a dangerous freedom. Lord help us all.

15154744? ago

I would hope that this is true. The interplanetary view of what is coming requires humanity to evolve beyond its petty criminality and centrist perversions. Azazel and his followers were obsessed with their own pleasures. They perversed man. They taught us all of the secrets of the universe. They stood in defiance to Gods order. Then God turned them on one another. Once all of their bastard children were destroyed God then purged the earth of all that they had done. The archangels were sent to put things back into order. The watchers re-affirmed their role and the fallen bound and imprisoned until God's return. Ever since Azazel has vowed revenge. He hates mankind and loves to see our agony. He wants revenge for his children and wives who were taken from him. Imagine what he could do if he were freed. Look at the turmoil he creates just through his influence. The master of deception. Wake up you sleepy beasts. The synagogue is amongst us. The time to fight is now, or else we will destroy ourselves.

15154374? ago

What hearings? In front of the House? This will be just another circus. The House cannot do anything but write a report. Where's the grand jury?

15154030? ago

not on qmap ?? aaaaahhhh ok. qanon.pub is updated.

happy thankgivings folks

15154167? ago

Happy Thanksgivings to you too, patriot.

15153468? ago

160 comments but only 118 upvotes is hilarious

15153477? ago

Eh, people were excited by the new Q posts.

I'm unsure why you care about imaginary internet points.

15153368? ago

We did? I am thinking that once the election investigation reveals fraud we may have actually held the House.

15153195? ago

Well, it better be one hell of a december, in order to make 2018 glorious. so far 2018 has been disappointing.

15153247? ago

There haven't been any major arrests, but having AG Sessions purge the FBI of all Deep State activists in positions of power was kinda cool and so is North Korean peace.

But yes, those things weren't necessarily glorious in the big picture given America and western civilization are still fighting to survive being mass-murdered and enslaved by the Jew World Order.

I'll need evidence that we just witnessed the greatest election fraud sting in human history before I'll qualify 2018 as glorious.

15152940? ago

This'll be a christmas we never forget!

15152835? ago


15152869? ago

President Trump is fighting to take down the world's riches and most powerful Jew dynasties who've been around since before Jesus was born.

If you aren't interested in appreciating this chess game for the survival of America and western civilization, then yes - you will get bored.

Rather than discussing politics, I think you'd be happier to go outside and play in the sun. Kick a ball and chase some butterflies.

Perhaps have a nap and we'll wake you when it's all over.

15152886? ago

No action needed, trust the plan goy

15152511? ago

Yes its coming in December and then when it dont it will come in February. lol

15158697? ago

Don't forget -- the new Military Tribunal regulations do not go into effect until Jan. 1 2019, so I would suggest no one who has been earmarked for Tribunals can be arrested until at least Jan. 1, 2019 -- information enters into the record, the public record beginning Nov. 5, but .. as noted, bigger arrests -cannot- take place until at least Jan. 1...

15162189? ago

oh you mean the super secret tribunals where no one can know about so people can just make up all kinds of BS stories?

15152649? ago

Perhaps you should start throwing a bitch fit right now, in preparation? /s

15152487? ago

Q said it right there for all you Q tards to see...

Nothing can stop what is coming.

What is coming may we ask???



Keep on trusting the plan.

15152185? ago

The unsealed indictments are from HUBER!!!

15152164? ago

Holy fuck. Huber better not disappoint

15152148? ago

Finally, Huber is in the News cycle.

15152130? ago

Seems like Ivanka emails were a ruse to get the democucks in a frenzy about prosecuting Ivanka for the same thing Hitlery did. Now the democucks are on record saying this behavior is punishable. So now they have no excuse for defending Clinton when she's prosecuted. Because then investigators will point to their outrage over Ivanka. They were given rope to hang themselves.

15152865? ago

Quit jerking so hard, you're going to chafe yourself.

Huber is going to testify about the Clinton Foundation and their tax-exempt status, and potential diversion of funds for personal gain.

This has nothing to do with her treasonous email server.

15218767? ago

So you think she would only be prosecuted for pay to play but not her intentionally using an unsecure system to materially support our enemies? It would be better to prosecute her for the email stuff since that involves national security.

15152020? ago

still not believing that the jews wont let this happen keep on keepin on q tards

15152149? ago

That's OK because some of us qtards are hoping for the best, but planning for the worst.

If not everything "goes to plan" and civil war breaks out, I'm ready to defend my family and my nation.

I've got enough guns and ammo and supplies so my family can thrive for a decade.

Another prepper qtard like myself posted this:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

15152890? ago

There ain't gonna be no civil war.

If any hillbillies from the shithole states decide to take matters into their own hands, and start forming up convoys of lifted pickups with confederate flags flying... I'm not going to say I'll shed any tears when video surfaces of them getting shredded from above by the business end of a GAU-8.

15153030? ago

Wow - you're all lubed up and bent over for your Jew masters, hey?

There's literally no fight in you - you are the perfect goyim.

Even Esau got a bowl of stew in exchange for his birthright.

15153156? ago

You masturbate to the thought of civil war. You are no patriot.

15152010? ago

America is Under Attack by 187 Groups Funded by George Soros Notorious globalist billionaire George Soros has gone on the record threatening to “take down President Trump” and promising an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos that the New World Order are making the necessary preparations to completely and utterly obliterate every single Republican plan. Here is a list of those groups. http://humansarefree.com/2017/04/america-is-under-attack-by-187-groups.html

15152340? ago

I am fully prepared to just follow orders.

15152100? ago

I suspect Soros is just the public face that all the other filthy Jew World Order billionaires hide behind.

The (((Rothschilds))) for example, own 193 of the world's 195 central banks. 99.99% of all fiat currency on Earth is literally an I.O.U to the Rothschild Dynasty.

I doubt (((George Soros))) is allowed to take a shit without the (((Rothschild's))) permission.

Every filthy Jew in the Bilderberg Group are pushing their globalist agenda to become the Jew overlords of the entire human race.

15151988? ago

Is there a reason why December 5th isn't listed on the Q Clock?

15152049? ago

I'm not an expert on any of the Q Clock theories, but I'm not aware of any version that has predicted anything accurately.

They all seem to need to be adjusted after each and every failure.

15151842? ago

Not on patriots fight

Not on qmap.pub

15153354? ago

I live in Alaska and saw this Post at 9pm Ak time and just checked Q. Pub and still no new drops showing. Usually you see drops there within minutes of being posted on patriots fight. So I don't know what you you all are seeing but this screams Fake and until it shows up there on Qmap.pub we should treat this as Not being from Q.

15151971? ago

I can now see them on qposts.online and qanon.pub.

Other people are reporting that they can now see them too.

Give it a little more time.

15155685? ago

I thought Q only posted on PatriotsFight on 8chan.

15152424? ago

not on qmap.pub tho

15158597? ago

It is now ~

15152004? ago

OK. Cool

15151769? ago



15151759? ago

Dec 5 is when the Hearings with Huber START. That doesn't mean actual arrests are taking place that day. What it does mean is it will get the ball rolling so that when January rolls around, indictments can be unsealed and arrests can start. But the OPTICS of the hearings will bring light for all the NORMIES who haven't been paying attention. The hearings are to get the info. into the NATIONAL spotlight so that all can see what the DS has been doing. Dark to Light STARTS December 5th....PAIN comes a little later; but is still on its way.

15156389? ago

Yep. Q has repeatedly asked how evidence of crimes (intel) can be made public. It can only be done LEGALLY...through the PROCESS OF LEGAL DISCOVERY. The upcoming hearings are the necessary steps of legal discover. Acting within the law enables binding justice to be served upon the lawless.

15154083? ago

Ok February is my deadline. If absolutely nothjng has still happened by then, I'm off the Q train. The whole thing is a LARP confirmed. Patience is running out.

Tick Tock

15154684? ago

thats some bad LARPing, waking up millions of people, and doing that for a year already. never seen such a LARP.

15154253? ago

Oh well then the Q team had better kick into high gear before they lose concernfag anon who clearly doesn't have the patience to contribute to the movement anyway. No one gaf if you step off the train.

15153218? ago

Like the average person is going to pay attention to this? Not when the MSM -- which is all they listen to -- WILL. NOT. COVER. IT. Not honestly. They'll spin it as Nazi Trump pulling a "Night of the Long Knives" on his heroic Dem adversaries, because "The Liar in Chief" can't win in a fair fight, so he has to resort to "illegally" removing the "heroic" Dems blah blah blah. We can all see this coming, can't we? Get used to the fact that if patriots restore the Republic, it will be against the wishes of a whole lot of ignorant, foolish, mislead, dumbed down "normies" and "but muh free stuff!" Lefties. And it will take years before they realize we were right, and years more before they acknowledge it. Consider: Joseph McCarthy was right! How many decades has it taken for us to realize that?! Get used to being maligned, misunderstood, and misrepresented for the rest of your lives. Maybe "hero" will be engraved on your tombstone . . . 20 years after you died.

15154879? ago

"How do you get evidence on the record?" Huber's testimony has one key purpose. That is, to introduce factual findings (evidence) of crimes into the public record before the new HOUSE can obstruct such evidence from becoming public. Brilliant move. Stage will finally be set in concrete. Get a seat belt to go along with your popcorn!

15154248? ago

Most of MSM is implicated in the IG report for basically paying for classified information, and they've literally been in on many of the ongoing failed coup and assassination attempts. When things start happening, they'll be going down too.

15153687? ago

This is my concern too. The MSM still has too much power, especially in countries outside of the US. NZ and Australia only have left wing media, there is no Fox media here or any right wing media. We only get clips from CNN and WaPo. When the arrest happen the average normie is going to think Trump has gone full on Hilter and the media will spin it as such.

15152808? ago

Thanks for the clarification. It gets depressing around here real quick when everyone thinks arrests are imminent just to watch the date pass uneventfully.

15152070? ago

Remember that this is for the normies.

Don't expect to see a day with massive perp walks, this will be a slow trickle. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance.

15153620? ago

Maybe, but a long time ago, Q said that when it comes it will happen quickly. The President will be on AF1 or at secret location(s) out of country. Time will tell. I expected something fairly major by now. Dem's take control of the House in January. I would think Q would want to expose the election fraud and force new special elections before then, but I've been wrong on guessing the timing every time.

15153663? ago

The stability of the Country seems to be one of the over-arching goals. This is why things are happening behind the scenes and don't really get announced at-large until they are well and done (NK) or just kept secret entirely (No-Name put to death for treason.) Makes you wonder what 60/40 (now 80/20 iirc) means and how long it will take to get there.

15152241? ago

POTUS & Co. trying to keep the peace at all costs; which is key to success. If Antifa or the other asshats come out in force and we start seeing the MSM broadcasting "Chicago 1968 Convention" optics; then the normies will freak out and we lose the battle.

15155607? ago

Yes, and if you're old enough to remember 1968, you don't want that to happen again. I turned 9 that summer, and my impression of the world at that time was flames. Entire blocks of our major cities were burning. Crosses were burning. Viet Nam was burning. Eastern Europe was burning. South America was burning. I realize that our drama queens want to see perp walks (and nothing else will satisfy), but they would be very costly "feel good" moments because they might spark that kind of violence, and the people at the top are not really worth arresting at this point. They are currently dead weight to the Left, but they might become useful again if we gave them the "dignity" of an arrest. It would make them martyrs. I think the Q-Team is very wise to continue making progress in this slow, un-dramatic way. Take the legs out from under their organization first so they will not have the resources available to cause the violence. MAGA!

15151622? ago

It's always something coming, something big happening, another week to remember that really isn't. Rinse and repeat while the left, the deep state, and their fucking MSM keep on winning.

15151744? ago

I'm unsure what you mean because I've barely got enough free time to keep up with everything!

Over the past two years we've witnessed all of the following with Q's White House intel to inform us:

Perhaps you should pay closer attention and try to appreciate the chess game that is being played. When Q directs us to a Tweet or a news article, he's giving us a front row seat to understand the significant events.

If your only interested in arrests then you should go back to sleep, ignore witnessing history being made and we'll wake you at the end.

15152936? ago

That list is a fucking Gish Gallop of stunning proportion.

15151872? ago

Nice summary!

15152009? ago

Thanks - I'm just sick of silly shilly concern trolls claiming that the sky is falling.

Please steal.

15151681? ago

Plz shut your trap

15151584? ago


15151330? ago

assuming Huber has anything to say and we get to find out...

15151089? ago

Hey look, actors in Q's big "show" and the people Q promised to arrest are going to get together behind closed doors and talk to the people Q told us were guilty of covering up Clinton's crimes and then we won't be allowed to know what they talked about. Aren't you excited?

15151083? ago

I don't see this anyplace, sauce pleeeeeze.

15151216? ago


I'm not sure why these posts aren't showing anywhere else?

Multiple users are discussing them over at /v/TheAwakening.

Perhaps qanon.pub has been compromised?

15153081? ago

Maybe someone posted a false q post because I see nothing on 8 chan Patriots fight board it's still blank

15153106? ago

We should be suspicious of these new posts until we know more.

15151047? ago

I'm not seeing anything new on Qmap.pub or patriotsfight .... I never can pull up the Qanon.pub (just a white screen for me - I've an older computer so that's probably why) so WHERE are you getting these new Q posts from?

15153091? ago

Me neither I suspect trickery may be afoot I see no updates on the Patriots fight board ether

15155482? ago

My, too. I always bounce against PatriotsFight, and they have not showed up there, yet. Also, the links given in the posts go to the QResearch board. Something smells fishy.

15151239? ago

I'm not sure why these posts are only showing in qanon.pub.

I didn't photoshop these posts because multiple users are discussing them over at /v/TheAwakening.

Perhaps qanon.pub has been compromised?

15151397? ago

ok thanks... I rely mostly on qmap.pub... but even checking 8chan there were no posts. Maybe you're right...maybe both are compromised some how. Dangit wish I could get qanon.pub to come up.

15153095? ago

Maybe the poster is compromised?

15151000? ago

BRING IT ON! Let's see it "coming" and then we'll believe it.

But, until it actually comes, I'm not getting up my hopes.

15150991? ago

December 5th 2018. Just 2 weeks away Q gonna Bring the Pain! Finally it's on like DOnkey Kong

15150812? ago

Cool! The D5 Level Avalanche starts tumbling down the mountain on [D]ec. 5th. This is poetic.

15150876? ago

And people!!! It is important to recognize we are talking about the 'Start' of an Avalanche that happens [D]ec. 5th. The snow ball is starting to 'Roll'. But its way up at the top of the mountain. It will take time to become a 'D5' Avalanche.

15150788? ago

Posts aren't on qmap or qanon pub for me.

15155452? ago

I'm finding them on Qposts and Qpub, but not on PatriotsFight, and the links are to the QResearch board on 8chan. I thought that Q would only post on PatriotsFight.

15153098? ago

He seems to be deflecting

15151118? ago

Yeah - I have no idea why. A third post just appeared on https://qanon.pub/ which I posted here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2865392

I'm not sure if this is some sort of caching issue or perhaps qanon.pub has been compromised?

I'm not making these posts because several different users are posting about them over at /v/TheAwakening.

15150987? ago

Yeah I notice now it takes about 20 seconds for them to show up... why? Does it only archive and cache older posts?

15153500? ago

I dont know. Each website is different, depending on how they code it.

I usually use https://qmap.pub/ and its not updating the latest drop.

15150769? ago

what happened to November 22nd? still expecting 5.5?

15150699? ago

Any idea why [Band-Aid] is in brakets?

15151003? ago

My thought is they want real fixes, legislative it otherwise. Not all actions sick as executive orders that have been idea a lot to date but are easy to change later.

15151016? ago

So far the immigration steps have all been EO band aids.

15150694? ago

Why would the sHill fag brothers write about Huber?

15150661? ago

I was slipping into despair. The recent Black Pilled got to me. Then this. Everything has been a show. D5 right on time. Future proves past. Optics were the necessary distractions from the real work. Faith is being restored. May God guide us.

15151349? ago

Black pilled?

15153520? ago


Not OP, but this is Black Pilled's latest video on youtube.. I think this is what they mean.

15151494? ago


15151564? ago

Ahhh... thanks.

15150655? ago

There is no stopping the truth anymore. The cat is about to escape the bag.

15150632? ago

thank you anon. I often wondered why there;d be new Q posts and I wouldn't see them on patriotsfight. I often wondered if Q would would post on the qresearch board. Tonight I got my answer. The qresearch general threads move so fast I can hardly keep up. Anyway, thanks again.

15150598? ago

I think a plumber is coming with a large plumbing snake....once and for all to get rid of this sub-human turd that won't flush Killary... GITMO at the very least....PUBLIC EXECUTION FOR TREASON at the very best!

15150565? ago

These vague ass drops filled with nothing of substance are getting old af

15152827? ago

We're dealing with career criminals. They've had literally almost a half-century to hone their craft.

If Meadows thinks they're going to be taken down by some tax-exempt violation, he's a fucking retard.

15150555? ago

So when nothing happens on 5th December, and the investigation into the Clinton Foundation doesn't go anywhere, what will you nerds say then? Disinfo is necessary? Trust the plan?

Q is a fantasy for gullible alt-right morons who want to pretend they are in a Tom Clancy spy film. Pathetic cult members.

15154210? ago

Q is a fantasy but I spend time in a Q sub anyway. Don't be gullible morons folks, trust Hollywood and the MSM.

Beto/Warren 2020: Diversity WE believe in!

15153885? ago

n nllnn

15153226? ago

And your here why? Speaking of pathetic.

15150622? ago

Q never said anything was happening on December 5th. He merely said December 5. We all want arrests on December 5th,of course, but stop projecting your own wants onto nothing more than a date. Just. Stop.

15151339? ago

It may not be a date. [D]ec 5 may not be December 5. It sure seems that way and I hope it is that way but maybe not. When people run so hard claiming they got it and it does not happen people fire back saying Q is not real. Many have misunderstood Q and decided to project their own ideas and it turned out that it was wrong.

Q is not wrong but the way we interpret Q is. Let us be careful and just read what is there. In time all will be made clearer. There is also a reason why Q is vague. We are not meant to get all the puzzle at once but bits and pieces.

15152484? ago

Your advise would be more helpful if you had read the article this discussion is based on and realized that Dec 5 is indeed a significant date. Huber is testifying in front of a house committee regarding Clinton's crimes on that date.

15150482? ago

Another big load of nothing by Q. A link to an article that doesn't say much, some bullshit YouTube video, and some fluff about what amazing times we live in and another vague date (December 5th) that will be adjusted and retconned later on when inevitably nothing happens. Haven't you guys got bored of being strung along by a 4chan larp yet?

15150595? ago

It's OK if you don't understand the chess game that is being played.

Q has provided us with White House intel of significant events which will allow to to appreciate important factors in the fight to save America and western civilization from the New World Order.

If you find this boring then you should go and play in the sun. Perhaps kick a ball and chase some butterflies.

15620219? ago

He ask questions--keeps it all legal.

15151380? ago

Haha.... butterflies. Nice touch!

15150469? ago

This makes so much sense, my deep-state buddy stopped all communication with me 7 days ago. He’d been fighting back so hard for so long and finally he just caved last week. Will not respond back with usual responses.

15150638? ago

What do u mean your deepstate buddy? Like he's a part of the deepstate? Or he's a fan of Obama /Clinton etc?

15150958? ago

A deepstate buddy is almost the same as a fishing buddy. Only they don't fish, they just try to make America communist.

15151045? ago

... Or rape children

15150768? ago

He was a federally appointed judge by Obama.

15150807? ago

He and others were told that trump was going o fire them. They were scared and fighting back for all the wrong reasons. Pretty sure they’re figuring it all out now.

15152763? ago

"Trump was going to fire them"

Holy fucking shit. This isn't an episode of The Apprentice.

Good god, you fucktards are so unbelievably stupid. Educate yourself on what it takes to remove a federal judge. Hint: It involves a certain action by a certain legislative body that we just FUCKING LOST in an election two weeks ago.

15154259? ago

Or the AG bringing the questionable rulings before SCOTUS like Sessions had threatened to do.

15150463? ago


15150354? ago

PLEASE be something of substance. I'm tired of having my hopes up.

15150406? ago

I'm unsure what you mean by "something of substance" because I've barely got enough free time to keep up!

Over the past two years we've witnessed all of the following with Q's White House intel to inform us:

15150596? ago

Why hasn't the mockingbirds been dealt with? Why aren't we in control of the narrative? The corrupt are still the mainstream.

15151094? ago

The mockingbirds are owned and run by TPTB. Housebill for mockingbird was a ploy for when we figured it out and would - hopefully - blame our government and not the owners of the media. Of course we figured it out in December ‘16. They can’t hide this shit - as Jones says -“it’s over for the globalists.” Time for them to destroy the world on their way out. Like the pussies they are. Can’t handle a straight-up fight.

15150842? ago

Why hasn't the mockingbirds been dealt with?

It has.

President Trump educated the normies not to trust the fake news media and now CNN has less viewers than The Yogi Bear Show reruns.

President Trump also educated those of us who were paying attention, about other (((things))) too.

The fake news media is the Jew World Order's most powerful weapon against us and POTUS is allowing it to destroy itself.

I suspect most fake news networks would have been bankrupted if they weren't funded by Mossad.

15150497? ago

Thank you! This list of accomplishments against the DS keeps hope alive!

15150300? ago

Nothing ... except several nuclear tipped countries conspiring to demolish a US city under the appearance of terrorism. Telegraphing to those “panicked in DC” who conspired with foreign powers to overturn an election might not be of good counsel. That said DECLAS now!

15150367? ago

I suppose a magic space tortoise could eat the Earth - that would certainly derail President Trump's plans too.

15150262? ago

Made me cry reading that. Tears of joy. I know we are living in a time of sorrows. So here we are.

15151022? ago

Man up and stop being such a pussy. Lay off the drugs.

15152773? ago

It's probably a chick. BTFO.

15150985? ago

Remember what we Patriots are commissioned to do... It will be necessary for us to gently guide those who are oblivious to all of this.

15150516? ago

Get a grip.

15152648? ago

Laughed so hard I woke the dog.

15152251? ago


15149962? ago

Wonderful, we are SO ready for this.

15149886? ago

Not on qmap.pub. No outside comms! Shills?

15149939? ago

I'm using https://qanon.pub/

Try that.

15150115? ago


15149830? ago

Is there a reason that these 2 drops from today are not showing up on qmap.pub?

15154976? ago

I had the same thing happen. So I went to qanon.pub

15154073? ago

As Of 5:42 AM EST Wednesday, November 21, 2018

GOOD/Still Up:





https://qanonposts.com/ [error 403 Forbidden - details below]

Code: AllAccessDisabled

Message: All access to this object has been disabled

RequestId: 236C23CE29AE3B2C

HostId: pbv4PI+UxIQfMVbRMBiHPFiL7NhbfOPRmNDAIlLmqXqEz5R5mAxlh+x5hB98gWJsNAdv3vu6R/I=

15153401? ago

It's 5 hours since you posted and I still don't see the new posts on qmap.pub.

15158129? ago

It’s up now. They fixed the prob

15154186? ago

qmap.pub not working for me with ff either.

15152677? ago

I don't trust this drop if its only on one site, maybe it got compromised.

15154569? ago

It is on q pub.

15151702? ago

use qntmpkts.keybase.pub sometimes i think that qmap.pub is slow because it is the easiest to remember

15150458? ago

It takes time to show, often, so no worries. We also had false new Q posts recently, so wait and see.

15149932? ago

I don't know.

I'm using https://qanon.pub/ and I can see them.

15149697? ago

HOW did he know Dec 5?? HOW?

15157811? ago

Hey, also -- December 5 is patriot General Flynn's birthday! I'm hoping for a nice birthday surprise, 'eh?

15152870? ago

Clearly Q is in the loop with Trump, but the question remains, is he the real deal? Is Q just to push for votes by dragging this hunt for justice out for years.

Results are a complete fail at this point - there is no meat on any bone yet. Zero.

15150918? ago

Because they chose that date? I mean this hearing isn't like...randomly scheduled. They literally could have had such a hearing at any point in the last year and they waited until Dec 5th.

15150663? ago

Easy....he just waited for something to pop up in the news having to do with Dec. 5th....and was like oooh oooooh that's what I meant...lol

15150616? ago

Ancient Chinese secret.

15151036? ago

I get it.

15149755? ago

There's a chance they aren't connected beyond a coincidence that the hearing date was set on December 5 AND it will cause a massive, metaphoric D5 level avalanche.

We'll need to look into how and who sets the hearing dates to know for sure.

15150996? ago

... And when the date was set

15150359? ago

No coincidences

15150449? ago

There are always coincidences.

My morning shit was shaped a bit like the letter Q. Also it was all sparkly and I haven't eaten any glitter in over a week! How do you explain that?

15153037? ago

Your boyfriend had your glittery lipstick on his wang?

15153079? ago

Wow - there's just no fight left in you shills.

So low energy.

Please try harder.

15151005? ago

Backed up

15150119? ago

Do you really still believe in coincidence? After all we've seen? Donald Trump with a white rabbit in the rose garden was just happenstance? Easter? How many before its impossible?

15150307? ago

Yes, as an adult, it's my responsibility to maintain an open mind until something can be definitively proven.

I support President Trump 10000% and I know Q has provided good White House intel, but I'm not a Q zealot.

I think there's a chance the courts chose December 5 based on their normal process and when Q noticed the date, he had a good laugh because sometimes coincidences do happen.

15149689? ago

Here's an archive of that article in case we hug it to death: House GOP to hold hearing into DOJ’s probe of Clinton Foundation

And here's a BitChute backup of that YouTube video: This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

15149687? ago

I was thinking that the Placeholder drops could have been the credits to the first movie. A few days past and now the second is about to start D5.

15149974? ago

“Nothing can stop what’s coming, Nothing.”

15149841? ago

I think it's more likely those placeholders are part of the second movie - hopefully when the arrests begin.

Some sealed indictments seem to have been partially opened, so we should see Q's placeholder indictment scoreboard start to light up, perhaps.

Ugh - it's so difficult to know for sure because this is such an education. I recall wondering if there'd be major arrests shortly after Donald Trump's inauguration, but since they I learned about how futile that would have been with people like Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, etc in positions of power within the FBI. Instead we witnessed AG Session purge the FBI in preparation.

15151471? ago

Can you explain the whole placeholder thing to me? I never really understood those drops.

15151591? ago

Q deleted all of his previous posts before adding the placeholders.

My theory is AG Sessions resigned after completing his task of purging all the Deep State operatives in positions of power within the FBI... marking the beginning of a new stage / movie.

I suspect the placeholders are an indictment scoreboard that will light-up perhaps when sealed indictments start being opened.

Given there are now over 61,000 sealed indictments, I suspect those placeholders may link to other pages for the different types of arrests.

15151670? ago

Okay thanks. And stupid question but, what is a placeholder exactly?

15151956? ago

Within this context, a placeholder is something that can reserve a space for something that will replace it later.

I'm straining to think of a real world example that doesn't relate to data or websites.

I guess it's a bit like a "reserved" sign on an empty restaurant table that is removed once the customers are seated - that's not a great example though.

15152405? ago

Perfect explanation, thank you.

15149629? ago


[D]ec 5


Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc. all so another corrupt politician or 'insider' can simply undo it [band-aid].

This was not simply another 4-year election, but, a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ

Panic in DC.


15153493? ago

It sux that Q and others are claiming electiion fraud but nothing happens. Just like with Bernie- the dnc essentially cheated to put the bitch in, and nothing happened? That basic and broad fact really bothers me. The press and the dnc colluded together which is illegal but crickets. Me mum is not so proud anymore as we can see ye politicians get away with anything.

15153562? ago

The democrats created super-delegates. Go look up that system and then understand that although totally garbage, it's not really election fraud.

15171812? ago

Wait a second...you are telling me that if you represent an election but it has no value that is not fraud? They colluded not only in the dnc but also with news organizations to deceive the public.

15172171? ago

I might be wrong.

15153092? ago

Nothing can stop it . . . but massive election fraud, which is mostly being ignored (e.g., Tester did NOT win Montana, but who cares? He'll be seated, along with many others whose fraud is being ignored) and we will spend the next two years listening to sreeching, yelling, threats of violence, actual violence, treason and sedition in the House, the Senate, the MSM -- isn't it supposed to be dead? -- and in the streets. But other than that, nothing is going to stop "what is coming", whatever "that" is. Please, can we have more than pep talks? I always hated pep rallies, and this is reminding me why. Sound and fury, signifying . . . nothing.

15154138? ago

Just because they win doesn't mean they'll be seated, several are already in the shit can

15154224? ago

Concernfags who aren't doing much research and just coming on here spreading nihilism. Fuck them.

15153475? ago

I agree 100% - thanks Q and all for the pep rally’s but um... nothing can stop it but apparent reality. I think what Q brings up is all valid points but here again where are the arrests of these people? 60k sealed indictments? What are you waiting on junior?

15152583? ago

WHAT?!! 🤪

D5 means Dec 5th??!! Whoa!!

15152945? ago

No, D5 is an avalanche.


Q has been talking about the D5 avalanche for a while, but everyone is still waiting for a drip much less an avalanche.

15153011? ago

Ok ya I remember the avalanche now.. but he just said [D]ec 5 in this Q Post! Some things have more than one meaning. 😉

15150372? ago

I'm hoping but, we've been let down many times before.

15154207? ago

There's a big difference between being impatient, and being let down. So much is happening day to day, week to week, that we lose sight of how far we've come. If we're trusting the plan, shit's about to go down. If it doesn't happen this week, keep in mind that the DS is constantly making counter moves (including hard core weather warfare, DEW fires, etc.) and the plan has to be fluid. Giving in to nihilism doensn't help anything or anyone, especially you.

15154653? ago

Stuff is happening, normal stuff that happens everyday even during obummers presidency. When was Epstein arrested his pedo island exposed? How many times were the Clintons investigated before Trump?

keep in mind that the DS is constantly making counter moves

Q:"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing..."

So which is it?

Nihilism is the wrong way of thinking about it. That's not it at all. You have to accept Q has been wrong, you guys explain it as it's a tactic and that's fine. You need to accept, that Q might not be our guy. It very well may be a ploy to keep us idle and pacified until we become disgruntled just before the 2020 election cycle. Just like Mueller was a tactic to keep Russia collusion in the news for 2 years.

The way I look at it. Q is right or Q is a fraud. If hes right I crack open a beer and laugh at all the deep state faggots going to prison. Now what happens if Q is a fraud? You are going to have a bunch of right wing people angry as fuck with nobody to take it out on. What do you think that anger will lead to?

There is a saying failing to plan is planning to fail. If Q is legit great we all live happy ever after. If he's a fraud, well don't you think we should at least consider what comes next. Or should we just call everyone a nihilist and a shill and hope for the best.

15154706? ago

There's NO guarantee that if Q is legit we all live happily ever after.

You need to accept, that Q might not be our guy.

And you need to accept that not everyone cares whether Q is legit because the information that we're inspired to research as a result of it is waking lots of people up from mass hypnosis. Not everyone sees Q as the end-all/be-all savior of the world. One of the reasons President Trump is so successful is because he doesn't allow himself to fall into nihilism, largely due to growing up with Norman Vincent Peale (Power of Positive Thinking) as his pastor.

Stop trying to black pill everyone with nihilism, take a fucking breath and have some patience like an adult.

15154789? ago

You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. I think you are looking for skepticism. You could do with a healthy dose of it.

not everyone cares whether Q is legit because the information that we're inspired to research as a result of it is waking lots of people up from mass hypnosis

I'm glad you woke up, Some of us were never asleep.

Ok so Q is a fraud, and you found a love of political research. What now? Realistically.

15154816? ago

I'm glad you woke up, Some of us were never asleep.

Are you saying you've learned nothing at all? Ok, now I'm embodying that skepticism you've recommended,

15154813? ago

Wait and see. It's not like patriots don't have a plan to protect ourselves and our family if shtf. Between now and then, we pray and wait and do our best to help those around us wake up unless you're fortunate enough to live in a bubble of people who've always been awake. Whatever that even means.

15154941? ago

Ok what if shit doesn't hit the fan. Things keep going like they have been for the last 40 years. A slow slide to the left with a heaping of degeneracy. An ever changing demographic that will insure the left has total control. They don't need to kill us, they can just make us irrelevant.

Thank you for your replies, really made me see how dependent we are on Trump pulling a miracle out of his ass.

15155254? ago

Thank you for your replies, really made me see how dependent we are on Trump pulling a miracle out of his ass.

Only if we want to avoid all out hot civil war. It's always the last resort, but if we want our country back via the Constitution, then yes. We are.

15160961? ago

So who would be the targets in this hot civil war? The people that voted for them or the leaders themselves?

15150230? ago

Not until Dec 5th?

15150772? ago

Come on, now. You know that December 5th is 12/5. 12+5=17. Jeeeez!

15152166? ago


15151015? ago

One more date that will come and go. Pffffft.

Until it happens, I'm not believing shit.

15154574? ago

You gotta admit. It feels like it's happening.

I've trashed q as much anybody out of anger.

15156394? ago

That's the point though.... it always FEELS like something is happening.... but, nothing ever does.

15150805? ago

Read the article and you'll know why it's Dec 5.

15150295? ago

Date of the Huber hearing

15153531? ago

Sundance over at The Conservative Treehouse says that the fact Huber is testifying is proof that nothing is going to happen. I don't really understand his way of thinking, but he totally dismisses the validity of Q.

15149700? ago