15117302? ago

Thank you for this post. Great info.

15113469? ago

id be happy with a nice .40 cal or 357 sig

15113645? ago

Why do you prefer those guns?

15114010? ago

the .40 because it has been said to be the new go to gun for law enforcement also because it can still except hi cap mags in many cases , none of that 10 round bs, also because i have owned many and am comfortable with that round , the .357 sig because it is very close to the 357 mag but made for semi auto with possibility of hi cap mag, slimmer and faster then the .40

15154110? ago

The .40 used to be the go-to for law enforcement but many are switching back to 9mm. .40 is on its way out, as it turns out the terminal ballistics arent that much better than 9 but recoil is snappier and you get a few less rounds per mag.

15114080? ago

Awesome and thank you for sharing.

Here's an interesting video regarding your comments: 357 SIG: Should You Care? Is It Worth It?

15154162? ago


A 9mm today can do what a .40 S&W did twenty years ago, and while there is still some gap between today’s 9mm and today’s .40 S&W or .357 Sig, that gap is a lot narrower, and 9mm will always have an edge in capacity and recoil. Those who insist on more “power” are probably better served by bumping up to a .45 ACP. Police departments and government agencies are slowly transitioning from their “intermediate” handgun calibers back to 9mm as a result.

Handgun Caliber Showdown Round 1: 9mm vs .357 SIG

So, for this handgun caliber showdown, it is with much sorrow and misery that I have to say that for all intents and purposes, the time-tested, relatively weaker but more readily available and more affordable 9mm wins over the .357 SIG.

15114225? ago

interesting , i didn't expect to hear that about the round at the end of the video as it has a lot of great quality's other then cost

15114122? ago

ill take a look thanks

15114026? ago

and both have great stopping power

15113025? ago

The best handguns are 9mm semi-automatics with removable magazines.

Was silly 10 days ago and is still dumb today.

15113337? ago

Shopped many pistols, settled on Springfield XD .40.

I love it. Her name is Winona.

15113144? ago

Perhaps you can explain why and present an alternative, cheap and reliable handgun?

15113181? ago

When the data starts off with such a bold-faced absolute that is simply retarded, I don't think the rest will deserve the effort because I suspect half of it will need to be commented on.

15154129? ago

Then comment and explain your reasoning instead of being a lazy non-constructive whiner.

15113340? ago

Yes, yes, you've already thrown lots of mud...

...but can you explain why 9mm semi-automatics with removable magazines make you REEEEEEEEEEEE so much?

15113102? ago

My .45 is just fine thanks.

15113167? ago

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

9mm is fine if you're some limp-wristed faggot, but if you have any hand strength at all most of the pro's align with .45 ACP.

15154123? ago

Yeah and this post was written for the widest audience possible, so who in their right mind would recommend .45 ACP as a first and only handgun to an unknown person? Or would you call someone's wife, daughter, young son, etc. a limp wristed faggot for shooting a 9 better? Hence the best handgun for that purpose is a 9mm.

15114343? ago

10mm > .45 > 9mm

15154177? ago

In terms of ballistics of individual rounds, yes. But once you figure in mag capacity, weight, cost, recoil management, and ammo availability the 9mm wins, hence why police departments are transitioning back to 9mm.

15114389? ago

No. You pick .45 ACP for it's still epic characteristics as well as it's subsonic characteristics for various modern suppressed full-auto .45 ACP SMG's like the KRISS Vector.

10mm is fine if that's your thing, but far less utility. 9mm is worlds away from being the best pistol caliber.

15113286? ago

I'm only 5'5" and 140lbs... but I still carry a .45. Granted it's a Glock SF so it's not as big as a 1911, but I can carry 10rnds.

15113346? ago

Manlet detected. Meh god didnt make all men equal, mr samuel colt did.

15113364? ago

Lol, I make do. Luckily.

15113231? ago

Not having a ptrs1941 for home defense...

Fucking plans


15114072? ago

in the dark and some assholes broke in and in your fridge drinking all the beer, how the fuck do yo get it around the corner for a kill shot haha

15113302? ago

Fuck me... lol that looks fun.